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The Meaning Behind These Photographs (Trains)

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I've been feeling lately I've lost the photograph grove because of my lack in photos and because I feel like I've lost hope and maybe lost fans. So here's something I've decided to do. These photos have special meanings in them so sit back and enjoy


The meaning behind this photo is to show how Coney Island Train Station is beautiful at night. Taken on July 2014



Behind this photograph is to show how the (7) Train looked for 12+ years before it becomes entirely new R188 Subway Cars. Taken on July 2014



The meaning behind this photo is to show how 103rd Street on CPW is an interesting station because of how the tracks set up and how the northbound express tracks dip down fast. Taken on July 2014



The meaning behind this photo is to show how helpful the (B) Train is. People has said the line needs to be eliminated but it's going to make things more bad if so and even though its Part-Time, it helps the other route it travels through. Taken on July 2014



The meaning for this photo is showing how rare it is for the (3) Train to run local in Manhattan instead of Express. I actually love it when it goes local which was why I took this photograph. Taken on August 1st 2014



YES, my favorite. The meaning behind this photographed is that my favorite line is the (D) Train and my home station is West 116th Street. Everytime it goes via Central Park West Local (Northbound), It always brings a smile on my face because it running local and stopping at my home station makes it Wonderful and good. Taken on August 2nd 2014





The meaning behind this photographed is showin how the (C) Train ran pre 1998. Northern terminals during Middays, Evening and Weekends (Until 1995) was 145th Street lower level. Good times



This photo makes me think I'm on a R40 (B) Train



Just a photo I just want to share



This last photo reminds me how the (C) Trains looks good and new with R160s. Which is good and updated








Hopefully you guys will understand this thread

Daniel  ;)

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