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Long overdue. (Buses)


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IMG_3175 by Slants4Lyfe, on Flickr
IMG_3176 by Slants4Lyfe, on Flickr
IMG_3291 by Slants4Lyfe, on Flickr
IMG_3295 by Slants4Lyfe, on Flickr
IMG_3298 by Slants4Lyfe, on Flickr
IMG_3300 by Slants4Lyfe, on Flickr
IMG_3304 by Slants4Lyfe, on Flickr
IMG_3312 by Slants4Lyfe, on Flickr
IMG_3260 by Slants4Lyfe, on Flickr
IMG_3261 by Slants4Lyfe, on Flickr
IMG_3262 by Slants4Lyfe, on Flickr


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What's the code for that? I know when you get in the 9200+ you get a lot of silly stuff? In the 9000s I've gotten one that says promotional bus. Football stadium and some other weird crap

Code is 9200. But most of the buses don't have it anymore due to the signs being updated. From what i've seen only the C40's and the LFSA can do them. (And i think the Hybrids too). This was one of the lucky ones that were not updated.

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Oh wow OK I got to see exactly what 9200 is on ours. I was looking for it the other day. Only other sillyness I seen was one that said COLUMBIA FOOTBALL. And of course being in Staten island from the storms there's a couple that say COASTAL EVACUATION. HURRICANE SHELTER.


Good stuff man! I also just found on the hybrids with the old luminator you can put in code 1 and it will just shut off the display

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