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Fleet Swap Discussion Thread


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the (MTA) don't know shit, bottom line, they don't care what runs on what line, the NYCTA RTO division of Car Equipment and rolling Stock and Yard Supervisors make those choices on what goes where, CI has a New Fleet, thats one major reason why they are no R32's on the (B), CI would be the best choice for the R32's because its a Main shop, they take good care of their equipment, doesn't matter what it is, 207th lost a lot of people who fix these trains, in about a year or so, 207th st yard will be for the (1) and MOW equipment, everything will come out of pitkin yard, and I doubt they would want R32's, so down the line something will change due to 207th st being an entirely IRT yard, The (A)/© will only store their trains there, the 240th st barn on the (1) will come down



You know I'm glad you brought that up, cause not long ago (it was actually a week and half ago) I also heard that 207th Street will no longer be housing equipment for A/C any more and the cars on the A/C lines will be at Pitkin yard. Don't know if this is going to happen, but it's interesting stuff at the same time.

Edited by MC CJ
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The CED and Operations and Planning decide where equipment will go and be maintained. Period. There are no yard dispatchers(if that was the inference) who have any input on rolling stock in any yard. The yard dispatcher picks a job, same as C/Rs and T/Os, under seniority rules, and can be replaced by someone with more seniority at pick(preference) time. Line superintendants can be replaced or transferred at any time, as happened recently, by higher-ups so they also have no say in equipment selection.. As far as CI vs 207th St goes they are both main shops so why would the IRT transfer it's cars to CI shop for maintainence when most of it's barns are in the Bronx? There may be stupid people in transit supervision but I doubt the scenario mentioned is being realistically considered. Maybe Two Timer ,RTO Man, or Eric B, can comment on this a bit more. I was in Livonia yard and barn Friday and nobody mentioned this change, hourly or supervisor, in RTO or CED and I think they would know before anyone else. The bigger questions, IMO, is why would 207th become an IRT and MOW yard and since when did Pitkin become large enough to handle the extra work? There's a diesel barn at IRT Westchester yard last time I looked. Carry on.

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The CED and Operations and Planning decide where equipment will go and be maintained. Period. There are no yard dispatchers(if that was the inference) who have any input on rolling stock in any yard. The yard dispatcher picks a job, same as C/Rs and T/Os, under seniority rules, and can be replaced by someone with more seniority at pick(preference) time. Line superintendants can be replaced or transferred at any time, as happened recently, by higher-ups so they also have no say in equipment selection.. As far as CI vs 207th St goes they are both main shops so why would the IRT transfer it's cars to CI shop for maintainence when most of it's barns are in the Bronx? There may be stupid people in transit supervision but I doubt the scenario mentioned is being realistically considered. Maybe Two Timer ,RTO Man, or Eric B, can comment on this a bit more. I was in Livonia yard and barn Friday and nobody mentioned this change, hourly or supervisor, in RTO or CED and I think they would know before anyone else. The bigger questions, IMO, is why would 207th become an IRT and MOW yard and since when did Pitkin become large enough to handle the extra work? There's a diesel barn at IRT Westchester yard last time I looked. Carry on.



This has been Mentioned by numerous people especially ones who work or used to work (just retired) in the TA Numerous times, the main reason why they want this to happen (I'm against it, i find it stupid) because one 207th st barn can't hold a full 600" foot train (10 cars), 240th st Barn has to close due to its structure failure (its gonna be torn down) so the new housing shop for the (1) would be 207th st barn, pitkin yard will house all the (A)/© equipment 207th will only be available to store the B division equipment, not shop or maintain them, its obvious 207th st gonna be a strictly A division barn

Edited by R32 3838
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This has been Mentioned by numerous people especially ones who work or used to work (just retired) in the TA Numerous times, the main reason why they want this to happen (I'm against it, i find it stupid) because one 207th st barn can't hold a full 600" foot train (10 cars), 240th st Barn has to close due to its structure failure (its gonna be torn down) so the new housing shop for the (1) would be 207th st barn, pitkin yard will house all the (A)/© equipment 207th will only be available to store the B division equipment, not shop or maintain them, its obvious 207th st gonna be a strictly A division barn

240th barn IS old, I agree, but if it was in danger of imminent collapse management and the union would not have let the A&B yard picks go in effect this Sunday would they? 240th is probably slated for replacement soon but I recall East 180th being re-done for the new tech trains and the major work was done at 239th while the overhaul was done. The equipment was still stored at 180th, Unionport, and 239th as usual. I can see them storing some of the IRT cars at 207th but they do that already. BTW, the main shops and the overhaul shops don't neccessarily hold 10 car trains inside but usually married pairs or 4 or 5 car units that need specialized work. I've done transfers with anywhere from 4-10 cars from the IRT to 207th and, depending on the transfer work, the train was usually drilled out by myself or a 207th crew. Same thing for my CI transfers. Hope this clears up any misunderstanding my earlier post caused. Carry on.

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correct me if im wrong, but this past friday heading home from rockaway around 11pm, they began storing r46 C trains on the center tracks (similar to the winter whether plans) overnight. I hear this was to allow work in PItkin Yard over the weekend. If that is truley the case, could that be a prologue to the whole 207 to IRT/ Pitkin main A/C yard thing?

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Tracks 23 thru 41 in Pitkin Yard were out of service for switch renewal and other track work, nothing to do with the whole barn situation.


Its funny how people on here think something happening in one part of the system is the result of something occuring elsewhere, and have no idea of how independently each line and facility is run. It really is a bunch of completely separate lines in terms of management and related personnel, it just happens the services share trackage.
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How Come The A/C's Don't Work That Well I was on A R32 the other day the whole train was cool.



Because the (C) doesn't outside on its run and the A/C compressor overheats, shuts down and thus the A/C stop working. Same issue when the 32s ran on the (E).


But I wonder though, how come the newer trains don't suffer from this issue? The 68s on the (G) line their A/C works fine, same goes the 160s on the (E).

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Back to topic as R160s on the R has nothing to do with the title of this thread.


I can't understand why there are only 140 out of the 222 in service on the A. Only two sets of R32s could be used for work service while 220 out of the 222 can operate on the A. There are enough R32s to run on the A alongside the 176 R46. Why does East New York Yard even bother to give 20 cars of R42s to Pitkin Yard for the A?.... ._. This is just my opinion.

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