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Random Thoughts Thread - Nassau Inter-County Express (NICE)


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What is it going to take to get the (MTA) to come back

Paying a ridiculous amount of money to the MTA and getting less service than nice is offering. BTW the County, State, and Federal governments are broke, where's this money coming from?


because I'm willing to do whatever it takes.



Maybe if you close your eyes, cross your fingers and wish real hard it'll happen. I think that's the only way you could "do whatevver it takes" to get the MTA back. lol

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Here are my memories:

January 1st: First day of Nassau Inter County Express Bus, which I took n20 bus to Manhassett Whole Foods and they didn't sell Olivia Organic salads over there at that time.




Goddamn Veolia! If MTA was running MTA LIB on Jan 1st, 2012 Whole Foods would have had an Oliva Organic salad for you. :D

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Paying a ridiculous amount of money to the MTA and getting less service than nice is offering. BTW the County, State, and Federal governments are broke, where's this money coming from?




Maybe if you close your eyes, cross your fingers and wish real hard it'll happen. I think that's the only way you could "do whatevver it takes" to get the MTA back. lol



It's not a ridiculous amount, Westchester and Suffolk pay a similar amount of money toward operation of their privately operated bus systems. Veolia is doing it for less and what you get is obvious, low wage workers, poor maintanance, and no accountability. You think it's OK to have to wait another hour in the cold for a bus because the driver forgot to do his run? Or someone waiting at SUNY Old Westbury saw the bus pass right by without turning into the stop? What good is a bus schedule when it's not even adhered to most of the time? Here's an idea, ditch the car and take NICE Bus everyday for a month and then tell me how great it is. There's a reason why ridership has dropped, and it's because riders are getting fed up. You get what you pay for Nassau County!

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Look I could really care less about you standing in the cold for a bus. I've got my own problems, so to answer your question I don't relly care enough to think aout it or answer.


In a perfect world no one would have to wait for a bus now for the million dollar question: Where is this money coming from?


You have already said multiple times that the problem is Nassau's inability to fund the system. You know this but you continually use it as an oppurtunity to bitch about Veolia. I mean seriously what do you have against Veolia? You have said before they are not the problem but you continually bitch about them when you know what the problem is.


The answer is certainly not brining the MTA back to Nassau County! Nice has already proven that they can do more with the money than the MTA ever could have. ...and you know that, don't make me search through your posts from the last year. I really don't want to but like making you look like an idiot anmd I'll do that with your own words (then again you've done a good job of that lately!)....


.It's the new year, time for new years resolutions, yours should be to man up and stop whining about the bus being late! I hoe you are taking classes at Westbury and trying to improve your ciurrent situation but maybe you should look into taking classes at a CUNY school and take the train into the city as it is more reliable than Nassau County. Oh yea, taking the LIRR into the city and back is a real treat, you'll be thanking the MTA everyday. The last time I was a train that was delayed 20 min because of switch problems someone stated they were going to be late for work the guy puching the ticket said "oh well, gotta expect these things on the LIRR and roll with'em..." as he walked away with a smile on his face looking as if he didn't have a worry in the world. Easy for him to say as he was already at work and probably making $120,000 a year to punch those tickets of everyone who would be late for work.


BTW IMHO if there is extra money in the budget it should NOT go to nice/Nassau for bus service, it should go to the K-12 school system!

Edited by Burrstone
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Wasn't this in the Off Topic Lounge section to be more general? Whatever. I was out at Great Neck the first day of NICE service and I remember seeing N25s and N20s rolling in with NGs, still in MTA livery, but everything seemed so different. Those first few weeks, everyone was scattering I remember to go find 1816, the only bus wrapped at the moment.


Wasn't this in the Off Topic Lounge section to be more general? Whatever. I was out at Great Neck the first day of NICE service and I remember seeing N25s and N20s rolling in with NGs, still in MTA livery, but everything seemed so different. Those first few weeks, everyone was scattering I remember to go find 1816, the only bus wrapped at the moment.



This memories for everything not only for buses, but including for event that you had.

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I'm going to give my opinion and will probably be bashed for this but here it is. NICE is the problem. People keep saying that NICE is doing more with less and the MTA could never do that. Lets evaluate the situation here, buses aren't showing up more often, buses are breaking down more consistently, schedules have been cut across the board etc... That is sound less with less money. The MTA said that they would cut service dramatically if they didn't get a certain amount of money, this argument that Nassau saved the day is ludicrous. I know for a fact that the MTA at least would have met service safely and reliably, maybe not 100% everyday but more than NICE has this entire year.


The smoke and mirror tactics that NICE and Nassau have put out is working, but I see right through the garbage. And no, nice isn't trying, they have already proven and keep proving they don't know anything about planning or scheduling or anything. It's not just a money issue here, it's nice really not knowing what to do. They can't handle the system they were given and its showing.


The MTA wasn't perfect in Nassau but they were, in my opinion, better than this. My experiences going to Nassau haven't been pleasant with nice around. I would go weeks if not months sometimes without a huge problem with lib but with nice, I haven't had a restless ride yet.

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Look I could really care less about you standing in the cold for a bus. I've got my own problems, so to answer your question I don't relly care enough to think aout it or answer.


In a perfect world no one would have to wait for a bus now for the million dollar question: Where is this money coming from?


You have already said multiple times that the problem is Nassau's inability to fund the system. You know this but you continually use it as an oppurtunity to bitch about Veolia. I mean seriously what do you have against Veolia? You have said before they are not the problem but you continually bitch about them when you know what the problem is.


The answer is certainly not brining the MTA back to Nassau County! Nice has already proven that they can do more with the money than the MTA ever could have. ...and you know that, don't make me search through your posts from the last year. I really don't want to but like making you look like an idiot anmd I'll do that with your own words (then again you've done a good job of that lately!)....


.It's the new year, time for new years resolutions, yours should be to man up and stop whining about the bus being late! I hoe you are taking classes at Westbury and trying to improve your ciurrent situation but maybe you should look into taking classes at a CUNY school and take the train into the city as it is more reliable than Nassau County. Oh yea, taking the LIRR into the city and back is a real treat, you'll be thanking the MTA everyday. The last time I was a train that was delayed 20 min because of switch problems someone stated they were going to be late for work the guy puching the ticket said "oh well, gotta expect these things on the LIRR and roll with'em..." as he walked away with a smile on his face looking as if he didn't have a worry in the world. Easy for him to say as he was already at work and probably making $120,000 a year to punch those tickets of everyone who would be late for work.


BTW IMHO if there is extra money in the budget it should NOT go to nice/Nassau for bus service, it should go to the K-12 school system!


Out of thin air. The Fed's are printing money like there's no tomorrow.
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Out of thin air. The Fed's are printing money like there's no tomorrow.



Oh dear god child educate yourself! They are not just "printinting" money to pay for things (if they did that would cause the rest of the money in the economy to be less valuable and simply make prices for everything rise, but that's an economic lesson for another day) the spending you hear about is coming from higher taxes, cutting program or funding xyz while abc gets less.

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Anyone who's taken a basic economics class can tell you if the government does that, it's generally not good...



Don't you guys realize that anything negative you say about NICE/Veolia is going to be defended by this guy with the school bus picture called Burrstone.

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Don't you guys realize that anything negative you say about NICE/Veolia is going to be defended by this guy with the school bus picture called Burrstone.



I still remain completely neutral. I'm tired of all these arrogant Europeans and the hipsters claiming we should all be taking mass transit. They can blow it all out of their ass because it's just not worth it. I can tell that once upon a time the county had a decent system but as suburbanization and rapid development just kept making everything more car-friendly it all came apart. I can't believe how bad it is for people out here. I can't stand "it's so easy to get a license" and I hate the looks I get when I say that I can't drive. But I'd do anything to be sitting in the driver's seat of my own car, with my music playing and the heat on in bumper-to-bumper traffic as opposed to sitting on a crowded bus with 20-30 people crammed into an aisle only a foot and a half wide.

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I still remain completely neutral. I'm tired of all these arrogant Europeans and the hipsters claiming we should all be taking mass transit. They can blow it all out of their ass because it's just not worth it. I can tell that once upon a time the county had a decent system but as suburbanization and rapid development just kept making everything more car-friendly it all came apart. I can't believe how bad it is for people out here. I can't stand "it's so easy to get a license" and I hate the looks I get when I say that I can't drive. But I'd do anything to be sitting in the driver's seat of my own car, with my music playing and the heat on in bumper-to-bumper traffic as opposed to sitting on a crowded bus with 20-30 people crammed into an aisle only a foot and a half wide.


The result of someone who has been failed by their transit system way to many times.


I can't say I blame you as on occasion my area transit system annoys the hell out of me. Is it as bad as NICE, likely not but I do understand your frustration to an extent.

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Yesterday, 12:15 n8 Green Acres Loop left 15 minutes early when I was waiting for it and I try to catch up with it arriving n6, did not made it b/c that driver left way EARLY.


Next, I waited for 13:15 n2 Green Acres and waiting in cold (no globe or scarf over on hour and when I was on 14:15 n8 Green Acres bus and when he came to Wheeler Av, guess what show up? New male driver on 13:15 n2 show up around Wheeler Av at 15:00!! WAY OFF SCHEDULE.

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Don't you guys realize that anything negative you say about NICE/Veolia is going to be defended by this guy with the school bus picture called Burrstone.



First of all what does JOel Up Front telling jgood that anyone who has taken a basic economics class knows what he suggested (the fed just printing money) have to do with me defending nice/Veolia?


Don't you realize their needs to be one voice of reason within this section of "omg nice sucks so bad let's bitch together...." What I post is not meant to defend nice but meant to counter the BS, assumptions, and overreactions with logic. I'm sorry if logic defends Veolia/NICE, that is against your agenda.. I know you must have gotten used to the MTA way and corporate America must have been a tough pill to swallow for the old timers who were able to make 6 figures with overtime while people working in the private sector had to tighten their belts, were subject to layoffs, and god forbid not allowed overtime. It's called the real world, welcome to it! But Veolia is the bad guy for not allowing Nassau bus drivers to flourish while everyone else in America is feeling the real world. Admit it, the MTA is the answer for you because no matter how bad things got or what skeleton system they were running you (and the old timers) would be A okay, lay everyone else off but you still have a job and all the over time you wanted. What else matters? Because to people like you this transit system was not built and maintained to give the public, who needs it a ride, but is here solely to give you people a job. A system set up to guarantee overtime and a pension, nothing more.


Again allow me to welcome you to the real world, I'm glad you were able to retire before it affected you. The days of someone getting these jobs with a pension and a salary of a doctor or a lawyer are no longer available for my generation. Why? Because we must fix the economy caused by your generations fiscal irresponsibility and suffer the consequences of the economy that crashed because people wanted a house they couldn't afford.


Hey Hound, I've got a question for you: How many bus operators have you heard bitching over at nice that couldn't pay their mortgage (or over bills) without overtime? Hmm...


Before you point the finger at me for not agreeing with you look at the situation, the bigger picture if you can! I am so sick of a generation bitching about micro causes of the economy that they created, that my generation will have to pay for!

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I still remain completely neutral. I'm tired of all these arrogant Europeans and the hipsters claiming we should all be taking mass transit. They can blow it all out of their ass because it's just not worth it. I can tell that once upon a time the county had a decent system but as suburbanization and rapid development just kept making everything more car-friendly it all came apart. I can't believe how bad it is for people out here. I can't stand "it's so easy to get a license" and I hate the looks I get when I say that I can't drive. But I'd do anything to be sitting in the driver's seat of my own car, with my music playing and the heat on in bumper-to-bumper traffic as opposed to sitting on a crowded bus with 20-30 people crammed into an aisle only a foot and a half wide.


That's one of the reasons I broke down and got a car, I just got tired of LIB and Mass Transit. Got tired of getting flagged, of late buses, crowding with people not moving to the back, etc with LIB, got tired of long travel times to Brooklyn and late night slow runs on Queens Blvd, trains getting held, making me miss my bus, that was before the N6 was on 30 min headways overnight. Although, I still use transit from time to time to time, I don't have to rely on it. I'm frugal and was trying my best to maximize my unlimited metrocard, but I was like, "it's time to get a car."


The result of someone who has been failed by their transit system way to many times.


I can't say I blame you as on occasion my area transit system annoys the hell out of me. Is it as bad as NICE, likely not but I do understand your frustration to an extent.


LIB sucked also, but NICE i've heard has more reliability issues.

Yesterday, 12:15 n8 Green Acres Loop left 15 minutes early when I was waiting for it and I try to catch up with it arriving n6, did not made it b/c that driver left way EARLY.


Next, I waited for 13:15 n2 Green Acres and waiting in cold (no globe or scarf over on hour and when I was on 14:15 n8 Green Acres bus and when he came to Wheeler Av, guess what show up? New male driver on 13:15 n2 show up around Wheeler Av at 15:00!! WAY OFF SCHEDULE.


Ridiculous. Complain to NICE
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Well if you want a laugh here's what the response from NICE was about the n20 not showing up at all on Tuesday. :P

Thank you for contacting NICE bus we truly appreciate your feedback. Under our contract with Nassau County, we are obligated to operate within the budget the County provides.



As a result, we have had to make difficult decisions regarding our service. We have done our best to provide the most coverage within Nassau and serve as many customers as possible. I will forward your email to the correct department for review.

We thank you for your loyalty and hope to see you on board in the future.





Kind Regards,


NICE Customer Care



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Well if you want a laugh here's what the response from NICE was about the n20 not showing up at all on Tuesday. :P

Thank you for contacting NICE bus we truly appreciate your feedback. Under our contract with Nassau County, we are obligated to operate within the budget the County provides.



As a result, we have had to make difficult decisions regarding our service. We have done our best to provide the most coverage within Nassau and serve as many customers as possible. I will forward your email to the correct department for review.

We thank you for your loyalty and hope to see you on board in the future.





Kind Regards,


NICE Customer Care




Mango, Mango, Mango!

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Oh dear god child educate yourself! They are not just "printinting" money to pay for things (if they did that would cause the rest of the money in the economy to be less valuable and simply make prices for everything rise, but that's an economic lesson for another day) the spending you hear about is coming from higher taxes, cutting program or funding xyz while abc gets less.


Don't give me this garbage. The Feds are printing money that isn't backed by anything. No goal, no silver, nothing. Why do you think there's inflation now? Needless to say, 2013 is going to be one hell of a year.
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Well if you want a laugh here's what the response from NICE was about the n20 not showing up at all on Tuesday. :P

Thank you for contacting NICE bus we truly appreciate your feedback. Under our contract with Nassau County, we are obligated to operate within the budget the County provides.



As a result, we have had to make difficult decisions regarding our service. We have done our best to provide the most coverage within Nassau and serve as many customers as possible. I will forward your email to the correct department for review.

We thank you for your loyalty and hope to see you on board in the future.





Kind Regards,


NICE Customer Care





This is what everyone has been saying all along (even you sometimes)...


It sounds like Veolia may even be getting sick of Nassau judging by the response they are now giving out to anyone who writes in....

Edited by Burrstone
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