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Queens Division Bus Proposals/Ideas


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are you sure or are you just simply not thinking it through? I think you just aren't thinking it through. However no one is perfect I actually have not perfected anything to NYC as I have school and am busy not able to get a full detailed outlook. I look for creative ways to use existing services and maximize their potential. So nuff said. IDK about anyone's BS opinion about me however feedback with reason and analysis is very interesting as I am not dead set on any change that should take place of approach to closing a gap. Just because I am different than you in outlook doesn't make me annoying it is just cause you say so which is invalid. However your suffix gave it away.


I'm sure. It's you not thinking this through


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Just my two cents:


Q64 extension down Jewel and 73rd to Springfield, and Q88 reroute from 73rd onto the Horace Harding until Springfield. IMO Q88 should also be given a LTD route because it runs along the highway and there aren't that many places to cross over from a bus stop on the opposite side of the highway anyways.


Q12 extension down to Little Neck Parkway and Jericho Turnpike (the old Q79). The Q36 extension is a step in the right direction, but it doesn't really improve connectivity because pretty much every route it intersects with also goes to Jamaica, and connecting to Flushing from the outer ends of the 46 and 43 can be really annoying.


A new orbital route (like the Q27, but limited-stop the entire time and longer) following the Q27, then turning onto 120th Av, Baisely Blvd and 150th St to Kennedy, because there aren't really any "crosstown" services in SE Queens and JFK's a major employment center.


Stops: All Q27LTD stops (except maybe QCC - I'm not sure if the extra patronage justifies going through that slow, out-of-the-way bus loop)

197th St & 120th Av

Farmers Blvd & 120th Av(Q3)

Merrick Blvd & Baisely Blvd(Q84, Q85, Q5)

Guy R Brewer Blvd & Baisely Blvd(Q111, Q113)

Rockaway Blvd & 150th St(Q6, Q7)

150th St & North/South Conduit Av



Also, the Q58 and B54 and the Q24 and the B25 should be combined - I didn't realized how complicated a Brooklyn-Queens trip could be without Manhattan transfers until Sandy came.


Plus, BusTime should probably come to Queens, and at the very least signal priority should be rolled out through the bus network.

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I see so hillside doesn't need Off-peak express service?


If hillside needs it how should it run if not needed why and alternative.



This leave alone argument without reason is annoying.


Actually, according to this report, the Q43 is on the SBS shortlist. I live on the outer end of this route, and an SBS route would be a lot more helpful than an express route (especially because it would cost the same fare).


Does anyone know how well the MTA maintains the off-board ticket machines? Because I'd imagine the ones all the way out in Floral Park probably wouldn't get much love.

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- It's not a matter of being "scared", and it's not so much delays.... But longer waits for buses.

If the 64 were to be extended, I do not think the current headways on the route would be retained.... At all.



Personally, I don't see how lengthening the route would result in increased headways. I mean, if buses are full enough to warrant say, 10 minute off-peak headways when going to Electchester, I don't see how going to Oakland Gardens would cause them to increase the headways for Electchester riders. Even if ridership is lower in Oakland Gardens, they could always have some short-turns to Electchester.


If anything, they might get service running a little more frequently, since buses would be leaving Forest Hills with Electchester riders plus riders going further east to Fresh Meadows & Oakland Gardens. If you have more riders on the buses, you need more buses to accomodate those riders.


The Q88's off-peak headways are similar to those on the Q64. So if right now, 73rd Avenue is getting 10 minute headways off-peak, and Jewel Avenue is getting 10 minute headways off-peak, then it matches up perfectly and the headways basically remain the same for both parts of the route. (But if you get more Fresh Meadows/Oakland Gardens riders using the Q64 than the current Q88, then the headways might even decrease, which benefits everybody)


On a side note, how traffic-prone is the HHE service road? Because that would be another advantage of having the Q64 serve that area, over the Q88. Riders not only have a more direct route to an express station, but it's also a more reliable trip (since most of the route appears residential). (Plus, they don't have to worry about buses coming from Queens Village, though like you mentioned, they could always cut back the Q88).


Does anyone know how well the MTA maintains the off-board ticket machines? Because I'd imagine the ones all the way out in Floral Park probably wouldn't get much love.



I've heard a lot of complaints about machines missing paper or malfunctioning somehow, but I'd imagine they're fixed relatively quickly.

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Q12 extension down to Little Neck Parkway and Jericho Turnpike (the old Q79). The Q36 extension is a step in the right direction, but it doesn't really improve connectivity because pretty much every route it intersects with also goes to Jamaica, and connecting to Flushing from the outer ends of the 46 and 43 can be really annoying.



The problem is that you'd make the Q12 too long.


For the Q79, I originally felt that it could be combined with the N1 to basically provide a solid north-south route through that area of Queens/Nassau. But then people mentioned traffic as a reason it wouldn't work (as well as people from Floral Park not wanting people from Elmont coming through their neighborhood, which I'm like whatever to). I would've rerouted it to Hook Creek Blvd, because it's more direct than Central Avenue.


My other plan was to extend the Q12 & Q36 to Glen Oaks, so you provide service to both halves of the Q79 route, and connect both halves to a major destination (Flushing for the northern half, Jamaica for the southern half), but trying to minimize the length of the extension for both routes.


As for getting to Flushing from the Q43 & Q46, well, you have the option of taking either route to the Q27.


A new orbital route (like the Q27, but limited-stop the entire time and longer) following the Q27, then turning onto 120th Av, Baisely Blvd and 150th St to Kennedy, because there aren't really any "crosstown" services in SE Queens and JFK's a major employment center.



I think that route would be way too long, even as a limited. Aside from that, for a lot of those areas, it would be quicker to take the Q3 to Jamaica and transfer to another route (or if you're going to SE Queens, transfer somewhere along Farmers Blvd).


Also, the Q58 and B54 and the Q24 and the B25 should be combined - I didn't realized how complicated a Brooklyn-Queens trip could be without Manhattan transfers until Sandy came.



Those routes would be way too long. I doubt you'd have a whole lot of people riding between the two halves of the combined route. You'd be screwing a lot more riders than you'd help. If there's a problem in Downtown Brooklyn, riders out in Corona would feel the impact.


Plus, you might not even help the through-riders. If the bus is delayed because of problems in Downtown Brooklyn, that means that more people are building up at the stops further down the route (Maspeth, Elmhurst, Corona, etc), which means that the bus will get even more delayed because people will be packing on. If the routes were seperate, then whatever few through-riders there are would wait a few minutes to make the transfer, but at least once they're on the Q58, it would be a relatively normal ride. (I mean, you might hit traffic along the Q58 route, but it wouldn't be compounded by the delays on the B54 portion)


If the issue is the extra transfer costing another fare, then they can deal with that issue directly, but there's no reason to through-route buses like that. Many times, through-routing buses between 2 sides of a major hub is detrimental to both routes. In certain cases, it can work (like with the Q45/Q47 combo), or with the routes passing through Fordham in The Bronx, but you have to examine the routes in question to see how delay-prone they are, and how much demand there is for travel between both halves of the combined route.


Plus, BusTime should probably come to Queens, and at the very least signal priority should be rolled out through the bus network.




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Just my two cents:


Q64 extension down Jewel and 73rd to Springfield, and Q88 reroute from 73rd onto the Horace Harding until Springfield. IMO Q88 should also be given a LTD route because it runs along the highway and there aren't that many places to cross over from a bus stop on the opposite side of the highway anyways.


Agreed, but I'd keep the Q88 on 73rd, and have half of the buses on both routes shortturn.


Q12 extension down to Little Neck Parkway and Jericho Turnpike (the old Q79). The Q36 extension is a step in the right direction, but it doesn't really improve connectivity because pretty much every route it intersects with also goes to Jamaica, and connecting to Flushing from the outer ends of the 46 and 43 can be really annoying.


I agree on checkmate on this one.


A new orbital route (like the Q27, but limited-stop the entire time and longer) following the Q27, then turning onto 120th Av, Baisely Blvd and 150th St to Kennedy, because there aren't really any "crosstown" services in SE Queens and JFK's a major employment center.


No. We do not we need another Q27.


Stops: All Q27LTD stops (except maybe QCC - I'm not sure if the extra patronage justifies going through that slow, out-of-the-way bus loop)

197th St & 120th Av

Farmers Blvd & 120th Av(Q3)

Merrick Blvd & Baisely Blvd(Q84, Q85, Q5)

Guy R Brewer Blvd & Baisely Blvd(Q111, Q113)

Rockaway Blvd & 150th St(Q6, Q7)

150th St & North/South Conduit Av



This I agree with, though.


Also, the Q58 and B54 and the Q24 and the B25 should be combined - I didn't realized how complicated a Brooklyn-Queens trip could be without Manhattan transfers until Sandy came.


Excuse me, but hell no. We don't need a bunch of long routes everywhere. Those routes have different purposes. Sandy is a once in a lifetime event, we don't need to combine those routes.


Plus, BusTime should probably come to Queens, and at the very least signal priority should be rolled out through the bus network.


Queens is next on the list for BusTime.



Replies in red.

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Just my two cents:


Q64 extension down Jewel and 73rd to Springfield, and Q88 reroute from 73rd onto the Horace Harding until Springfield. IMO Q88 should also be given a LTD route because it runs along the highway and there aren't that many places to cross over from a bus stop on the opposite side of the highway anyways.


Q12 extension down to Little Neck Parkway and Jericho Turnpike (the old Q79). The Q36 extension is a step in the right direction, but it doesn't really improve connectivity because pretty much every route it intersects with also goes to Jamaica, and connecting to Flushing from the outer ends of the 46 and 43 can be really annoying.


A new orbital route (like the Q27, but limited-stop the entire time and longer) following the Q27, then turning onto 120th Av, Baisely Blvd and 150th St to Kennedy, because there aren't really any "crosstown" services in SE Queens and JFK's a major employment center.


Stops: All Q27LTD stops (except maybe QCC - I'm not sure if the extra patronage justifies going through that slow, out-of-the-way bus loop)

197th St & 120th Av

Farmers Blvd & 120th Av(Q3)

Merrick Blvd & Baisely Blvd(Q84, Q85, Q5)

Guy R Brewer Blvd & Baisely Blvd(Q111, Q113)

Rockaway Blvd & 150th St(Q6, Q7)

150th St & North/South Conduit Av



Also, the Q58 and B54 and the Q24 and the B25 should be combined - I didn't realized how complicated a Brooklyn-Queens trip could be without Manhattan transfers until Sandy came.


Plus, BusTime should probably come to Queens, and at the very least signal priority should be rolled out through the bus network.



1, Keep as is. The Q30 runs on HHE by springfield for a reason...


2. That would make the Q12 REALLY long..


3. This is my area of expertise. Well the crosstown isn't needed. That area is pretty dead. The Q84 doesn't do that great on 120 Av, its mostly residential. As for the Baisley segment, most people take buses TO jamaica. This "crosstown" wouldn't preform very well. If one wants to go to JFK, the Q3 is there for a reason. Oh and this route would be super long if it was a segment of the Q27 which is already pretty long itself.


4. Those stops are good if the route was to be made.


5. Nope, nope, nope, those 4 routes are separated for a reason! Doing that would make 2 really long routes for no particular reason.


6. BusTime should come to Queens ! and yes I like the idea of signal priority.. A lot of lights on certain routes don't connect together (one on one block will be green, next block will be red) as I've noticed

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I'm not taking Bobtehpanda seriously; enough people have already addressed him anyway....



Personally, I don't see how lengthening the route would result in increased headways. I mean, if buses are full enough to warrant say, 10 minute off-peak headways when going to Electchester, I don't see how going to Oakland Gardens would cause them to increase the headways for Electchester riders. Even if ridership is lower in Oakland Gardens, they could always have some short-turns to Electchester.


If anything, they might get service running a little more frequently, since buses would be leaving Forest Hills with Electchester riders plus riders going further east to Fresh Meadows & Oakland Gardens. If you have more riders on the buses, you need more buses to accomodate those riders.


The Q88's off-peak headways are similar to those on the Q64. So if right now, 73rd Avenue is getting 10 minute headways off-peak, and Jewel Avenue is getting 10 minute headways off-peak, then it matches up perfectly and the headways basically remain the same for both parts of the route. (But if you get more Fresh Meadows/Oakland Gardens riders using the Q64 than the current Q88, then the headways might even decrease, which benefits everybody)


On a side note, how traffic-prone is the HHE service road? Because that would be another advantage of having the Q64 serve that area, over the Q88. Riders not only have a more direct route to an express station, but it's also a more reliable trip (since most of the route appears residential). (Plus, they don't have to worry about buses coming from Queens Village, though like you mentioned, they could always cut back the Q88).


Well, I don't know what to tell you then.... I absolutely see them worsening headways on the 64 if they were to extend that route.... There wouldn't be much of a point to extending the Q64 to have some of them end right where they are @ 164th, and extending some of them to oakland gardens... Then the question becomes, how often would the oakland gardens buses run.... IMO, a bus running through that area every 10 minutes would be overkill (I don't even have to hesitate about that); hell, I think every 20 would be pushing it.... So then you're looking at a bus every > 20 mins., which would not be worth a route extension over to oakland gardens..... The thing w/ the current Q64 is that the bus just about empties out after the turn onto parsons (across from the shopping plaza), but heading back the other way, it gets a decent load on 164th/jewel (some ppl. of which are coming off Q65's)...


- You & QJT are basically saying, have some buses end @ 164th & some in oakland gdns.....

- I'm saying it's either all buses ending at 164th (like, currently) or all buses ending in oakland gdns - to make an extension to oakland gdns worthwhile..... But for that to happen, service would end up being worsened for those in kew gdns. hills & electchester (which I don't think should happen, nor again, would it be worth it)...


Telling me that the 88 has service every 10 mins off-peak doesn't mean as many riders (schoolkids) that pile on to 88's along 73rd, will do so if the 64 were to be extended.... Vast majority of people embarking 64's at QB are heading for the subway; on the 88, that is much less the case, with all the people heading to the mall(s) and all..... Subway-wise, yeah, the advantage would be that the 64 would put those riders off at an "express" stop, while the 88 would not/does not......


Way I see it, You would have to alter the Q88 somehow for an extended Q64 (on 73rd) to work out for the better (and that's me being optimistic)... Otherwise, you'd just have a bunch of virtually empty Q64's running b/w oakland gdns & electchester during middays... Having both of them on 73rd is redundant (and would also provide too much service in that area).... You see what happened w/ the Q75 & how expendable that route was, came time for budget cuts....


As crazy as this sounds, I would rather have the 64 help out the 46 (turning down 164th to union tpke, then to springfield or something), before running 64's along 73rd..... But realistically, again, I'd keep them right where they are at 164th, that's just me....


Oh, as far as your question about HHE being traffic prone... Lol.... If that were to be considered as a factor as to if the Q64 should be extended, that would cripple the idea b/c HHE isn't traffic prone at all... The Q88 is slow on HHE, due to picking up people (almost) at every or every other stop.... The Q30, I find, overall, crawls, period along HHE; it's not traffic related at all.....

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Tell yourself that very same statement. Now it's dropped


No tell it to this guy below utter madness I never knew existed.

Just my two cents:


Q64 extension down Jewel and 73rd to Springfield, and Q88 reroute from 73rd onto the Horace Harding until Springfield. IMO Q88 should also be given a LTD route because it runs along the highway and there aren't that many places to cross over from a bus stop on the opposite side of the highway anyways. Why did I start!!!


Q12 extension down to Little Neck Parkway and Jericho Turnpike (the old Q79). The Q36 extension is a step in the right direction, but it doesn't really improve connectivity because pretty much every route it intersects with also goes to Jamaica, and connecting to Flushing from the outer ends of the 46 and 43 can be really annoying.


A new orbital route (like the Q27, but limited-stop the entire time and longer) following the Q27, then turning onto 120th Av, Baisely Blvd and 150th St to Kennedy, because there aren't really any "crosstown" services in SE Queens and JFK's a major employment center.


Stops: All Q27LTD stops (except maybe QCC - I'm not sure if the extra patronage justifies going through that slow, out-of-the-way bus loop)

197th St & 120th Av

Farmers Blvd & 120th Av(Q3)

Merrick Blvd & Baisely Blvd(Q84, Q85, Q5)

Guy R Brewer Blvd & Baisely Blvd(Q111, Q113)

Rockaway Blvd & 150th St(Q6, Q7)

150th St & North/South Conduit Av



It's called add full-time service to Q27 LTD.


Also, the Q58 and B54 and the Q24 and the B25 should be combined - I didn't realized how complicated a Brooklyn-Queens trip could be without Manhattan transfers until Sandy came.


Plus, BusTime should probably come to Queens, and at the very least signal priority should be rolled out through the bus network.


DAFAQ Q58 to B54 your kidding right? Both have high ridership nothing wrong with em they aren't express buses.

Actually, according to this report, the Q43 is on the SBS shortlist. I live on the outer end of this route, and an SBS route would be a lot more helpful than an express route (especially because it would cost the same fare).


Does anyone know how well the MTA maintains the off-board ticket machines? Because I'd imagine the ones all the way out in Floral Park probably wouldn't get much love.


I think this may work better than my other well crazy plan.
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I didn't say it wasn't needed. I said you don't have patience... I use Bus Time on Staten Island, so I know it is needed.



Patience.. oh please. I'm tired of riding buses that run like crap everyday, that's it. Bunching, showing up late, MIA runs. It's annoying.


KID was this necessary? CMON MAN!!!!!! ! :mellow:



Lol i'm not a kid, thank you. And what you said wasn't necessary. It's true though. You don't think your ideas through and organize them, we've been telling you that for the longest..

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Oh no, don't you see he is being selfish.. we are all being selfish by modifying Transit to meet our needs and wishes... Just like how I'm selfish for wanting an easy one seat ride to Flushing on the Q38...


I so agree with you all the way.

Patience.. oh please. I'm tired of riding buses that run like crap everyday, that's it. Bunching, showing up late, MIA runs. It's annoying.




Lol i'm not a kid, thank you. And what you said wasn't necessary. It's true though. You don't think your ideas through and organize them, we've been telling you that for the longest..


Then just say that. However I feel your pain about MIA and late queens runs you go through alot.
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On the Q64 idea - I agree that it should be extended eastward, but I'm not sure if Oakland Gardens only should be where the route should end. Instead, I would have alternate branches ending in Oakland Gardens (A) and in Queensborough Community College (B). The Q64 would be the 73 Avenue bus after 164 Street, but would divert along 188 Street to serve Fresh Meadows.


In addition, it should be studied as to whether a Q88 Limited is warranted. I would propose it as follows, with stops eastbound as follows (reverse for westbound):

1. Queens Center

2. Rego Center

3. 99 Street

4. 108 Street

5. College Point Boulevard

6. Main Street

7. Kissena Boulevard

8. 164 Street

9. Utopia Parkway.

10. 188 Street

11. 64 Avenue

12. 69 Avenue

Then all stops to Queens Village. During this time, Q88 local trips would only operate between Fresh Meadows (188 Street and 69 Avenue) and Elmhurst. (Unrelated, the Q17 short turns should also be extended to 69 Avenue.) Filling in the gap on 73 Avenue would be the Q64.


There should also be a potential Q64 Limited that would make Limited stops along Jewel Avenue and 73 Avenue before Fresh Meadows, which would be the rush-hour and weekend terminus of the Q64. Limited stops would work as follows going eastbound (reverse for westbound).


1. Queens Boulevard

2. 108 Street

3. 136 Street

4. Main Street

5. 150 Street (when CUNY is in session only)

6. Kissena Bolevard

7. 164 Street/Jewel

8. 164 Street/73

9. Utopia Parkway

10. All stops on 188 in Fresh Meadows

Then all stops eastward on 73 to eastern termini


For both the Q64 and Q88 routes, deadheads would be easy via the LIE in the reverse peak direction.

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Way I see it, You would have to alter the Q88 somehow for an extended Q64 (on 73rd) to work out for the better (and that's me being optimistic)... Otherwise, you'd just have a bunch of virtually empty Q64's running b/w oakland gdns & electchester during middays... Having both of them on 73rd is redundant (and would also provide too much service in that area).... You see what happened w/ the Q75 & how expendable that route was, came time for budget cuts....


Oh, as far as your question about HHE being traffic prone... Lol.... If that were to be considered as a factor as to if the Q64 should be extended, that would cripple the idea b/c HHE isn't traffic prone at all... The Q88 is slow on HHE, due to picking up people (almost) at every or every other stop.... The Q30, I find, overall, crawls, period along HHE; it's not traffic related at all.....



Well, there's some other high schools around Queens College (I know Townsend Harris is one, and there might be a couple more as part of a campus or something), so you might just get some schoolkids shifting to the Q64 over the Q88.


For the Q88, I was thinking to just shift it over to the HHE. I remember somebody (I think it was Brett) talking about how the Q30 can get crowded with schoolkids at times, so maybe that would help there. That's the only place I can think of.


Back when the MTA was proposing its service reductions (which was around the time I first joined), I felt the Q31 was an important route to save, since it basically traversed the whole northern part of the borough and provided a connection to Jamaica. So instead of eliminating weekend service on the Q31, I would've eliminated weekend service on the Q30, and rerouted the Q88 to basically run the length of the HHE within Queens. (So weekdays, you have the Q30 & Q88, while weekends, you just have the Q88). Then the Q31 covers Utopia Parkway, and the Q64 covers 73rd Avenue and goes to Queens Village (actually, I had it replacing the Braddock Avenue branch of the Q1, which I would've eliminated. Yeah, I know I was young and foolish back then. LOL).


Now, obviously this was just based on looking at a map, without getting a feel of what areas need to be connected and whatnot, and obviously, I wouldn't propose a plan like this nowadays, but maybe that can give an idea as to where else the Q88 could be rerouted to, besides the HHE.


For the traffic-prone comment, I figured that since the LIE itself gets backed up at times, sometimes the problems spill onto the service road, but I guess that doesn't happen too often.

Edited by checkmatechamp13
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On a side note, how traffic-prone is the HHE service road?



The HHE is rarely traffic prone unless there's a major traffic accident on the LIE and everyone is trying to get out at the same time.


Thanks for the feedback, everyone! I was sort of putting out a "hypothetical" plan that would improve connectivity (and probably not much else). Also, if someone could provide a link to a source for Queens getting BusTime next, that would be great, because I haven't seen news about that anywhere...

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