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1 dead, 16 injured in subway fire


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53 minutes ago, GojiMet86 said:


Then do it yourself. If you're so worked up about it, go out and kill the guy yourself, tough guy.

ROTFLMAO.  You are the one challenging me!  I have nothing to prove.  Once they decide he's insane, the Gables family will not get justice.

One question, do you think a skell who sets fire to a subway car (even if he killed somebody or not) is a sane person?

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1 hour ago, Bill from Maspeth said:

ROTFLMAO.  You are the one challenging me!  I have nothing to prove.  Once they decide he's insane, the Gables family will not get justice.

One question, do you think a skell who sets fire to a subway car (even if he killed somebody or not) is a sane person?


Yes, I do. He absolutely deserves to be in prison for a long time.....But you're already jumping to conclusions.

Again, if you're that upset about the liberal agenda, then go out and kill the guy yourself. But you can't, can you?


I also wish you showed this same attitude towards employees that do stupid shit on the job.

Next a drunk bus operator or TA employee kills someone on the job, I better see you with this same gung-ho kill-the-son-of-a-bitch attitude.

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3 hours ago, Bill from Maspeth said:

The perp will get a psych evaluation first.  Do you think this guy will be able to stand trial?  I think you are getting way ahead in the process.

You're already calling for his head on a pike, even though the trial hasn't even come close to potentially starting. Sure, I have no reason to doubt the accuracy of the charges or his fitness to stand trial, but that's what the legal system is for, and if justice is the goal, then any question of fitness should be addressed before continuing. Moreover, there's always the odd chance that he didn't actually commit this crime (unlikely, but there's precedent for nabbing the wrong person, and that should not be overlooked).

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On ‎12‎/‎19‎/‎2020 at 2:54 PM, GojiMet86 said:


Yes, I do. He absolutely deserves to be in prison for a long time.....But you're already jumping to conclusions.

Again, if you're that upset about the liberal agenda, then go out and kill the guy yourself. But you can't, can you?


I also wish you showed this same attitude towards employees that do stupid shit on the job.

Next a drunk bus operator or TA employee kills someone on the job, I better see you with this same gung-ho kill-the-son-of-a-bitch attitude.

I'll be glad to kill him the legal way by turning on the juice to the electric chair or turn the little dial for the deadly chemicals to go into him.  Does that sound like a liberal agenda?  I stated this wish of mine in my first post on this subject. 

What kind of stupid shit on the job?

When was the last time a drunk transit employee killed somebody during the performance of his/her duties?  Should this happen, he/she deserves exactly what the justice system dictates.  Because in the court of public opinion, 1 transit worker guilty = all transit workers guilty.  Makes the innocent look bad.  I know, I went thru a lot of shit after Robert Ray.

I ask one more time......is that a liberal agenda to lock them up/capital punishment?  A liberal says "No jail, slap on the wrist".    Not me! 

Edited by Bill from Maspeth
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14 minutes ago, Bill from Maspeth said:

I'll be glad to kill him the legal way by turning on the juice to the electric chair or turn the little dial for the deadly chemicals to go into him.  Does that sound like a liberal agenda?  I stated this wish of mine in my first post on this subject. 

What kind of stupid shit on the job?

When was the last time a drunk transit employee killed somebody during the performance of his/her duties?  Should this happen, he/she deserves exactly what the justice system dictates.  Because in the court of public opinion, 1 transit worker guilty = all transit workers guilty.  Makes the innocent look bad.  I know, I went thru a lot of shit after Robert Ray.

I ask one more time......is that a liberal agenda to lock them up/capital punishment?  A liberal says "No jail, slap on the wrist".    Not me! 


Again, do it yourself, tough guy. Why wait on a broken justice system?


You're all talk but no walk.

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36 minutes ago, Bill from Maspeth said:

I'll be glad to kill him the legal way by turning on the juice to the electric chair or turn the little dial for the deadly chemicals to go into him.  Does that sound like a liberal agenda?  I stated this wish of mine in my first post on this subject. 

What kind of stupid shit on the job?

When was the last time a drunk transit employee killed somebody during the performance of his/her duties?  Should this happen, he/she deserves exactly what the justice system dictates.  Because in the court of public opinion, 1 transit worker guilty = all transit workers guilty.  Makes the innocent look bad.  I know, I went thru a lot of shit after Robert Ray.

I ask one more time......is that a liberal agenda to lock them up/capital punishment?  A liberal says "No jail, slap on the wrist".    Not me! 

Right, and in that same "court", all transit riders became Horace Moore's.... Buses throughout the city are well equipped with those shields..... That highlighted sentiment works both ways.

(and no, this isn't any defense of Whoever the f*** that was responsible for Garrett Goble's life being cut short, either)

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45 minutes ago, GojiMet86 said:


Again, do it yourself, tough guy. Why wait on a broken justice system?


You're all talk but no walk.

Do what myself?  He is already in custody.  Where have I said I want to hunt him down?  Not at my age and physical condition.  All I said was that I wish I were the guy to administer the capital punishment I wish for, but won't happen in this liberal sate..

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2 minutes ago, Bill from Maspeth said:

Do what myself?  He is already in custody.  Where have I said I want to hunt him down?  Not at my age and physical condition.  All I said was that I wish I were the guy to administer the capital punishment I wish for, but won't happen in this liberal sate..


An eye for an eye leaves the world blind......

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On 12/19/2020 at 12:40 PM, Bill from Maspeth said:

Get back to me when I am proved wrong after the criminal justice system runs its' course.

I want this guy fried in the electric chair (or administer the chemicals).  An eye for an eye.  As a retired train operator, I'll gladly administer the capital punishment, if we even had it in this state.  But I have lived in this liberal bleeding heart cesspool of a state all my life.  I know how it works.  This guy gets sent to Bellevue for a psych exam and is found not to be competent to stand trial.  Then what?  Do they let him go to do the same or similar deeds again because our politicians want to reduce the jail population (so he'll assault/kill more transit workers) or do they lock him up for life anyway as a danger to himself/others?  Our tax dollars at work!  Exterminate this guy so the taxpayer doesn't have to support this POS, which will never happen.

Interestingly, from a purely monetary perspective, studies have found that the costs of running the process of capital punishment costs more than life-without-parole, especially for a guy is already 50 years old (and, I'm guessing, not in the best health). See here for more non-partisan info: https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/policy-issues/costs


In terms of getting justice, perhaps if this guy is locked permanently in a psychiatric facility, and can be required to get significant treatment, with the consequence of never being allowed to leave, and gets to the point where he is clear-headed enough to feel remorse and apologize to the family--perhaps that will be true justice and bring closure to the family. Just my thoughts on this complicated, emotion-laden topic, for which there is no "right" answer. 

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3 hours ago, QM1to6Ave said:

In terms of getting justice, perhaps if this guy is locked permanently in a psychiatric facility, and can be required to get significant treatment, with the consequence of never being allowed to leave, and gets to the point where he is clear-headed enough to feel remorse and apologize to the family--perhaps that will be true justice and bring closure to the family. Just my thoughts on this complicated, emotion-laden topic, for which there is no "right" answer. 

I don't know, considering the possibility of severe mental conditions, I'm not sure if the family would accept such an apology even if he is level-headed... after all, what's done is done. But also, I don't necessarily think that the family wants justice by killing the guy, either, like some of the militant-minded on here do. If we're going to talk ethics, the only way justice could be served is if we had structural, governmental reform--a system designed to keep checks on the mentally insane, homeless, etc. I'm not saying that the government was responsible for causing the scenario, but you have to acknowledge that the situation would've been way different if the guy was in a psychiatric facility instead of at a subway station causing chaos. The "liberal-minded" narrative shouldn't be to excuse people of crimes, but rather to make sure that the crimes don't happen in the first place.

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57 minutes ago, Bay Ridge Express said:

I don't know, considering the possibility of severe mental conditions, I'm not sure if the family would accept such an apology even if he is level-headed... after all, what's done is done. But also, I don't necessarily think that the family wants justice by killing the guy, either, like some of the militant-minded on here do. If we're going to talk ethics, the only way justice could be served is if we had structural, governmental reform--a system designed to keep checks on the mentally insane, homeless, etc. I'm not saying that the government was responsible for causing the scenario, but you have to acknowledge that the situation would've been way different if the guy was in a psychiatric facility instead of at a subway station causing chaos. The "liberal-minded" narrative shouldn't be to excuse people of crimes, but rather to make sure that the crimes don't happen in the first place.

I agree, The lack of permanent supervised living arrangements for those with severe mental illness is almost criminal. The programs we do have work well, but they are a drop in the bucket of what is needed. 

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On ‎12‎/‎22‎/‎2020 at 3:06 PM, trainfan22 said:

There is a group of RTO Employees who are calling for 110th St. station to be renamed in Goble's honor.  And I'm not talking about a plaque either. 

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On 12/22/2020 at 3:06 PM, trainfan22 said:

I found out about this on another (non-transit) forum I frequent.... Tore through some insensitive, ignorant ass imbecile that basically tried to minimize what T/O's do...

Anyway, still, thanks though.

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I don't think 110th will be getting renamed. The MTA has never done anything like that in the past, and there have (unfortunately) been many different tragedies over the years. God knows Edwin Thomas was never particularly honored after the B46 murder. I agree that this was a unique act of heroism. But I still don't think it's going to happen. It's the MTA – the Barclays Center gets a station, because they paid for it. They don't do personal memories like that.

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32 minutes ago, MHV9218 said:

I don't think 110th will be getting renamed. The MTA has never done anything like that in the past, and there have (unfortunately) been many different tragedies over the years. God knows Edwin Thomas was never particularly honored after the B46 murder. I agree that this was a unique act of heroism. But I still don't think it's going to happen. It's the MTA – the Barclays Center gets a station, because they paid for it. They don't do personal memories like that.

They could do like Amtrak does and make a plaque of all the employees who died in the line of duty over the years.




Maybe put in Stillwell or Times Square station (plague above is at Union Station in DC).


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5 hours ago, MHV9218 said:

I don't think 110th will be getting renamed. The MTA has never done anything like that in the past, and there have (unfortunately) been many different tragedies over the years. God knows Edwin Thomas was never particularly honored after the B46 murder. I agree that this was a unique act of heroism. But I still don't think it's going to happen. It's the MTA – the Barclays Center gets a station, because they paid for it. They don't do personal memories like that.

It should. Perhaps we should create a petition?

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On 12/25/2020 at 4:20 PM, trainfan22 said:

They could do like Amtrak does and make a plaque of all the employees who died in the line of duty over the years.




Maybe put in Stillwell or Times Square station (plague above is at Union Station in DC).


The DC Metro does something similar for their employees who died in the line of duty.  The memorial is at Metro Center, the central transfer station of the system, but in a relatively quiet part of the station, to allow for quiet thoughts and contemplation.


I agree that something equivalent for subway employees should be done at a very prominent Manhattan subway station like Times Square.  And I also agree that Goble deserves a unique honor given what he did.

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3 hours ago, Lawrence St said:

If (MTA) doesn't want to rename the station, then at least dedicate the R142 set he was operating in his honor. A plaque or something of the sorts, (MTA) needs to do something.

It's enough that (it seems like) every deceased person of note nowadays are getting blocks named after them, so as much as I believe that the MTA should commemorate him in some fashion, a whole station renaming I'd say would be a bit much....

....now if the MTA doesn't do jack shit (as far as something visual or tangible is concerned), then yeah, they can go f*** themselves.


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