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  • Via Garibaldi 8


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lol... The kids are just as wild and savage like as the homeless/crazies.... Didn't you see that video with them jumping out of the window of that artic??

Actually, I didn't....


Don't need a video to illustrate what I already know about the riderbase of the M35.... That would be like someone showing a clip of Edwin Thomas' stabbing & coming to the conclusion that b/o's get killed on the B46 on the regular...


I'd gladly beg to differ.

So would I; easily at that....


The filthiness & vandalism is just as much a problem caused by juvenile acting & irresponsible adults.



Threxx said:
I hate it when idiots like them make my generation look bad...

I'm the only person I know that says today's generation of kids makes my generation look bad....

(something you'll NEVER see the generation before mine admit to btw...)


We're the ones having these kids & leaving a lot of these bat-shit crazy mothers to "raise" em & allowing irresponsible/lazy fathers to get away with not being in a lot of these kids lives.... Result - "mommy" gets assistance from uncle sam by intentionally keeping a broken household..... I hate to be the bearer of f***ed up news, but too many of you kids today have been reduced as nothing more than barganing chips against the other parent for nothing more than the almighty dollar....


So don't feel too bad.

Edited by B35 via Church
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Actually, I didn't....


Don't need a video to illustrate what I already know about the riderbase of the M35.... That would be like someone showing a clip of Edwin Thomas' stabbing & coming to the conclusion that b/o's get killed on the B46 on the regular...


The filthiness & vandalism is just as much a problem caused by juvenile acting & irresponsible adults.

Of course but the kids are usually the most guilty ones.  The kids grow up and turn out to be bigger versions of the kids I saw jumping out of the window.  It's like kids raising kids and parents aren't teaching kids anything about proper behavior or anything of the sort. 


I'm the only person I know that says today's generation of kids makes my generation look bad....

(something you'll NEVER see the generation before mine admit to btw...)


We're the ones having these kids & leaving a lot of these bat-shit crazy mothers to "raise" em & allowing irresponsible/lazy fathers to get away with not being in a lot of these kids lives.... Result - "mommy" gets assistance from uncle sam by intentionally keeping a broken household..... I hate to be the bearer of f***ed up news, but too many of you kids today have been reduced as nothing more than barganing chips against the other parent for nothing more than the almighty dollar....


So don't feel too bad.

I was actually watching 60 minutes earrrllllyyyy this morning (couldn't sleep since I had slept most of the day from being under the weather) so I pulled up some stuff that I had recorded onto the Genie that I hadn't gotten around to watching yet and it was a show about various things entitled "The American Consumer", with one segment being about the "Millenium Generation", which is said to be more engrossed into themselves and put themselves first constantly before anyone else and are far more "entitled" than the Baby Boomer generation or any other generation for that matter.  


I see it every time I go out to shop somewhere.  Horrible customer service from the young ones and all they care about is if they have the latest phone and making themselves look important and they can't do anything without taking out their damn phone.   The work ethic and selfishness of this upcoming generation is frightening and we're already seeing it with employers not being able to find suitable employees for positions opening up.


The kids of today are very bright, in fact I would argue brighter than my generation, but unfortunately they've been spoon fed and coddled so much that they may get far without mommy and daddy, esp. in the new economy that we're in now. The new thing is to live at home for as long as you can once or if you finish college and live rent free and maybe find a job.  Smh These kids don't have a clue about work ethic or hard work for the most part and they've been given everything. I mean I just don't get it.  Sure I was given a lot of things as a kid growing up, but I was taught the value of hard working and being independent.  A lot of these kids I see out here now think that life is glamorous where you don't do much work and you earn a fabulous salary.  That life doesn't exist for the most part, and unfortunately they haven't been raised not to know what it's like to do a hard day's work in most cases.

Edited by Via Garibaldi 8
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 I'm the only person I know that says today's generation of kids makes my generation look bad....

(something you'll NEVER see the generation before mine admit to btw...)


Agree. There was a friend of the family who used to talk about all the crap he used to get into as a kid, and it was worse than the stuff kids do nowadays (He talked about climbing on clotheslines between buildings and crazy shit like that). And it wasn't like some super-bad area or anything (It was actually East Flatbush, right around Church & Utica, back in like the 1960s & 70s), and then there was my grandmother, who would tell stories of her brother and his friends jumping on the back of trolleys as they were moving and being chased off.


So in other words, kids will be kids.

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Of course but the kids are usually the most guilty ones.  The kids grow up and turn out to be bigger versions of the kids I saw jumping out of the window.  It's like kids raising kids and parents aren't teaching kids anything about proper behavior or anything of the sort. 


I was actually watching 60 minutes earrrllllyyyy this morning (couldn't sleep since I had slept most of the day from being under the weather) so I pulled up some stuff that I had recorded onto the Genie that I hadn't gotten around to watching yet and it was a show about various things entitled "The American Consumer", with one segment being about the "Millenium Generation", which is said to be more engrossed into themselves and put themselves first constantly before anyone else and are far more "entitled" than the Baby Boomer generation or any other generation for that matter.  


I see it every time I go out to shop somewhere.  Horrible customer service from the young ones and all they care about is if they have the latest phone and making themselves look important and they can't do anything without taking out their damn phone.   The work ethic and selfishness of this upcoming generation is frightening and we're already seeing it with employers not being able to find suitable employees for positions opening up.


The kids of today are very bright, in fact I would argue brighter than my generation, but unfortunately they've been spoon fed and coddled so much that they may get far without mommy and daddy, esp. in the new economy that we're in now. The new thing is to live at home for as long as you can once or if you finish college and live rent free and maybe find a job.  Smh These kids don't have a clue about work ethic or hard work for the most part and they've been given everything. I mean I just don't get it.  Sure I was given a lot of things as a kid growing up, but I was taught the value of hard working and being independent.  A lot of these kids I see out here now think that life is glamorous where you don't do much work and you earn a fabulous salary.  That life doesn't exist for the most part, and unfortunately they haven't been raised not to know what it's like to do a hard day's work in most cases.


Right... many of the kids in this generation don't have that "jumpstart" that some ppl. born in our generation had.... By time these kids were born, the so-called "american dream" and the offspring from our generation benefitting from any of what was passed down to us (I'm not gonna keep saying "some") from the prior generation, was shot...... To simplify that, wtf are we (our generation) passing down to our children? (rhetorical).....


I get it perfectly.... Lot of these kids are basically starting from scratch - Which is a large reason why you will & you are gonna have as many of them living with mommy and/or daddy well into their 30's & 40's.... As far as work ethic & hard work & independency is concerned - again, you're not gonna get anyone to hear any of that when they're starting from damn near zero... The train of thought out here is "get rich quick" to survive..... I don't know how many ppl. today want to start businesses to get rich instead of to build wealth


The guy that started the mcdonald's franchise (well, his family anyway) are wealthy.... today's athletes are rich....

Think about how many kids wanna be athletes, compared to those that want to build something from the ground up.... The notion is, what's the point to building shit if I'm not gonna reap immediate benefits from it.... This is how you think when you start from nothing.... This is how you think when you aren't used to nothing.... This is how you think when you have no concept of hard work, strong work ethics, and independency....


I feel sorry for the kids in this generation, and beyond....

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Right... many of the kids in this generation don't have that "jumpstart" that some ppl. born in our generation had.... By time these kids were born, the so-called "american dream" and the offspring from our generation benefitting from any of what was passed down to us (I'm not gonna keep saying "some") from the prior generation, was shot...... To simplify that, wtf are we (our generation) passing down to our children? (rhetorical).....


I get it perfectly.... Lot of these kids are basically starting from scratch - Which is a large reason why you will & you are gonna have as many of them living with mommy and/or daddy well into their 30's & 40's.... As far as work ethic & hard work & independency is concerned - again, you're not gonna get anyone to hear any of that when they're starting from damn near zero... The train of thought out here is "get rich quick" to survive..... I don't know how many ppl. today want to start businesses to get rich instead of to build wealth


The guy that started the mcdonald's franchise (well, his family anyway) are wealthy.... today's athletes are rich....

Think about how many kids wanna be athletes, compared to those that want to build something from the ground up.... The notion is, what's the point to building shit if I'm not gonna reap immediate benefits from it.... This is how you think when you start from nothing.... This is how you think when you aren't used to nothing.... This is how you think when you have no concept of hard work, strong work ethics, and independency....


I feel sorry for the kids in this generation, and beyond....

The real issue is that they see the athletes driving around in fancy cars and clothes and such and so they think oh well it's easy.  I can just play sports and strike it big.  What they don't realize is most folks don't live that life and many who have money have started from nothing.  Problem is they aren't taught the value of hard work in most cases.  Now I will admit that my mom had connections to get me into some of the jobs that I got like the internships at the (MTA) for example, but once I got the experience of working in an office environment and working in general, I started finding my own jobs and went out on my own to find out how my CV should be and how I should form a cover letter, etc. because I wanted to become independent and do my own thing and have my own money.  Making money via the office is long hours and hard work. I have to laugh at some of these kids today because they are truly unprepared to live in the real world which is sad and the worst part is the parents encourage the behavior and way of thinking!


So random..I was watching Pix 11 news this morning. They have a view of 42 St when they are recording the two main commentators. I saw the  Xcelsior during the newscast on 42 St. Lmfao.

Yeah you and Xcelsior Boi.... lol

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The real issue is that they see the athletes driving around in fancy cars and clothes and such and so they think oh well it's easy.  I can just play sports and strike it big.  What they don't realize is most folks don't live that life and many who have money have started from nothing.  Problem is they aren't taught the value of hard work in most cases.  


Now I will admit that my mom had connections to get me into some of the jobs that I got like the internships at the (MTA) for example, but once I got the experience of working in an office environment and working in general, I started finding my own jobs and went out on my own to find out how my CV should be and how I should form a cover letter, etc. because I wanted to become independent and do my own thing and have my own money.  Making money via the office is long hours and hard work.


I have to laugh at some of these kids today because they are truly unprepared to live in the real world which is sad and the worst part is the parents encourage the behavior and way of thinking!


There's a stark constrast between the value of a dollar back then & the value of a dollar now.....


....So to start from nothing (outside of looking for an easy way to obtaining riches... such as becoming an athlete) would be more difficult in today's times..... Wanting to obtain fancy cars, clothes, etc. isn't the real issue - it's only part of it; I mean, that stuff comes with having money.... Flossing (I aint talkin about dental hygiene either) is media related/influenced too, but (as always) getting money is the problem....


I don't think it's all that funny that these kids are as unprepared as they are, nor am I as quick to blame them.... The parents that are out here encouraging kid-like behavior is due to that whole "babies having babies" epidemic.... Which begs the question, why are so many ppl. out here wanting as many babies that they can't afford..... I mean, men & women have very different reasons, but for women, it is based on obtaining money.... with men, it's more of a "manhood" thing; this notion that the more kids you have, the more of a man you are - Except what's often lost in that formula for dudes that tend to think like that, is PROVIDING for all the kids you bring into the world...

Edited by B35 via Church
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There's a stark constrast between the value of a dollar back then & the value of a dollar now.....


....So to start from nothing (outside of looking for an easy way to obtaining riches... such as becoming an athlete) would be more difficult in today's times..... Wanting to obtain fancy cars, clothes, etc. isn't the real issue - it's only part of it; I mean, that stuff comes with having money.... Flossing (I aint talkin about dental hygiene either) is media related/influenced too, but (as always) getting money is the problem....


I don't think it's all that funny that these kids are as unprepared as they are, nor am I as quick to blame them.... The parents that are out here encouraging kid-like behavior is due to that whole "babies having babies" epidemic.... Which begs the question, why are so many ppl. out here wanting as many babies that they can't afford..... I mean, men & women have very different reasons, but for women, it is based on obtaining money.... with men, it's more of a "manhood" thing; this notion that the more kids you have, the more of a man you are - Except what's often lost in that formula for dudes that tend to think like that, is PROVIDING for all the kids you bring into the world...

Very true on all accounts... I don't think it's a question of wanting kids per se (although in some cases it is) but more of lack of understanding of the consequences... That's the one thing this generation isn't good at... Can't make connections or foresee things very well... Well enough of my M35 comments and diversions... Back to work... lol

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Very true on all accounts... I don't think it's a question of wanting kids per se (although in some cases it is) but more of lack of understanding of the consequences... That's the one thing this generation isn't good at... Can't make connections or foresee things very well... Well enough of my M35 comments and diversions... Back to work... lol

Not with the sole idea of wanting kids (by itself), but the reason(s) for wanting them was what I was questioning w/ that....


In any event, the part about not giving a shit about consequences I'll definitely agree with..... the "IDGAF" attitude is rampant amongst today's kids, and it's quite scary b/c a lot of 'em they truly don't....


lol @ the last part.


quick question for the bus drivers before you pull out do they tell you what bus to take or do you pick the bus you want?

Some coincidence, b/c I thought about making a post asking this last night....

(not just about individual/particular physical buses, but regarding which routes & trips on a particular route, as well).....

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Took 4273 on S79 SBS. Literally the fastest, best-accelerating NG I've ever been on. Damn thing hauled ass up the bridge like no hybrid before. Felt like it had a Cummins ISX in the back. I'm guessing this bus just had some work done to freshen it up.

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