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BUS - Random Thoughts Thread

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I think that the M35 should use MCI's with hard seats, so that will decrease farebeating.

Like a corrections MCI?



I'm not sure about this, but can't drivers just not activate back doors?


You can still open the doors, with enough force

Which in turn f**ks up the interlock thus placing the bus out of service.

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  • Via Garibaldi 8


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  • BM5 via Woodhaven


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Well, I keep forgetting why the overhead luggage rack thing won't work (even though I think it was a good idea), I won't focus on that. As for the racks, if I was riding the bus, I'm not leaving my stuff out of my sight. Too much risk of someone just lifting if off the rack and running out the door. they should just leave the bus alone, keep the seats and forget about the racks.

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Here's my random bus thought... I got up so early this morning that I decided to go for a walk to run some errands before coming back to the apt. and heading out for work.  I actually saw a Super Express BxM2 signed up "via Riverdale Av".  It was pretty nice.  The bus was pretty crowded and the stops I passed by had a good 8 - 10 people waiting to board... Been seeing more BxM2's with nice loads of late which may mean that ridership is steadily growing back to the old days...  :D

Edited by Via Garibaldi 8
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If you like, just click that arrow up ;) lol.

I got you this one time. :D  



Ahem...  <_<  <_< Whoever suggested the Prevosts though that's a good idea... Keep the Prevosts on that line and replace them with MCIs... lol

Damn, eventually you're going to want to throw those on school trippers and such. :lol:


Hey, I hear that Yonkers and Eastchester are experiencing shortages. Let's see if Yukon or Ulmer Park can share some of it's 2400's with MTA Bus in The Bronx. B-)

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