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Teen survives accident involved with NYCT Bus in Williamsburg

Express Bus Operator

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There's no evidence she was on the phone. There's no evidence the bus was already in the crosswalk. Don't make shit up and repeat it until people start saying it too. This operator hit a girl who had the right of way (according to witnesses and the NYPD) because he did not exercise appropriate caution. Don't throw that 'blind spot' argument either--this was a left turn, not a right turn. The blind spot is there but it simply is not that large. Operators always race through this turn, and that's not acceptable.


And by the way, that past precedent of nobody getting arrested? That was WRONG. That allowed the lawless driving culture to fester in NYC, since murder by car was legal. That's why you're more likely to get killed by a car than shot, but somehow we still pretend we need more cops patting down black kids. These arrests are important, and it doesn't matter whether it's an operator or a priest behind the wheel, careless driving is careless driving. "It was an accident" does not cut it when lives are at stake. This girl will never walk on two legs again--maybe, just maybe she might be the greater 'victim' here.

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There's no evidence she was on the phone. There's no evidence the bus was already in the crosswalk. Don't make shit up and repeat it until people start saying it too. This operator hit a girl who had the right of way (according to witnesses and the NYPD) because he did not exercise appropriate caution. Don't throw that 'blind spot' argument either--this was a left turn, not a right turn. The blind spot is there but it simply is not that large. Operators always race through this turn, and that's not acceptable.


And by the way, that past precedent of nobody getting arrested? That was WRONG. That allowed the lawless driving culture to fester in NYC, since murder by car was legal. That's why you're more likely to get killed by a car than shot, but somehow we still pretend we need more cops patting down black kids. These arrests are important, and it doesn't matter whether it's an operator or a priest behind the wheel, careless driving is careless driving. "It was an accident" does not cut it when lives are at stake. This girl will never walk on two legs again--maybe, just maybe she might be the greater 'victim' here.

kind of harsh,dude. are you a bus operator?

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I'm afraid to share my opinion on this now

Eh, I tend not to share my opinion, because you do have people strongly disagreeing with you (on either side) and what not (and it becomes more so an argument than a discussion). 


Note: I am speaking in general here. It's your choice, but I tend to stay away from the discussions.


In any regard, if it's a blind spot issue (which some have mentioned), then perhaps a different type of mirror should be looked at, perhaps a different type of mirror.

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You're making it sound like the driver blatantly threw the bus at the girl with the intent to run her over...

At the end of the day, whether he doesn't check quite closely enough for the crossing girl or he intentionally tries to run her down, she's still missing a leg from walking in a crosswalk where she had the light and right of way. No big difference between the two. I'm sorry to be harsh, but that's the reality of it. Not operator-bashing, not rushing to blame, just looking at the facts.


On that note, to those of you who took to Facebook to back-talk everybody in this thread because you were too cowardly to actually discuss, I hope 8th grade treats you well.

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This looks like the girl was crossing too close to the bus. If the driver was in the wrong, wouldn't she have been hit by the front of the bus? I never cross a street expecting motorists to do the right thing, are you kidding me! The vehicle is always going to win that match-up. A lot of people today don't exercise common sense, and so they suffer for it. You can read that text once you get on the sidewalk. People have no business getting hit by motor vehicles. If you pay attention you won't get hit.

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Not for nothing, people need to use common sense.


Regardless if you have the right of way or not......the human body will not win against vehicle, be it a car,bus or truck. If you see a vehicle turning JUST STOP! What is losing 15 seconds vs being maimed or your life? Is that "right of way" worth it?


And again I put this out there because I grew up as the kid of a bus operator and he taught me something valuable as a 5 year old that I still use to this day......."JUST BECAUSE YOU SEE THE DRIVER, DOESN'T MEAN HE SEES YOU!"

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Not for nothing, people need to use common sense.


Regardless if you have the right of way or not......the human body will not win against vehicle, be it a car,bus or truck. If you see a vehicle turning JUST STOP! What is losing 15 seconds vs being maimed or your life? Is that "right of way" worth it?


And again I put this out there because I grew up as the kid of a bus operator and he taught me something valuable as a 5 year old that I still use to this day......."JUST BECAUSE YOU SEE THE DRIVER, DOESN'T MEAN HE SEES YOU!"

You are right about using common sense, but as a driver, one is responsible for their actions, and in this case, blind spot or not, the actions of this driver led to this girl being severly maimed for life.  Now this driver may have just not saw the girl, but there are plenty of B/O's who drive wrecklessly or become distracted doing things that they shouldn't be doing while in service, such as looking at skirts, eating, texting or talking on the phone.  And before you go yelling that it isn't true, it is.  I had a guy driving the BxM2 that I reported who was eating while in service.  There was another guy out of Yukon Depot who would text while driving and was reported by other passengers concerned for their safety, so I certainly do not support bus operators being exempt from Vision Zero.  It gives all of the reckless drivers a pass which is simply not acceptable, and what's more disturbing is the union trying to give wreckless irresponsible B/Os a pass.  Those drivers that are clearly doing things that they shouldn't be doing should be fired immediately, but instead the process to terminate them is dragged out.  Extremely disturbing.




This looks like the girl was crossing too close to the bus. If the driver was in the wrong, wouldn't she have been hit by the front of the bus? I never cross a street expecting motorists to do the right thing, are you kidding me! The vehicle is always going to win that match-up. A lot of people today don't exercise common sense, and so they suffer for it. You can read that text once you get on the sidewalk. People have no business getting hit by motor vehicles. If you pay attention you won't get hit.

Years ago I was almost hit by an out of control car.  The car was flying down the street, hit a snow bank and almost jumped onto the sidewalk before somehow landing and remaining in the street. My mother and I ran like hell to get out of the way, even though we were on the sidewalk already, so people can be struck regardless of whether they are paying attention or not.  It comes down to not only common sense, but also luck.

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You are right about using common sense, but as a driver, one is responsible for their actions, and in this case, blind spot or not, the actions of this driver led to this girl being severly maimed for life. Now this driver may have just not saw the girl, but there are plenty of B/O's who drive wrecklessly or become distracted doing things that they shouldn't be doing while in service, such as looking at skirts, eating, texting or talking on the phone. And before you go yelling that it isn't true, it is. I had a guy driving the BxM2 that I reported who was eating while in service. There was another guy out of Yukon Depot who would text while driving and was reported by other passengers concerned for their safety, so I certainly do not support bus operators being exempt from Vision Zero. It gives all of the reckless drivers a pass which is simply not acceptable, and what's more disturbing is the union trying to give wreckless irresponsible B/Os a pass. Those drivers that are clearly doing things that they shouldn't be doing should be fired immediately, but instead the process to terminate them is dragged out. Extremely disturbing.




Years ago I was almost hit by an out of control car. The car was flying down the street, hit a snow bank and almost jumped onto the sidewalk before somehow landing and remaining in the street. My mother and I ran like hell to get out of the way, even though we were on the sidewalk already, so people can be struck regardless of whether they are paying attention or not. It comes down to not only common sense, but also luck.

LMFAO at looking at skirts.(perve)

Honestly, it's hard to say if this is an accident or not, but always pay 100% attention to the road and nothing more.

Earlier today, there was this car doing a u-turn at Gun Hill Road. Not only did he almost hit a Bx28 bus, he crashed into an ice block that was literally inches away from me. And he also had the nerve to honk at my Bx28 bus for picking up passengers in front of him when he was in a bus stop zone.

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LMFAO at looking at skirts.(perve)

Honestly, it's hard to say if this is an accident or not, but always pay 100% attention to the road and nothing more.

Earlier today, there was this car doing a u-turn at Gun Hill Road. Not only did he almost hit a Bx28 bus, he crashed into an ice block that was literally inches away from me. And he also had the nerve to honk at my Bx28 bus for picking up passengers in front of him when he was in a bus stop zone.

I happen to know a B/O who LOVES looking at skirts... I almost hate getting him if it's hot out because I know that will be the topic once we get to the city.  [Him] DAYYYUUUUMMM... :lol: Also had one guy who almost bypassed our stop because he was too busy checking out a chick...

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In an ironic twist I kinda benefited from the new mandate for B/O's waiting for the crosswalk to be completely clear last night by schlepping across 41st and 1st with a suitcase and a backpack fresh off a Boltbus that let me off at 38th/1st in the snow to catch the M42.


Of course I waved my free hand towards the driver so that he saw me before I crossed since he was starting to pull away (and no I was not in the street, I was on the edge of the curb on the corner.)

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I have something:


Let's categorize Pedestrians/Regular car operators vs Bus Operators


Does anyone (outside of current Bus Operators) know what Bus Operators do (which I find is one of the biggest problems when people go for their regular licenses and drive)?

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A man dies from this accident and no charges are expected, but when an (MTA) driver hits a teen and she still lives with the possibility of losing a leg, the driver gets arrested? TF?
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A man dies from this accident and no charges are expected, but when an (MTA) driver hits a teen and she still lives with the possibility of losing a leg, the driver gets arrested? TF?

It's a lot different with a right turn rather than a left turn. That said, I hope they look at this accident very closely, because there's a good chance this guy failed to yield to slow-moving man in the crosswalk and should be charged.

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So going by that logic, why arrest that Q59 operator?

My point was that if there is evidence found to substantiate an arrest, the driver will be arrested and charged accordingly.  The notion that the NYPD has a "conspiracy" against (MTA) drivers is one of the most egregious things that I have heard in a long time. 

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It's a lot different with a right turn rather than a left turn. That said, I hope they look at this accident very closely, because there's a good chance this guy failed to yield to slow-moving man in the crosswalk and should be charged.

Even with a left turn being different from a right turn, a turn is a turn and you have to make sure you get where you are going safely that way no one gets hurt. Automatically, I believe at least sone form of charge should be applied to this driver because he killed someone.
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My point was that if there is evidence found to substantiate an arrest, the driver will be arrested and charged accordingly. The notion that the NYPD has a "conspiracy" against (MTA) drivers is one of the most egregious things that I have heard in a long time.

Have you seen the windshield of that bus? That's not safe for operations, added to the fact that he was making a right turn (which is a lot dangerous than making a left turn), plus he killed someone and he doesn't get arrested?


But heaven forbid an (MTA) bus hit someone (don't even have to kill someone), stay on the scene and all that and the operator gets arrested on site...nah man...

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Have you seen the windshield of that bus? That's not safe for operations, added to the fact that he was making a right turn (which is a lot dangerous than making a left turn), plus he killed someone and he doesn't get arrested?


But heaven forbid an (MTA) bus hit someone (don't even have to kill someone), stay on the scene and all that and the operator gets arrested on site...nah man...

If there isn't evidence to support an arrest then he shouldn't be arrested.  Last I checked you're innocent until proven otherwise, not the other way around.

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So going by that logic, why arrest that Q59 operator?


You can get testimony from someone who's injured, but not someone who's dead. Unless there's a cam present, it's always he said/she said, and the victim's side becomes much weaker once they can't actually give testimony.


The Right-of-Way Law should remain in place, and the City and MTA should find solutions to blind spots. People don't get a pass at laws just because their jobs make them more likely to violate them.

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The proof is right there. Dirty windshield that blocks the view creating a hazard, a dead person under the tire but that driver isn't arrested, nor charged. Where's the logic in that?


You can get testimony from someone who's injured, but not someone who's dead. Unless there's a cam present, it's always he said/she said, and the victim's side becomes much weaker once they can't actually give testimony.


The Right-of-Way Law should remain in place, and the City and MTA should find solutions to blind spots. People don't get a pass at laws just because their jobs make them more likely to violate them.

The MTA is finding solutions. That's why the left side mirrors are smaller (8x8 square) and the arm smaller compared to that box mirror on the NGs which have been proven time and time again by many operators that it creates a huge blind spot while turning

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