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R32 Retirement Run


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16 minutes ago, +Young+ said:

I was just trying to answer your question above, especially with the last three words you wrote. That's all.

So you wanna ban a user because other users THINK he's a douchbag or because he's "looking for fame"?

Have you met the guy? Have you even had a private conversation with him about this?

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Let me say this;

Unfortunately the transit community is an INCREDIBLY toxic place. There will always be rumors about people and there always be drama. That's part of the reason why it was such a mess on Sunday. 

From what I saw in person on Sunday, it was everyone that led to that whole entire mess. Leave the drama at home and just enjoy the dam train. You don't like this person? Then don't talk or engage with them!

I dont understand why this is so hard.

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34 minutes ago, RTOMan said:

People running around who tested positive for COVID is just stupid..

Now the thing is was they tested after the trip? Doubt it..

So they knew they had it yet still showed up that shows the mentality of those types of people...

If folks was masked up then eff those fools who was positive, masking up in close environments is the safest way regardless if one is vaxxed or not...

Personally, I'm not surprised... Sad...

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2 hours ago, +Young+ said:

I just sent the Private Message. Feel free to send me a reply when you folks get a chance.

Although I modified your quote, as I look at this picture, which comes from Flickr, why is it that there is only one person displaying his red TA pass around his neck, while everyone else in the picture does not have their TA passes displayed? (Hint: He's standing on the right side, in front of the gentlemen wearing the older TA vest.)

You are completely out of line. Your behavior in this and other posts in this topic is inappropriate and would be considered by many to be stalker behavior. The people you are targeting would be right to seek legal options in response to this harassment. You should be ashamed of yourself for fixating on this inconsequential nonsense.


Do you have any sense of humanity? Despite multiple posts you have not articulated any coherent proof of this person or any others doing anything wrong. A mature, well-adjusted person would know better than to harass people like this.

You just seem to have an axe to grind. Grow up and have a discussion with them in person if there is a problem, rather than ruining everyone else’s experience on this public forum by reiterating slander and nonsense. Do better and stop harassing people.

I’ve been on this earth too long to want to deal with reading this nonsense. I want to talk about transit, not have to read this silliness.
I’ve spent enough time in life dealing with bullies like you. Stop being a bully and leave these people alone! 

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Yo, what in the actual f**k is going on in this thread? I've said NUMEROUS TIMES to DROP subjects that are NOT RELATED to the discussion. That apparently has gone in one ear and out the other.

3 hours ago, +Young+ said:

I just sent the Private Message. Feel free to send me a reply when you folks get a chance.

Although I modified your quote, as I look at this picture, which comes from Flickr, why is it that there is only one person displaying his red TA pass around his neck, while everyone else in the picture does not have their TA passes displayed? (Hint: He's standing on the right side, in front of the gentlemen wearing the older TA vest.)

My guy, what the f**k is your problem?

It's becoming more and more evident that this is a personal issue you are displaying. I've told you several times already to drop this subject, especially since THIS IS COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT to the topic at hand. You're just bringing it up for no reason whatsoever. What exactly does this whole thing have to do with the R32s or the Arnines? You have failed to explain that, and then you try to save face by saying that the trains haven't ran since 2019/before the pandemic. Stop the bullshit, what you've been bringing up is completely irrelevant, especially since your initial post involved something from SIX YEARS AGO.....

DROP the topic, keep your personal issues OUT & OFF of this thread!
And DO NOT inbox me trying to talk to me about this. I'm fed up.


I'm gonna start banning people my own damn self if this keeps up.

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On 12/20/2021 at 6:29 PM, paulrivera said:

Yup. If you're a lowly hourly and you tick off someone from corporate, no amount of red tape is ever gonna save you.

From what I've heard. The person in question was the director of the event or something of that sort. He had his mask on but not completely covered. One of the security guards walked up to him, took the mask and put it over his eyes. The director was trying to explain who he was and the guards weren't having it.

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1 hour ago, Cait Sith said:

From what I've heard. The person in question was the director of the event or something of that sort. He had his mask on but not completely covered. One of the security guards walked up to him, took the mask and put it over his eyes. The director was trying to explain who he was and the guards weren't having it.

What's interesting to me is that I spotted one of those mall cops (a/k/a Allied Security) with his mask under his mouth whenever he was walking the platform at the terminals.

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1 hour ago, Cait Sith said:

From what I've heard. The person in question was the director of the event or something of that sort. He had his mask on but not completely covered. One of the security guards walked up to him, took the mask and put it over his eyes. The director was trying to explain who he was and the guards weren't having it.


51 minutes ago, Bill from Maspeth said:

What's interesting to me is that I spotted one of those mall cops (a/k/a Allied Security) with his mask under his mouth whenever he was walking the platform at the terminals.

Thugs, the lot of 'em. Maybe they should work for the NYPD. *shot*

I hope the drama is kept to a minimum during future trips, especially if I actually make it to some of them.

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14 minutes ago, Cait Sith said:

I believe it should be a ticket event, this is how you weed out nonsense. I remember back in the day you had to pay to ride those trips.

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7 hours ago, 553 Bridgeton said:

I believe it should be a ticket event, this is how you weed out nonsense. I remember back in the day you had to pay to ride those trips.

Bingo, this is what the dudes who are actually involved with transit preservation have been saying for years.  They were right 10 years ago, and they're right now.

Only way to weed out the freeloading, troublemaking, man-child losers who f**k shit up for all the rest.

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16 hours ago, R10 2952 said:

Bingo, this is what the dudes who are actually involved with transit preservation have been saying for years.  They were right 10 years ago, and they're right now.

Only way to weed out the freeloading, troublemaking, man-child losers who f**k shit up for all the rest.

I used to go to them trips then, it was nothing but pure fun, families, the old guys talking about what it was like in the 60s and 70s. Once it became free was when the crazy kids came out and I stopped going. The last trip that was paid I attended was the R9s on the rockaway park shuttle, then it ran up the A to 42nd and lite to 207 yard. 

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31 minutes ago, 553 Bridgeton said:

Once it became free was when the crazy kids came out and I stopped going.

The only free trips I've attended was whenever the Yankees made it into the playoffs and they ran the Lo-V's out of Grand Central at 3pm for the rare 5pm game on a Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday.

The oddball time alone got rid of 3/4th's of the riff raff. The more common time of 6pm for a primetime game was a bit more chaotic, and the R-9's during the holiday season I avoided like the plague (I'd ride the vintage M42 buses whenever I ran into one tho.)

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I wonder if the seats on the R32 are repairable or that they would have to use a new 2 car pair that's in storage.

Also, Merry Christmas to everyone and if you're riding this Sunday, Allied Universal patrol are replaced by extra transit personal on-board. 

Edited by Calvin
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48 minutes ago, Calvin said:

I wonder if the seats on the R32 are repairable or that they would have to use a new 2 car pair that's in storage. Also, Merry Christmas to everyone and if you're riding this Sunday, Allied Universal patrol are replaced by extra transit personal on-board. 

They could just take some seats out of an unused R32 and put it in the damaged car, rather than swap out the whole pair.

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19 minutes ago, QM1to6Ave said:

So, I'm still not clear as to what exactly got damaged/vandalized during this trip. Can someone give a little more detail on that?

- One of the seats on the R32 got a big hole like someone slammed something in it or keeps giving punches to the air. 
- R32 poster was stolen. 

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Just now, QM1to6Ave said:

So, I'm still not clear as to what exactly got damaged/vandalized during this trip. Can someone give a little more detail on that?

The seats got damaged on 3840 to 3841. It was the pair near the southern end of the interval that was supposed to run in service with eight other pairs.

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15 hours ago, Calvin said:

- One of the seats on the R32 got a big hole like someone slammed something in it or keeps giving punches to the air. 
- R32 poster was stolen. 

How in the heck was someone able put a big hole in those seats? I’ve seen people jump on and off R68 and R160 seats with barely any damage. I’ve seen morbidly obese people sit on those seats without causing damage to them. Wouldn’t you need some kind of large cutting tool to put a big hole in those hard plastic seats?  I really hope that’s not what happened.

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