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the B188 (B train + R188)


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Shots like that with the fisheye filters or the fisheye lens attachments on a given camera can be made, but the skilled photographer knows how to bring that to it's limit for some awesome effects for pics that are like eye candy. NYtransit knows this from years of experience made apparent by his excellent material, and got the skill down to a science as we are all seeing, no flattery. Key is the subject of focus and the angle of the shot on your point and shoot camera. I discovered this today learning from my mentor here who started this thread lol. It started raining on my PM rush commute so I had to stop @ Marcy Ave, experimenting with the filter on my DSLR but I get it now.


Will try it somewhere tomorrow and continue practicing.

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HDRI? Dope shots.


Nope, I tone down the highlights and increase shadows, and slighty desaturate  Giving you a evenly lighted picture

Shots like that with the fisheye filters or the fisheye lens attachments on a given camera can be made, but the skilled photographer knows how to bring that to it's limit for some awesome effects for pics that are like eye candy. NYtransit knows this from years of experience made apparent by his excellent material, and got the skill down to a science as we are all seeing, no flattery. Key is the subject of focus and the angle of the shot on your point and shoot camera. I discovered this today learning from my mentor here who started this thread lol. It started raining on my PM rush commute so I had to stop @ Marcy Ave, experimenting with the filter on my DSLR but I get it now.


Will try it somewhere tomorrow and continue practicing.

Thanks! And I do not like using in camera effects (The one for canon that is) its just to simple and boring, I just love using super wide angle lens, Like of the one I took of the R160 Q. And yup Focus and Angle are  defenetly key ingredients, Once you learn how to properly Angle your shot  and do unique shots (Not the same shots every single person does of what ever field) it will give you a much better effect on your picture, Which make your pictures pop out from the rest. Dont be afraid to go to "Private places" I usually take chances and go there, Which can give you a shot no one else has gotten yet. The point is to be unique not like everyone else.

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Nope, I tone down the highlights and increase shadows, and slighty desaturate  Giving you a evenly lighted picture


Thanks! And I do not like using in camera effects (The one for canon that is) its just to simple and boring, I just love using super wide angle lens, Like of the one I took of the R160 Q. And yup Focus and Angle are  defenetly key ingredients, Once you learn how to properly Angle your shot  and do unique shots (Not the same shots every single person does of what ever field) it will give you a much better effect on your picture, Which make your pictures pop out from the rest. Dont be afraid to go to "Private places" I usually take chances and go there, Which can give you a shot no one else has gotten yet. The point is to be unique not like everyone else.


This is good information. I am doing the same thing in terms of decreasing saturation as much as I can for bolder colors, high contrast and sharpness for more detail, and other settings to force the camera to take pics without absorbing as much brightness from sunlight or florescent lights if underground with positive results. You bring up a good point on increasing shadows, perhaps I should work on that aspect on photography for the next one.


Indeed originality is what makes photos stand out, furthermore that is how it should go in regards to art in general, originality. Totally agree. Again, many thanks, will muse on your points.

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