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Conductor 6601 Hiring Process

Message added by SevenEleven


Conductor, Exam No. 6601

List Status: This list has been established as of 2/14/2018.

Pay: Starts at $24.33 and increases to $34.75 in the sixth year of service

Training: Monday thru Friday, across three 8-hour tours (AMs, PMs, overnights), unless otherwise specified.

Highest List Number Called: For initial Pre-Employment: (4800's) - For Medical: (Last Known - 3470's)

Next Training Class: Unknown


(Updated January 16, 2022)

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Disappointed that i got the 90%... I didn't go to the protest session. I will wait to see where i fall on the list... I on the liat for track worker and have a low list number...If everthing goes well i will.be in track long before i get called (if) i get called at all.... Then i would have to decide if conductor is a better position... Any feedback on my comment?

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Disappointed that i got the 90%... I didn't go to the protest session. I will wait to see where i fall on the list... I on the liat for track worker and have a low list number...If everthing goes well i will.be in track long before i get called (if) i get called at all.... Then i would have to decide if conductor is a better position... Any feedback on my comment?


SubwayFan said it best... If you're looking for opinions a 90% isn't great on any highly competitive civil service exam, what happened with Amm0 is an anomaly, but you have the track worker position to fall back on. 


But again, SubwayFan said it best we just have to wait and see.

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Regarding how the protest session works:


How is this done behind the scenes, does anyone know? How is a protest evaluated? Meaning, what criteria are used to decide whether an answer should be counted as correct pursuant to a protest?

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  • 3 weeks later...

This was posted today. I check the MTA website occasionally and saw that they've updated their stuff.



"MTA NYC Transit Conductor, Exam No. 6601

Thank you for applying for MTA NYC Transit Conductor, Exam No. 6601. Please take a moment and read the important information below.


If you pass the test and meet the qualification requirements, your multiple-choice score will be used to determine your place on an eligible list. You must achieve a score of at least 70 to pass this test.


At this time, we do not have an expected month in which this list will be made public or established. Once the list is established, you will receive your official Notice of Results in the mail.  


You are responsible for keeping your address up to date. Only the address on our file will be used to mail correspondence.

To update your address, you may do one of the following:

  1. Visit us at the MTA Exam Information Center located in the lobby of 180 Livingston Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201, Mondays through Fridays, between 9 AM – 3 PM
  2. Email us at examsunit@nyct.com
  3. Fax us at (347) 643-8110

Thank you."

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@RedViper, thanks for sharing that.

I can only imagine that they must have been getting a lot of calls from people anxious to know when the list will come out.


They proceed on their own schedule, based on their hiring needs and budget - the good thing is that they're handling everything in house, so the list can hopefully be processed quicker then when they worked with DCAS.

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Well the most important thing as far as I am concerned is how the protest sessions will impact the compilation of the final list. Hopefully they'll throw several questions out. I was told not long ago by a lady train operator that the MTA has a "severe need" for conductors. Maybe they'll run really deep into this new list, 6601.

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I think the scores in the mail will come sometime in beginning to middle of 2017.  

I think the oral test is given AFTER you are called from the list and are being considered for hire.  


Scores in the mail will most likely probably come after the second part of the test (oral) has been given

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I think the oral test is given AFTER you are called from the list and are being considered for hire.  


I agree...I think it's done at 180 Livingston Street...when I was there in late 2013 and early 2014, they were calling people by list number into a special room...they spoke for a couple of minutes, and that was it.

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I agree...I think it's done at 180 Livingston Street...when I was there in late 2013 and early 2014, they were calling people by list number into a special room...they spoke for a couple of minutes, and that was it.


Oral test was never a requirement before. Those people were pre-appointment (passed drug test & medical), they had to review their paperwork and answer any questions with an HR specialist before being sworn in.


List results take about a year from the date of the exam to complete and will be mailed to you.


More than likely the oral exam will take place sometime between being called (they reached your # on the list), and being sworn in, down at 180 Livingston, but as this is a new procedure, this is only speculation on my part based on knowledge of how similar things have been done in the past.

Edited by SubwayGuy
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Does anyone have an idea of when we will receive our score in the mail?




Well the last exam was given on July 27th and SubwayGuy stated that it takes about a year from the date of the exam so it looks like we'll be waiting a while.


They have to exhaust the promo list before they get to us O/C people anyway so there's no need to be impatient.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I guess I'm impatient.

Is there any word about when the list might issue?

I know the official answer is that it hasn't issued and that when it does we will be notified of results by mail.



I would say anyone with a 95 or higher will get a call. Anyone below will probably not



Disclaimer: This comment is not intended to give any false hopes, just some insight I received from veteran MTA employees. Don't take it up the ass.


I work in the city in a store where the last stop of a bus route is located. Loads of MTA employees and supervisors walk into my store to use the restrooms. Since I'm on the list for Conductor now, obviously, I am someone who is highly interested in obtaining any info on their hiring needs, so I ask most of them about it when they come in. Most of the guys I've talked to have been working for the MTA for 15-18 years. One guy worked there for 20 and he started off as a Station Agent > Conductor > and finally, Bus Operator. This man told me that 2017 is the year a CLUSTER of Train Operators are retiring, therefore giving current Conductors promotions, and I quote "Burning through the Conductor promotional list" which is the list before ours. This man also told me that the MTA is "basically, giving away money" next year with the amount of people they will hire and need in 2017; this is from our list. I then told him I scored between a 98-97...this man shook my hand and said "you're good, you should be in the first batch by like the end of next year". The supervisors who went to my store to pee also gave me similar responses. Take it how you want it; but after those conversations, I'm very optimistic about 2017.

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Why do so many conductors leave to become a train operator?


Could be the extra money, less stress, get tired of the job, or they probably wanted to be a T/O initially, but didn't meet the qualifications at the time (which is actually my case, well of course I'm not an employee but I won't meet the qualifications for T/O)


Redviper, a 98 implies that you got 1 wrong (congrats on your score I got the same) , but I doubt we'll be in the "first batch". I read some of the old threads on here and it took them about two years to call people off the O/C list because they had a promo of about 400 people.


Yeah the MTA will be adding new lines and increasing service on current lines along with people retiring, leaving, and promoting from Conductor, but we don't know for sure what the future holds. I'd personally just expect the worse and be happy if something great came along.


Also a reminder, the last exams for 6601 were given in July so we have a bit of a wait regardless to get our official scores.

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Why not?


It's just an educated guess based on how many people took the examination. Like I said in the past, and I'll say it again, nothing is 100% official until the list is published.


Also a reminder, the last exams for 6601 were given in July so we have a bit of a wait regardless to get our official scores.


Well said and self-explanatory.

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