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Second Avenue Subway Discussion


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If one station had to be delayed, it would be 86 St, which lies between the terminal and the southernmost stop on the new line. If 72 St and 96 St aren't open, it's not worth opening the line.


Okay, so let's say that 86th Street is put on hold immediately with all of those efforts redirected to 72nd Street. Would it be enough to get the line open on time?

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What is the obsession with opening on time? Get it right or don't open. It's not like the residents of Second Avenue aren't used to waiting.


It's all Cuomo. It sounds like it would already be delayed if it weren't for pressure from Cuomo. 

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I hope the MTA can make phase 2 happen or start construction of it before 2020. That seems like a long time to start construction of that phase. It seems in my perspective phase 2 doesn't need that much work  done and you already have an existing tunnel that was built in the 1970's and i know some of that tunnel has to be rebuilt but it shouldn't take long to rebuilt that part of the tunnel.


And I think an 125 street crosstown subway would be a good idea and i think that should be part of phase 2 also if possible and if not it be part of phase 3 if the MTA can't build a fully second ave subway. I would also like to see phase 2 complete before 2020.


This is my first time seeing a subway being built. Just my thought on the second avenue subway.

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I hope the MTA can make phase 2 happen or start construction of it before 2020. That seems like a long time to start construction of that phase. It seems in my perspective phase 2 doesn't need that much work  done and you already have an existing tunnel that was built in the 1970's and i know some of that tunnel has to be rebuilt but it shouldn't take long to rebuilt that part of the tunnel.


And I think an 125 street crosstown subway would be a good idea and i think that should be part of phase 2 also if possible and if not it be part of phase 3 if the MTA can't build a fully second ave subway. I would also like to see phase 2 complete before 2020.


This is my first time seeing a subway being built. Just my thought on the second avenue subway.


The problem isn't the tunnels, the problem is fitting out the tunnels and building the stations (since none exist). Actually building the tunnels is fairly easy relative to the rest of the project.

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What is the obsession with opening on time? Get it right or don't open. It's not like the residents of Second Avenue aren't used to waiting.


It's because if the SAS doesn't open on time, despite their vehement, impassioned promises, what reason would we have to ever trust the (MTA) 's word again? We might as well write them off entirely as grossly unreliable and never get our hopes up for any of their future projects ever again. Is that really what we've come to expect of the (MTA)?

Edited by Skipper
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It's because if the SAS doesn't open on time, despite their vehement, impassioned promises, what reason would we have to ever trust the (MTA) 's word again? We might as well write them off entirely as grossly unreliable and never get our hopes up for any of their future projects ever again. Is that really what we've come to expect of the (MTA)?

Don't we do that already? It isn't some state secret that MTA projects are notoriously overpriced, over budget and run well beyond the original schedule. Look at any project under the MTA umbrella and you'll see how delayed it's been. I'd give an example, but I'm pretty sure you can find one on your own.


You're a bit late to the party; unreliability and incompetence have been the defining hallmarks of the MTA and their political overlords in Albany for well over 35 years...

Just 35 years? We haven't had a significant MTA project complete on time since its inception in '68. The post-Sept. 11th and Sandy recovery projects don't count because that's the only time the state's willing to remove all the red tape usually involved in government work.

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Don't we do that already? It isn't some state secret that MTA projects are notoriously overpriced, over budget and run well beyond the original schedule. Look at any project under the MTA umbrella and you'll see how delayed it's been. I'd give an example, but I'm pretty sure you can find one on your own.


Just 35 years? We haven't had a significant MTA project complete on time since its inception in '68. The post-Sept. 11th and Sandy recovery projects don't count because that's the only time the state's willing to remove all the red tape usually involved in government work.

You know come to think of it, the Montague rebuild is the only thing I can think of that actually finished early lol
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quick questions 

1. can the 2nd ave subway when FULLY built support 3 services 

2. will there be bellmouths at the bronx end incase they build there i know there will be bellmouths before they curve off to 125 and park


1. Yes, technically, but not 3 all on the same stretch of track. One going from 125 to Broadway, one from 125 to Hanover, and one from the 63 St tunnel to Hanover.


2. Yes, there are going to be storage tracks pointing northwards from 125th and 2nd for both a new storage yard and a future extension to the Bronx.

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1. Yes, technically, but not 3 all on the same stretch of track. One going from 125 to Broadway, one from 125 to Hanover, and one from the 63 St tunnel to Hanover.


2. Yes, there are going to be storage tracks pointing northwards from 125th and 2nd for both a new storage yard and a future extension to the Bronx.


i should have said for #2 will there be a bellmouth to say build in the bronx at a later time 

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I've been bombarding the (MTA) with emails asking them to update specific sections of the website for the (W) service (using their official forms and referencing specific URLs), they've replied that they'd look into these oversights, and yet nothing has changed after a week. As a former webmaster myself, I can tell you that these small details are not time-consuming, difficult, or costly at all to change. The only reasonable explanation is that it's simply not a priority for them, and the sun will continue to rise with or without an accurate website.

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