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Bronx Division Bus Proposals/Ideas


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1) Last I checked MetroNorth doesn't come from "da Big Bad Bronx", and neither do the express buses that serve Riverdale. The depot is in Yonkers, located in Westchester.


2) Oh boy... Let me spell it out... The bus is for us in Riverdale... They've got options in Kingsbridge... Jesus Christ. (1) train, MetroNorth... That's good enough.



1) Yeah, and what are the initials of those express buses? BxM. Not RM. And aside from that, it's not like the Yonkers Depot is surrounded by mansions or anything. Here's are 2 images a few blocks from the depot: http://www.google.com/maps?q=59+Babcock+Place,+Yonkers,+NY&hl=en&ll=40.940295,-73.898849&spn=0.016987,0.042272&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=36.178967,86.572266&oq=59+Babcock+Pl,+Yonkers,+NY&hnear=59+Babcock+Pl,+Yonkers,+New+York+10701&t=m&z=15&layer=c&cbll=40.940314,-73.898921&panoid=WW76f5r-gqx8xSS4AGCtRg&cbp=12,115,,0,0




Yeah, looks real affluent, right? <_<


And aside from that, you're ignoring the Bx7, Bx9, Bx10, and Bx20.


2) So what? It's not like we're asking them to make a whole new route for them. I guess we should have the BxM11 skip 233rd Street just because the (2) and Metro-North are right there. The buses will still run anyway, but they'll save 1-2 minutes while inconveniencing everybody who uses that stop. Who cares if they're slow. They'll just slow down the bus at another stop.


I guess since Grand Central is a couple of blocks away, we can discontinue the BxM18 at Madison & 44th, right? You can just take the Metro-North or the subway then, right? Those buses will still be running, but we'll just remove the stop, shall we?

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How about the removal of the Bx41 LTD? I took the local bus from the Hub to Tremont, and no LTD bus showed up at all. Plus, the traffic lights between 168 and 170 Sts, and traffic at the hub renders LTD service useless.



Now u be smoking that new stuff...


With the usage that it gets, I think service should be expanded to Saturdays...

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How about the removal of the Bx41 LTD? I took the local bus from the Hub to Tremont, and no LTD bus showed up at all. Plus, the traffic lights between 168 and 170 Sts, and traffic at the hub renders LTD service useless.



If you want the Bx41 LTD removed, I have some pretty disappointing news for you about it in a year or two :D

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How about the removal of the Bx41 LTD? I took the local bus from the Hub to Tremont, and no LTD bus showed up at all. Plus, the traffic lights between 168 and 170 Sts, and traffic at the hub renders LTD service useless.



Maybe that'll improve once they put +SBS+ on that line.

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1) Yeah, and what are the initials of those express buses? BxM. Not RM. And aside from that, it's not like the Yonkers Depot is surrounded by mansions or anything. Here's are 2 images a few blocks from the depot: http://www.google.co...cbp=12,115,,0,0




Yeah, looks real affluent, right? <_<


And aside from that, you're ignoring the Bx7, Bx9, Bx10, and Bx20.


2) So what? It's not like we're asking them to make a whole new route for them. I guess we should have the BxM11 skip 233rd Street just because the (2) and Metro-North are right there. The buses will still run anyway, but they'll save 1-2 minutes while inconveniencing everybody who uses that stop. Who cares if they're slow. They'll just slow down the bus at another stop.


I guess since Grand Central is a couple of blocks away, we can discontinue the BxM18 at Madison & 44th, right? You can just take the Metro-North or the subway then, right? Those buses will still be running, but we'll just remove the stop, shall we?



Uh excuse me, but I said that the stop isn't heavily used, so yeah it should be cut. Now our express buses in Riverdale are USED so there is nothing to cut. <_< Oh and stop bringing up the BxM11 already. This is about Riverdale express buses, the express buses that I use. I don't care about Wakefield.


As for Yonkers Depot, most depots look like dumps so that's a moot point. No one said anything about depots being located in affluent areas. As for the BxM, big deal. You act like everything is followed to the "T". In Staten Island they use "X" which has nothing to do with Staten Island. All of the neighborhoods in the Bronx with express bus service have one measley line. Meanwhile Riverdale has 3 AND MetroNorth and everything is well used. B)


As for the local buses, you talked about my "PRIMARY" means of transportation, which is not the local buses... Apparently you don't even read what you write. <_<





How about the removal of the Bx41 LTD? I took the local bus from the Hub to Tremont, and no LTD bus showed up at all. Plus, the traffic lights between 168 and 170 Sts, and traffic at the hub renders LTD service useless.



Excuse my French, but where in the hell is the hub???? :huh:

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1) Uh excuse me, but I said that the stop isn't heavily used, so yeah it should be cut. Now our express buses in Riverdale are USED so there is nothing to cut. <_< Oh and stop bringing up the BxM11 already. This is about Riverdale express buses, the express buses that I use. I don't care about Wakefield.


2) As for Yonkers Depot, most depots look like dumps so that's a moot point. No one said anything about depots being located in affluent areas. As for the BxM, big deal. You act like everything is followed to the "T". In Staten Island they use "X" which has nothing to do with Staten Island. All of the neighborhoods in the Bronx with express bus service have one measley line. Meanwhile Riverdale has 3 AND MetroNorth and everything is well used. B)


3) As for the local buses, you talked about my "PRIMARY" means of transportation, which is not the local buses... Apparently you don't even read what you write. <_<



1) So what if it isn't heavily used? It's a stop, not an entire line. Yeah, maybe if the next stop was a block away or something then I could understand it, but that's not the case here. The worst that'll happen is that the bus spends a minute or two picking up the people. It's better than having the people who use that stop having to inconvenience themselves when there's no need to.


2) Yeah, and the X means something. The X means "express". The BxM means "Bronx-Manhattan". It doesn't mean "Riverdale-Manhattan".


3) So what? The point is they still serve your neighborhood. Express buses aren't my primary means of transportation, but they still serve my neighborhood.

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He's just being himself...


As for the route, the Bx8 isn't frequent enough to accomplish what I want. The Bx37 does, both, the Bx31 loop is part time.



The Bx8 ridership seems decent enough. If a problem occurs, add more buses. Ridership is more higher north of Westchester Square then going to Locust Point.


I don't see a purpose of there needing a Bx37 route. What would it fix anyways, besides ridership?

Edited by mark1447
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1) So what if it isn't heavily used? It's a stop, not an entire line. Yeah, maybe if the next stop was a block away or something then I could understand it, but that's not the case here. The worst that'll happen is that the bus spends a minute or two picking up the people. It's better than having the people who use that stop having to inconvenience themselves when there's no need to.


2) Yeah, and the X means something. The X means "express". The BxM means "Bronx-Manhattan". It doesn't mean "Riverdale-Manhattan".


3) So what? The point is they still serve your neighborhood. Express buses aren't my primary means of transportation, but they still serve my neighborhood.



1) Not the case?? The next stop is about two short blocks away if that, so you don't know what you're talking about.


2) Oh my I didn't know that... The point was that the letters aren't all that important. Yes, we know "X" means express but it has nothing to do with Staten Island. Officially, yes, Riverdale is supposedly in the Bronx, but if it was sooo clear that Riverdale was a part of the Bronx, folks wouldn't even question the idea. No other neighborhood in the Bronx has this. It has to do with where Riverdale is geographically, but also demographics, economics and what happened with Riverdale historically.


3) Who cares. I don't use them and like I said, if I had things my way, we would have local buses as shuttles serving Riverdale only just like the Hudson Rail Link buses.



Ok, s*** just got real! *gets favorite snack*


VG8 has a point though. Both the BxM1, for the east side, and the BxM2, for the west side are well used. Don't even get me started on the BxM18 & Metro-North...



That's correct. Spuyten Duyvil is a heavily used station and MetroNorth ridership along the Hudson Line continues to grow. The BxM2 saw an increase in ridership, as did the BxM18, despite the fact that we're in a recession. The BxM1 even with a slight decrease in ridership still ranks #7 out of all the express buses in the (MTA) Bus system.

Edited by Via Garibaldi 8
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The Bx8 ridership seems decent enough. If a problem occurs, add more buses. Ridership is more higher north of Westchester Square then going to Locust Point.


I don't see a purpose of there needing a Bx37 route. What would it fix anyways, besides ridership?



The heart of the Bx8's ridership is from Westchester Square to Pelham Parkway.

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1) Not the case?? The next stop is about two short blocks away if that, so you don't know what you're talking about.


2) Oh my I didn't know that... The point was that the letters aren't all that important. Yes, we know "X" means express but it has nothing to do with Staten Island. Officially, yes, Riverdale is supposedly in the Bronx, but if it was sooo clear that Riverdale was a part of the Bronx, folks wouldn't even question the idea. No other neighborhood in the Bronx has this. It has to do with where Riverdale is geographically, but also demographics, economics and what happened with Riverdale historically.


3) Who cares. I don't use them and like I said, if I had things my way, we would have local buses as shuttles serving Riverdale only just like the Hudson Rail Link buses.



1) Is it really? I thought it went from Tibbett Avenue to Broadway, which is like 5 blocks.


2) It doesn't matter. It's still The Bronx. East Harlem is a part of Manhattan the way the UES is. Stapleton is a part of Staten Island the way Todt Hill is. You're paying NYC income taxes, aren't you? Well, you're not in Manhattan (or else your address would be NY, NY), and there's only 5 boroughs so you must be in The Bronx. The fact that you put down Riverdale, NY means nothing. If you wanted to be historically accurate, you'd be putting down Kingsbridge, NY because Riverdale was originally a part of the Town of Kingsbridge. The postal service doesn't care because as long as the zip code's right, they know where to deliver it. When you lived in West Brighton, you could've put down "West Brighton, NY, 10310", and the postal service would still get your mail to the right address.


3) Apparently the MTA cares. And even if they were shuttles, they'd still be "Bx" buses. And it's a good thing you didn't "get you way", or else there'd be a few thousand pissed-off Riverdalians breaking out the pitchforks.

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Is this a serious discussion, whether Riverdale is in the Bronx or not........



Eh, this is the Bronx Bus Proposals thread. I think it's important to establish that Riverdale is, in fact, in The Bronx. :rolleyes:


In any case, the discussion on whether that stop he's referring to should be moved is relevant to routes in The Bronx.

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The heart of the Bx8's ridership is from Westchester Square to Pelham Parkway.



I do see some ridership all the way to Gun Hill, besides Pelham Parkway. But of course rank that #2 for ridership.


Is this a serious discussion, whether Riverdale is in the Bronx or not........



I think its a waste to even complaint to him. Every thread is going to end up with Express Buses, Riverdale and etc........ Of course he has nothing else good to say, he doesn't go anywhere else.

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Eh, this is the Bronx Bus Proposals thread. I think it's important to establish that Riverdale is, in fact, in The Bronx. :rolleyes:


Yeah, the Bronx BUS proposals thread..... Not the "what neighborhood is or isn't in what borough" thread....


In any case, the discussion on whether that stop he's referring to should be moved is relevant to routes in The Bronx.


I honestly don't know what stop you're talking about, because I wasn't following this particular discussion.....


I was only referring to the simple discussing/reinforcing of Riverdale being in the Bronx..... this isn't the first time the contrary to that out of him has been brought up in a thread..... If he wants to continue to deny that fact and/or disassociate the two for whatever reasons he has, let him..... Surely those of us that knows any better won't be swayed by such a bias......

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I think its a waste to even complaint to him. Every thread is going to end up with Express Buses, Riverdale and etc........ Of course he has nothing else good to say, he doesn't go anywhere else.



And what exactly are you adding Mr. Bronxite? Oh and I'm so insulted about your comment about me not traveling to the Bronx. I know I'm missing out. lol

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And what exactly are you adding Mr. Bronxite? Oh and I'm so insulted about your comment about me not traveling to the Bronx. I know I'm missing out. lol



Awesome you concluded it as insult........ I'm not going to waste my time about that, but hear me out.


If you want people to quit the complaining, learn to explore around rather then sticking to one spot. There is more to look around in the Bronx then Riverdale. Even if you avoid the South Bronx, at least you have an eye around parts of the borough.


If your going to stick to one spot, then pretty much your going to stick to talking about Riverdale all the time. Push yourself out. Ever been to the Zoo? NY Botanical Gardens? City Island? Those are good spots as well. Riverdale isn't that special to even begin with. Yeah a nice view of the Hudson, but thats it.


Gotta explore. If you don't want too, thats fine, its all up to you. Same applies to all other boroughs out there. But that shows you, your missing a lot. Don't take ALL suggestions from relatives, friends, the media, etc. "Oh because of two shooting at 167th Street & Concourse and at Eastchester Road & Gun Hill Road, I'm not going to those parts". Please... a shooting or what ever shouldn't stop you from traveling. You go in the day, where folks are around, your good. Night is understandable, but the day is more safer then the night.



Anyways, I don't wanna push this thread into Lock, we should just get back on topic on improving the Bronx Routes, rather then fight over non-sense.

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Awesome you concluded it as insult........ I'm not going to waste my time about that, but hear me out.


If you want people to quit the complaining, learn to explore around rather then sticking to one spot. There is more to look around in the Bronx then Riverdale. Even if you avoid the South Bronx, at least you have an eye around parts of the borough.


If your going to stick to one spot, then pretty much your going to stick to talking about Riverdale all the time. Push yourself out. Ever been to the Zoo? NY Botanical Gardens? City Island? Those are good spots as well. Riverdale isn't that special to even begin with. Yeah a nice view of the Hudson, but thats it.


Gotta explore. If you don't want too, thats fine, its all up to you. Same applies to all other boroughs out there. But that shows you, your missing a lot. Don't take ALL suggestions from relatives, friends, the media, etc. "Oh because of two shooting at 167th Street & Concourse and at Eastchester Road & Gun Hill Road, I'm not going to those parts". Please... a shooting or what ever shouldn't stop you from traveling. You go in the day, where folks are around, your good. Night is understandable, but the day is more safer then the night.



Anyways, I don't wanna push this thread into Lock, we should just get back on topic on improving the Bronx Routes, rather then fight over non-sense.



lol... My stance stems specifically from my travels in the Bronx... NOT on what anyone said or told me... And yes I've been to the Bronx Zoo amongst other places. Now it's interesting that the M100 was split... Personally I wonder if it could ever be run back as the M100 again...

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Riverdale residents apparently wanted to keep the M100 according to this because it had a Manhattan designation according to these







LOL @ "Rude reminder". :lol:


I honestly don't know what stop you're talking about, because I wasn't following this particular discussion.....



Broadway & 230th Street on the BxM1/2/18.


And I swear, he's getting more and more arrogant on this "affluent neighborhoods vs. non-affluent neighborhoods" BS. Suddenly it's alright to remove a stop when the closest one is over 5 blocks away, just because it happens to be in Kingsbridge, and yet at the same time, he insists that "Oh, the seniors can't walk more than a couple of blocks" when we're talking about running the B64 down Harway Avenue (and like I said, I never said that it shouldn't be run down that street, only that use of "Oh, seniors have trouble walking" is BS as the primary reason for wanting that). I mean, we're talking about one stop, not changing up a whole route.


Come to think about it, I went to Google StreetView and found this: https://www.google.com/maps?q=broadway+at+west+230th+street,+bronx,+ny&hl=en&ll=40.876953,-73.90681&spn=0.000032,0.019205&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=34.724817,78.662109&hnear=Broadway+%26+W+230th+St,+Bronx,+New+York+10463&t=m&z=16&layer=c&cbll=40.876852,-73.906727&panoid=WCVsHpgZr3THsjwVi-7fyA&cbp=12,246.87,,0,0


Those sure as hell look like seniors waiting at that stop. <_< Is it possible they're waiting for the Bx7 or Bx20? Yes, but it's also very possible that they're waiting for the express bus.

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