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LIRR And MNRR Random Thoughts Thread

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1 hour ago, QM1to6Ave said:

Good for you to be assertive and actually get some results from your feedback! I still don't understand why the rule isn't that everyone's ticket gets scanned. Boom, problem solved. 

Right! But I guess it's the culture of the LIRR. Commuters or "everyday riders" get special privileges with their monthly and weeklys (lemme not even get into discussion at how many "regulars" are riding free everyday, especially on direct Penn Station trains). Too much comfort and entitlement on these trains, especially during rush hour. 

Solution: Like you said, scan EVERYONES ticket, and have the scanner make a sound, almost like OMNY, a nice calm one tone for a good ticket, and the double whomp whomp sound for a bad ticket. Or light up green or red for good and bad respectively. It's NOT that hard. 

The LIRR needs to let go of the entitlement, because it's all over the LIRR. 


Funny how on the M7s during off peak, you can have a 12 car train with SIX conductors and one engineer. 

Tell me why an 8 car double decker train during peak only has TWO conductors? 

Just seems a little fishy. 

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On 1/29/2020 at 6:33 PM, XcelsiorBoii4888 said:

I don't see how one can farebeat an ETix, especially when the date and time are right there MOVING back and forth. I can understand if one screen records and saves it, but then that wouldn't be the correct date and time. 

Also, about the jobs. I'm all for jobs, but in the heat of the moment, and people observing how he scanned my ticket and just glanced at theres, I was embarrassed at how they were looking at me, the entire train ride I was heated. 

To be quite honest with you, EVERYONES ticket should be scanned, monthly, weekly, or single rides, because you're losing a lot more money if people are cheating month tickets. 

The LIRR should've thought that through, any actions that involve singling certain riders from others is obviously going to lead to some tension and complaints. That's a bad rule IMO and I'm glad every conductor I had never scanned my ticket. 

Treat all the same or none at all. 


I can't speak for LIRR's policies and procedures.  However I can chime in on Metro North's.  Regardless of date and time scrolling across the top, there are indicators that REQUIRE some single ride tickets to be scanned.  There are times I feel like I scan 1 out of every 10, there are times I feel like I scan 9 out of 10, regardless of the number, I will scan when I am required to.  Monthly and weekly tickets are required less often but are still required on occasion.  As far as "race", I couldn't tell you the majority of the time what race, religion, ethnicity, or gender a passenger is because I'm looking at their phone, not their face, skin, or if they are reading the Bible or Koran.  I personally don't see how a given passenger could feel "embarrassed" for having their eticket scanned when the terms and conditions of the ETIX app clearly state: "You must display the Mobile Ticket immediately upon the request of the train conductor who will inspect or validate the Mobile Ticket with may include electronic scanning".  There you have it:  MAY INCLUDE ELECTRONIC SCANNING!  

As far as attempted farebeating with them, sadly it happens more times than you could imagine.  While some aren't intentionally trying to beat the system it happens.  I will have passengers take screenshots, I scan them and they come up invalid.  Some passengers don't realize the QR code through the app is dynamic, as opposed to a static, screenshot QR code.  Other passenger take a screen shot and send it to another passengers phone where it will say it's already been scanned.

I can't account for what other conductors do and don't do.  Metro North is hold their conductors accountable for revenue procedures.  They can track scans real time and will have spotters on trains to observe.  Those that don't do what they are supposed to get reprimanded. 

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44 minutes ago, Truckie said:


I can't speak for LIRR's policies and procedures.  However I can chime in on Metro North's.  Regardless of date and time scrolling across the top, there are indicators that REQUIRE some single ride tickets to be scanned.  There are times I feel like I scan 1 out of every 10, there are times I feel like I scan 9 out of 10, regardless of the number, I will scan when I am required to.  Monthly and weekly tickets are required less often but are still required on occasion.  As far as "race", I couldn't tell you the majority of the time what race, religion, ethnicity, or gender a passenger is because I'm looking at their phone, not their face, skin, or if they are reading the Bible or Koran.  I personally don't see how a given passenger could feel "embarrassed" for having their eticket scanned when the terms and conditions of the ETIX app clearly state: "You must display the Mobile Ticket immediately upon the request of the train conductor who will inspect or validate the Mobile Ticket with may include electronic scanning".  There you have it:  MAY INCLUDE ELECTRONIC SCANNING!  

As far as attempted farebeating with them, sadly it happens more times than you could imagine.  While some aren't intentionally trying to beat the system it happens.  I will have passengers take screenshots, I scan them and they come up invalid.  Some passengers don't realize the QR code through the app is dynamic, as opposed to a static, screenshot QR code.  Other passenger take a screen shot and send it to another passengers phone where it will say it's already been scanned.

I can't account for what other conductors do and don't do.  Metro North is hold their conductors accountable for revenue procedures.  They can track scans real time and will have spotters on trains to observe.  Those that don't do what they are supposed to get reprimanded. 

Other than the time it takes to scan every e-ticket, what would be the downsides to having an across-the-board policy of scanning every single ticket? Frankly, couldn't they even put some sort of QR code on paper tickets to be scanned, to save time on punching tickets (and cut down on the amount of carpal tunnel syndrome in conductors!)

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9 hours ago, QM1to6Ave said:

Other than the time it takes to scan every e-ticket, what would be the downsides to having an across-the-board policy of scanning every single ticket? Frankly, couldn't they even put some sort of QR code on paper tickets to be scanned, to save time on punching tickets (and cut down on the amount of carpal tunnel syndrome in conductors!)

The downside is the time!  Picture a full 8 car, local train an there only being two conductors to validate tickets.  There would be missed revenue.  

A QR code on paper tickets would take longer than punching them.  If there was a group of five together with paper tickets, I could collect them all and punch them simultaneously.  This would not be an option if I were required to scan them all.

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15 hours ago, Truckie said:


I can't speak for LIRR's policies and procedures.  However I can chime in on Metro North's.  Regardless of date and time scrolling across the top, there are indicators that REQUIRE some single ride tickets to be scanned.  There are times I feel like I scan 1 out of every 10, there are times I feel like I scan 9 out of 10, regardless of the number, I will scan when I am required to.  Monthly and weekly tickets are required less often but are still required on occasion.  As far as "race", I couldn't tell you the majority of the time what race, religion, ethnicity, or gender a passenger is because I'm looking at their phone, not their face, skin, or if they are reading the Bible or Koran.  I personally don't see how a given passenger could feel "embarrassed" for having their eticket scanned when the terms and conditions of the ETIX app clearly state: "You must display the Mobile Ticket immediately upon the request of the train conductor who will inspect or validate the Mobile Ticket with may include electronic scanning".  There you have it:  MAY INCLUDE ELECTRONIC SCANNING!  

As far as attempted farebeating with them, sadly it happens more times than you could imagine.  While some aren't intentionally trying to beat the system it happens.  I will have passengers take screenshots, I scan them and they come up invalid.  Some passengers don't realize the QR code through the app is dynamic, as opposed to a static, screenshot QR code.  Other passenger take a screen shot and send it to another passengers phone where it will say it's already been scanned.

I can't account for what other conductors do and don't do.  Metro North is hold their conductors accountable for revenue procedures.  They can track scans real time and will have spotters on trains to observe.  Those that don't do what they are supposed to get reprimanded. 

I 1000% understand what you're saying, it just caught me off guard because like I said, it's never happened before to me. I've been riding the LIRR since 2016 by myself (guaranteed over 500 trips) and not once has my mobile ticket ever been scanned. So it just threw me off guard. 

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6 hours ago, Truckie said:

The downside is the time!  Picture a full 8 car, local train an there only being two conductors to validate tickets.  There would be missed revenue.  

A QR code on paper tickets would take longer than punching them.  If there was a group of five together with paper tickets, I could collect them all and punch them simultaneously.  This would not be an option if I were required to scan them all.

From the times I've taken MNRR (which, granted, is not a ton--I usually take it every day for about a month or so when work requires it, but then won't take it at all for an extended period of time, so I get a skewed picture), it seems like there is still a lot of missed revenue. Even on off-peak trains that are fairly empty, quite a few times my ticket will not get collected. It seems like the whole revenue collection system doesn't work especially well. I can certainly be wrong, as these are just my observations as a passenger, I am sure you have a much clearer picture on the employee side!  

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9 hours ago, XcelsiorBoii4888 said:

I 1000% understand what you're saying, it just caught me off guard because like I said, it's never happened before to me. I've been riding the LIRR since 2016 by myself (guaranteed over 500 trips) and not once has my mobile ticket ever been scanned. So it just threw me off guard. 

No disrespect, catching you off guard is a fair statement.   Claiming the act of scanning your ticket was a racially motivated, discriminatory act is another.  Granted, I wasn't there, but are you 100% certain, you were the only one?  If you were the only one in the car it would be an accurate statement.  Did you observe him interact with each and every passenger prior to and after your interaction?  It's a rhetorical question but in my experience, passengers have a tendency of being in their own world.  Regardless if it is an occasional rider, or a daily commuter, they will be looking at their phone, laptop, book or gossiping with a fellow passenger. 

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9 hours ago, Truckie said:

No disrespect, catching you off guard is a fair statement.   Claiming the act of scanning your ticket was a racially motivated, discriminatory act is another.  Granted, I wasn't there, but are you 100% certain, you were the only one?  If you were the only one in the car it would be an accurate statement.  Did you observe him interact with each and every passenger prior to and after your interaction?  It's a rhetorical question but in my experience, passengers have a tendency of being in their own world.  Regardless if it is an occasional rider, or a daily commuter, they will be looking at their phone, laptop, book or gossiping with a fellow passenger. 

Ohh yeah I was definitely the only one on the lower level of the C3. I heard when he walked down the steps, and I was sitting right by the steps, so I was one of the first. He scanned it, and then I literally watched him work his away across the car, and not one did he pick up the scanner. And pple had their phones because he told one person to activate the ETix on their phone. 

Then when I confronted him before getting off, he said he scanned 13 other people. 13 people in 4 double decker cars (the other conductor had the other 4 cars). So I was the only one one lower level that I know for sure. 

I'm not the average person that isn't aware of their surroundings. I like to pay attention and observe things, it's just the way I was raised. Although I'm on my phone when I feel is the right time. 

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On 2/2/2020 at 7:03 PM, Truckie said:

No disrespect, catching you off guard is a fair statement.   Claiming the act of scanning your ticket was a racially motivated, discriminatory act is another.  Granted, I wasn't there, but are you 100% certain, you were the only one?  If you were the only one in the car it would be an accurate statement.  Did you observe him interact with each and every passenger prior to and after your interaction?  It's a rhetorical question but in my experience, passengers have a tendency of being in their own world.  Regardless if it is an occasional rider, or a daily commuter, they will be looking at their phone, laptop, book or gossiping with a fellow passenger. 


On 2/3/2020 at 4:54 AM, XcelsiorBoii4888 said:

Ohh yeah I was definitely the only one on the lower level of the C3. I heard when he walked down the steps, and I was sitting right by the steps, so I was one of the first. He scanned it, and then I literally watched him work his away across the car, and not one did he pick up the scanner. And pple had their phones because he told one person to activate the ETix on their phone. 

Then when I confronted him before getting off, he said he scanned 13 other people. 13 people in 4 double decker cars (the other conductor had the other 4 cars). So I was the only one one lower level that I know for sure. 

I'm not the average person that isn't aware of their surroundings. I like to pay attention and observe things, it's just the way I was raised. Although I'm on my phone when I feel is the right time. 

I understand the sentiment. I use both Metro-North and the LIRR, and I have never had my e-Tix scanned on the LIRR. I have only had it once or twice on Metro-North, and quite frankly, I was annoyed with the conductor in both instances. If you need to scan it, then go and scan it. On one train, the conductor kept telling me to hold my iPad this way and that way because she couldn't get the damn scanner to work. The tablet is big enough for the scanner to scan it, and yes, there can be discrimination when certain conductors are involved, especially if you are young or thought of as one that should not be riding, so I can understand why XcelsiorBoii felt the way that he did.  I find that 99% of the conductors I interact with are fine, but there is always the 1% that are a-holes. It's not what you do, but how you do it.  If you come across as respectful, then the passenger won't feel any kind of way.  Her attitude was very condescending.  There are also the conductors that don't think that customers should be using Metro-North or the LIRR at certain stations. Too bad. My money. If I want to board in the City and not take the subway, it's my money, and it is as good as some guy from the suburbs. I notice that if I am boarding at the Riverdale or Spuyten Duyvil station versus say getting on in Harlem, the attitude from the conductor seems to vary considerably, and yes, if I am in Harlem and want to use Metro-North, I am going to use it. Get over it.

The second time, the conductor had a problem scanning the ticket, and again kept telling me to hold my iPad a certain way.  The bar code is there. Not my problem if the scanner can't take it.  He eventually realized that it was the scanner and not my iPad.  Part of the issue I see is the scanners are not that good to begin with.  If they want the conductors to use them, then they should ensure that they work properly.

I have meetings all over the City, and some of them aren't always in the nicest areas. @Union Tpke when you saw me at the Second Avenue Subway meeting that I had to attend for work with the (MTA), I took Metro-North to 125th for the meeting up in Harlem and an Uber back to my office in Midtown.

I remember a few years ago. I was getting off at the Melrose station. The conductor smirked and said, are you really getting off here? I guess he thought I was lost. I laughed and said, yes, I am. I didn't take offense to it because I got the joke, but it just proves my point.  I don't necessarily fit the profile of riding at certain stations I guess.

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Onboard Scanning of MTA eTix Continues to Roll-Out


You may have noticed an increase in the scanning of eTickets onboard trains. This initiative is part of a multi-pronged effort to ensure that all LIRR fares are fully collected.

Please understand that the decision to scan an eTicket is based on key criteria displayed on the app. If a situation arises in which a train crewmember is unable to accept your eTicket after it has been scanned, please provide an alternate ticket or pay the onboard fare, retain all documentation, and notify us as soon as possible by calling 511 or 718-217-LIRR (718-217-5477), or sending an e-mail via the MTA website.

Upon receipt of proper documentation, we will investigate and provide reimbursement of additional ticket expenses incurred if the eTicket presented is found to have been valid. Crewmembers will not be able to investigate and reach a determination on the train. We thank you for your cooperation.

MTA eTix reminders:

Download the app and complete your purchase before beginning your trip.

Activate your tickets just before boarding the train.

Make sure that your mobile device remains synched with the app.

Do not adjust the time settings on your mobile device.


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45 minutes ago, Lawrence St said:

I'm sorry but I do not trust the reimbursement program. Look at how long it takes to get a reimbursement for a metrocard, ridiculous! 

If the scanner is malfunctioning, why should I have to pay a double fare?

Can't say I disagree. Luckily I have not had an issue so far with the MNRR or LIRR app.

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Today on LIRR: (I'm telling you the ignorance will come out of me with this new system)

Me Activates "Peak" ticket for Off-Peak trip before. (job pays for transportation so I use it whenever). 

5 mins into trip, conductor approaches:

Me: Closes internet app, opens ticket app, shows to conductor and then i turn my phone back to myself to make sure it opened, then show him the ticket again. 

Conductor: Stares for 2 secs, "Can you ugh, drop that barcode down for me". Tries scanning. Doesn't work. "Can you hold your phone more steady"

Me: "The train is moving how f**kinn steady do you want me to hold my hand in the air, scan the damn ticket! Its right in your face the screen is bright."

Conductor: Continues scanning, not working. He stops. "Ok you're fine"

Me: Wait why am I fine if it doesn't work? 

Conductor:  "Its not working well, but your ticket has the correct date and time". 

Me: "If that was the case, what was the point of scanning the ticket in the first place? Seems like you just want to pick on me. I didn't see you scan anyone else's ticket."  

Conductor: "Its a new system we scan certain tickets."

Me: "I know damn well everyone on this off peak train doesn't have a monthly or weekly ticket. But whatever." 

Conductor: "Have a great day".


@Via Garibaldi 8 thank you for posting the article. All I know is if a conductor said I need to show another method of payment or pay the on board price, I'm not doing shit. They can call the police, and I'll end up suing. That's bullshit when I clearly have a perfectly working ticket. I have so much documentation with this shitt. 



I'm ready to move out of NY, it's so corrupt and heartless its not even funny anymore. 


Edit: Listen, I don't mind the new system. What I do mind is that they're not scanning EVERYONES ticket. That picking and choosing shitt is not cutting it. Next time I see a conductor that doesn't scan my ticket, I'm gonna ask why didn't he scan my ticket and what are they looking for on the tickets. I need an explanation. 

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1 hour ago, XcelsiorBoii4888 said:

Today on LIRR: (I'm telling you the ignorance will come out of me with this new system)

Me Activates "Peak" ticket for Off-Peak trip before. (job pays for transportation so I use it whenever). 

5 mins into trip, conductor approaches:

Me: Closes internet app, opens ticket app, shows to conductor and then i turn my phone back to myself to make sure it opened, then show him the ticket again. 

Conductor: Stares for 2 secs, "Can you ugh, drop that barcode down for me". Tries scanning. Doesn't work. "Can you hold your phone more steady"

Me: "The train is moving how f**kinn steady do you want me to hold my hand in the air, scan the damn ticket! Its right in your face the screen is bright."

Conductor: Continues scanning, not working. He stops. "Ok you're fine"

Me: Wait why am I fine if it doesn't work? 

Conductor:  "Its not working well, but your ticket has the correct date and time". 

Me: "If that was the case, what was the point of scanning the ticket in the first place? Seems like you just want to pick on me. I didn't see you scan anyone else's ticket."  

Conductor: "Its a new system we scan certain tickets."

Me: "I know damn well everyone on this off peak train doesn't have a monthly or weekly ticket. But whatever." 

Conductor: "Have a great day".


@Via Garibaldi 8 thank you for posting the article. All I know is if a conductor said I need to show another method of payment or pay the on board price, I'm not doing shit. They can call the police, and I'll end up suing. That's bullshit when I clearly have a perfectly working ticket. I have so much documentation with this shitt. 



I'm ready to move out of NY, it's so corrupt and heartless its not even funny anymore. 


Edit: Listen, I don't mind the new system. What I do mind is that they're not scanning EVERYONES ticket. That picking and choosing shitt is not cutting it. Next time I see a conductor that doesn't scan my ticket, I'm gonna ask why didn't he scan my ticket and what are they looking for on the tickets. I need an explanation. 

I'll tell you one thing... Some people take the same train and get the same seat almost every day. You begin to realize this when you ride certain trains enough.  If they are regular commuters, then the conductor will see their face again and again and should have inspected their ticket already. There is a train I take from Riverdale (the Spuyten Duyvil station that has the same faces now for years, and some of them go "Wowwwww!! Where have you been?!?!" when they don't see me for a while. lol Where was a time when I was a monthly Metro-North commuter and would take that train almost every day, but then I would switch to the express bus for a while, as the bus is more comfortable. I would just tell them that I had a pass for both and liked to switch to the express bus here and there.

The ticket policy for month passes is that they "....will be inspected periodically by train crew members." You would be surprised at how many newbie conductors don't know the rules. I had one guy check my Metro-North pass one day go (I was going to a stop that was further out than I usually go to, but still covered by the zone).  He's checking tickets alone and nods his head and tells me I'm good to go.  A few minutes later, he comes back to me and says that I need to pay for a ride extension.  I give him a puzzled look and go "WHAT?!?!?" I just sat there because I knew my pass was fine and I was not paying a ride extension, so I was prepared to hold my ground.  At that time, he has his colleague with him.  When the colleague hears what the situation is, he tells him, "No he's fine".  He goes "Really?" They walk off with him explaining why and the different zones. LOL I just put my earbuds back in my ear slightly annoyed and went about my business and shook my head thinking, wow, don't they train these guys to know about this stuff? He acted as if he was hearing about the different zones for the first time.

What I used to do here and there was use my monthly pass from the Hudson Line on the Harlem Line, again making sure that the stop I used covered the zone.  All the conductor would do was ask which stop I was getting off if I was heading north. If I was heading south, then they already know that regardless of what the stop, my pass covered all of them, so they would just nod.

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On 2/11/2020 at 11:43 AM, Via Garibaldi 8 said:

This is a trash bag of a policy and the type of knee jerk reaction that gets people riled up over $15. To tell a passenger that some blind system can deem their ticket invalid and that they need to purchase another ticket is absurd--especially if this process is done with a random selection of passengers. I honestly feel bad for the conductors who have deal with brunt of hostility this change will create.

Stuff like this makes me want to leave NY.

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1 hour ago, 40MntVrn said:

This is a trash bag of a policy and the type of knee jerk reaction that gets people riled up over $15. To tell a passenger that some blind system can deem their ticket invalid and that they need to purchase another ticket is absurd--especially if this process is done with a random selection of passengers. I honestly feel bad for the conductors who have deal with brunt of hostility this change will create.

Stuff like this makes me want to leave NY.

Plenty of other reasons to leave NY: sales taxes, income taxes, high rent, congested infrastructure, …

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Apparently, they only scan tickets with the amber bar above the ticket at least according to the conductor I was speaking to. My conductor couldn’t get his mobile device to get a connection cause he said his printer wasn’t connecting. He tried to scan my ticket a few times but no dice. It might just be a few kinks to work out. When I transferred trains, the conductor’s scanner worked just fine. 

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11 hours ago, danielhg121 said:

Apparently, they only scan tickets with the amber bar above the ticket at least according to the conductor I was speaking to. My conductor couldn’t get his mobile device to get a connection cause he said his printer wasn’t connecting. He tried to scan my ticket a few times but no dice. It might just be a few kinks to work out. When I transferred trains, the conductor’s scanner worked just fine. 

It's not just a few kinks. The scanners suck, and what I don't like is when the conductors act as if it's your fault, telling you to hold your phone or iPad this way or that way as they're wincing like it's so painful to scan the ticket.  If they want to scan tickets, buy scanners that actually work.  It's almost harassment to be honest. Passengers PAID for the damn ticket, and the whole process is too long. It should be 1-2-3.  You come by, I show you the ticket with it shown on my iPad the way that it always displays, take the damn scanner, I pull down the bar code, you scan the ticket and move on.  I understand the fraud issue and all of that, but I have sat and it has taken them a few minutes messing around to scan my ticket.  It becomes a spectacle as they stand there on a rush hour train trying over and over again to scan the bar code that is fully shown.  I haven't had mine scanned in a while and it's much faster. Conductor comes by, sees my e-Tix activated, nods and moves on. The app overall is extremely convenient and much more eco-friendly, which is why I like it.

If I had another episode like that where the scanner is a mess, I would write to Metro-North. I have rarely had any need to file complaints over the years, as Metro-North is excellent overall, but this is something they need to fix.

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On 2/14/2020 at 4:55 PM, paulrivera said:

At one time, wasn't it that the conductors would also scan your ticket if you activated the eTicket in front of them on the train?

Or am I mixing that up with something else?

Never heard of that before. I usually can see when they are coming, so I just activate it as they are checking other tickets.

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18 minutes ago, Via Garibaldi 8 said:

Never heard of that before. I usually can see when they are coming, so I just activate it as they are checking other tickets.

I've learned to not activate tickets until they come and inspect the car. There's been trains that I've activated my ticket on and they never checked, especially when it's my only train. So I wait until its official, because I definitely have a fare available, I'm just smart to take advantage of situations. Now it seems like they're targeting that crew of people who wait until the conductors come around because the LIRR probably looks at us as "potential farebeaters"...hey I'm not a farebeater but I'll save money where possible. 


I spoke with a conductor who didn't scan my ticket by asking him "you don't have to scan it as well?" and the guy said they only scan tickets that have the gold bar on top of the Station/Zone rectangular box (its also the bar where Long Island Rail Road is spelled out). Apparently that bar is only gold for the first minute after you activate it, so people like me who wait until last minute to activate are prone to getting scanned. 

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8 hours ago, XcelsiorBoii4888 said:

I've learned to not activate tickets until they come and inspect the car. There's been trains that I've activated my ticket on and they never checked, especially when it's my only train. So I wait until its official, because I definitely have a fare available, I'm just smart to take advantage of situations. Now it seems like they're targeting that crew of people who wait until the conductors come around because the LIRR probably looks at us as "potential farebeaters"...hey I'm not a farebeater but I'll save money where possible. 


I spoke with a conductor who didn't scan my ticket by asking him "you don't have to scan it as well?" and the guy said they only scan tickets that have the gold bar on top of the Station/Zone rectangular box (its also the bar where Long Island Rail Road is spelled out). Apparently that bar is only gold for the first minute after you activate it, so people like me who wait until last minute to activate are prone to getting scanned. 

That makes a lot of sense. When you ride long enough, you know how things usually work. I’ll just put it like that. I do the same thing unless it is a City Ticket, then it doesn’t matter, but for a peak ticket... I am definitely not spending another $9.25 if I don’t have to.

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9 hours ago, XcelsiorBoii4888 said:

I've learned to not activate tickets until they come and inspect the car. There's been trains that I've activated my ticket on and they never checked, especially when it's my only train. So I wait until its official, because I definitely have a fare available, I'm just smart to take advantage of situations. Now it seems like they're targeting that crew of people who wait until the conductors come around because the LIRR probably looks at us as "potential farebeaters"...hey I'm not a farebeater but I'll save money where possible. 


I spoke with a conductor who didn't scan my ticket by asking him "you don't have to scan it as well?" and the guy said they only scan tickets that have the gold bar on top of the Station/Zone rectangular box (its also the bar where Long Island Rail Road is spelled out). Apparently that bar is only gold for the first minute after you activate it, so people like me who wait until last minute to activate are prone to getting scanned. 

Riding trains out of Penn and Atlantic Terminal you have no choice but to activate while the train is still in the station, cause there's no phone service in the tunnels sadly. When I ride trains out of those terminals my ticket always get checked before the train goes outside.


I got screwed once on NJT out of Penn cause I couldn't get service at track level, so I couldn't activate the ticket until the train got outdoors. It's funny as I get service at track level in Penn on the LIRR side.

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1 hour ago, trainfan22 said:

Riding trains out of Penn and Atlantic Terminal you have no choice but to activate while the train is still in the station, cause there's no phone service in the tunnels sadly. When I ride trains out of those terminals my ticket always get checked before the train goes outside.


I got screwed once on NJT out of Penn cause I couldn't get service at track level, so I couldn't activate the ticket until the train got outdoors. It's funny as I get service at track level in Penn on the LIRR side.

That's false, you can activate tickets at anytime, because it doesn't require service, it's BUYING the tickets in the tunnels that you cannot do because there isn't any service. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

My morning LIRR conductor scans ALL mobile ETixs, and I've never been more satisfied. I said "oh this is new", he said "yeah we have to scan all ETix now ", I said "sure no problem, another conductor I had was scanning only certain ETix", He said "nahh we have to scan all of them", "I said yeah I agree it makes sense and its fair". He laughed and agreed and we said take care.  


And his scanner works perfectly, puts it close to the phone, scans in 2 secs or less and onto the next person. The other conductor who picked and chose which tickets is a cunt and I'm glad I called him out. Some days he doesn't feel like scanning, and now he doesn't scan my ticket anymore? Is it because he recognizes me now? Makes me wonder if there are regulars who are getting away with monthly and weekly passes because of this friendly connection with conductors.  


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