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What did the R46 and R44 cab interiors looked like pre-overhaul?

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What did their cab interiors look like before the R46 and R44 were overhauled? I know what they look like today post-GOH, but what about pre-GOH? Is there any picture verifying this and has any T/O in this forum drove a pre-GOH R46 or R44?

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Yes, there is carpeting. On nycsubway.org, here's the link http://www.nycsubway.org/wiki/Chapter_10,_The_Space_Age_on_Rails it says, "One train was even equipped with carpeting but there are too many people in New York City who cannot respect good things and this was a foolish idea that soon came to an end."

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Yes, there is carpeting. On nycsubway.org, here's the link http://www.nycsubway.org/wiki/Chapter_10,_The_Space_Age_on_Rails it says, "One train was even equipped with carpeting but there are too many people in New York City who cannot respect good things and this was a foolish idea that soon came to an end."

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Yes. It would have shown too much dirt anyway and look ratty very soon no matter what. A subway needs mop-able floors. I hope people can see why the R44 was such a big deal in terms of the interior. Compare the cars before it and the color palette, design, everything was such an upgrade as well as how damned quiet the trains were in 1971 when they were introduced. The 44s and 46s may have been lemons, but they were fantastic trains to ride in at the time. I'll miss the 46s when they are retired. They are dated now, and they aren't good rush hour trains, but they were to me the first really nice subway cars (not for rail fans, for the average ridership).

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  • 6 months later...

You compared a pre-overhaul 46 to a post-overhaul 44.



Couple of things:

1. How did the dead man's switch work? I'm guessing that there was a spring in the controller

2. I also saw a green ATO Start button there as well. R46 CBTC anyone?

#2 - the R46s did indeed have ATO capabilities. Yet another failed plan related to the Second Av. Subway.

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You compared a pre-overhaul 46 to a post-overhaul 44.



#2 - the R46s did indeed have ATO capabilities. Yet another failed plan related to the Second Av. Subway.


I believe the ATO was specifically for the Queens Blvd Bypass line. Weren't these also the cars that were supposed to operate at 75MPH?

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I believe the ATO was specifically for the Queens Blvd Bypass line. Weren't these also the cars that were supposed to operate at 75MPH?

Yes. Once again, it was another plan that didn't come to fruition. However, the ATO provision was, I believe, planned for the SAS, not the QBL. Or it could have been for both. I don't remember off the top of my head.

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