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Remember when posting that you MUST put in a late clear if you want to get paid more than 8 hours that day, even if you get assigned to a poster who has a job that is longer than 8. Just filling out the payroll manual isn't enough, because you're still being paid out of schoolcar's bank, who will only give you 8 hours. Anything beyond that must come out of RTO's account with a late clear form.

Edited by Snowblock
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If you make an extra trip - an extra trip has to begin after your clearing time, otherwise if you are on WAA it is NOT an extra trip! - you are entitled to 4 hours pay (bonus). The difference between your clearing time and the extra trip is "waiting time" - make sure you add this in first also as it is part of continuous time.

A lot of good information in that post you made, but your extra trip rules isn't quite true. In order to receive the extra trip bonus (a minimum of 4 hours, regardless of the time the trip took) you must a. do all scheduled trips on your job (if you get a drop or get short turned resulting in you not doing every half, then you don't get the extra trip bonus) and b. you return to the terminal at least 1 hour after your scheduled clearing time. i've never heard any rule stating that if you START your extra trip before your clearing time, it doesn't count UNLESS one of your SCHEDULED trips got dropped or shortturned.


So if you had a job on the (F) that called for 2 trips out of 179, your first trip goes fine, and then your second trip gets dropped due to extended headways, if the dispatcher asks you to make a trip after sitting for 2 hours, you will NOT get paid the extra trip bonus. However, you will still get paid the appropriate late clear down to the minute that you arrive back at 179. Since the (F) is a long line, you would most likely be getting at least 4 hours of OT as it is. Another example would be on the (7) - lets say you have an 8 hour job that does 3 trips, and then has 2 hours of WAA at the end - if you do your 3 trips as scheduled, and the T/D asks you to do a 4th trip, whether or not you get the 4 hour bonus would depend on if that 4th trip got back to Main St more or less than 1 hour after your clearing time. If you cleared at 2000 and your trip got you back at 2050, you would only be entitled to 50+25 minutes, but if you got in at 2101, then you'd get 1:01 for the overtime, and then 2:59 for the bonus, to make it an even 4 hours.


Tip - the (7)(G) and (L) are the best lines to do extra trips on, because those lines are short enough that you should get back to the terminal more than 1 hour after your clearing time, but way less than 4 hours. I once did an extra trip on the (L) where I cleared an hour and a half late, but got the whole 4 hours.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kind of outta context but I didn't wanna make a new thread


I see us newbies got a raise from 19.47 an hour to 20.25 and hour


What is the new pay scale for the next 3 years after the new contract?


And yeah I got in before 5 years became top pay




- Sent From My iPhone 5 Using Tapatalk

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wait, so those of us that are posting... if the job pays 9 hrs then we need to put in an exception claim for the extra hr? because out tss's said that we do not have to submit the exception claim until we go over the time paid for the job assignment

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I just got out of schoolcar 3 weeks ago and no you dont have to put in exception sheets if you go over 8hrs... It says on the posting papers to pay us FULL RUN PAY...I've seen overtime on my checks also so just make sure whatever run your doing save the schedule card to match your hours up




ALSO............  Please if you dont learn anything else in school please learn how to fill out the exception sheets correctly....so many new guys dont have a clue how to do it and your just screwing yourself over..

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wait, so those of us that are posting... if the job pays 9 hrs then we need to put in an exception claim for the extra hr? because out tss's said that we do not have to submit the exception claim until we go over the time paid for the job assignment


Submit an overtime slip for anything over 8 hours to be paid when you are posting.



-Your posting papers say to report at 1613 to 148th St. / Lenox to post on the #3 line.

-The TO/CR who is posting you signs into job 3-310. The job starts at 1613 and clears at 0045. Job works 8:32, pays 8:48 with 5 minutes radio time. Their overtime is built in, and they do not need to fill out an overtime slip for the penalty portion of their job.

-You sign in and post on job 3-310 which starts at 1613 and clears at 0045. However, if the TD that signs you in does this correctly, you will actually be signed on from 1613 to 0013 with comments saying "posting 3-310" and SQ (Student Qualifying) in the remarks. Therefore, you MUST fill out an overtime slip for a "late clear" from 0013 to 0045 to get paid for the penalty portion. In the comments, simply write "posted on job 3-310, a penalty job which clears at 0045" and you will get paid.

-The TO/CR who is posting you does, however, have to fill out an overtime slip for taking you as a student (two hours bonus). Write your name and pass on their overtime slip (or tell them so they can write it), and that ensures that THEY get paid.


If you follow this advice, you will have no problem getting paid while posting. You are on the clock from the time on the posting papers (or, the time the Dispatcher starts you at, if you arrive early and are posted on a job that begins prior to your reporting time on the posting papers) until 8 hours after that. Anything beyond that you must submit an overtime slip.

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I just got out of schoolcar 3 weeks ago and no you dont have to put in exception sheets if you go over 8hrs... It says on the posting papers to pay us FULL RUN PAY...I've seen overtime on my checks also so just make sure whatever run your doing save the schedule card to match your hours up




ALSO............  Please if you dont learn anything else in school please learn how to fill out the exception sheets correctly....so many new guys dont have a clue how to do it and your just screwing yourself over..

Don't go by the schedule card to add your hrs up. Go by what the work program says it pays. Many times the work program will pay different than what you add up on the schedule card.

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SubwayGuy, is it true that you can save the OT from a penalty job to OTO instead?


OTO you can save:

-Working an RDO.

-Unscheduled late clear (meaning in excess of the penalty portion of your job, should you have one) - this also includes staying to work a late clear, should you do this

-Board time

-Deadhead that is not built into the job

-Extra trip

-Early reports


You cannot save OTO from:

-Taking a student

-No lunch

-Overtime already built into the job you are working

-Deadhead already built into the job you are working


If you attempt to save OTO from these things, more than likely someone at timekeeping will catch you on it and you will simply be paid for your overtime in question, and no OTO will be saved for you from these things.


Example: You work an RDO (8 hours OT + 4 hours Bonus) AND take a student (2 hours Bonus). The job is an 8 hour job. You fill out your slip incorrectly and attempt to save 14 hours as OTO. The slip is signed by the T/D who doesn't catch it. When it goes to timekeeping, it will be adjusted and you will accrue 12 hours OTO and receive 2 hours pay (since you cannot save the bonus from taking a student as OTO). Timekeeping will usually do this - this is actually the better scenario. The worst case is they send the slip back to the terminal altogether and now you've got to resubmit the whole thing again, and good luck getting paid if you can't find that T/D to sign your "corrected" slip...


Next part: If you only wish to save part of your overtime as OTO, you must save a minimum of 2 hours. If you have less than 2 hours of overtime, you must either get paid, or save all of it as OTO...you cannot save part.


Example #1: Work an RDO, job is straight 8 hours, put in 8+4 on the slip when you sign in. You may save 2 hours of OTO and take 10 hours pay for the RDO, you may take no pay and save 12 hours OTO, or anything in between. But if you elect to save any OTO, you must save at least 2 hours. You can also save no OTO and get paid 12 hours.


Example #2: Incur a late clear due to flagging (10 minutes OT + 5 minutes bonus). You must either get paid for the 15 minutes, or save all 15 as OTO. You cannot save, say, 5 minutes, and get paid for the 10.

Edited by SubwayGuy
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I believe you can save the penalty jobs as OTO when you're posting because you're only paid 8 hours until you fill out an exception form. I could be wrong though


That is correct, because while the overtime is built into your trainer's job when posting, it is not built into YOUR job...therefore it is unscheduled overtime, and can be saved as OTO.

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Reasons for late clear is a must, for example: flagging (location), interval from departing terminal due to ....., switch or signal problems at where..., inclement weather at...., RCC asked you to call them back when you are the arriving terminal.


G.O. Late clear (943): put acct number, supplement number and G.O. Number

Include any late layups, car washes, relays you might pick up.

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Reasons for late clear is a must, for example: flagging (location), interval from departing terminal due to ....., switch or signal problems at where..., inclement weather at...., RCC asked you to call them back when you are the arriving terminal.


G.O. Late clear (943): put acct number, supplement number and G.O. Number

Include any late layups, car washes, relays you might pick up.


GO Late clear only applies to the scheduled portion of your late clear directly caused by the GO and supplement.


If, for example, you have a job that is 2pm to 10pm, but because of a GO, you have to go local instead of express (and therefore clear at 10:10pm), you put a GO late clear from 2200 to 2210 and quote the supplement, GO, and account number (TA Job #) as you said.


However, if you arrive at 2220 due to a sick customer at the second to last stop, that portion 2210-2220 is just a straight late clear (code 40).


yo, i wanna request an RDO for a day while i am gonna be yard posting. how do i do that, they never told us how


You cannot request RDO's while in schoolcar. Your RDO's are Sunday/Saturday for the duration of schoolcar, with the exception of Thanksgiving week where they are Friday/Saturday (you will work the Sunday before) so that you can have a four day weekend on Thanksgiving.


You don't have any accumulated balances - AVA, OTO, PLD, Birthday - since you are a new employee. If you want the day, you will have to talk to your instructors, who will handle it with a schoolcar superintendent, and you will most likely have to take unpaid leave upon properly explaining a valid reason for needing the day - court appearance, family emergency, medical situation for you or a loved one, etc. They won't give you the day off just because you want to go to the beach. Additionally, you will have to make up the day of posting.

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You don't have any accumulated balances - AVA, OTO, PLD, Birthday - since you are a new employee. If you want the day, you will have to talk to your instructors, who will handle it with a schoolcar superintendent, and you will most likely have to take unpaid leave upon properly explaining a valid reason for needing the day - court appearance, family emergency, medical situation for you or a loved one, etc. They won't give you the day off just because you want to go to the beach. Additionally, you will have to make up the day of posting.



In other words...
Kiss the social life on certain extents Goodbye....
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GO Late clear only applies to the scheduled portion of your late clear directly caused by the GO and supplement.


If, for example, you have a job that is 2pm to 10pm, but because of a GO, you have to go local instead of express (and therefore clear at 10:10pm), you put a GO late clear from 2200 to 2210 and quote the supplement, GO, and account number (TA Job #) as you said.


However, if you arrive at 2220 due to a sick customer at the second to last stop, that portion 2210-2220 is just a straight late clear (code 40).



You cannot request RDO's while in schoolcar. Your RDO's are Sunday/Saturday for the duration of schoolcar, with the exception of Thanksgiving week where they are Friday/Saturday (you will work the Sunday before) so that you can have a four day weekend on Thanksgiving.


You don't have any accumulated balances - AVA, OTO, PLD, Birthday - since you are a new employee. If you want the day, you will have to talk to your instructors, who will handle it with a schoolcar superintendent, and you will most likely have to take unpaid leave upon properly explaining a valid reason for needing the day - court appearance, family emergency, medical situation for you or a loved one, etc. They won't give you the day off just because you want to go to the beach. Additionally, you will have to make up the day of posting.

gotcha, i thought the 3 months that we posted we get random rdo's not the sat/sunday like we been getting. works good for me cause i needed a saturday off for some family stuff

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gotcha, i thought the 3 months that we posted we get random rdo's not the sat/sunday like we been getting. works good for me cause i needed a saturday off for some family stuff


That's not posting. The 3 months is YX (Yard Extra) for new Train Operators, during which time they belong to the crew office, however they do not belong to the crew office until they are released to the crew office by schoolcar after completing yard posting beforehand, so if you call the crew office about this they will not know you exist yet.


I believe that RDO's can change during YX, but I'm not 100% sure as I've been told this, but every YX person I've spoken to has had Sunday/Saturday RDO's.

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