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Track Worker 3600 Hiring Process

Message added by +Young+

Last know called # (322x)

The list for the next open-competitive track worker examination, Exam #8600, has been published.

Please see the Track Worker Exam #8600 topic for more information.


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I'm no expert on the matter; but with the next class being just a month away, it seems pretty unlikely. Your friend would have to be reinstated, drug tested and then take his medical while having all his paperwork in tact in time to make the august 8th class. I cant imagine him reinstating himself and then receiving the letter or call to come in quickly enough to finish all his processing still. He has a low number on the list so if and when he reinstates himself he will be a priority call and such, but its just so late to make a class that is so soon. I don't know how long the reinstating takes. I'm pretty sure to reinstate yourself to the list you need to go to DCAS offices with proper paperwork and such. If your friend is going to have any chance, he is going to have to go and do that real soon. He has got nothing to lose in trying; except maybe a sick or personal day when he goes to DCAS haha. I can say with 100 % certainty, if he doesn't go and reinstate himself, he has a 0% chance of making the August 8th class :P.

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Just a quick question, and it might have been answered but when you are called for the physical is it through email? or a phone call? , i keep hearing different stories ( also a little worried , dont know if i put the right email)

To do drug test is by a letter in the mail, however for the physical it will be through email.

Whatever email you had down is where they will send it. Everyday check all your folders including spam.

Best of luck.

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List #65X
They have started sending out emails and phone calls for the medical evaluation, i have an appointment for monday july 11, the email is from Robinson, Ruby and the email containts your appointment date and a list of everything you need to bring , good luck!

Edited by YoungNYCSubwayFan
Typographical error corrected.
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I went in june 30th for my 2nd lab (1st one was oct. 5th 2015) and they have sent an email july 6th to report july 11th for the medical evaluation. Just keep checking your email and voicemail and from what i seen from certain post check your SPAM FOLDER as well in your email account! Good luck

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I went in june 30th for my 2nd lab (1st one was oct. 5th 2015) and they have sent an email july 6th to report july 11th for the medical evaluation. Just keep checking your email and voicemail and from what i seen from certain post check your SPAM FOLDER as well in your email account! Good luck

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So hopefully it takes me 8 days to get an email myself like for you. So the 13th is plenty early to be called to still be able to make that August 8th class. I want to be in that class so bad, good luck to you and everyone else. Let us know what the medical is like.

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If they already got into the 67x's for the august 8th class, you might be in the next one. 70-something numbers is a lot to get thru for one class. But good for you, im glad to see the list is moving again. See you when you make it on the track!

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First post, Thank you for all the information and allowing me to be a member. On 7/5 I took my second drug test and received the 21 page book. I scored 100 but my list number is 76X. I would like to verify whether or not gaps in employment are disqualifying factor. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. 

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First post, Thank you for all the information and allowing me to be a member. On 7/5 I took my second drug test and received the 21 page book. I scored 100 but my list number is 76X. I would like to verify whether or not gaps in employment are disqualifying factor. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. 

No but they will require you to explain any gaps in employment and how you supported yourself during that time period

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First post, Thank you for all the information and allowing me to be a member. On 7/5 I took my second drug test and received the 21 page book. I scored 100 but my list number is 76X. I would like to verify whether or not gaps in employment are disqualifying factor. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. 


Same as what Marcel said but I'll give you an example. If you were unemployed, and collecting unemployment benefits, you would put for example (From 1/15-6/16 Collected NYSDOL Unemployment Insurance benefits at $405.00 per week). They don't need exact dates. Also if you were in school, or living at home being supported by your family, you would put that as well. But they want no gaps in your history. So do not rush through the booklet. Also with actual employment history, they don't need exact dates, the month and year is sufficient enough.

Edited by SteveNYC
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Received the email from Ruby Robinson on 7/12 telling me to come in for final processing on 7/14 (tomorrow). I'm in the 690's to give you guys an idea where things are at. I'll have more details tomorrow if I made it into the Aug 8th class or if there is one after that.

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Please some one help me out with this. my list is 667 I used to work for NYCTA as a bus operator didn't pass my probation got called for conductor like 4 months later they did the 3 in 1 thing so in October they called me for track worker took drug test heard nothing till june. then june 30 took drug test again and gave me the paper work to bring back when they send me the email to go in but I didn't hear anything so I called Robinson and they said yes your list number is up then she said hold on then she comes back and says I wont get a email I will get a letter in the mail does this mean I wont get the job why am I getting a mail paper instead of an email like everyone else.


please some one advise


thank you

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So i did the medical , you hand in your your 21 page booklet which will be reviewed later if you pass the medical ,you will be given another set of paper work (which feels like another 21 pg booklet that is used for hr incase you are hired ) which you will have to fill out through the duration of your appointment there (you cant see the interviewer until you finish most of it) you will then go to the medical section (behind the very 1st help desk) and you will be called and given an a paper that has 3 (or more) highlight lines. You will have to go to a computer and type in the highlighted portion into the computer as is and do a survey for each one (which ranges from 60 to 143 questions each one) **this is where coming early comes into play, there are only a select amount of computers and some dont work so if its full you will have to wait till one is available ** the surveys are personal heath questions to see if you have any problems or if you are taking any medications (a pre-screening) next you will hand in your paper and will be asked to be seat till a person from lab calls your name, once you are called you will wait in the medical office where a physician will take you from room to room where they will run various test ranging from ekg , breathing test ,vision ,and hearing test after completing all test you wait out side (still in the medical area) till a doctor calls you . When you are called by the doctor she will review everything you have answered and what you have done so far [will ask if you have ever been to the emergency room and why] (medical related) and she will ask you to take off your shirt check for hernias or scars from surgery and will ask you to do different motion and to follow her instruction to see if you are physically okay to work, she will give you a paper stating if you are qualified to work or not ... once you get that paper you can basically say you got the job because the next portion is meeting with the interviewer , you have to bring the paper back to the original waiting area and hand in your second paper work and wait to be called... when you are called you will meet with an "interviewer" who basically reviews your paper work , helps you fill out what you have problems with and swears you in, no questions are asked besides your address , name and social.... that is it.... you recieve more home work and a paper letting know where to go , when and what to dress... , you have to wait some for for photo I.D.(you recieve during orientation ) and finger printing , give the interview the last paper of the day and go home, be honest on everything that they ask of you and if you qualify the job is yours good luck and hope this comes in handy

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Please some one help me out with this. my list is 667 I used to work for NYCTA as a bus operator didn't pass

my probation got called for conductor like 4 months later they did the 3 in 1 thing so in October they called me for track worker took drug test heard nothing till june. then

june 30 took drug test again and gave me the paper work to bring back when they send me the email to go in but I didn't hear anything so I called Robinson and they said yes your list number is up then she said hold on then she comes back and says I wont get a email I will get a letter in the mail does this mean I wont get the job why am I getting a mail paper instead of an email like everyone else.


please some one advise


thank you


I myself have to wait for a letter as well after being called for the job. Probation was extended for me but im still currently employed by the TA. They did go pass my list number and hired more track workers. This should be interesting. 1 more month of probation left to go.

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I see they are processing for 2 classes 8/8 and 9/19, which would make these the 4th and 5th classes for the 2016 calendar year. I think the highest seniority number currently is in the mid to upper 1800's, and there is a federal guideline that states transit is suppose to employ 2000 trackworkers. So that's a good thing for those who are still waiting. 150+ openings, 25-30 per class, then factor in upcoming retirements, promotions to other titles, etc etc, and hopefully the list keeps moving at the current pace. 5 classes this year is 100 positions filled. That's allot for track.


Good luck everyone !



Please some one help me out with this. my list is 667 I used to work for NYCTA as a bus operator didn't pass my probation got called for conductor like 4 months later they did the 3 in 1 thing so in October they called me for track worker took drug test heard nothing till june. then june 30 took drug test again and gave me the paper work to bring back when they send me the email to go in but I didn't hear anything so I called Robinson and they said yes your list number is up then she said hold on then she comes back and says I wont get a email I will get a letter in the mail does this mean I wont get the job why am I getting a mail paper instead of an email like everyone else.


please some one advise


thank you


To be honest with you, and I've read these posts before, if you failed your probation as a bus operator, got the 1 in 3 DQ for the conductor, there is a 98% chance you'll see that same letter for this exam. Transit already gave you a shot, and for whatever reason you failed probation. Out of curiosity what caused your original probation failure ? Usually when people are fired, or forced to resign, the chances of coming back into another title in Transit is slim to none.

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Hey, I have some concerns and questions about my upcoming medical and final processing. One, are they able/do they look up my actual medical records? Are they allowed to do so, am I signing a release for those the day of my medical? Should I be completely truthful? Does that include any mental health issues in the past. I had a suspected seizure in the past about 5 years ago, I was hospitalized about 3 or 4 days where they ran various tests on me multiple times and found nothing wrong and informed me its possible it wasn't a seizure but that I perhaps fainted due to exhaustion. I have had no incidents or issues since then. Is this grounds for disqualification? Any info and feedback would be greatly appreciated.

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Hey, I have some concerns and questions about my upcoming medical and final processing. One, are they able/do they look up my actual medical records? Are they allowed to do so, am I signing a release for those the day of my medical?


The answer to this part is no. As far as the other part, with the mental health, I'm going to let someone else who has more experience with Transit answer that part.


The reason why is because, long story short, if you don't disclose it at first, and they find out, you can be terminated. In addition, if you're able to get documentation, which includes the fact that you're good to go, you should be okay.

Edited by YoungNYCSubwayFan
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So you are saying that I don't sign over rights to my medical records or anything but I shouldn't lie just incase they find out and I get terminated? Which is actually true and I certainly don't want to take that risk. Still definitely want some feedback on the mental health portion. I have no on the books mental diagnoses just my parents forcing me to see psychologists when I was a "troubled youth". Also, if I need to provide documentation on a good to go, which I cant do in time for Tuesday, how quickly can I get it and then still get the A-Okay to get in to one of these classes coming up worst case scenario? 

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