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Train Operator Exam # 4605 (Open-Competitive)

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On 9/1/2024 at 9:54 PM, Dave123 said:

I attended the protest session. There were not a lot of people there. I don’t know if that’s a good sign or a bad sign. The administrator in the room said the session was supposed to be full. He mentioned that there was a large number of test takers that requested to attend. But almost nobody showed up. Including me, there were maybe like only 5 or 6 people there. The room was practically empty. Very surprising. Even if you did well on the exam, why not attend to try to bump up your score? It can’t hurt. But anyhow, I took the test in the AM morning session on May 18th. I got 4 questions wrong out of the 60 for a score of 93%. So I ended up seeing that 2 out of the 4 questions, I could not protest. You either get it right or wrong. I messed up on those. Very pissed. The other 2 questions I thought were opinionated. So I protested those 2. I think they were questions 15 and 29. If they overturn them, I could get my score bumped up to a 95% or 96%. I’m hoping for the best. People have been saying, unless you get at least a 95%, then you will not get called. Therefore I need those 2 answers to be corrected. Otherwise, I suppose I’m screwed.

If you passed, you have a chance. Your list number is what matters, not your score. Take bus operators for example. At one point it was competitive to get in and now they’re calling people 2 weeks after taking the exam due to the high demand for BOs. You never know what TA will look like in the future and what the demand will be. I thought I would never get called for my current position but covid created a shortage and they’re  calling people who scored in the 80s and have a list number in the 13000s. Precovid that was unheard of. So you truly never know. Don’t give up hope!

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15 hours ago, Steve said:

Dose anyone know how long the list is for the Pro Exam Infront of us?

We haven’t received our scores yet & they actually just extended the last open competitive exam until next year. Whenever they do start calling from the promotional exam they’ll get through it quickly a lot of the guys I’ve talked to on the job are concerned about starting over because of their seniority or want to go to other titles like ATD or Tower operator. They’ll probably start calling from this test in about 2-3 years. 

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8 hours ago, Jchambers2120 said:

We haven’t received our scores yet & they actually just extended the last open competitive exam until next year. Whenever they do start calling from the promotional exam they’ll get through it quickly a lot of the guys I’ve talked to on the job are concerned about starting over because of their seniority or want to go to other titles like ATD or Tower operator. They’ll probably start calling from this test in about 2-3 years. 

That's My Guess..

Right when the mass exodus of us Tier Four Folks hired in 2001 should be running out of there..

Edited by RTOMan
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