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Repeated vandalism may make MTA reduce service on the 7 line.

Lawrence St

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51 minutes ago, shiznit1987 said:

Having said that, we've gotten beyond demanding justice and have questioned the legitimacy of enforcement actions. People demanding that we abolish police/prisons need to account for the consequences of such. 

If the police can "blue flu" or slow down response times because they're mad; if they're killing and beating "perps" just because, why should they exist?

Any other job, if this happens, employee(s) are terminated. 

And if your babysitter or teachers routinely beat, starve, isolate and harass your kids, you'd fire them. Why isn't the same done for corrections officers?

It ain't unions - it's the politicians who believe the messaging that Trump and others preceding him use to cause fear that gave the LE unions carte blanche sans penalty.

It's called qualified immunity and self-policing (ie Internal Affairs).

The bulk of problems in law enforcement and corrections would disappear if that went away - including Blue Bloods not "finding" the window smasher - since they'd be held accountable and could lose that pay quickly.

But we do things the unnecessarily hard way in the US.

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41 minutes ago, Deucey said:

If the police can "blue flu" or slow down response times because they're mad; if they're killing and beating "perps" just because, why should they exist?

Any other job, if this happens, employee(s) are terminated. 

And if your babysitter or teachers routinely beat, starve, isolate and harass your kids, you'd fire them. Why isn't the same done for corrections officers?

It ain't unions - it's the politicians who believe the messaging that Trump and others preceding him use to cause fear that gave the LE unions carte blanche sans penalty.

It's called qualified immunity and self-policing (ie Internal Affairs).

The bulk of problems in law enforcement and corrections would disappear if that went away - including Blue Bloods not "finding" the window smasher - since they'd be held accountable and could lose that pay quickly.

But we do things the unnecessarily hard way in the US.

You're on one hand answering yet not really getting at my larger point. The part of my post you removed stated that I agreed with you. It's gotten out of hand with the Pat Lynch types defending egregious behavior. I also already addressed the absurdity of "Internal Affairs" and the idea that police/corrections can or should "police" themselves. CCRB should have been given that authority from it's inception. 

But we're always going to have a need for law enforcement/corrections. The path forward is to find the right mechanisms to hold those who are meant to protect accountable when they fail to uphold that standard. That's all I have to say about that. 


Back to the (7) train: I'm not shocked about the cameras not working. Somehow I always thought that was a scam...


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1 hour ago, B35 via Church said:

Not that it matters any, but I'm of the opinion now that this is a concerted effort/plot carried out by multiple people & not just not one nitwit misfit....

I think you're on the right track. Just wondering how the poster above yours figures plain clothes officers wear vests. 

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51 minutes ago, trainfan22 said:

Speaking of cops wearing vests, when someone on my block got killed in a hit and run, the day after two detectives searching the area came wearing their vests outside of their dress clothes, thought that was odd.


What’s odd about it? They’re wearing bullet proof vests. May have been tipped off or told that whoever they were looking for was loaded. Better to come rolling in there prepared.

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1 hour ago, Via Garibaldi 8 said:

What’s odd about it? They’re wearing bullet proof vests. May have been tipped off or told that whoever they were looking for was loaded. Better to come rolling in there prepared.

I know they are wearing bulletproof vests.


On TV Shows and movies detectives usually aren't wearing their vests outside their suits searching for evidence after a crime has happened. So it was weird for me to see them wearing the vests as I rarely ever see detectives in real life.


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20 minutes ago, trainfan22 said:

I know they are wearing bulletproof vests.

On TV Shows and movies detectives usually aren't wearing their vests outside their suits searching for evidence after a crime has happened. So it was weird for me to see them wearing the vests as I rarely ever see detectives in real life.

this might surprise you, but shows are staged

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4 hours ago, Trainmaster5 said:

I think you're on the right track. Just wondering how the poster above yours figures plain clothes officers wear vests. 

They can wear tutu's for all I care... Long as they don't bother me, I'm good.

1 hour ago, trainfan22 said:

....as I rarely ever see detectives in real life.

Just hope you don't have to talk to one.

IDC for the way they try to d*ck around with wording, to try to make it seem (and/or try to get you yourself flustered with verbiage) like you had anything to do with what they're questioning you about... It's like they're trained to think that anyone they talk to, is a potential suspect...

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On 8/26/2020 at 10:40 PM, shiznit1987 said:

It's gotten out of hand with the Pat Lynch types defending egregious behavior.


It would be nice if Lynch allowed the NYPD to hire actual city residents. (Yes, the exam gives a few token "bonus points" for living here, but it offers even more bonus points for "legacies," or relatives of current or retired cops.) 

Edited by Gotham Bus Co.
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4 hours ago, Gotham Bus Co. said:


It would be nice if Lynch allowed the NYPD to hire actual city residents. (Yes, the exam gives a few token "bonus points" for living here, but it offers even more bonus points for "legacies," or relatives of current or retired cops.) 

Straight up, the biggest thing going forward is the NYPD needs to be put under 100% civilian control.

1) CCRB needs to determine not only what happened during an incident but what the punishment should be going forward.

2) Precinct commanders should be hired/evaluated/fired by community boards based on performance including local officer conduct.  Aside from city-wide specialty units like Anti-Terrorism, Highway, etc, the NYPD needs to be broken down to precinct-level departments so communities determine what their policing priorities are. 

3) Funding and research needs to go into non-lethal weaponry like taser bullets to eventually phase out the use of firearms except in the most serious situations. 

4) Finally, NYPD should look like NY. Black and Latinos should be put to the front of the line in applications and promotions. Waive dis qualifiers for misdemeanors and marijuana convictions. 

Let's be real, abolishing police/prison would hit Black and Brown communities the hardest from increased victimization, lower property values, worse educational outcomes (how does a kid learn when he's wondering if he'll catch a bullet walking home?), less commerical establishments and the like. 



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1 hour ago, shiznit1987 said:

1) CCRB needs to determine not only what happened during an incident but what the punishment should be going forward.

Scratch that. I'd have a statewide body of psychologists, social workers and ex-prosecutors investigate all police harassment and brutality incidents and make the choice to demote, fire, or charge.

Put it in Albany or somewhere NYPD and Buffalo PD aren't regularly at so they can't try influencing individual staff by befriending or intimidation.

1 hour ago, shiznit1987 said:

3) Funding and research needs to go into non-lethal weaponry like taser bullets to eventually phase out the use of firearms except in the most serious situations.

Thats already available after all the time Coalition forces spent in Iraqistan, but the only thing LE wants are the big trucks with Sonic weapons.

1 hour ago, shiznit1987 said:

Let's be real, abolishing police/prison would hit Black and Brown communities the hardest from increased victimization, lower property values, worse educational outcomes (how does a kid learn when he's wondering if he'll catch a bullet walking home?), less commerical establishments and the like.

So here's a different take from a Black and Brown person:

As evidenced by recent events, cops escalate situations. Cops also, if they were interested in reducing or eliminating "issues" in Black and Brown communities, would've done that already. Its a vicious circle - high crime begets more cops which begets high crime.

Every time some conservative or centrist gets a nomination, it's always "more money for cops/cops on the street." Plays well for suburban voters and their biases, but given that all those more cops did was put more Black and Brown folks in jail and ruin families by creating more single-parent situations - which the research done by those "MOAR COPS!!!" shouters and policing reform advocates says contributes to more crime (or as we call it, "The School to Prison Pipeline").

Hence the call to defund the police. All that money hasn't done anything beneficial for Black and Brown communities - whereas all the school and recreation funding did.

And don't get me started on how cops protect wife beaters...

The whole thing needs to be rethought - not expanded.

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