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Queens Division Bus Proposals/Ideas


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Ok I plotted out my plan for the Eliot half of the 38, in orange. Call it the Q51 there. Take a look:




As for extending the 38 to Ridgewood, they already have plenty of bus routes & in addition there is already a Ridgewood - Flushing route with a limited, so it would be kinda pointless to extend the 38 down there.. maybe somewhere else..

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I see. So how would you restucture it? Would you just have it go straight across 57th Avenue or what?

straight across 57th & up 99th, towards Flushing.....



Well for Lefrak the 88 is much more frequent than the 38, so yea people would rather take that instead. the 72 isn't a good route either, but it doesn't get bunched up as bad as the 38 does based on what I see

Exactly my point about the 88.....


I'm not arguing what's a "good route"; what I was alluding to is the fact that the 72 gets them to the subway quicker than the 38 does - which was what I was alluding to..... More reliable too, which says a lot about the 38 - considering the hangups the 72 faces..... 38 should be a route that should never ever bunch, but yet it does (quite often too, either direction) - and its current (stupid looping) route has a lot to do with that - all in the name of being frugal..... I mean, this is why you have riders complaining about 40+ min waits..... Ridiculous.... This is part of the reason I say middle village residents get a raw deal..... The NIMBY's in that area have a little something to do with it too, but still......


The 62nd/63rd spur of the current 38..... While I wouldn't revoke local service from that area, I don't think that spur of the 38 should be the one that gets sent to flushing..... It is no accident that the eliot av portion sees the grunt of the usage b/w met av. subway & its respective terminals......


I really want to see where you would send an eliot av route in your plans......



Ok I plotted out my plan for the Eliot half of the 38, in orange. Call it the Q51 there. Take a look:




As for extending the 38 to Ridgewood, they already have plenty of bus routes & in addition there is already a Ridgewood - Flushing route with a limited, so it would be kinda pointless to extend the 38 down there.. maybe somewhere else..



You say Ridgewood has plenty of bus routes, but you're sending the eliot portion to Ridgewood Terminal !


Whether Ridgewood already has a route that goes to flushing is not relevant.... Do I really have to mention the # of downtown brooklyn-ridgewood routes? poor argument..... Riders deserve options, do they not ?


anyway, what you have the 51 doing around martense, etc. is exactly what I have the 62nd/63rd spur of the 38 doing.... just make the xfer to the 58 (to flushing) easier for those folks & be done with it......

Edited by B35 via Church
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Well that's why im only extending the Eliot Ave half to Ridgewood, and not both the Eliot and Rego Park half.. the reason why the Rego Park half gets sent to Flushing is because there is no direct one seat ride method right now to get from Rego Park to Flushing; all options involve backtracking out to the 58 or the 7 train.. those on the Eliot half who are going to Flushing can connect to the Q58 by leaving/entering the bus at 108th Street


I dont think anyone would want to take the Q38 local route going through Middle Village and everything when they have a Q58 Limited up to Flushing.. the Ridgewood/Downtown Brooklyn routes are a different case as they are all local routes

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Well that's why im only extending the Eliot Ave half to Ridgewood, and not both the Eliot and Rego Park half.. the reason why the Rego Park half gets sent to Flushing is because there is no direct one seat ride method right now to get from Rego Park to Flushing; all options involve backtracking out to the 58 or the 7 train.. those on the Eliot half who are going to Flushing can connect to the Q58 by leaving/entering the bus at 108th Street


I dont think anyone would want to take the Q38 local route going through Middle Village and everything when they have a Q58 Limited up to Flushing.. the Ridgewood/Downtown Brooklyn routes are a different case as they are all local routes


It's not about sending both halves to ridgewood.....

I think the reason you're sending the Rego Park portion to Flushing b/c it would benefit you, but whatever......


I'm still not seeing what makes you think Ridgewood riders would xfer off a 58 (that already goes to flushing) @ fresh pond/metropolitan, to catch a bus that meanders through the more residential section of Middle Village (juniper valley rd, etc.) & along 63rd (dr & rd) to get to flushing...... Again, your route ends smack dab @ eliot/metropolitan.... Your route isn't benefitting much of anyone past Met av. (M)......


The ridgewood-downtown routes are all local routes? and what in the world are the Q38 & the Q58 exactly.....


Furthermore, you can't terminate two routes @ 41st/main in flushing anyway.....

The Q58 by itself has trouble ending over there.....

Edited by B35 via Church
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I dont think anyone would want to take the Q38 local route going through Middle Village and everything when they have a Q58 Limited up to Flushing.. the Ridgewood/Downtown Brooklyn routes are a different case as they are all local routes




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Ok I plotted out my plan for the Eliot half of the 38, in orange. Call it the Q51 there. Take a look:




As for extending the 38 to Ridgewood, they already have plenty of bus routes & in addition there is already a Ridgewood - Flushing route with a limited, so it would be kinda pointless to extend the 38 down there.. maybe somewhere else..


Forest (directly onto Eliot) instead of Fresh Pond. You lose a lot of time with the traffic on Fresh Pond (let alone the crooked streets required to get to it), and it already has the 58.
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B38 does not stop at Myrtle-Wyckoff unlike the other Ridgewood-Downtown Brooklyn routes...


Really, I do not intend this route to go past Metropolitan Ave, as I don't know whether the demand for a service from those places to Flushing exists.. Yes the split of the Q38 and its extension will benefit me; it will also benefit the people who live along the Q38 corridor who often times would rather just walk due to the piss poor service of the Q38 right now, and the growing Asian population in this community who go up to Flushing regularly. The Q38 in its current state has the low ridership it has now because of the terrible service it provides, and simply because in many cases it would be just faster and easier to walk home from the 63rd Drive subway station than to wait for the 38 to come.


I never said Ridgewood riders would want to transfer off the Q58 LTD to go on the Q38 to Flushing; that is the reason why im NOT extending the Q38 to Ridgewood and ending it at Metro Ave. The only sensible option could be to extend it out towards Brooklyn, but again that could result in making the route a bit too long & plus i don't know if there would be any demand for such a route out in those parts.

Edited by error46146
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I never said Ridgewood riders would want to transfer off the Q58 LTD to go on the Q38 to Flushing; that is the reason why im NOT extending the Q38 to Ridgewood and ending it at Metro Ave. The only sensible option could be to extend it out towards Brooklyn, but again that could result in making the route a bit too long & plus i don't know if there would be any demand for such a route out in those parts.


.....and I'm telling you there won't be much demand for a route that stops dead on Eliot & Metropolitan.


I know what you never said..... What I was getting at w/ the xferring from the 58 bit is - Where do you expect riders to come from, to even board your "Q38" in that area.... But now that you say what you said below, I guess that doesn't matter......


Yes the split of the Q38 and its extension will benefit me; it will also benefit the people who live along the Q38 corridor who often times would rather just walk due to the piss poor service of the Q38 right now, and the growing Asian population in this community who go up to Flushing regularly.


Yes, of course..... I just wanted you to admit it.

Q38 doesn't consist of just Rego Park patrons.... how selfish.....



Forest (directly onto Eliot) instead of Fresh Pond. You lose a lot of time with the traffic on Fresh Pond (let alone the crooked streets required to get to it), and it already has the 58.


Somebody who realizes this.....

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Im tired of this why the heck would you split the Q38 in half if it has riders that go past Middleville (M) Station. Flushing service could work but thats why the Q58 and its LTD is for. Here's a history lesson the Q38 used to be split, but they decided to combine both portions because people travels along each other and bascially you want to bring it back to that time again. :huh:

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Im tired of this why the heck would you split the Q38 in half if it has riders that go past Middleville (M) Station. Flushing service could work but thats why the Q58 and its LTD is for. Here's a history lesson the Q38 used to be split, but they decided to combine both portions because people travels along each other and bascially you want to bring it back to that time again. :huh:



The Q38 is unreliable and slow. Splitting it will bring better service to both sides. I think riders who go around (I can't imagine why anyone would) wouldn't mind transferring if it means better overall service.

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I see. So how would you restucture it? Would you just have it go straight across 57th Avenue or what?


Here's a map of how I would restructure things:


(for the hell of it, I added the current/real Q58 for comparison purposes.....)




"Q59"..... main reason why I think this route should be involved in a split of the current 38 is b/c the current Q59 is not much more than a supplementary route that needs not be..... The Q58 & all the service that it gets, got the main/commercial part of Grand av covered..... few ppl take Q59's towards rego park b/c folks are too busy either making their way to the subway or taking Q60's b/c they need service past rego park itself along QB..... Anyway, having this route serve a totally different market (middle village, rego park, etc) can only benefit the network & the riders that currently have to put up w/ the woes of the current 38..... Basically, I'd turn it into a coverage route (with above par coverage route headways)......


From top to bottom.... I have this taking over the 62nd/63rd portion of the current 38 & extended to the corona side of 99th, due to the fact that it's a headache to get from one side of the HHE to the next.... I can see residents around 63rd rd taking this to that side of the HHE for the purpose of hitting up those little stores along 99th & what not.... not only that, but in general, those are very community-oriented areas that are closely related to one another.... so two areas should be connected w/ a bus route (as opposed to being so close, but so far apart).... Another benefit to this move is that it offers a connection w/ the flushing bound 58 w/o having to cross any streets whatsoever......


Middle village routing I left alone; if that works for them, so be it.... Turning it back up fresh pond rd to get to Grand av is simple - you don't want to leave that part of industrial maspeth with nothing..... this is why I wouldn't have it continuing on Met. av all the way to Brooklyn like the 54 does..... I don't have it going straight on met av towards Brooklyn b/c b/w bushwick av & the bridge often suffers from heavy truck traffic......


Brooklyn routing, moving this on Met. av west of bushwick av has to do w/ how I'd restructure the B24/B48.... that part of met. av shouldn't be left w/ only weekday service b/c the rest of the B24 route lacks in usage...... I don't have the "Q59" looping around kent/wythe b/c that routing has been a complete waste of time for the longest..... If the MTA wants to create a route in that area (b/w wms'burg & greenpoint), then let them go right ahead due next year, or whenever that's supposed to take place....



"Q38".... I have this going to flushing, via Roosevelt mainly b/c there is a hole in service once you get north of LeFrak city (only other person I seen address this, is Cotb16 some time ago).... An argument can be made for it paralleling the (worthless) 48 & having to deal with roosevelt traffic, but fact of the matter is, you cannot terminate another route with the Q58 over there by 41st, esp. with as frequent as that route is....


top to bottom again.... I know prince st isn't all that ideal (so if anyone wants to rip me a new one, then go ahead), but since you have the Q19 & 66 sharing a stop, and the Q48 & 50 sharing a stop over on Roosevelt/main, may as well forget adding a 5th route to end on that block..... the walking distance from there to main/roosevelt shouldn't be too much of a problem; far better from where the Q58 puts you off at IMO..... You can also argue that flushing doesn't need another route, but a route running b/w corona/ridgewood is too short; the ridership b/w those two points isn't booming like say, a B74, Q64, etc.......


I have the route utilizing 108th & 43rd simply b/c Corona plz. (which is where I would've ideally like to send the route) is a pedestrian (and vehicular, to a certain extent) nightmare.... on top of filling a gap (which there is a market for; which is why the 23 turns off 108th towards corona plz the way it does), I simply have the route running down 99th from corona av to 57th b/c the routing the current 38 takes along 98th, christie, and 99th is indirect..... towards hoffman dr & towards/along eliot remains the same.... I have this extended to Ridgewood to establish an (increased) riderbase, for those that don't want to deal w/ the headache of the Q58 along grand st to get to QB...... Forest & Eliot gets you to QB much quicker than Fresh Pond & Grand does.....



....and that's about it.

I am tired & I am out.... I'll check w/e comments (if any) sometime later on in the day......

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Here's a map of how I would restructure things:


(for the hell of it, I added the current/real Q58 for comparison purposes.....)




"Q59"..... main reason why I think this route should be involved in a split of the current 38 is b/c the current Q59 is not much more than a supplementary route that needs not be..... The Q58 & all the service that it gets, got the main/commercial part of Grand av covered..... few ppl take Q59's towards rego park b/c folks are too busy either making their way to the subway or taking Q60's b/c they need service past rego park itself along QB..... Anyway, having this route serve a totally different market (middle village, rego park, etc) can only benefit the network & the riders that currently have to put up w/ the woes of the current 38..... Basically, I'd turn it into a coverage route (with above par coverage route headways)......


From top to bottom.... I have this taking over the 62nd/63rd portion of the current 38 & extended to the corona side of 99th, due to the fact that it's a headache to get from one side of the HHE to the next.... I can see residents around 63rd rd taking this to that side of the HHE for the purpose of hitting up those little stores along 99th & what not.... not only that, but in general, those are very community-oriented areas that are closely related to one another.... so two areas should be connected w/ a bus route (as opposed to being so close, but so far apart).... Another benefit to this move is that it offers a connection w/ the flushing bound 58 w/o having to cross any streets whatsoever......


Middle village routing I left alone; if that works for them, so be it.... Turning it back up fresh pond rd to get to Grand av is simple - you don't want to leave that part of industrial maspeth with nothing..... this is why I wouldn't have it continuing on Met. av all the way to Brooklyn like the 54 does..... I don't have it going straight on met av towards Brooklyn b/c b/w bushwick av & the bridge often suffers from heavy truck traffic......


Brooklyn routing, moving this on Met. av west of bushwick av has to do w/ how I'd restructure the B24/B48.... that part of met. av shouldn't be left w/ only weekday service b/c the rest of the B24 route lacks in usage...... I don't have the "Q59" looping around kent/wythe b/c that routing has been a complete waste of time for the longest..... If the MTA wants to create a route in that area (b/w wms'burg & greenpoint), then let them go right ahead due next year, or whenever that's supposed to take place....



"Q38".... I have this going to flushing, via Roosevelt mainly b/c there is a hole in service once you get north of LeFrak city (only other person I seen address this, is Cotb16 some time ago).... An argument can be made for it paralleling the (worthless) 48 & having to deal with roosevelt traffic, but fact of the matter is, you cannot terminate another route with the Q58 over there by 41st, esp. with as frequent as that route is....


top to bottom again.... I know prince st isn't all that ideal (so if anyone wants to rip me a new one, then go ahead), but since you have the Q19 & 66 sharing a stop, and the Q48 & 50 sharing a stop over on Roosevelt/main, may as well forget adding a 5th route to end on that block..... the walking distance from there to main/roosevelt shouldn't be too much of a problem; far better from where the Q58 puts you off at IMO..... You can also argue that flushing doesn't need another route, but a route running b/w corona/ridgewood is too short; the ridership b/w those two points isn't booming like say, a B74, Q64, etc.......


I have the route utilizing 108th & 43rd simply b/c Corona plz. (which is where I would've ideally like to send the route) is a pedestrian (and vehicular, to a certain extent) nightmare.... on top of filling a gap (which there is a market for; which is why the 23 turns off 108th towards corona plz the way it does), I simply have the route running down 99th from corona av to 57th b/c the routing the current 38 takes along 98th, christie, and 99th is indirect..... towards hoffman dr & towards/along eliot remains the same.... I have this extended to Ridgewood to establish an (increased) riderbase, for those that don't want to deal w/ the headache of the Q58 along grand st to get to QB...... Forest & Eliot gets you to QB much quicker than Fresh Pond & Grand does.....



....and that's about it.

I am tired & I am out.... I'll check w/e comments (if any) sometime later on in the day......


I was trying to say this all along Q38 but I suggested the Q38 penelope to go to flushing
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Here's a map of how I would restructure things:


(for the hell of it, I added the current/real Q58 for comparison purposes.....)




"Q59"..... main reason why I think this route should be involved in a split of the current 38 is b/c the current Q59 is not much more than a supplementary route that needs not be..... The Q58 & all the service that it gets, got the main/commercial part of Grand av covered..... few ppl take Q59's towards rego park b/c folks are too busy either making their way to the subway or taking Q60's b/c they need service past rego park itself along QB..... Anyway, having this route serve a totally different market (middle village, rego park, etc) can only benefit the network & the riders that currently have to put up w/ the woes of the current 38..... Basically, I'd turn it into a coverage route (with above par coverage route headways)......


From top to bottom.... I have this taking over the 62nd/63rd portion of the current 38 & extended to the corona side of 99th, due to the fact that it's a headache to get from one side of the HHE to the next.... I can see residents around 63rd rd taking this to that side of the HHE for the purpose of hitting up those little stores along 99th & what not.... not only that, but in general, those are very community-oriented areas that are closely related to one another.... so two areas should be connected w/ a bus route (as opposed to being so close, but so far apart).... Another benefit to this move is that it offers a connection w/ the flushing bound 58 w/o having to cross any streets whatsoever......


Middle village routing I left alone; if that works for them, so be it.... Turning it back up fresh pond rd to get to Grand av is simple - you don't want to leave that part of industrial maspeth with nothing..... this is why I wouldn't have it continuing on Met. av all the way to Brooklyn like the 54 does..... I don't have it going straight on met av towards Brooklyn b/c b/w bushwick av & the bridge often suffers from heavy truck traffic......


Brooklyn routing, moving this on Met. av west of bushwick av has to do w/ how I'd restructure the B24/B48.... that part of met. av shouldn't be left w/ only weekday service b/c the rest of the B24 route lacks in usage...... I don't have the "Q59" looping around kent/wythe b/c that routing has been a complete waste of time for the longest..... If the MTA wants to create a route in that area (b/w wms'burg & greenpoint), then let them go right ahead due next year, or whenever that's supposed to take place....



"Q38".... I have this going to flushing, via Roosevelt mainly b/c there is a hole in service once you get north of LeFrak city (only other person I seen address this, is Cotb16 some time ago).... An argument can be made for it paralleling the (worthless) 48 & having to deal with roosevelt traffic, but fact of the matter is, you cannot terminate another route with the Q58 over there by 41st, esp. with as frequent as that route is....


top to bottom again.... I know prince st isn't all that ideal (so if anyone wants to rip me a new one, then go ahead), but since you have the Q19 & 66 sharing a stop, and the Q48 & 50 sharing a stop over on Roosevelt/main, may as well forget adding a 5th route to end on that block..... the walking distance from there to main/roosevelt shouldn't be too much of a problem; far better from where the Q58 puts you off at IMO..... You can also argue that flushing doesn't need another route, but a route running b/w corona/ridgewood is too short; the ridership b/w those two points isn't booming like say, a B74, Q64, etc.......


I have the route utilizing 108th & 43rd simply b/c Corona plz. (which is where I would've ideally like to send the route) is a pedestrian (and vehicular, to a certain extent) nightmare.... on top of filling a gap (which there is a market for; which is why the 23 turns off 108th towards corona plz the way it does), I simply have the route running down 99th from corona av to 57th b/c the routing the current 38 takes along 98th, christie, and 99th is indirect..... towards hoffman dr & towards/along eliot remains the same.... I have this extended to Ridgewood to establish an (increased) riderbase, for those that don't want to deal w/ the headache of the Q58 along grand st to get to QB...... Forest & Eliot gets you to QB much quicker than Fresh Pond & Grand does.....



....and that's about it.

I am tired & I am out.... I'll check w/e comments (if any) sometime later on in the day......


With your Q38 in Middle Village, I would have it rerouted between 69th/Eliot and Metro/Forest in order to provide a quicker connection to the (M) and access to Metro Mall.


Route: Eliot Av, 69th St, Metropolitan Av, Forest Av


The rest of your stuff looks good though.

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Im tired of this why the heck would you split the Q38 in half if it has riders that go past Middleville (M) Station. Flushing service could work but thats why the Q58 and its LTD is for. Here's a history lesson the Q38 used to be split, but they decided to combine both portions because people travels along each other and bascially you want to bring it back to that time again. :huh:

In my original plans, I figured that the people on Eliot between Fresh Pond and the cemetery probably take it to Metropolitan, so I had the Juniper half loop around via Fresh Pond, Eliot, and Mt. Olivet Crescent (if possible) so they would still have access to Met. station.

Here's a map of how I would restructure things:


(for the hell of it, I added the current/real Q58 for comparison purposes.....)


"Q38".... I have this going to flushing, via Roosevelt mainly b/c there is a hole in service once you get north of LeFrak city (only other person I seen address this, is Cotb16 some time ago).... An argument can be made for it paralleling the (worthless) 48 & having to deal with roosevelt traffic, but fact of the matter is, you cannot terminate another route with the Q58 over there by 41st, esp. with as frequent as that route is....


I have the route utilizing 108th & 43rd simply b/c Corona plz. (which is where I would've ideally like to send the route) is a pedestrian (and vehicular, to a certain extent) nightmare.... on top of filling a gap (which there is a market for; which is why the 23 turns off 108th towards corona plz the way it does), I simply have the route running down 99th from corona av to 57th b/c the routing the current 38 takes along 98th, christie, and 99th is indirect..... towards hoffman dr & towards/along eliot remains the same.... I have this extended to Ridgewood to establish an (increased) riderbase, for those that don't want to deal w/ the headache of the Q58 along grand st to get to QB...... Forest & Eliot gets you to QB much quicker than Fresh Pond & Grand does.....

The Roosevelt routing was apart of my plans also, though I had the 58 go that way, kept the 38 on the LIE to pick up that part of the 58, and then had to figure what would replace the 58 between National and 108/LIE. .
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In my original plans, I figured that the people on Eliot between Fresh Pond and the cemetery probably take it to Metropolitan, so I had the Juniper half loop around via Fresh Pond, Eliot, and Mt. Olivet Crescent (if possible) so they would still have access to Met. station.

The Roosevelt routing was apart of my plans also, though I had the 58 go that way, kept the 38 on the LIE to pick up that part of the 58, and then had to figure what would replace the 58 between National and 108/LIE. .



I have my doubts about the Roosevelt routing. The future of the Q48 (which runs along Roosevelt with the (7)) has been questioned within these forums. There's no need for another bus on Roosevelt, because one bus is plenty.

Edited by Q10 Airport
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With your Q38 in Middle Village, I would have it rerouted between 69th/Eliot and Metro/Forest in order to provide a quicker connection to the (M) and access to Metro Mall.


Route: Eliot Av, 69th St, Metropolitan Av, Forest Av


The rest of your stuff looks good though.

You could do it that way, but I figure why have it serve 2 stops on that "side" of the (M) [metropolitan, forest].... That, and the eliot spur is by far the straightest portion of the current Q38, and I wanted to keep it that way - even if it means 5 more mins. or so to the (M) at forest..... My thinking was, if the route is to be split, one (split) should serve one station on the M, and the other split should serve another station on the M....


Of course, either split would still have access to the M along QB as well.....



The Roosevelt routing was a part of my plans also, though I had the 58 go that way, kept the 38 on the LIE to pick up that part of the 58, and then had to figure what would replace the 58 between National and 108/LIE.


Wouldn't be a bad idea to have the 23 take on that task..... makes more sense to me than another somewhat popular idea I've seen involving the 23, which is straightening it along 108th - when there's more demand for (and a subway station at) corona plz......



....The future of the Q48 (which runs along Roosevelt with the (7)) has been questioned within these forums. There's no need for another bus on Roosevelt, because one bus is plenty.


Albeit a different issue, the Q48 has come under scrutiny on these forums b/c its usage to/from the airport from flushing (which is supposed to be the main purpose of the route) is lacking..... most of that route's usage is b/w flushing & astoria blvd..... out of flushing, it's used as an alternative to the 66, since those suckers get packed before it even makes the turn onto main st.....


So it's not about the need for another bus on roosevelt....

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You could do it that way, but I figure why have it serve 2 stops on that "side" of the (M) [metropolitan, forest].... That, and the eliot spur is by far the straightest portion of the current Q38, and I wanted to keep it that way - even if it means 5 more mins. or so to the (M) at forest..... My thinking was, if the route is to be split, one (split) should serve one station on the M, and the other split should serve another station on the M....


Of course, either split would still have access to the M along QB as well.....





Wouldn't be a bad idea to have the 23 take on that task..... makes more sense to me than another somewhat popular idea I've seen involving the 23, which is straightening it along 108th - when there's more demand for (and a subway station at) corona plz......





Albeit a different issue, the Q48 has come under scrutiny on these forums b/c its usage to/from the airport from flushing (which is supposed to be the main purpose of the route) is lacking..... most of that route's usage is b/w flushing & astoria blvd..... out of flushing, it's used as an alternative to the 66, since those suckers get packed before it even makes the turn onto main st.....


So it's not about the need for another bus on roosevelt....


in reality roosevelt needs no bus pretty much is what ur saying
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You could do it that way, but I figure why have it serve 2 stops on that "side" of the (M) [metropolitan, forest].... That, and the eliot spur is by far the straightest portion of the current Q38, and I wanted to keep it that way - even if it means 5 more mins. or so to the (M) at forest..... My thinking was, if the route is to be split, one (split) should serve one station on the M, and the other split should serve another station on the M....


Of course, either split would still have access to the M along QB as well.....



But it's not the fact of serving two (M) stops, but it's a quicker ride to the train from Eliot Avenue. In addition, Eliot Av riders would have access to Metro Mall and the connection to the Q58 LTD at Metro/Fresh Pond instead of the local at Eliot/Fresh Pond.

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But it's not the fact of serving two (M) stops, but it's a quicker ride to the train from Eliot Avenue. In addition, Eliot Av riders would have access to Metro Mall and the connection to the Q58 LTD at Metro/Fresh Pond instead of the local at Eliot/Fresh Pond.


That's exactly what it is.... There's no point in splitting the route to have it go on to serve 2 stations like that....

xferring b/w the local & LTD Q58 is neither here nor there - riders will take the 58 regardless (most riders are heading to QB/Grand for the most part)..... metro mall they can always xfer to the 54 for; that mall is not that major.....


For the points you're bringing up, you may as well leave the current 38 alone.....

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I would split the 38 with the 88 taking over the northern portion and the 67 taking over the southern portion. That would give riders from both sections access to the current subway lines that they take. I would also make the Q67 run at or near the the frequencies of the 38 on the Juniper Valley Portion. Also I would reroute the Q67 so it goes around to the Juniper section instead of down 69 street

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I would split the 38 with the 88 taking over the northern portion and the 67 taking over the southern portion. That would give riders from both sections access to the current subway lines that they take. I would also make the Q67 run at or near the the frequencies of the 38 on the Juniper Valley Portion. Also I would reroute the Q67 so it goes around to the Juniper section instead of down 69 street


plz stop Q67 is complete crap it needs death kill it with Q100 to maspeth and Q18 to metro mall
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I would split the 38 with the 88 taking over the northern portion and the 67 taking over the southern portion. That would give riders from both sections access to the current subway lines that they take. I would also make the Q67 run at or near the the frequencies of the 38 on the Juniper Valley Portion. Also I would reroute the Q67 so it goes around to the Juniper section instead of down 69 street


the 88 taking over the northern portion? How would that work around the lefrak city area exactly?

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the 88 taking over the northern portion? How would that work around the lefrak city area exactly?


Replace the entire Q38 northern route eastbound

And go from 99 street and 57 Avenue and then right on 99 street, right on LIE, left on Junction, and left on LIE service Road, and continue on regular route

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The Q38 is unreliable and slow. Splitting it will bring better service to both sides. I think riders who go around (I can't imagine why anyone would) wouldn't mind transferring if it means better overall service.



Its not the Q38's routings fault its the MTA's fault because they could take away some unimportant stops and add more service if needed. I mean all College Point routes are like that. At 9:00 a Q25 or Q34 sometimes takes up to 20 or more minutes to come. A Q19 sometimes takes 45 toan hour to come. Q50 no different but it has ECH so its not that bad. The Q65 sometimes takes 30 minutes to come at 8:00PM in Flushing with a very long line and Q17's and Q27's are passing every 5 minutes. The Q66 is not bad but theres been time where it was bunched bad a very slow. The only route that doesnt have much problems is the Q64 where its very fast and on time.


The Q38 is just another one of the routes affected by CP's shortage on buses and lack of preparation

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plz stop Q67 is complete crap it needs death kill it with Q100 to maspeth and Q18 to metro mall


- The baby mama express (Q100) past Long Island City, forget about that...


- Q18 extension along 69th is another issue (although I would keep that right where it is on Grand st & alter the 67 north of grand st), because...


- There is demand for the Q67; problem is, its only really during peak hours..... The off peak usage it gets, is within industrial maspeth to/from the (7), and part of that's due to the Q39 not serving all of industrial maspeth (which I think it should, but w/e).....



Replace the entire Q38 northern route eastbound

And go from 99 street and 57 Avenue and then right on 99 street, right on LIE, left on Junction, and left on LIE service Road, and continue on regular route


With the Q88 coming from Queens Vill & all the riders it accumulates along HHE., I can't see having that route meander around LeFrak city as making much sense.... that alone would piss off too many riders, nevermind sending it to middle village....

Edited by B35 via Church
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