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MTA Bus Operations: Fleet & Depots

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15 hours ago, LegoBrickBreaker101 said:

I’ve been seeing shots of 0023 at Yonkers. Is it currently there or did it go back to the facility in New Jersey again?

Also, whats the status on those M99 and Bx99 routes that were mentioned a while back? Just curious, not being pushy.

It's in New Jersey.

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41 minutes ago, 4P3607 said:

Just witnessed 3628 from LGA pulling into ENY. Assuming this has something to do with CMF work rather than a depot transfer which is why I posted this here.

3627 is also there, might be a move, might not.

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Intresting that two OG's in order went to ENY... So far the only time MTA Bus buses bought by the MTA went to NYCT is when SI had some 3000s series MCI from MTA Bus many years ago. They was basically loans as SI eventually sent them back to MTA Bus. 


EDIT: And the XD60s from CS to LGA

Edited by trainfan22
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1 minute ago, NewFlyer 230 said:

Aren’t MTA buses banned from being transferred to NYCT depots? I know NYCT can send buses to MTA depots if needed but not the other way around, why is that?

it has to do with the financial manner in which Bus Company buses are purchased. there's stipulation that when buses are purchased for Bus Company they can ONLY be utilized by Bus Company yards... be it the SC/CP c40lf's, the JFK/BP/LG artics, etc. NYCTA doesn't have that stipulation for their acquisitions IINM... for example, Flatbush loaning JFK some 46xx NG's a few summers ago, CS loaning buses to LG for the 53, etc. with that said, the preference is that loans from NYCTA to Bus Company be avoided when possible... the preference being the situation you see with former FP OG 65xx/66xx's ending up in the JFK/FR pool: TA units at Bus Co. only when near retirement. 

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8 minutes ago, EastFlatbushLarry said:

it has to do with the financial manner in which Bus Company buses are purchased. there's stipulation that when buses are purchased for Bus Company they can ONLY be utilized by Bus Company yards... be it the SC/CP c40lf's, the JFK/BP/LG artics, etc. NYCTA doesn't have that stipulation for their acquisitions IINM... for example, Flatbush loaning JFK some 46xx NG's a few summers ago, CS loaning buses to LG for the 53, etc. with that said, the preference is that loans from NYCTA to Bus Company be avoided when possible... the preference being the situation you see with former FP OG 65xx/66xx's ending up in the JFK/FR pool: TA units at Bus Co. only when near retirement. 


I Think this only Applies to the Old Gen Orion VII's since the NYC DOT Paid for those buses.

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55 minutes ago, R32 3838 said:


I Think this only Applies to the Old Gen Orion VII's since the NYC DOT Paid for those buses.

to my knowledge, the purchase funding between NYCTA & Bus Company is separate for the Orion 7 OG's & NG's and the c40 lf's. if I'm incorrect, I'd appreciate any/all corrections. i was informed that NYCTA buses are for general use, meaning any depot, NYCTA/MaBSTOA/Bus Co. can utilize the units, while Bus Company is specifically for them. it's definitely an interesting topic, nonetheless. and i have wondered about it now and again. 

Edited by EastFlatbushLarry
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7 hours ago, EastFlatbushLarry said:

it has to do with the financial manner in which Bus Company buses are purchased. there's stipulation that when buses are purchased for Bus Company they can ONLY be utilized by Bus Company yards... be it the SC/CP c40lf's, the JFK/BP/LG artics, etc. NYCTA doesn't have that stipulation for their acquisitions IINM... for example, Flatbush loaning JFK some 46xx NG's a few summers ago, CS loaning buses to LG for the 53, etc. with that said, the preference is that loans from NYCTA to Bus Company be avoided when possible... the preference being the situation you see with former FP OG 65xx/66xx's ending up in the JFK/FR pool: TA units at Bus Co. only when near retirement. 

Still, that kinda defeats the purpose of putting the ex-PBL routes under the MTA, no?

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2 hours ago, GojiMet86 said:

Would it be accurate to say that once the C40LF and O7s are gone, then there won't be any more worries about which buses are bought specifically for MTA Bus?

Not quite, because federal funds is what goes towards MTA Bus orders.

The 6200s and 5300s are federally funded. The 7400s at LGA are also federally funded.

The only exceptions are the NGs and the D4500s(both CLs and CTs). 

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12 hours ago, EastFlatbushLarry said:

it has to do with the financial manner in which Bus Company buses are purchased. there's stipulation that when buses are purchased for Bus Company they can ONLY be utilized by Bus Company yards... be it the SC/CP c40lf's, the JFK/BP/LG artics, etc. NYCTA doesn't have that stipulation for their acquisitions IINM... for example, Flatbush loaning JFK some 46xx NG's a few summers ago, CS loaning buses to LG for the 53, etc. with that said, the preference is that loans from NYCTA to Bus Company be avoided when possible... the preference being the situation you see with former FP OG 65xx/66xx's ending up in the JFK/FR pool: TA units at Bus Co. only when near retirement. 

I would imagine that this potentially bad operations wise because if for example if JG is short on buses due to buses being worked on and CP has a few buses to spare, CP is basically useless because they are unable to send over any of their C40LF’s even if they had some to spare. 


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NYCT places order for Allison Electric hybrid equipped New Flyer buses

The agency is adding 50 New Flyer buses equipped with Allison H 40 EP™ electric hybrid propulsion system.

Allison Transmission

Jul 29th, 2020


New York City Transit (NYCT) has ordered 50 Allison electric hybrid-equipped buses from New Flyer and Allison Transmission.

Most of the electric hybrid buses will be delivered in 2021. NYCT maintains a fleet of more than 5,700 buses, 60 percent of which are equipped with Allison Bus Series™ B 400 and B 500 transmissions.

“Our electric hybrid propulsion system offers New York City a considerable advantage,” said Rohan Barua, vice president of North America Sales at Allison Transmission. “Not only will these systems improve air quality, they are fuel efficient as well. New York City has indicated they will rely on Allison electric hybrids to reduce CO2 emissions in the city, while allowing the city to maintain a durable, reliable, economical fleet.”

More than 10,000 state- and city-owned vehicles operating in New York are powered by Allison, according to the company.

“Across the state, public and private sector service providers, including first responders, rely on Allison to drive innovation, get the job done and improve the way the world works,” said Branden Harbin, managing director of global marketing at Allison Transmission. “Allison’s first commercial vehicle transmission was designed for and delivered to the transit market. Allison followed that success by being the first to launch an innovative electric hybrid solution that addressed articulated and non-articulated buses for the transit market. Since then, Allison has delivered more than 8,500 electric hybrid propulsion systems globally, including deliveries to more than 14 agencies in New York State. These systems have accumulated nearly 2.2 billion miles, saving more than 265 million gallons of fuel, and preventing 2.6 metric tons of CO2 emissions from entering the atmosphere. Allison is committed to continuing to deliver the H 40 EP electric hybrid system to customers that demand the proven value and reliability that system has consistently delivered.”



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I don't know if this was mentioned, but before the (MTA) ordered buses with Hanover destination signs, they used to have Luminator MAX, and Mega:MAX signs. Then they switched to Horizon, and Titan amber signs. The first order of buses with Hanover signs, was the 2011-12 New Flyer XD40s. There were other signs used like from Axion, and Aesys. I was wondering, how come the MTA stopped using the Luminator signs? Did they want better viability with the signs? And also, why didn't the MTA consider using TwinVision Amber signs, or using white destination signs like from some operators in the United States? 

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12 minutes ago, RSMG106 said:

I don't know if this was mentioned, but before the (MTA) ordered buses with Hanover destination signs, they used to have Luminator MAX, and Mega:MAX signs. Then they switched to Horizon, and Titan amber signs. The first order of buses with Hanover signs, was the 2011-12 New Flyer XD40s. There were other signs used like from Axion, and Aesys. I was wondering, how come the MTA stopped using the Luminator signs? Did they want better viability with the signs? And also, why didn't the MTA consider using TwinVision Amber signs, or using white destination signs like from some operators in the United States? 


The Luminators left a sour taste in transits mouth in terms of reliability (see some of the 70xx-73xx with sign glitches )

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1 hour ago, RSMG106 said:

I don't know if this was mentioned, but before the (MTA) ordered buses with Hanover destination signs, they used to have Luminator MAX, and Mega:MAX signs. Then they switched to Horizon, and Titan amber signs. The first order of buses with Hanover signs, was the 2011-12 New Flyer XD40s. There were other signs used like from Axion, and Aesys. I was wondering, how come the MTA stopped using the Luminator signs? Did they want better viability with the signs? And also, why didn't the MTA consider using TwinVision Amber signs, or using white destination signs like from some operators in the United States? 

Like @Jdog14said, TA doesn't want to deal with Luminator anymore. Half the companies you just listed are owned by Luminator now. So they just jumping around. 

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43 minutes ago, SevenEleven said:

Like @Jdog14said, TA doesn't want to deal with Luminator anymore. Half the companies you just listed are owned by Luminator now. So they just jumping around. 

Yep, it's more of an monopoly when looking for a perfect destination sign, and all you get is either Luminator, or Hanover.

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14 hours ago, Snorunts said:

I can’t wait to find out what depot will use these! :)

I am making an exception since I hate speculating since you never know what MTA/NYCT will do when to comes to bus assignments..  But I'll make an exception in this case. 

I say all of them to Manhattanville, with appropriate transfers to retire the remaining first group of OG's at ENY, FP and JFK.

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