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R188 Discussion Thread

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i dont know about you but no one i know in the bronx and bk wants by time this is done 30 plus year old train cars i dont think anyone care if they have years left in them it dont matter they gave us new trains less than 7 years ago we hate this idea of giving them too the 7 line just for them too have there CBTC working and we all know how good thats working on the L they cant get it too work at all they even thought of getting rid off it all together and just using it for countdown clocks


People in Brooklyn already ride 46-year-old (C) trains. I'm pretty sure it doesnt matter what shows up but what can get them to their destination in one piece.


It's not as though the R62As are pieces of scrap metal. Plus, there are many other lines that use older equipment: the R46s on the (A), (G) and (R); and the senior citizens of the fleet, the R32s, on the (C). If anyone has the right to complain, it's definitely not the (6) line riders. They had the most R62(a)s while the rest of the A Division had the aging redbirds and were the first the receive the new R142As.


IAWTP :tup:


the R62s are old and nasty i ride them now and than on the 7 and the 3 the the cars are cold in the winter and hot in the summer they dont have automated announcements so we have to hope the conductor do it and the speakers arent good so you may not hear it if they do it i cant stand them and people do care what come in the station if they are cold and cant hear announcements they care and the R142a are perfect they do all of the and clear i can go on and on
And I remember when the MTA came up with this ridiculous number in terms of how much it would cost to actually keep the subway stations and cars clean as they should be... I know I know... It's a large system and blah blah blah... Having the new subway cars are great, but clearly they're not being cleaned. In fact when do they actually give these subway cars a good scrubbing? I know they are cleaned when they overhaul some of them, but how often is that? Maybe every few years at best?
And I don't dispute any of it... I just asked when do they get a good scrubbing? The MTA has previously stated that subway cars are in a good state in terms of cleanliness, but looking at some of them, I would beg to differ on that.


The fact that they move so many people as to why the subway cars are filthy (even the new ones) is a poor excuse. Look at other countries that move large amounts of people and look at how clean their subway cars are... You'll have to do better than that.



All cars go through the wash every 66 days or 10,000 miles (whichever comes first). You're talking about a syster who moves over 3,000,000 (3 million) people (both regular commuters & tourists) on an average weekday. So of course you're gonna find cars that aren't "clean" per se. Also, most trains don't even stay in the terminal long enough for (whatever is left of) the cleaning crews to to their job.


How many 142A's are there in the system?


1,030 R142s (1101-1250, 6301-7180)

600 R142As (7211-7810)

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Actually the real order for the R188's as of 12/2010 is:


Cars in total:506

Total cars built:146

Total R142A converted to R188's:360

Formation:5 car sets (2 A type cars and 3 B type cars), and 6 car sets (2 A type cars and 4 B type cars)


Maximum speed:55 mph


Collection method:Third Rail

Breaking system:Dynamic break propulsion system, and tread break system.


Hopefully the remaining 240 R142A's would be split between the (4), and the (6)<6>.

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Now what I still wonder is if they will link those single R62A cars into 5-car sets. Then again at least maybe there will be rfws again on the Pelham line.


Unrelated: I still think the MTA should think about using 60' IRT cars [as long as the R143/R160s but narrow like the R142s]. Why go thru this hassle over the 11th car? I mean is Steinway that much of a problem that cars can't be longer than 51' long?

60' IRT cars would mean cars that make wider turns, so it would essentially be the equivalent of using B Division cars on the (7). Also, I agree about getting rid of those extra cabs, which are there even in the 5-car sets. It's not like they'll ever be used again (on the R68/As too) and they're just taking up space that can be used to hold more people.


the R62s are old and nasty i ride them now and than on the 7 and the 3 the the cars are cold in the winter and hot in the summer they dont have automated announcements so we have to hope the conductor do it and the speakers arent good so you may not hear it if they do it i cant stand them and people do care what come in the station if they are cold and cant hear announcements they care and the R142a are perfect they do all of the and clear i can go on and on

That's not true. I ride the (7) a lot year-round and I've never had any problems with the climate control. The announcements are audible enough, nor better or worse than any other line that doesn't have NTT's.

On the automated announcements, if a person can't pay attention to the stops the train makes, I doubt it'll matter if said person is on an NTT or older train. Also, aren't the R142(a)s cold all the time?

R142As have a reasonable temperature year-round, but they are real iceboxes in the summer.


In terms of these trains arriving on the (6), commuters aren't going to care about whether or not the cars are ten years or or twenty. What people will notice is the lack of automated announcements and the audibility of announcements. Considering the (6) does the most skips of any line in the system, that'll certainly be exciting (read: annoying) to your daily commuters. I wouldn't be surprised if the TA overhauled the speaker systems, as the quality of service on the Lex trio are essential to the image of the NYC subway.

It's not an unrealistic idea. R62A 2009, currently on the (7), was retrofitted with exterior speakers (like the R62s on the (3)) around a year or so ago. There were provisions to retrofit the entire (7) fleet with them, which can still happen. Additionally, there were plans to put speakers with extendable cords in the C/R cab so the C/R wouldn't have to go right next to the speaker to give an announcement. I could see those two plans going through if and when the R62As go to the Lexington Ave. lines.

How many 142A's are there in the system?

1,080 R142s (6311-7180)

600 R142As (7211-7810)


460 R142As are currently at Westchester Yard for use on the (6), while the other 140 are at Jerome Line (along with 270 R142s) for use on the (4). Meanwhile, Corona Yard has about 410 R62As, so the simplest thing to do would be to take R142As from the (4) and (6) and give them the R62As. Since the (7) uses 50 less cars than the (6), that means that there would still be at most 5 trains of R142As on the (6) even if all the R62As went to the (6). I could see them take all the R142As from Jerome and 270 from Westchester, leaving the (6) a little less than half R142As and the (4) about 2/3 R142s.

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Im not to familiar how they do things. Last time I checked. I thought they were broke. They are geting new buses and now new cars??? Can someone please enlighten me? I believe that the R62A's from the 7 run fine. They line runs frequently though. I just feel that those 87 Million can be used to finally complete the 2ed Ave subway or help finish it. I just don't think that it is feasable to buy new cars when the ones we have work fine. 2ed Ave Subway is far more important.

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The 2nd Av. Subway is just one huge rumor started in the 1920s :P


Naw, I'm just joking but I think the funds for the new stuff is preallocated.


Lol Your right I still wonder how long will it take them. R188s will be interesting but i just feel that not a priority.

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Im not to familiar how they do things. Last time I checked. I thought they were broke. They are geting new buses and now new cars??? Can someone please enlighten me? I believe that the R62A's from the 7 run fine. They line runs frequently though. I just feel that those 87 Million can be used to finally complete the 2ed Ave subway or help finish it. I just don't think that it is feasable to buy new cars when the ones we have work fine. 2ed Ave Subway is far more important.


New buses and cars are funded from the Capitol Plan budget, which is separate from the operation budget. New buses and cars are needed to replace older equipment. The Second Av. Subway is going to be completed anyway. Well, at least phase one will be if nothing else. The majority of It's funding is coming from the Feds.

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New buses and cars are funded from the Capitol Plan budget, which is separate from the operation budget. New buses and cars are needed to replace older equipment. The Second Av. Subway is going to be completed anyway. Well, at least phase one will be if nothing else. The majority of It's funding is coming from the Feds.
Whp Allocate the funds for the capitol plan budget every 5 years?
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I rode the 7 train last year to see a client out in Flushing and those trains need to be cleaned up. I certainly wouldn't sit down on them.


Have you rode the (1) line's R62A's? imo those seats are more scratched up than the ones on the (7). I'd rather have the R62A's from the (7) than the ones on the (1).


@ Kris about the unused R62/R68 cabs, totally agreed. That is space that you can fit at least 2 seated and 2 standees. They are a total waste of space. This is why I do favor the linked sets over single units.

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And I don't dispute any of it... I just asked when do they get a good scrubbing? The MTA has previously stated that subway cars are in a good state in terms of cleanliness, but looking at some of them, I would beg to differ on that.


The fact that they move so many people as to why the subway cars are filthy (even the new ones) is a poor excuse. Look at other countries that move large amounts of people and look at how clean their subway cars are... You'll have to do better than that.


How many of them stays open 24/7? Sure if the MTA can shut the subway down for a few hours every day or even weekends only, they can really clean things up. But you got ppl working late nights meaning the system must stay open round the clock. The system will never be clean till it comes time to fix up the station and closing it down for periods of time.


Plus no one forces you to take the subway if you think it is so dirty. That's why it is called public transit. You have other people to deal with. If you don't like the filth, I would say you should invest in a car and get to work germ free.

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For some reason I have this gut feeling that Kawasaki would take 50/50 from both the (4), and the (6), <6> so they could build the R188's for the (7), <7>. Though I would a bit upset if they took all the R142A's from the (4) line or the (6), <6> line, because it won't really be fair if you left a line with old equipment when the (MTA) originally promised them new equipment.


the (4) will Loose all of its R142A's first, the only Mainline that would have the R142A's is the (6), If this happens the (6) will be R142A and R62A or whatever the TA decides to do, If a big political stunt happens on the eastside (pointless) then expect the (MTA) to kiss their ass and grant their wish but people have accept change, the most annoying passengers are the (E) riders, they complain about anything, but we should just wait and see, when all this takes place 2nd ave (1st Phase will be almost complete) so seeing R62A's back on the Lex wouldn't bother because once 2nd ave opens then you will have most of those riders go to the (Q) and the (Q) is 100% NTT and will stay that way.

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Im not to familiar how they do things. Last time I checked. I thought they were broke. They are geting new buses and now new cars??? Can someone please enlighten me? I believe that the R62A's from the 7 run fine. They line runs frequently though. I just feel that those 87 Million can be used to finally complete the 2ed Ave subway or help finish it. I just don't think that it is feasable to buy new cars when the ones we have work fine. 2ed Ave Subway is far more important.


The R62As do run fine, but it would cost a lot more to retrofit them with the CBTC technology that the MTA wants to implement on the (7) line. The R142As don't have this technology right now, but they were designed for it, so it would be a lot easier, cheaper and less time-consuming to install CBTC on the R142As. The reason for implementing CBTC on the (7) as opposed to the Lex, is that the (7), like the (L) which already has CBTC, is that it is a self-contained line. With self-contained lines, if there is a problem with the signaling system and the line has to be shut down, it will not affect other lines.

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How many of them stays open 24/7? Sure if the MTA can shut the subway down for a few hours every day or even weekends only, they can really clean things up. But you got ppl working late nights meaning the system must stay open round the clock. The system will never be clean till it comes time to fix up the station and closing it down for periods of time.


Plus no one forces you to take the subway if you think it is so dirty. That's why it is called public transit. You have other people to deal with. If you don't like the filth, I would say you should invest in a car and get to work germ free.



amen..........and pple dont wanna pay higher fares so your not gonna have the man power to clean them anyhow

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I think a few R62A's are going to stay on the (7)<7>. most of them will go to the (6)<6> (hopefully b/c the LEDs on those cars would be a big help). I thought that R62A (1) train using cars from the (7)<7> was staying there. I guess no R62A's from the (7) are going to the (1).


Dont know when it will be confirmed. well just have to wait and see what the (MTA) says.


:tup:R142A's to the (7)<7> :tdown:no more RFW.


Doesn't the (1) already have more than enough R62A, it doesn't need any more.

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I think a few R62A's are going to stay on the (7)<7>. most of them will go to the (6)<6> (hopefully b/c the LEDs on those cars would be a big help). I thought that R62A (1) train using cars from the (7)<7> was staying there. I guess no R62A's from the (7) are going to the (1).


Dont know when it will be confirmed. well just have to wait and see what the (MTA) says.


:tup:R142A's to the (7)<7> :tdown:no more RFW.


Once the conversions are complete, and the new cars delivered, there will be no R62's on the 7 lines.

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