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Queens Division Bus Proposals/Ideas


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Who usually takes the Q77?



I live 4 blocks from the Q77, but I, as well as many Springfield Gardens residents, prefer the Q85 as it is quicker and more direct. The Q77 I only use on saturdays when I'm not in a rush and I need to go to my grandpa's house on Hillside and Tbh its better on saturdays, but its more crowded, as many use it on saturdays. Saturday service imo, should end at 9pm, instead of 6:30pm...

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Those been running in Far Rockaway for years. That's nothing new.


I remember them when they ran regular vans.

One thing i have noticed. The Beach Channel Drive vans dont run as often as they use to and end around 60th St.

Shows you how long its been since ive used one

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I live 4 blocks from the Q77, but I, as well as many Springfield Gardens residents, prefer the Q85 as it is quicker and more direct. The Q77 I only use on saturdays when I'm not in a rush and I need to go to my grandpa's house on Hillside and Tbh its better on saturdays, but its more crowded, as many use it on saturdays. Saturday service imo, should end at 9pm, instead of 6:30pm...


cause the corridor served is residential and ppl usually go there to visit relatives. If ppl are commuting or going places they will not use Q77 at least in it's current form. It reminds me of SEPTA's 128
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I live 4 blocks from the Q77, but I, as well as many Springfield Gardens residents, prefer the Q85 as it is quicker and more direct. The Q77 I only use on saturdays when I'm not in a rush and I need to go to my grandpa's house on Hillside and Tbh its better on saturdays, but its more crowded, as many use it on saturdays. Saturday service imo, should end at 9pm, instead of 6:30pm...


cause the corridor served is residential and ppl usually go there to visit relatives. If ppl are commuting or going places they will not use Q77 at least in it's current form. It reminds me of SEPTA's 128
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Interestingly yesterday, I rode the Q77 from the bus terminal to/and from Montefiore Cemetery and it had a good load throughout the trip. I took the 11 AM from the bus terminal and the 1:23 PM from the cemetery and we had a nice crowd to 179th Street.



lemme guess, a mix of old ladies & schoolkids ?

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lemme guess, a mix of old ladies & schoolkids ?



I think the Q77 could be considered the MTAs version of a school bus lol....On the weekdays I never see anything BUT schoolkids because as mentioned, folks would rather take other faster, more direct buses (85, 4, 83...) I may try taking the 77 to school on monday, because I'm getting tired of the 85 and everybody and their mom getting on in Rochdale...

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I think the Q77 could be considered the MTAs version of a school bus lol....On the weekdays I never see anything BUT schoolkids because as mentioned, folks would rather take other faster, more direct buses (85, 4, 83...) I may try taking the 77 to school on monday, because I'm getting tired of the 85 and everybody and their mom getting on in Rochdale...


I don't blame ya for wanting to take on that alternative.... The 85 is one of the more underestimated SE Queens routes; the swarms that utilize it w/i Rochdale, forget about it.....


lol... it be funny if the MTA advertised the 77 (the whole route) as a school tripper/school bus.....

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I don't blame ya for wanting to take on that alternative.... The 85 is one of the more underestimated SE Queens routes; the swarms that utilize it w/i Rochdale, forget about it.....


lol... it be funny if the MTA advertised the 77 (the whole route) as a school tripper/school bus.....



Lmaooo... i wouldn't be surprised, it (the 77) goes by about 5 different school buildings which is a lot... And the 85 really is, I don't blame ppl from Rochdale taking it tho (I also see the reason for the buses that short turn at Farmers/Bedell).. their only other option is the 111/113, which are really overcrowded and not the safest routes... Personally the 85 could do better, frequencies I mean, because ppl who don't ride the route think the line doesn't need any more service, but as a frequent 85 rider, service could be increased... It really sucks waiting at Jamaica Center with every other type of bus flying by, still waiting for the 85, then have 4 come at once (In a typical p.m. rush hour, a Green Acres 85, Rochdale 85 and two 85 rosedale limiteds will come at once...). It bunches WAY to much also, this morning I was waiting to cross S. Conduit nd 225th and not one but THREE buses came, nd the lights on S Conduit are long, so I missed all three, which made me mad, most 85s also are late or early, but not on time, only weekends... but other than that its a good route that serves its purpose well..

Edited by MTAFanBoy512
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The Q85 needs more service. People who live around the 243 Street area of Rosedale, near the Coundits, and in Rochdale take the 85 because they don't want to walk all the way to Merrick Blvd to take the Q5. I'm surprised at how infrequent service along the Q85 is. I thought the 85 was the fast one, and the 111 was the slow one.

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The Q85 needs more service. People who live around the 243 Street area of Rosedale, near the Coundits, and in Rochdale take the 85 because they don't want to walk all the way to Merrick Blvd to take the Q5. I'm surprised at how infrequent service along the Q85 is. I thought the 85 was the fast one, and the 111 was the slow one.



This is true. I live on S Conduit and I would take the Q5 if i can because it has a lot of service and is frequent, but Merrick is WAY too far. The 85 would have better service if it didn't bunch so damn much tbh... and I've only taken the 111 once but its faster. The 111 takes 25 mins and the 85 takes 35-40 mins (going home). I also noticed that 85s are faster in the AM rush than the PM rush...

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Extend the Q77 to JFK to help out Q3.

Hey. If the 77 is not clearly serving something, maybe that Extention can give the 77 a bit more usefulness.



It won't work. There's no demand for service along Springfield past I.S. 231 and people who live on 147th already have the Q111/113.

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Extend the Q77 to JFK to help out Q3.

Hey. If the 77 is not clearly serving something, maybe that Extention can give the 77 a bit more usefulness.



Don't even talk about the Q3... That line is horrible as well... slow as hell....

Edited by MTAFanBoy512
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Q23 Central Term, on 01 June 2012 - 08:26 PM, said:

Extend the Q77 to JFK to help out Q3.

Hey. If the 77 is not clearly serving something, maybe that Extention can give the 77 a bit more usefulness.


Don't even talk about the Q3... That line is horrible as well... slow as hell....

Edited by MTAFanBoy512, Today, 08:45 PM.

I meant a second alternative to JFK instead of the Q3

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Q23 Central Term, on 01 June 2012 - 08:26 PM, said:

Extend the Q77 to JFK to help out Q3.

Hey. If the 77 is not clearly serving something, maybe that Extention can give the 77 a bit more usefulness.


Don't even talk about the Q3... That line is horrible as well... slow as hell....

Edited by MTAFanBoy512, Today, 08:45 PM.

I meant a second alternative to JFK instead of the Q3



Im sorry i read it wrong.. And although that would give the Q77 a slight more purpose, the Q77 doesn't run much and there isn't much demand for a service to JFK from Springfield Gardens, but I do like the idea of giving the Q77 more purpose, and it is better than extending it to 147 av.

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wanna give Q77 purpose right yeah good luck with that I will say it till I am blue in the face let Q26 eat Q77 via frances lewis crosstown. Q77 run it school season only at rush Q26 all other times if Q27 can do it and be very useful then guess what Q26 can do the same thing and it will actually be faster than Q27 anyway even if it eats the whole line it will still be shorter and more reliable than Q27!! Q85 hmm here is a quick fix make it closed door on merrick done yes more trips too.

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wanna give Q77 purpose right yeah good luck with that I will say it till I am blue in the face let Q26 eat Q77 via frances lewis crosstown. Q77 run it school season only at rush Q26 all other times if Q27 can do it and be very useful then guess what Q26 can do the same thing and it will actually be faster than Q27 anyway even if it eats the whole line it will still be shorter and more reliable than Q27!! Q85 hmm here is a quick fix make it closed door on merrick done yes more trips too.



The 77 can't run school season only... its actually does get riders, just not as much as other routes. Its really utilized on saturdays... And the idea of the 26 running all the way down francis lewis has been beaten to death already... Its not logical, and there is no demand for it, and the north and south part of F Lewis serve different types of riders w/ different destinations... The 85 could use more trips I agree with that, but not closed door on Merrick. Ive seen ppl board on merrick nd go to rochdale, green acres (if it comes before the 5) or other intermediate points along the route and quite a few ppl take 85 LTDs to the 3 LTD stops on merrick (109, linden nd baisley) as well... That will just make ppl crowd onto already overcrowded Q5s.....

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wanna give Q77 purpose right yeah good luck with that I will say it till I am blue in the face let Q26 eat Q77 via frances lewis crosstown. Q77 run it school season only at rush Q26 all other times if Q27 can do it and be very useful then guess what Q26 can do the same thing and it will actually be faster than Q27 anyway even if it eats the whole line it will still be shorter and more reliable than Q27!! Q85 hmm here is a quick fix make it closed door on merrick done yes more trips too.



The Q85 is owned by the MTA, not NICE.

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wanna give Q77 purpose right yeah good luck with that I will say it till I am blue in the face let Q26 eat Q77 via frances lewis crosstown. Q77 run it school season only at rush Q26 all other times if Q27 can do it and be very useful then guess what Q26 can do the same thing and it will actually be faster than Q27 anyway even if it eats the whole line it will still be shorter and more reliable than Q27!! Q85 hmm here is a quick fix make it closed door on merrick done yes more trips too.


facefloor-facefloor-face-floor-facepalm-palm-demotivational-posters-1320954033.jpg Edited by Q23 Central Term
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