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Fleet Swap Discussion Thread


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3 hours ago, Jemorie said:

So this dude @Dj Hammersย said on Twitter that the R42s that ran on the (J)ย earlier this morning is out of service and the entire fleet is now officially retired for good. Subject to change though.

Not sure what tweet you'reย referringย to -ย I didn't tweet that.

Regardless, that info is correct. The cars are no longer in regular revenue service.

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6 minutes ago, Dj Hammers said:

Not sure what tweet you'reย referringย to -ย I didn't tweet that.

Regardless, that info is correct. The cars are no longer in regular revenue service.

It was a screenshot I saw on Facebook from this Leo kid, the SMEE-obsessed dude, and when I tried to copy and paste it into my docs, it got deleted, presumably by the same person.

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55 minutes ago, Dj Hammers said:

Not sure what tweet you'reย referringย to -ย I didn't tweet that.

Regardless, that info is correct. The cars are no longer in regular revenue service.

according to the official twitter the R42s are officially retired.

If they're not in regular revenue service, then what does that mean for their fate? Do they just idle at ENY now?

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The question on the Jamaica line: Will the other stripe board that's on each station be taken away now that all the (J)(Z)ย trains are on 4-4 position?

*(Including those STOP signs: they could be peeled off the 42s and be placed on the incoming 179s)

Edited by Calvin
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No. Somebody wrongly posted that on Wikipedia. As far as I'm aware the fleet is down sixย sets at most. Already reported areย 2 cars retired, some talk of 12 total gone. 80 are set to go first.ย There are rumors of a totalย March 31st retirement, but I truly doubt that'll happen. Smart moneyย seems to be an (A)/(C)ย split keeping the 46s off the (C) to avoid the issues at 168th and Euclid, with the chance of a return to the (J)ย and (Z)ย in the summer if they last long, and if ENY allows the fleet to go back from NTT.

Niceย surpriseย to see an R46 (F) running today. Still out there.

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13 minutes ago, MHV9218 said:

No. Somebody wrongly posted that on Wikipedia. As far as I'm aware the fleet is down sixย sets at most. Already reported areย 2 cars retired, some talk of 12 total gone. 80 are set to go first.ย There are rumors of a totalย March 31st retirement, but I truly doubt that'll happen. Smart moneyย seems to be an (A)/(C)ย split keeping the 46s off the (C) to avoid the issues at 168th and Euclid, with the chance of a return to the (J)ย and (Z)ย in the summer if they last long, and if ENY allows the fleet to go back from NTT.

Niceย surpriseย to see an R46 (F) running today. Still out there.

Good looks. Because I feel 80 is too much. Right now, as we all know, the (C)ย runs a total of 18 trainsets all day and evening (not just at rush hour);ย half of those trainsets are R32s. The rest of the 210-ish R32s are either spares or on the (A), which is already dominated with R46s and all the five-car R179s. Any event that the R179s crap out, they would need to use an R32, as some R46s have already been transferred from Pitkin to Jamaica long ago.

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25 minutes ago, MHV9218 said:

No. Somebody wrongly posted that on Wikipedia. As far as I'm aware the fleet is down sixย sets at most. Already reported areย 2 cars retired, some talk of 12 total gone. 80 are set to go first.ย There are rumors of a totalย March 31st retirement, but I truly doubt that'll happen. Smart moneyย seems to be an (A)/(C)ย split keeping the 46s off the (C) to avoid the issues at 168th and Euclid, with the chance of a return to the (J)ย and (Z)ย in the summer if they last long, and if ENY allows the fleet to go back from NTT.

Niceย surpriseย to see an R46 (F) running today. Still out there.


They're not getting rid of more R32's, Only 2 were retired which were 3454/55 unless they piece it back together. Its rumored that ENY will loose its R179's in trade for R32's. Making the (C) 100% R179 while the (J) / (Z) becomes R32,R143 and R160's.

Coney Island will need more R46's besides the ones at Jamaica, So Pitkin Might loose more R46's in the long run (like 2-4 sets) or all the A-A sets. Concourse is the only yard that has not recovered from their loss of equipment since November of 2016. So more R46's would have to be sent to CI to Bump those R68's back to Concourse.

The (A) would still need the R32's to cover for the loss as only 2 more R179 trainsets to enter service.


And this swap makes the most sense because if the A/C craps out on the R32's in the summer, there's no Back Up and R46's are not allowed on the (C) no more as it costs more money to run the R46's on the (C) due to the double ending at both terminals.


so Its better to have all the 8 car R179's at 207th totaling to 188 R179's

207th or pitkin would only have about 116-118 cars of R32's for the (A)

ENY would have 100-102 cars for the (J) / (Z)


In All honesty they should have never removed the R32's off the (J) in the first place, They preformed alot better on the (J) than on the (C) and even when the R32's were at ENY the (C) 's R32's weren't as bad, It was just the hvac issues. but when they got all the R32's back that's when they started to run like complete dogshit again.


and its better to keep the other half on the (A) since they can run them during the rush hours


in the worst case if the rumors are true and 80 R32's do go, they would only be 2-3 sets on the (A) (42 cars with a 12 car spare) with the rest being at ENY yard

Edited by R32 3838
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It's crazy that that the TA's refusal to use 46s on the (C) is basically keeping the 32s alive.. if they were willing to use the 46s on the (C) they can kill off the 32 fleet, especially if Pikin got those 4 sets from JAM back.ย 



Wonder what costs the TA more, using an extra switchman at Eucild & 168th or keeping an beat up 55+ year old fleet running, with low MDBF and chronic A/C problems during the summer. The 46s MDBF is better than the 32s by landslide plus they don't have A/C issues during the summer.


Times like this I wish Cuomo would stick his nose in MTA business just one more time..

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32 minutes ago, trainfan22 said:

It's crazy that that the TA's refusal to use 46s on the (C) is basically keeping the 32s alive.. if they were willing to use the 46s on the (C) they can kill off the 32 fleet, especially if Pikin got those 4 sets from JAM back.ย 



Wonder what costs the TA more, using an extra switchman at Eucild & 168th or keeping an beat up 55+ year old fleet running, with low MDBF and chronic A/C problems during the summer. The 46s MDBF is better than the 32s by landslide plus they don't have A/C issues during the summer.


Times like this I wish Cuomo would stick his nose in MTA business just one more time..

well you have 100 R46's with rotting frames that are mixed up in different 4 car sets


and they can't kill off the whole R32 fleet when you still have a car shortage, Concourse is still short and making the (C) full length R46's and 8 car R179's caused alot of issues. that's why they're off the (C), there's no cat walk at ether terminal and going through cars on the R46's is a bitch and would cause delays due to making sure each door is locked.ย  So they would have to double end at each terminal which costs money and more dwell times. its better to have the (C) be tech trains or R32's instead instead.


you see people like you with this attitude is why shit can never get done properly , the R211's are 7 months away with them going into service in 2021, once the R211's enter service then that's when you'll see R32's being retired.

I rather them keep the old shits and have decent service than to have another service cut due to lack of available equipment.


the R44's in SI are 100x worse than the R32's due to rotting frames and i don't think they'll make it to 2023.


CIY can't get the same amount of R46's vs R160's, The R46's would require a higher spare factor vs. the R160's so the R32's would still be needed regardless.

and yea let the governor get involved and force them to retire these cars, then MTA would have to cut service. last thing we need is our dumb governor getting involved with things like this.



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21 minutes ago, R32 3838 said:

well you have 100 R46's with rotting frames that are mixed up in different 4 car sets


and they can't kill off the whole R32 fleet when you still have a car shortage, Concourse is still short and making the (C) full length R46's and 8 car R179's caused alot of issues. that's why they're off the (C), there's no cat walk at ether terminal and going through cars on the R46's is a bitch and would cause delays due to making sure each door is locked.ย  So they would have to double end at each terminal which costs money and more dwell times. its better to have the (C) be tech trains or R32's instead instead.


you see people like you with this attitude is why shit can never get done properly , the R211's are 7 months away with them going into service in 2021, once the R211's enter service then that's when you'll see R32's being retired.

I rather them keep the old shits and have decent service than to have another service cut due to lack of available equipment.


the R44's in SI are 100x worse than the R32's due to rotting frames and i don't think they'll make it to 2023.


CIY can't get the same amount of R46's vs R160's, The R46's would require a higher spare factor vs. the R160's so the R32's would still be needed regardless.

and yea let the governor get involved and force them to retire these cars, then MTA would have to cut service. last thing we need is over dumb governor getting involved with things like this.



I was wondering why i didnt see R46 on theย (C)ย anymore....Makes sense....But why theย (MTA)ย didnt think of that problem before putting them on theย (C)....And what happened toย  cuomo's full lengthย (C)ย idea...:o

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1 hour ago, Ultimategamer12c said:

Hmmmmm a Rumor of the R32s hitting (J) and (Z)๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€ย kinda makes sense I can see this happeningย  again where the MTA has this happens but I'll just have to wait and see.

In the summer the R32's do terrible on the (C) . Instead of just doing a summer swap which would cost more money it's just better to put em back on the (J)ย  permanently again.

With them not wanting R46's on theย (C) anymore unless it's 100% Full length, its better just to make it 95% to 100% R179'sย 


But I do understand the wait and see approach.ย 


But it does make sense to put the 179's into 2 yards instead of 3.

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