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MaBSTOA B/O Exam # 7105


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17 minutes ago, Sb1914 said:

So the processing of the driving history and stuff that was said in the letter, that will be done all in 18? Or 3 years from now like the previous person posted? Because now I'm confused on the letter. Lol

The BOSS exam will be given in 18. As far as the processing of the driving history, it depends on how low your random list number is, and how fast they go through the list.

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20 minutes ago, jake3178 said:

also received a letter, my random number is ~2400, dont know if i should even bother with the BOSS process since i started as signals helper a week ago... probably should do it anyway (just in case), especially if testing falls on my regular day off

If you ask me I say go for it especially if it’s your day off why not. Always keep other options open. You never know might get called back and say to yourself your tired of your current position rather do something else. 

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11 hours ago, jake3178 said:

also received a letter, my random number is ~2400, dont know if i should even bother with the BOSS process since i started as signals helper a week ago... probably should do it anyway (just in case), especially if testing falls on my regular day off

Im my honest opinion, I think you should take it. You just never know what the future lays ahead for you. You may want to change career and at least you’ll know where you stand to make that decision.

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21 hours ago, jake3178 said:

also received a letter, my random number is ~2400, dont know if i should even bother with the BOSS process since i started as signals helper a week ago... probably should do it anyway (just in case), especially if testing falls on my regular day off

Do it, always leave yourself an "out" with this job. Also, you will be accommodated for anything pre-employment related that you have to take care of, just let whoever is in charge of scheduling (and/or your union) know. 

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On ‎11‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 1:36 AM, jake3178 said:

Same here, first letter says random is ~2400, now 2nd admission for boss says ~2600.

I got the problem fixed, I call the phone number on the admission letter and the customer service rep connected me to the right person after I explain  what happen, and the right person said I will call you back in five, after ten minute she call back and said its a mistake, your 6** # is the right one, cancel the # on the admission letter and put the random list #  you got on the first letter. call them have them fix.

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  • 4 weeks later...

  I take the boss exam for 7105 in a couple days. After I take the boss, should I start aiming for the cdl ? , I have time on the side, but should I after the boss ?.  I don't know what the ETA is on the wait after taking the boss exam. Assuming I pass the boss exam for 7105, do you think it will take years before they call us ? or a few months ? Thanks for the help guys.

Edited by Moody
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41 minutes ago, Moody said:

  I take the boss exam for 7105 in a couple days. After I take the boss, should I start aiming for the cdl ? , I have time on the side, but should I after the boss ?.  I don't know what the ETA is on the wait after taking the boss exam. Assuming I pass the boss exam for 7105, do you think it will take years before they call us ? or a few months ? Thanks for the help guys.

Here's my advice:

Depending on your random list number, see how fast the list moves and take it from there. Once they start calling, then we'll get a better idea of how fast the list will be moving.

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9 hours ago, +Young+ said:

Here's my advice:

Depending on your random list number, see how fast the list moves and take it from there. Once they start calling, then we'll get a better idea of how fast the list will be moving.

I'm number 6**.  But is it a good thing if you just took this exam this summer, and you get a notice for the boss that fast ? After you take the boss, does that mean you are a few months away ? or a year from being hired ? I am not trying to get my hopes up. I know it takes a long time, I'm not even excited, im baffled. 

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1 hour ago, Moody said:

After you take the boss, does that mean you are a few months away ? or a year from being hired ? I am not trying to get my hopes up. I know it takes a long time, I'm not even excited, im baffled. 

Again, it depends on how fast the list moves, how many vacancies they have, how many people pass the 10-day training session, etc. If I had to take an educated guess, you will probably hear back from them within a year. If you hear back from them within a few months from today, I would personally be very shocked.

Good luck!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/17/2017 at 5:55 PM, +Young+ said:

I also got my random list number in the 800's. The letter states that they're going to be scheduling everyone with a list number lower than 2600 to take the BOSS exam either in December 2017 or January 2018. Everyone else who has a random list number higher than 2600 will be scheduled to take the BOSS exam in 2018.

As far as the driving history and the B permit - When you initially go to Livingston Street, they will pull up your abstract. Those who have a fairly clean driving history for the past three years and either a Class B CDL with the Passenger Endorsement or the B permit will be allowed to continue. By fairly clean, as long as you have two accidents or less, less than 3 or 4 points, no suspensions, all tickets paid, etc. Keep in mind they go back three years, so if you have three accidents currently on your abstract, and one or two of them were in early 2015, depending on your list number, you'll be fine.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!!

Hey! I have a question. About 14 months ago I got pulled over going 45mph in a 25, I live on the boarder of Long Island and queens so the speed limit changes from 40 to 25, fairly quick. That is 4 points on my license. I paid the ticket in December of 2016, so it’s been 13ish months. I have another ticket I got back in early 2016 for a disobey traffic device that is 2 points that I’m fighting in March,2018. I am list number 4xx, I am going to take my CDL permit next week. Am I screwed? I thought they look at points on your license, which in a couple of months it’ll be off of my license. I also took a point reduction program on the computer. I didn’t know they go back 3 years. 😞 I’m turning 23 this month. 

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1 minute ago, Petey said:

Hey! I have a question. About 14 months ago I got pulled over going 45mph in a 25, I live on the boarder of Long Island and queens so the speed limit changes from 40 to 25, fairly quick. That is 4 points on my license. I paid the ticket in December of 2016, so it’s been 13ish months. I have another ticket I got back in early 2016 for a disobey traffic device that is 2 points that I’m fighting in March,2018. I am list number 4xx, I am going to take my CDL permit next week. Am I screwed? I thought they look at points on your license, which in a couple of months it’ll be off of my license. I also took a point reduction program on the computer. I didn’t know they go back 3 years. 😞 I’m turning 23 this month. 

I also took my boss exam already, about 2-3 weeks ago. 

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1 hour ago, Petey said:

Hey! I have a question. About 14 months ago I got pulled over going 45mph in a 25, I live on the boarder of Long Island and queens so the speed limit changes from 40 to 25, fairly quick. That is 4 points on my license. I paid the ticket in December of 2016, so it’s been 13ish months. I have another ticket I got back in early 2016 for a disobey traffic device that is 2 points that I’m fighting in March,2018. I am list number 4xx, I am going to take my CDL permit next week. Am I screwed? I thought they look at points on your license, which in a couple of months it’ll be off of my license. I also took a point reduction program on the computer. I didn’t know they go back 3 years. 😞 I’m turning 23 this month. 

First of all, as far as those point reduction courses or Defensive Driving Classes, although the insurance companies like them, from the MTA's prospective, they do nothing. Therefore, if anything happens, such as tickets, points, accidents, etc., you just have to wait the three years.

Second, you are allowed to have a maximum of four [4] points. Anything above this number they will not tolerate. Therefore, if you loose your case in March of 2018 in which you plead guilty and pay the fine, then you don't qualify. Now if you win your case, just make sure to bring a copy of the disposition and/or any other paperwork to 180 Livingston Street when they call you down.


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3 hours ago, +Young+ said:

First of all, as far as those point reduction courses or Defensive Driving Classes, although the insurance companies like them, from the MTA's prospective, they do nothing. Therefore, if anything happens, such as tickets, points, accidents, etc., you just have to wait the three years.

Second, you are allowed to have a maximum of four [4] points. Anything above this number they will not tolerate. Therefore, if you loose your case in March of 2018 in which you plead guilty and pay the fine, then you don't qualify. Now if you win your case, just make sure to bring a copy of the disposition and/or any other paperwork to 180 Livingston Street when they call you down.


Thank you. Someone told me they look back 18 months only. Wish I knew. I’m hiring a good lawyer to fight this.  

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I took bus exam  7612 last year. But I think I got called in for boss exam 7105. Nevertheless I took the boss exam, and I have a list number. I am not sure, I took alot of tests. I can't find the letters or the emails. I have to search for them. They are some where in my house.  But I think thats what happened. Because nobody here took the boss exam for 7612. I am totally confused. 

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