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NICE Planned Service/Schedule Changes


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It's not supposed to improve your health, but it surely did prevent detriment to your health.


And after four years of this crap, the only thing I can claim it's done is improve how far I can walk without getting tired.  Why are you even posting about buses and what people do at the stops when you drive?


*expects negative rep*

Edited by Joel Up Front
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@Joel: Second time in about 3 weeks that you expect negative rep... Wow. You're not gonna get if from me though.

Btw: how do you know he drives?


@Mta: Health when waiting for the n25... the n25 is a bus so it's not all off-topic :P

Edited by Vistausss
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Ok why are we talking about health now

Joel brought it up about waiting for the N25


And after four years of this crap, the only thing I can claim it's done is improve how far I can walk without getting tired.  Why are you even posting about buses and what people do at the stops when you drive?


*expects negative rep*

See look you can walk farther without getting tired, that's good.  


As for me posting, I drive and use public transportation, surprise!

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The only thing I don't agree with is the N6x... they're still barely used compared to the locals and simply adding and removing random stops won't fix anything.  They need to bring back the old Limited.

They won't simply because the refuse to acknowledge how bad their variant actually is.

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The only thing I don't agree with is the N6x... they're still barely used compared to the locals and simply adding and removing random stops won't fix anything.  They need to bring back the old Limited.

Isn't the N6x basically the N6L without the Hilliside & Francis Lewis, Springfield Blvd and Locustwood Blvd Stops.


With the change it will only be missing Hillside & Francis Lewis, Locustwood Blvd, and  Westminster, which isn't as important because the next stop transfers with the same buses.

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Or how about those people over 25 with no job who still live with their parents and live off their money, have no plans of leaving, take unemployment $$ every month (which comes out of our paychecks) and just do what they please everyday (like ride buses, for example). Take note, there are quite a few of them on this here forum (and some who participate in NICE discussions).




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I'm confused by this poster.. It appears it shows LIRR stations you can get off at and easily connect to a NICE bus line... However, the final station on the poster is Amityville and it's not serviced by the n19 about a 15-20 minute walk to Merrick Rd. (unless NICE is finally taking my suggestion of rerouting the n19 though Amityville LIRR). If someone got off at Amityville RR and didn't know the area they'd be completely lost.


I cannot see why NICE would Amityville up there with all the other stations to connect from the n19 to the n43 in Freeport. Why Amityville and mot any other station on the Babylon line unless they are planning on rerouting the n19 through Amityville RR? Unless naming Amityville on that chart was just a royal f uck all together...


Next fail, NICE has decided all lower case n's instead of uppercase N's for routes to rebrand itself and seperate itself from the MTA, so who was the genius who decided to use all upper case N's for the routes on this poster? Isn't management supposed to catch these things (especially for big events and presentations, and where the press will be where they are representing their new brand)... This would get someone fired on The Apprentice, just saying. :D B-)


Also as far as transferring to the n19 from the Babylon line, there is no mention of transferring to the n45 or n51 to get to NCC,, just the n43 in Freeport (not always the best option).

Edited by Burrstone
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Mwah, I don't think the uppercase vs lowercase isn't that big of a problem. If that would confuse people than I won't ever wanna see those people using Suffolk Transit (since they use the Sxx which (MTA) also uses on SI).


I certainly don't think N n change was made so nobody would confuse a NICE route with the MTA, but NICE decided to identify their routes with the lowercase n instead of the capital N MTA had been using for years, then they display these posters at an event that will probably draw local press...  Fail in my book..



When did n23 serve Flushing? Another fail. It look like these poster are done the last second.


I'm wondering if the posters are done out of house and sent into NICE like the schedules (and website work).  At the beginning the schedules and website had errors most "locals" wouldn't make. 


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Westbury doesn't get that much service from LIRR.


You got that right. I've been complaining to the MTA for years and years. They never even give me a reason why Cold Spring Harbor and Syosset get 30 min service on weekends but not Westbury. There's alot more people at Westbury than Cold Spring Harbor on weekends! Every Huntington train should be stopping at Westbury, we get the same level of service Carle Place does, despite getting at least twice the pax. New Hyde Park is another busy station as well. They were interviewing ppl on the news the other day about what the LIRR should do to improve service, most people said hourly waits are unacceptable, there should be service every 30 min. I dont think the MTA is giving LIRR its fair share of service improvements, I'm impressed with Veolia actually, at least they listen and get back to me on comments and put more dollars into service. I bet they'd be able to do more with the LIRR budget than the MTA is doing. Maybe they should run the LIRR too....let the MTA just be NYC since they love it so much there.


Yeah, very shitstastic service. Midday Service is less frequent than the n35 itself.


Weekends too, n35 is every 30 min Sat so is the n22 Sat & Sun, LIRR only once an hour. With the new NCC express routes coming online I see more LIRR riders coming over to NICE. Alot of times if I miss the Westbury train I'm better off just taking the n22 to the subway. The LIRR mgmt is so out of touch with ridership patterns it aint funny. 

Edited by PinePower
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