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Queens Division Bus Proposals/Ideas


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read the last post dude. Ohh being an ass won't help it will only weaken an otherwise valid point. My structure is different get over it.

I don't care about your last post..... I don't care about whatever "structure" you're talking about enough to "get over", you goof.... None of that changes anything.... This isn't about the intricacies (look it up) of your route.... This is about the lies & justification of crap you're coming in here with in lieu of this supposed route of yours.... And you're gonna continue to get checked on it by myself & others whether you like it or not.....


Bob asked a legitimate question regarding the feasibility of routing a route of sorts you're suggesting, and you gave him streets that DOES have traffic problems & sees enough congestion.....


Continually bringing up how much of an ass about it I am, is nothing more than you resorting to your ole "say it nicely" rhetoric - Cry me a river on that one.... It doesn't weaken a damn thing because you are still on BULLSHIT - Even YOU have came to grips that it's a valid point..... You aint too damn bright, I gotta tell ya....


What the hell did I just read?

Consider the source....


A QJT proposal + opposing opinions = a shitstorm of back & forth posts...

Think about the proposals he's conjured up/posted on here & you tell me what the nature of those discussions have been like almost every single time on this forum...


Have him tell it, it's everyone else that's the problem & not him.... LMAO :lol:

Edited by B35 via Church
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In all my 3 years of taking that route, I have yet to see an industrial worker who gets off for the (G) .

I'll leave this thread on this note....


Yep, and worse, I don't think I've ever seen anyone from off the Q67 disembark for the (G).... As was said, whatever riders are on Q67's before it hits the (7), in high percentages get off for the (7).... You'll have a select few ride it out to Court Sq or QBP, but I can say w/o a doubt that there is no consistent flow of pax xferring b/w Q67's & G trains.... You don't see it, and it makes sense as to why.... North Brooklyn patrons (and anyone else that utilizes the (G) from the south) aren't tryna get to industrial Maspeth.... Also, there is simply more passenger demand (in general) traveling to/from Ridgewood than Middle Village.... In turn, the Q67 does nothing for those folks....


If anything, you'll catch the riders coming off G trains over there at court sq. waiting for Q39's towards Ridgewood...

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I don't care about your last post..... I don't care about whatever "structure" you're talking about enough to "get over", you goof.... None of that changes anything.... This isn't about the intricacies (look it up) of your route.... This is about the lies & justification of crap you're coming in here with in lieu of this supposed route of yours.... And you're gonna continue to get checked on it by myself & others whether you like it or not.....


Bob asked a legitimate question regarding the feasibility of routing a route of sorts you're suggesting, and you gave him streets that DOES have traffic problems & sees enough congestion.....


Continually bringing up how much of an ass about it I am, is nothing more than you resorting to your ole "say it nicely" rhetoric - Cry me a river on that one.... It doesn't weaken a damn thing because you are still on BULLSHIT - Even YOU have came to grips that it's a valid point..... You aint too damn bright, I gotta tell ya....


Consider the source....


A QJT proposal + opposing opinions = a shitstorm of back & forth posts...

Think about the proposals he's conjured up/posted on here & you tell me what the nature of those discussions have been like almost every single time on this forum...


Have him tell it, it's everyone else that's the problem & not him.... LMAO :lol:

Ok. Thanks for the cliff notes. The Q70 is a brand new route. Why tinker with it? I just can't stand this guy. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I am damn glad QJT doesn't work for operations planning.
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Ok. Thanks for the cliff notes. The Q70 is a brand new route. Why tinker with it? I just can't stand this guy. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I am damn glad QJT doesn't work for operations planning.

Congrats want a cookie. Q70's true form will show over time. You can't stand me cause I am different what you gonna do about it NOTHING.

I don't care about your last post..... I don't care about whatever "structure" you're talking about enough to "get over", you goof.... None of that changes anything.... This isn't about the intricacies (look it up) of your route.... This is about the lies & justification of crap you're coming in here with in lieu of this supposed route of yours.... And you're gonna continue to get checked on it by myself & others whether you like it or not.....


Bob asked a legitimate question regarding the feasibility of routing a route of sorts you're suggesting, and you gave him streets that DOES have traffic problems & sees enough congestion.....


Continually bringing up how much of an ass about it I am, is nothing more than you resorting to your ole "say it nicely" rhetoric - Cry me a river on that one.... It doesn't weaken a damn thing because you are still on BULLSHIT - Even YOU have came to grips that it's a valid point..... You aint too damn bright, I gotta tell ya....


Consider the source....


A QJT proposal + opposing opinions = a shitstorm of back & forth posts...

Think about the proposals he's conjured up/posted on here & you tell me what the nature of those discussions have been like almost every single time on this forum...


Have him tell it, it's everyone else that's the problem & not him.... LMAO :lol:

What does this do for you ? I am younger yet your actions say otherwise.

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Q49 can replace one part of B24 to greenpoint itself. Then Q70 via 48th can make B,24 stops but use review ave or LIE service rd to greenpoint ave then kingsland ave towards B24's routing to Williamsburg then via navy yard to Ashland place to Atlantic terminal. If Q49 stays put B32 would be a better fit on greenpoint ave to Sunnyside. B32 should also serve navy yard but go to dumbo en route to Brooklyn bridge park. In queens-Brooklyn.


This eliminates B24.

Try to debate I mean debate not scream out of context. 


Analyze IF YOU CAN?

I'll leave this thread on this note....


Yep, and worse, I don't think I've ever seen anyone from off the Q67 disembark for the (G).... As was said, whatever riders are on Q67's before it hits the (7), in high percentages get off for the (7).... You'll have a select few ride it out to Court Sq or QBP, but I can say w/o a doubt that there is no consistent flow of pax xferring b/w Q67's & G trains.... You don't see it, and it makes sense as to why.... North Brooklyn patrons (and anyone else that utilizes the (G) from the south) aren't tryna get to industrial Maspeth.... Also, there is simply more passenger demand (in general) traveling to/from Ridgewood than Middle Village.... In turn, the Q67 does nothing for those folks....


If anything, you'll catch the riders coming off G trains over there at court sq. waiting for Q39's towards Ridgewood...

I did notice that interesting I think you should only comment on my NJT opinions as you actually provide proper feedback then.  When NYC is involved you just argue to urself and I Ain't got time for that.

Edited by qjtransitmaster
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Q49 can replace one part of B24 to greenpoint itself. Then Q70 via 48th can make B,24 stops but use review ave or LIE service rd to greenpoint ave then kingsland ave towards B24's routing to Williamsburg then via navy yard to Ashland place to Atlantic terminal. If Q49 stays put B32 would be a better fit on greenpoint ave to Sunnyside. B32 should also serve navy yard but go to dumbo en route to Brooklyn bridge park. In queens-Brooklyn.


Try to debate I mean debate not scream out of context. 


Analyze IF YOU CAN?


I don't get what your obsession with messing with the Q70 is...


The Q70 is supposed to be a short, quick route between the terminals and the subway (similar to the Howard Beach shuttle). It should only be used for that. You want another LGA route? Don't use the Q70, because you'll muck up the reliability and speed for the airport riders, who won't want to take it because it'll be slow.


The only person who screams is you, when you shut out other people with valid concerns (and yes, traffic is a valid concern, and local roads are not a solution to anything with all their stoplights.)

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I don't get what your obsession with messing with the Q70 is...


The Q70 is supposed to be a short, quick route between the terminals and the subway (similar to the Howard Beach shuttle). It should only be used for that. You want another LGA route? Don't use the Q70, because you'll muck up the reliability and speed for the airport riders, who won't want to take it because it'll be slow.


The only person who screams is you, when you shut out other people with valid concerns (and yes, traffic is a valid concern, and local roads are not a solution to anything with all their stoplights.)

I didn't shut you out I just posted backup based on evidence. True but the local roads selected however have a quick pattern to them. B35 is the one screaming I am just using Q23's statement to perfect my idea by dropping the weak version or that. Based on your stance if B24's greenpoint segment is merged. Then B24 itself separately via that routing may be faster and more reliable is your stance to just improve B24 without messing with Q70's reliability it that's it then state it. I guess downtown Brooklyn via navy yard may increase ridership. So B24 can stand on it's own interestingly enough. You really call trash talk feedback instead debate for real.

I don't get what your obsession with messing with the Q70 is...


The Q70 is supposed to be a short, quick route between the terminals and the subway (similar to the Howard Beach shuttle). It should only be used for that. You want another LGA route? Don't use the Q70, because you'll muck up the reliability and speed for the airport riders, who won't want to take it because it'll be slow.


The only person who screams is you, when you shut out other people with valid concerns (and yes, traffic is a valid concern, and local roads are not a solution to anything with all their stoplights.)

What would you do to upgrade B24's reliability I am curious? You seem intelligent enough.

Edited by qjtransitmaster
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What does this do for you ? I am younger yet your actions say otherwise.

When NYC is involved you just argue to urself and I Ain't got time for that.

Aint about some, what this does for me.... Good way to divert from the fact you can't refute shit with logic & reason....

You being younger means jack shit.... You don't get to post bullshit & have it go unchecked because you're younger.....


"When NYC is involved", you can't hold a candle to my commentary & refutations....

Argue to myself? That's a funny one - Are you implicating your opinions when NYC is involved are that worthless? Lol.... You just belittled yourself with that one, genius..... Furthermore, remember, YOU are the one posting flat out Lies to justify this damn route suggestion of yours...


You don't have time for that? Yeah right - but you sure got time to talk smack in a chat room when I aint in there, you coward... So drop the holier than thou, diplomat bullshit - Which is another tactic you resort to when you can't refute something....


I did notice that interesting I think you should only comment on my NJT opinions as you actually provide proper feedback then.

You didn't notice a damn thing....  You just wanted to make this irrevelant point about the retorts you receive in the NJT section, compared to the retorts you receive here in the NYC bus section.....


I didn't shut you out I just posted backup based on evidence. True but the local roads selected however have a quick pattern to them. B35 is the one screaming I am just using Q23's statement to perfect my idea by dropping the weak version or that. Based on your stance if B24's greenpoint segment is merged. Then B24 itself separately via that routing may be faster and more reliable is your stance to just improve B24 without messing with Q70's reliability it that's it then state it. I guess downtown Brooklyn via navy yard may increase ridership. So B24 can stand on it's own interestingly enough. You really call trash talk feedback instead debate for real.

You debate just like a female... "B35 is the one screaming"....


No, B35 is the one spouting commentary of which you cannot refute.... Instead of retorting in coming w/ a valid argument on the criticisms of your suggestion, you ignore it (since you can't) & delve right into shifting the focus on how shit is said & the opinions of your suggestions - bullshit is bullshit, no matter how you slice it.... You have been told numerous times what's wrong with this particular B24/Q70 idea of yours & you're still on here tryna justify it.... The meager modifications you make to it doesn't change the core of what you're tryna accomplish with it..... Since you apparently don't get the message, you get whatever else on top of whatever criticisms of your suggestions you receive..... So don't come on here acting like all I did was trash talk in debate - It's all on here in black & white in the past 2 pages or so.....


You resorting to the tactics that you do when you're cornered in a debate is not my problem.

If you stopped posting lies & bullshit on your side of debates, you wouldn't have this problem.....

Edited by B35 via Church
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I did notice that interesting I think you should only comment on my NJT opinions as you actually provide proper feedback then.  When NYC is involved you just argue to urself and I Ain't got time for that.


B35 has a point...


All of your modifications/new routes have been proposed, without demonstrating any distinct need for it. A lot of studying and trial and error goes into a bus route - you can't just say "I want an LGA - Williamsburg route because I feel like it."


What would you do to upgrade B24's reliability I am curious? You seem intelligent enough.


Unlike you, I do not mess with routes that I have absolutely zero experience with.

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Congrats want a cookie. Q70's true form will show over time. You can't stand me cause I am different what you gonna do about it NOTHING.


What does this do for you ? I am younger yet your actions say otherwise.

No, I can't stand you because you're an absolute dumb ass. Merging the B24 with the Q49 or 70 makes ZERO sense. You're taking away the purposes of the latter two routes. You just can't admit when you're wrong can you? Always resorting to bitch moves...SMH
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No, I can't stand you because you're an absolute dumb ass. Merging the B24 with the Q49 or 70 makes ZERO sense. You're taking away the purposes of the latter two routes. You just can't admit when you're wrong can you? Always resorting to bitch moves...SMH

So what deal with it just cause I am different doesn't make me a dumbass the fact you have to stoop this low means your antagonistic. I already admitted that I am not perfect that doesn't excuse your unjustified hate over a man you never met that is what you do I just brush it off. B24 is useless as is just an infrequent U.

B35 has a point...


All of your modifications/new routes have been proposed, without demonstrating any distinct need for it. A lot of studying and trial and error goes into a bus route - you can't just say "I want an LGA - Williamsburg route because I feel like it."



Unlike you, I do not mess with routes that I have absolutely zero experience with.

So you don't have experience with that route at all?

B35 has a point...


All of your modifications/new routes have been proposed, without demonstrating any distinct need for it. A lot of studying and trial and error goes into a bus route - you can't just say "I want an LGA - Williamsburg route because I feel like it."



Unlike you, I do not mess with routes that I have absolutely zero experience with.

I see many factors go into such a task. I guess the modified formats are just doomsday control.

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So what deal with it just cause I am different doesn't make me a dumbass the fact you have to stoop this low means your antagonistic. I already admitted that I am not perfect that doesn't excuse your unjustified hate over a man you never met that is what you do I just brush it off. B24 is useless as is just an infrequent U.



You are different all right, and not the good kind of different. Antagonsitic? Unjusified hate? Somebody needs help.

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Don't you? Don't downplay this into a namecalling argument. It betters no-one.

I'm not downplaying anything. Nobody has "unjustified hate" against you. You proposed something, everyone disagrees, you don't like it and you pull stuff out of your ass like it's facts. Just drop it dude. You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
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I'm not downplaying anything. Nobody has "unjustified hate" against you. You proposed something, everyone disagrees, you don't like it and you pull stuff out of your ass like it's facts. Just drop it dude. You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

I never stated an extension is fact just an expression of my opinion after finding a faster less traffic ridden route. That extension just plays on the idea to link the navy yard better. And the basis behind a downtown Brooklyn to LGA line but we should see how Q70 performs and B67. I already said it indirectly the grand street routing was random pay attention. I just agree to take this in stride rather than go back and forth further. I am much smarter than you realize as a person no need to make up lies about me being dumbass. That's just you looking for a fight.



B35 has a point...


All of your modifications/new routes have been proposed, without demonstrating any distinct need for it. A lot of studying and trial and error goes into a bus route - you can't just say "I want an LGA - Williamsburg route because I feel like it."



Unlike you, I do not mess with routes that I have absolutely zero experience with.

Where do your strengths lie in terms of areas? What would you do to counter BQE traffic? Why is it always jammed I know one reason is that the east river crossings are free and people try to avoid Hugh Cary and midtown Tolls. Have you noticed that too? And those trying to skip tolls make it much harder for non Manhattan bound drivers?

Edited by SevenEleven
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I never stated an extension is fact just an expression of my opinion after finding a faster less traffic ridden route. That extension just plays on the idea to link the navy yard better. And the basis behind a downtown Brooklyn to LGA line but we should see how Q70 performs and B67. I already said it indirectly the grand street routing was random pay attention. I just agree to take this in stride rather than go back and forth further. I am much smarter than you realize as a person no need to make up lies about me being dumbass. That's just you looking for a fight.

You're much smarter than me and I'm looking for a fight? Says the guy who wanted a bus on the Throgs Neck Bridge.
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You only proved my point. If you were smart you won't act like this.


Stop calling the kettle back. It's tired of you. Your attitude through the last couple page of this thread has been outright disgusting. Your word isn't the law around here. Everyone is trying to respect your opinions and thoughts and are giving their own rebuttals as to why x, y and z won't work. If you can't handle it, then don't post at all. The ENTIRE staff has been on your ass about this. This is going to the absolute last time that this discussion will be had. If your smart ass can't comprehend this, then I'll get rid of you right now.

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Where do your strengths lie in terms of areas? What would you do to counter BQE traffic? Why is it always jammed I know one reason is that the east river crossings are free and people try to avoid Hugh Cary and midtown Tolls. Have you noticed that too? And those trying to skip tolls make it much harder for non Manhattan bound drivers?


There is no solution. There are very few multi-lane roads from Brooklyn to Queens, and the ones that exist are all extremely clogged.


A bus will always be a poor solution for quick BK-Q travel. Just ain't happenin.

Whats wrong with a bus on the Throgs Neck Br?


It wasn't the idea that was bad, it was the fact that he acted like a lot of people in Eastern Queens wanted their bus routes extended to Westchester Square, or Wakefield, or whatever neighborhood in the Bronx happened to be the flavor of the day. Then he would get all defensive when asked to provide proof, leading to an argument like the one preceding this.

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Stop calling the kettle back. It's tired of you. Your attitude through the last couple page of this thread has been outright disgusting. Your word isn't the law around here. Everyone is trying to respect your opinions and thoughts and are giving their own rebuttals as to why x, y and z won't work. If you can't handle it, then don't post at all. The ENTIRE staff has been on your ass about this. This is going to the absolute last time that this discussion will be had. If your smart ass can't comprehend this, then I'll get rid of you right now.

I know my word is never law that is not what I emply or want you to think that even when I change to prove a point I am being bad again? Pm me so I can understand you better as a person.

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