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Message added by SevenEleven


Train Operator, Exam No. 7604

List Status:  This list has been established as of September 9, 2018

Pay: Starts at $34.16 and increases to $39.81

Highest List Number Called: For initial Pre-Employment: (Last Reported 3800's) - For Medical: (Last Reported 3800's)

Training: Monday thru Friday, across three 8-hour tours (AMs, PMs, overnights), unless otherwise specified

Next Training Class: 


(Updated January 20 ,2022)

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13 minutes ago, TO legacy said:

Guys that did their PE 11/5 and 11/6 just did they medical. 

Not sure of your situation, but people beyond you are getting hired. 

Read the last 3 pages brother, then ask yourself “Are YOU READING”🤔

calm yourself as well. 

Listen you getting that email or call tomorrow the latest, I got my email Friday morning, classmate got a call Friday afternoon, positive vibes only!!! 

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1 hour ago, LEO1990 said:

Do any of you read? I have every single one of you beat list wise. in fact, ive never seen a person with a higher number than me on this entire forum and ive read almost every page. i did my first PE back in may, and my 2nd one earlier this month. ive still yet to be called. if you sit back and wait thinking there is some sort of "justice" or fair play here, then you are wrong. this is an entirely random/biased process from my experience. you are not guaranteed to get called just because you have a certain list number that you think is low. trust me, i have you beat and im still sitting here waiting to get called. and oh yeah, ive never failed a drug test in my life nor do i have any convictions/legal issue or anything preventing me from getting the call. there is some seriously shady sh*t going down at 180 livingston. its all politics.

Yes I can read and my response? I don't give a damn. You keep posting your problem on a forum instead of taking it directly to the MTA like everyone has told you. We can't do squat to help you except give advice which I and others on this forum give plenty of which you obviously ignore. Don't go off on us cause YOU CAN'T READ. At the end of the day we aren't MTA. We're not the ones that passed you up. And to be honest  at this point I hope they did. If you fly off like this on a forum then what the hell would you be like behind the controls of a train. If you act like this then everyone on that train is as good as dead. Chill the F out go to Livingston and ask instead of sitting on your a$$ in front of your computer and annoying everyone on this forum.

Edited by LIRRMedford
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32 minutes ago, LIRRMedford said:

Yes I can read and my response? I don't give a damn. You keep posting your problem on a forum instead of taking it directly to the MTA like everyone has told you. We can't do squat to help you except give advice which I and others on this forum give plenty of which you obviously ignore. Don't go off on us cause YOU CAN'T READ. At the end of the day we aren't MTA. We're not the ones that passed you up. And to be honest  at this point I hope they did. If you fly off like this on a forum then what the hell would you be like behind the controls of a train. If you act like this then everyone on that train is as good as dead. Chill the F out go to Livingston and ask instead of sitting on your a$$ in front of your computer and annoying everyone on this forum.


My words exactly 

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1 hour ago, LIRRMedford said:

Yes I can read and my response? I don't give a damn. You keep posting your problem on a forum instead of taking it directly to the MTA like everyone has told you. We can't do squat to help you except give advice which I and others on this forum give plenty of which you obviously ignore. Don't go off on us cause YOU CAN'T READ. At the end of the day we aren't MTA. We're not the ones that passed you up. And to be honest  at this point I hope they did. If you fly off like this on a forum then what the hell would you be like behind the controls of a train. If you act like this then everyone on that train is as good as dead. Chill the F out go to Livingston and ask instead of sitting on your a$$ in front of your computer and annoying everyone on this forum.

my apologies. im just frustrated. you are right and as soon as the snow clears a bit im going to head down there and see whats up.

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Hey guys, I’ve read all everything from page 1-101 and a lot has helped me out with understanding the process! Patient is definitely key!! Being a train operator has been my dream since I was young, like I’m sure so many of you. My list number is 31** so I have ways to go but you guys give me hope, so, thank you! Congratulations to all in the process! Keep the patience it will definitely come when you least expect it! 

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Hi guys! I had a couple more questions about deferring form the list if anyone can help. I got my PE letter to come in Dec 4th but I have to defer since I'm not ready to leave from the west coast yet. I tried calling DCAS they said they don't deal with deferring it and told me to call NYC Transit which I had to hunt around to find their human resources number. Called them and the lady told me to check the I Decline Appointment part and mail it back and I'll be passed over. But then it seems to be a headache to become reinstated. From what I gather, if my list number (18XX) is passed and people beyond me are actually in classes, I'm supposed to call DCAS to be reinstated on the list to be put in for the next round of letters. But if they HAVEN'T passed my number I'm supposed to call the NYC Transit back and tell THEM to put me back in. Does that sound right to anyone that's had to deal with it? Seems like two different avenues and I just don't have enough faith in clerical processes or even human competency, sadly, to completely rely on that when this is such high stakes for me. It sounds like with my number I probably wouldn't be past medical and in class until summer or so anyways which is when I'd be ready, but the costs of flying out for PE 3 or 4 times potentially eats up a lot of the savings I would need to be able to pull this off. Any help or words to calm my nervousness would HUGELY appreciated. lol

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7 minutes ago, dee-bees said:

Hi guys! I had a couple more questions about deferring form the list if anyone can help. I got my PE letter to come in Dec 4th but I have to defer since I'm not ready to leave from the west coast yet. I tried calling DCAS they said they don't deal with deferring it and told me to call NYC Transit which I had to hunt around to find their human resources number. Called them and the lady told me to check the I Decline Appointment part and mail it back and I'll be passed over. But then it seems to be a headache to become reinstated. From what I gather, if my list number (18XX) is passed and people beyond me are actually in classes, I'm supposed to call DCAS to be reinstated on the list to be put in for the next round of letters. But if they HAVEN'T passed my number I'm supposed to call the NYC Transit back and tell THEM to put me back in. Does that sound right to anyone that's had to deal with it? Seems like two different avenues and I just don't have enough faith in clerical processes or even human competency, sadly, to completely rely on that when this is such high stakes for me. It sounds like with my number I probably wouldn't be past medical and in class until summer or so anyways which is when I'd be ready, but the costs of flying out for PE 3 or 4 times potentially eats up a lot of the savings I would need to be able to pull this off. Any help or words to calm my nervousness would HUGELY appreciated. lol

You call DCAS to reinstate regardless

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Just trying to keep up. Is this the current order we’re on? Correct me if I’m wrong below.


 1-4xx - receiving medical letters and job offers.

5xx-9xx - attended 2/3 PE’s and medical, some awaiting offer letters.

1xxx- 16xx? - 1st PE session letters received.


Seems 5xx-9xx’s might take the remaining classes and 1xxx-16xx beginning of the year?

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1 hour ago, MarkGuy said:

Wonder when us 1000s will be called for medical. Least y'all 400s are in right now. We're probably gonna have to chill a few more months.

I'm in the 900s. I think that we gonna wait a few and I might have a 3rd pe. Reason I say that is the provisional stopped around the 600s which is why it seems to be moving fast. They are pretty much just calling those that deferred and people whose numbers are close to where huey stopped. After they reach the number that the provisional stopped at, it's gonna slow back down as continue from where they left off. I still think it'll be within the next 5 months for me but I'm not expecting it too soon just to stay level-headed. 

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13 minutes ago, acabral136 said:

I'm in the 900s. I think that we gonna wait a few and I might have a 3rd pe. Reason I say that is the provisional stopped around the 600s which is why it seems to be moving fast. They are pretty much just calling those that deferred and people whose numbers are close to where huey stopped. After they reach the number that the provisional stopped at, it's gonna slow back down as continue from where they left off. I still think it'll be within the next 5 months for me but I'm not expecting it too soon just to stay level-headed. 

I'm 81*, did my PE on Friday, November 9th.  I haven't been called for any more PE or medical yet.  Did anyone else in the 800-900 get called for medical yet?

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Hi All,

I'm hoping someone could help me with this question since it's impossible to get Ms. Vargas on the phone. I've read through all the pages of the forum and I think this topic is touched upon, but perhaps not entirely because my question is a bit nuanced.

I think I know about the deferral process. Can someone correct me if I'm wrong? Once a pre-employment letter is received, if for whatever reason, a candidate wants to defer, they can choose to do so and once they are ready in the future (assuming the list is still valid), they would have to call up and have their name 'restored' to the list. Then, once hiring opens up for the next class, the MTA would go back to your list number to be called for the next new class.

Regarding my particular situation, I am unemployed now, but thinking about going to graduate school. If I go in for pre-employment and are ultimately hired and start school car, and then a few months down the road, I am accepted to graduate school, at that moment I would have to choose MTA or graduate school right? There would be no reinstating on the list, deferring, or anything like that (regardless of whether or not probationary period is met) because I would have accepted and began employment (it would be similar to leaving any other job)? Do I have this right?

Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank you and good luck to all who are a part of this process!

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26 minutes ago, candorgreen said:

I'm 81*, did my PE on Friday, November 9th.  I haven't been called for any more PE or medical yet.  Did anyone else in the 800-900 get called for medical yet?

I don't think so... Highest I've seen called for medical is in early 600s. 

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2 hours ago, nipaaaa said:

You call DCAS to reinstate regardless

Thanks. That's what I'm worried about is someone I call leaving out some part of the process getting me screwed over. I've had enough dealings with my school loan sharks to have learned that lesson by now. What has me on edge is when I called the lady at DCAS specifically using the term "defer" from the list for a while, she said like "we don't deal with that here. You have to call the NYC Transit".


And from what I gather, I guess, if I send back the letter and check I Decline Appointment, that puts me on "deferred"? Or do I still have to actively have someone place me on a deferment? Because that's what I tried to figure out calling today and just kind of got the run around and passing the buck. Just don't want to send the letter back like that and get booted completely off the list.


The NYC Transit lady also told me I'd have to go in person to DCAS to reinstate but from what I've read through the thread it seems it can be done over the phone. Would anyone know about that also? 


Sorry for all the questions. Just nervous as this is something I've wanted for over a decade and maybe being my last chance at being able provide a stable life for my son and I, so I get insanely edgy over potentially losing the chance over something miniscule. haha

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15 minutes ago, 2nice said:

Pre employment tomorrow at 7:30..from what I've read I'm guessing I should arrive by 6:30 to have the best chance of getting out of there early?

Yea you'll be lining up outside until they open the doors at 7 but u will be out quick assuming u have all of your documents and no outstanding tickets. 

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2 minutes ago, acabral136 said:

Yea you'll be lining up outside until they open the doors at 7 but u will be out quick assuming u have all of your documents and no outstanding tickets. 

Lol thanks for telling me I woulda been outside for 30 mins lol.. I was driving so I was gonna wear a hoody..parking lot is right next door lol

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1 hour ago, 2nice said:

Pre employment tomorrow at 7:30..from what I've read I'm guessing I should arrive by 6:30 to have the best chance of getting out of there early?

DO NOT get your hopes up on getting out early...odds are it will be a whole day process, most of it spent waiting to pee....if you get out before 4pm...consider yourself lucky as some have had to wait till nearly 7pm. 

I had all my documents good to go on P/E....No tickets or any hold ups....got out at 4:45pm.

If the lab goes on hold, you will be there all day. 

Order of people who are seen in lab..

1) current employees with random

2) people coming from medical

3) people who have already done PE just coming in to do pee test

4) 1st timers - first time doing PE

Edited by Pauliepaulie
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Hello again everyone.  So for the T/Os who are starting school car on November 26th, remember we have to order our boots.  I tried a few times and it says invalid account information MTA.  Maybe it's still too early and I am not in the system yet.  Has anyone been able to get in and order their boots?  The paperwork says we need to have our boots by T/O induction on November 27th.  Also, I notice it says no backpacks or wheel bags allowed in class.   All I have is a backpack right now.  Is there a recommended bag that meets the MTA guidelines? Do they provide the bag, or is this out of our pockets?   If there is anyone in here that has been in school car, I appreciate any information you can give us.   

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1 hour ago, NYCQuietStorm said:

Hello again everyone.  So for the T/Os who are starting school car on November 26th, remember we have to order our boots.  I tried a few times and it says invalid account information MTA.  Maybe it's still too early and I am not in the system yet.  Has anyone been able to get in and order their boots?  The paperwork says we need to have our boots by T/O induction on November 27th.  Also, I notice it says no backpacks or wheel bags allowed in class.   All I have is a backpack right now.  Is there a recommended bag that meets the MTA guidelines? Do they provide the bag, or is this out of our pockets?   If there is anyone in here that has been in school car, I appreciate any information you can give us.   

Good morning, they said it takes 48 hrs to update your name in the system, if it’s not by 3pm today just do it Monday, you have to have the boots by the time you go to school car, not orientation. You’ll be fine, the boots are shipped priority, they get to you super fast once ordered and your size is available. Again during orientation week, you can bring your book bag or duffle but keep in mind the books and tools you will be getting are super heavy and you have to have them everyday! Look on amazon for a “Kaka” backpack. It’s real good, it’s a backpack that can store the straps when crossing tracks. You’re not allowed to have anything on your shoulders when crossing tracks. It’s like $35-$50 depending on what type you get. That’s all out of your pocket, lol

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