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  • Via Garibaldi 8


  • XcelsiorBoii4888


  • Cait Sith


  • BM5 via Woodhaven


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Well quite frankly from what I see there's enough demand along 5th & Madison for a separate route, albeit during rush hours at least but the argument that could be made is it allows them to examine where the ridership is concentrated and not have to go wild supplying BxM1 service, similar to how they curtailed the X1 service with its variants and also the BxM18 serves different purposes.


Furthermore, I'm kind of surprised that they would have Super Express BxM1's just making stops below 50th seeing where the main bulk of the ridership is on that line now at least, but that ridership could've shifted over to the BxM18 in the first place.  I know a lot of BxM1 "riders" that are really BxM18 riders and just use the BxM1 if the BxM18 isn't running, esp. since the BxM1 is more frequent than the BxM2 in the morning.  In fact thinking about it, the last cut that they made to the BxM1 on Sunday nights, what did they do? Extended the BxM2 to run a bit later, so while it was "a compromise" I think they would like to have an equal balance between the three routes where possible.  If they could run the BxM1 every 30 minutes like they do with the BxM2 most of the day I think they would prefer that to the current set up where sometimes you have BxM1s every 8 minutes.

Remember though, before you moved out to Riverdale, the 18 wasn't (nearly) as well utilized as it is now.... It existed (almost solely) to get Riverdalians to/from the areas around the financial district, etc (much like the [QM11, compared to the QM10] or the [QM8, compared to the QM5])..... Anyway, before all the changes over time that led to the growth in usage on the route, the last northbound pickup stop was 26th/madison & the first southbound dropoff stop was at 26th/5th.....


You should ask those riders what they really thought of the BxM18 during those times !


I only use the express buses in Riverdale and those are buses out of Yonkers and there's one cute Latina I see on there (Boricua I think)... Otherwise forget it. And Casey Stengel... I never see any female drivers on the Q32.

If you're into latin women, Kingsbridge got a couple lookers; usually on the Bx7 & the Bx9....

As for that chick that does the Bxm1/2, I think I know who you're talking about... been on her bus a couple times.... I would describe her hair, but women change their hairstyles like it's goin outta style.....


On another note, I hope they canned that rude b*tch (black chick) that did the last BxM18 trip towards riverdale... looked like one of these old ass mad-at-the-world ass women.....

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Remember though, before you moved out to Riverdale, the 18 wasn't (nearly) as well utilized as it is now.... It existed (almost solely) to get Riverdalians to/from the areas around the financial district, etc (much like the [QM11, compared to the QM10] or the [QM8, compared to the QM5])..... Anyway, before all the changes over time that led to the growth in usage on the route, the last northbound pickup stop was 26th/madison & the first southbound dropoff stop was at 26th/5th.....


You should ask those riders what they really thought of the BxM18 during those times !



If you're into latin women, Kingsbridge got a couple lookers; usually on the Bx7 & the Bx9....

As for that chick that does the Bxm1/2, I think I know who you're talking about... been on her bus a couple times.... I would describe her hair, but women change their hairstyles like it's goin outta style.....


On another note, I hope they canned that rude b*tch (black chick) that did the last BxM18 trip towards riverdale... looked like one of these old ass mad-at-the-world ass women.....

LOL.... That's right but the stops at 56th & 44th were added because of the large ridership in Midtown which I'm sure had the (MTA) thinking to cut back on some of those Super Express BxM1s...


As for your second point... HA! Yes, I love Latin women (Latinas (as in "Hispanics" as the gringos would say, Italians and Brazilians in that order and down the line from there).  :lol: As for the B/O chick, she usually does the BxM2, though I've also had her on a few BxM18 runs... Constantly changing her hair... Kinda like brownish with some black mixed in, and sometimes she wears it curly which I really like. Anywho, I might've had her the first time I went up to Riverdale.  For a while she would just look at me when I would speak, but that could've been because I was pissed that it took her over an hour one night I had her on the BxM18 so I didn't speak to her when I got off. The last few times I've had her on the BxM2 and after having her once one late night coming back, I was the last one and got off and spoke and she spoke back and actually rather happily too considering how late it was.  I was like well well well she does speak.  How about that. lol


As for this black B/O you mention, does she have braids? If so I've had her on the BxM1 and BxM2, but never on the BxM18. She is one crabby b*tch.  I don't even bother to speak to her.  She always acts like she's on her period and she's ugly enough that her crabbiness just makes her look uglier. Now there's an older black lady that does the BxM18.  A real doll... She makes sure she doesn't come early so I always catch her and kneels the bus and all for me. Even let's me off closer to my place so that I don't have to walk as far.  She's great with everybody.  I think she may be on vacation, but I have her on the BxM1 sometimes at night if I go to the city or during the weekends.


Edited by Via Garibaldi 8
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I was thinking the other day, I don't understand why more people don't use the express bus for in-borough travel. Let's say I'm feeling really lazy and I'm at 14th and Bway looking to go downtown on a loop. I could take the M14 to 5th (like I said, lazy) and transfer to the M5, and then take the M5 back uptown for $2.25 and one transfer + $2.25. Or, I could take the x1 etc. straight downtown and then take the M5 back uptown and the 14 back over from 6th for $5.50 + two transfers. Same fare exactly, only I get a comfy coach and it moves faster. Now, granted, that's a pretty lazy example cause I'd never take the crosstown for that little time except for the worst of weather, but still, interesting that the express bus is sometimes an economically viable option.

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LOL.... That's right but the stops at 56th & 44th were added because of the large ridership in Midtown which I'm sure had the (MTA) thinking to cut back on some of those Super Express BxM1s...



As for this black B/O you mention, does she have braids? If so I've had her on the BxM1 and BxM2, but never on the BxM18. She is one crabby b*tch.  I don't even bother to speak to her.  She always acts like she's on her period and she's ugly enough that her crabbiness just makes her look uglier. Now there's an older black lady that does the BxM18.  A real doll... She makes sure she doesn't come early so I always catch her and kneels the bus and all for me. Even let's me off closer to my place so that I don't have to walk as far.  She's great with everybody.  I think she may be on vacation, but I have her on the BxM1 sometimes at night if I go to the city or during the weekends.


1) I understand that's a reason why they added stops on the BxM18....


2) Nah, the b/o in question didn't have braids when I took her bus....  she had those old woman curls at the time; jet black hair..... looked to be in her early to mid 40's....


There's a younger black chick though that does the BxM11 (actually, there's two, come to think of it) that both looks to be in their early 30's.... Neither one of them had an attitude w/ me though....



I was thinking the other day, I don't understand why more people don't use the express bus for in-borough travel.


Let's say I'm feeling really lazy and I'm at 14th and Bway looking to go downtown on a loop. I could take the M14 to 5th (like I said, lazy) and transfer to the M5, and then take the M5 back uptown for $2.25 and one transfer + $2.25. Or, I could take the x1 etc. straight downtown and then take the M5 back uptown and the 14 back over from 6th for $5.50 + two transfers. Same fare exactly, only I get a comfy coach and it moves faster. Now, granted, that's a pretty lazy example cause I'd never take the crosstown for that little time except for the worst of weather, but still, interesting that the express bus is sometimes an economically viable option.

...because generally, it's not allowed (although few drivers will let you get away with it)....

What I will say is, you're more apt to seeing this practice being done out in Staten Island over the other boroughs though....


But I hear you though... Sometimes when I'm in manhattan, I wish I could just hop on an express & utilize them as if they were local buses - over dealing w/ the local buses themselves, or the subway.... When I get in that type of a mood, that's when I start walking - gotten to the point where walking from PABT to 14th st/7th (or union sq) is practically nothing for me now..... Same goes for walking from the east side to the west side (I refuse to take crosstowns, outside of routefanning purposes).....

Edited by B35 via Church
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...because generally, it's not allowed (although few drivers will let you get away with it)....

What I will say is, you're more apt to seeing this practice being done out in Staten Island over the other boroughs though....


But I hear you though... Sometimes when I'm in manhattan, I wish I could just hop on an express & utilize them as if they were local buses - over dealing w/ the local buses themselves, or the subway.... When I get in that type of a mood, that's when I start walking - gotten to the point where walking from PABT to 14th st/7th (or union sq) is practically nothing for me now..... Same goes for walking from the east side to the west side (I refuse to take crosstowns, outside of routefanning purposes).....


Oh word, I didn't know they were even against that...definitely seen the drop-off only stops all around, but I figured if you got on and got off at a legit pickup+drop-off stop then they wouldn't give you trouble for that. Honestly first came to mind during the blackout when the expresses were running for free, genuinely considered taking the expresses from 42 to 34, 34 to 14, etc. Didn't know that was frowned upon, although I guess I can see why...


As for crosstowns, same here, unless the weather is really bad or you've got odd circumstances (when those things were free during the blackout, I took them all the time and they were absolutely packed). Just makes more sense to walk, and with a lot of those buses it's faster walking as well. 

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...because generally, it's not allowed (although few drivers will let you get away with it)....

What I will say is, you're more apt to seeing this practice being done out in Staten Island over the other boroughs though....


But I hear you though... Sometimes when I'm in manhattan, I wish I could just hop on an express & utilize them as if they were local buses - over dealing w/ the local buses themselves, or the subway.... When I get in that type of a mood, that's when I start walking - gotten to the point where walking from PABT to 14th st/7th (or union sq) is practically nothing for me now..... Same goes for walking from the east side to the west side (I refuse to take crosstowns, outside of routefanning purposes).....

Yeah as you said, some B/Os will allow if you press the issue.  With me though if someone comes up and asks me about what bus to take I immediately direct them to the local buses. I was at 14th street one Saturday waiting for the express bus and this lady says Oh I wanna go Downtown (she wasn't going that far down), but I don't want to go to Bensonhurst somewhere so can I take this? I told her these buses cost $5.50.  Take the local bus or better yet take a cab if you're in a real hurry since she was going such a short distance.  In short, I do it here and there but I don't make a habit of it because I know how pissed I get when non-express bus riders do that sh*t esp. if I'm in a rush (I'm particularly sensitive to it if I'm on my way to work otherwise I let it slide if it isn't a normal occurrence) and depending on my mood, I will file a complaint if I see B/Os making a habit of making of it when I'm trying to get to work if it's making me late.  There's one B/O on the BxM1 that has been making stops in Inwood AND letting folks on the bus at drop-off stops of late and he's supposed to be a Super Express BxM1... He did it once in Inwood and I let it slide then I noticed him holding the bus up at drop-off stops with some woman who insisted that he let her on instead of telling her drop-off only, closing the door and moving on.  When that happened and I noticed he was making a habit of picking up folks in Inwood both of which DOES slow down everyone's commute, I wrote in because it was getting ridiculous.  It's one thing to pick up people along the way and another to go off of the route and pick up folks REPEATEDLY that should be taking another bus completely on our time when people are pressed for time and trying to get to work, which is why we pay a premium for quicker service.


The few times that I have done it (which hasn't been in some time to be considerate of my fellow express bus riders) it has usually been because I couldn't get one local bus to get to where I was going and I was in a rush and getting a cab would've also been a hassle.  The issue is if it becomes too common then it defeats the purpose of the express bus, which is a commuter bus.  I don't know why folks have such a hard time understanding how the buses function and why it's important to keep the pick-up and drop-off only features in place and it must be enforced otherwise the buses can be slowed significantly with longer boarding and off loading times.


Now if it's done quickly when I'm not going to work and a big scene isn't made (as in a ton of time isn't devoted to picking up people that shouldn't be getting on to begin with) I'm inclined to look the other way so long as they pay that $5.50 since it means a few more riders get on to increase ridership levels, even if it's only a few folks.

Edited by Via Garibaldi 8
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I finally caught #740 yesterday on the Q52. The ride each way was about 50 minutes. I was literally jumping out my seat on the way to Woodhaven, and I had to hold on to the seat in front 'cause #740 has bucking around.


#740 is also the first Command Bus I've ever ridden, unless I took a 7## back when the Q101 was based out of CP.

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The few times that I have done it (which hasn't been in some time to be considerate of my fellow express bus riders) it has usually been because I couldn't get one local bus to get to where I was going and I was in a rush and getting a cab would've also been a hassle.  The issue is if it becomes too common then it defeats the purpose of the express bus, which is a commuter bus.  I don't know why folks have such a hard time understanding how the buses function and why it's important to keep the pick-up and drop-off only features in place and it must be enforced otherwise the buses can be slowed significantly with longer boarding and off loading times.


So you take the express a lot, what's the verdict on me getting on at a pick-up stop like 34th and getting off at a drop-off stop like Waverly. Not kosher?

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="GojiMet86" data-cid="637760" data-time="1359313023"><p>

I finally caught #740 yesterday on the Q52. The ride each way was about 50 minutes. I was literally jumping out my seat on the way to Woodhaven, and I had to hold on to the seat in front 'cause #740 has bucking around.<br />

<br />

#740 is also the first Command Bus I've ever ridden, unless I took a 7## back when the Q101 was based out of CP.</p></blockquote>

The last 700 bus I ever rode was 713 on the Q25 in Oct 2011. The Orion V CNG's are facing their end after everything goes back to normal.

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So you take the express a lot, what's the verdict on me getting on at a pick-up stop like 34th and getting off at a drop-off stop like Waverly. Not kosher?

I can tell you now if you're not an express bus rider that is not known as a regular, people will frown usually.  Depending on my mood, I may even curse if I'm cranky and want to get home or get to the city or whatever, but there are times when folks won't make a stink.  I mean once it was bitter cold out and I had bags and did not want to risk missing an X10 so I took an X1 from 7th & 56th and transferred over to an X10 on 5th & 40th once I saw that I could still catch it, but I sat in the first seat so as not to hold everyone up when I got off.  In short if you're going to do it, don't make a friggin' scene like some a-holes do and hold the rest of us up and don't put it in the B/O's face either.  Be cool with it and people are less likely to say anything as long as it doesn't become a habit.


I mean I was on a BxM2 going home one Sat. night and these two folks got on at 63rd and Broadway and wanted to go to the East Side, so the B/O was nice and let them on.  I'm cool with that B/O, as he has let me off closer so I don't have to walk as far to my place, so I looked the other way, esp. since he drove quickly and they sat in the front row and got off quickly.  They paid, didn't make a scene and I got home fast, so all was well.


There are some express bus riders that will take the express bus from Staten Island into the city and wait at that those first drop-off only stops for Midtown buses. Technically it isn't allowed, but knowing that sometimes they may be in a rush and can't catch the Midtown buses, B/Os will let it slide and us regulars usually won't make a stink since they get on quickly and sit down.  

Edited by Via Garibaldi 8
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With me though if someone comes up and asks me about what bus to take I immediately direct them to the local buses.

Unless they specifically mention the express, yeah, Same here....


So you take the express a lot, what's the verdict on me getting on at a pick-up stop like 34th and getting off at a drop-off stop like Waverly. Not kosher?

No good.... vast majority of b/o's will give you a hard time...


What you could do if you're brazen enough is (using your example) board a bus at 34th & sit towards the front & just run off the bus as a passenger is getting ready to board.... I saw one guy do that on the BM1 late this past year; he took it from the 48th st stop & darted off at state/battery....


I wouldn't advise you do that though... lol...

Nor would I advise you ask the driver if he could let you off there... You're either gonna get waved off upon parting your lips, or actually get told to take the local....

Edited by B35 via Church
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I can tell you now if you're not an express bus rider that is not known as a regular, people will frown usually.  Depending on my mood, I may even curse if I'm cranky and want to get home or get to the city or whatever, but there are times when folks won't make a stink.  I mean once it was bitter cold out and I had bags and did not want to risk missing an X10 so I took an X1 from 7th & 56th and transferred over to an X10 on 5th & 40th once I saw that I could still catch it, but I sat in the first seat so as not to hold everyone up when I got off.  In short if you're going to do it, don't make a friggin' scene like some a-holes do and hold the rest of us up and don't put it in the B/O's face either.  Be cool with it and people are less likely to say anything as long as it doesn't become a habit.


I mean I was on a BxM2 going home one Sat. night and these two folks got on at 63rd and Broadway and wanted to go to the East Side, so the B/O was nice and let them on.  I'm cool with that B/O, as he has let me off closer so I don't have to walk as far to my place, so I looked the other way, esp. since he drove quickly and they sat in the front row and got off quickly.  They paid, didn't make a scene and I got home fast, so all was well.


There are some express bus riders that will take the express bus from Staten Island into the city and wait that those first drop-off only stops for Midtown buses. Technically it isn't allowed, but knowing that sometimes they may be in a rush and can't catch the Midtown buses, B/Os will let it slide and us regulars usually won't make a stink since they get on quickly and sit down.  

Yeah, the ones that piss me off are the ones that want to argue with the b/o as to why they can't drop them off within manhattan... This is what holds everyone else up... The "you're going that way anyway" type of attitude..... Or worse, the ones that dip their metrocard in, THEN ask the driver if they can get off at such & such..... 

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Unless they specifically mention the express, yeah, Same here....


No good.... vast majority of b/o's will give you a hard time...


What you could do if you're brazen enough is (using your example) board a bus at 34th & sit towards the front & just run off the bus as a passenger is getting ready to board.... I saw one guy do that on the BM1 late this past year; he took it from the 48th st stop & darted off at state/battery....


I wouldn't advise you do that though... lol...

Nor would I advise you ask the driver if he could let you off there... You're either gonna get waved off upon parting your lips, or actually get told to take the local....

Yep... Also, the (MTA) Bus B/Os are much more strict with that rule than NYCT B/Os.  The ones that let it slide the most tend to be the SI B/Os and that's because IMO Staten Islanders have long commutes as it is so they try to be understanding, but even with them I wouldn't make it a habit.  Like B35 said, just get on dip your card, take a seat towards the front and run off before the passengers get on, but I always do it usually when it isn't rush hour and not a lot of people this way the B/O is less likely to make a fuss.  Me I've been bolder where I'll actually ring the bell for the stop and if they would've questioned me I would've just said that I was transferring, but the guy could tell I was a regular B/O esp. since I had an Express Bus Plus Unlimited MetroCard and didn't say anything.


Yeah, the ones that piss me off are the ones that want to argue with the b/o as to why they can't drop them off within manhattan... This is what holds everyone else up... The "you're going that way anyway" type of attitude..... Or worse, the ones that dip their metrocard in, THEN ask the driver if they can get off at such & such..... 

EXACTLY!! It's like sh*t our commutes are long enough as it is... Don't come on here making it any longer when you're traveling within Manhattan for Christ's Sake.

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I can tell you now if you're not an express bus rider that is not known as a regular, people will frown usually.  Depending on my mood, I may even curse if I'm cranky and want to get home or get to the city or whatever, but there are times when folks won't make a stink.  I mean once it was bitter cold out and I had bags and did not want to risk missing an X10 so I took an X1 from 7th & 56th and transferred over to an X10 on 5th & 40th once I saw that I could still catch it, but I sat in the first seat so as not to hold everyone up when I got off.  In short if you're going to do it, don't make a friggin' scene like some a-holes do and hold the rest of us up and don't put it in the B/O's face either.  Be cool with it and people are less likely to say anything as long as it doesn't become a habit.


I mean I was on a BxM2 going home one Sat. night and these two folks got on at 63rd and Broadway and wanted to go to the East Side, so the B/O was nice and let them on.  I'm cool with that B/O, as he has let me off closer so I don't have to walk as far to my place, so I looked the other way, esp. since he drove quickly and they sat in the front row and got off quickly.  They paid, didn't make a scene and I got home fast, so all was well.


There are some express bus riders that will take the express bus from Staten Island into the city and wait that those first drop-off only stops for Midtown buses. Technically it isn't allowed, but knowing that sometimes they may be in a rush and can't catch the Midtown buses, B/Os will let it slide and us regulars usually won't make a stink since they get on quickly and sit down.  


So you're that guy who sits at the back and yells up "LET'S GO" and (depending on mood) says things like "hey ma" at the women getting off the bus? Or maybe I have you pegged for a different cursing rider... ;)


Nah I get it though, I'd be annoyed about being held up -- although this stuff about regular vs. non-regular treatment is a little crazy to me. I've heard about loyalty from operator-passenger, not really about passenger-passenger though. All of you on your strange MCIs with your strange ways... 


No good.... vast majority of b/o's will give you a hard time...


What you could do if you're brazen enough is (using your example) board a bus at 34th & sit towards the front & just run off the bus as a passenger is getting ready to board.... I saw one guy do that on the BM1 late this past year; he took it from the 48th st stop & darted off at state/battery....


I wouldn't advise you do that though... lol...

Nor would I advise you ask the driver if he could let you off there... You're either gonna get waved off upon parting your lips, or actually get told to take the local....


Damn, I thought I was on to a good plan there lol... Another reason for my argument that expresses shouldn't be suburbans, if you had two doors you wouldn't worry about that nonsense of people running up to the front and getting off, and you'd probably get higher ridership if people were taking them inside boroughs. Truth is, the chances of me paying $5.50 for a bus that's not taking me between boroughs are unlikely, but good to know at least that that's not really an option.

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So you're that guy who sits at the back and yells up "LET'S GO" and (depending on mood) says things like "hey ma" at the women getting off the bus? Or maybe I have you pegged for a different cursing rider... ;)


Nah I get it though, I'd be annoyed about being held up -- although this stuff about regular vs. non-regular treatment is a little crazy to me. I've heard about loyalty from operator-passenger, not really about passenger-passenger though. All of you on your strange MCIs with your strange ways... 



Damn, I thought I was on to a good plan there lol... Another reason for my argument that expresses shouldn't be suburbans, if you had two doors you wouldn't worry about that nonsense of people running up to the front and getting off, and you'd probably get higher ridership if people were taking them inside boroughs. Truth is, the chances of me paying $5.50 for a bus that's not taking me between boroughs are unlikely, but good to know at least that that's not really an option.

No, I usually sit in the back in the last seat and I'll just start cursing like a drunken sailor. The other day there was a via Inwood BxM1 that was extremely late and since I knew the Super Express was coming and knew that bus would be held up, I let it go and waited for the Super Express to ensure that I got to work on time.  As I suspected, only a handful of people were on the Super Express.  Then he starts sitting at stops waiting when he's already late.  After a few stops I yelled out "Why are we waiting around for when he's already friggin' late!!??!?"  I don't know if he heard me or not, but I noticed that he stopped waiting around. lol 


The thing is there is a different mentality when you're paying a premium for quicker service.  It's the same thing if you took MetroNorth or the LIRR instead of the subway. If you're paying far more to take MetroNorth or the LIRR, you're going to expect faster service and if the train is constantly held up by people holding the doors like they do on the subway you're going to be pissed because you're essentially paying extra for nothing if the train is constantly held up.  With local bus riders, a lot of them take FOREVER to board.  Some express bus riders are guilty of this too, but it's not as big of a problem since they understand that they are paying extra for faster service and since they're regulars, usually they already know where they're going.  This is why the service is drop-off only in most cases.  Even if the bus had two doors, you'd have the same nonsense going on with people asking does this bus go to such and such place, or holding the doors or some other BS which would hold the bus up and it would no longer be express. It would just be an overpriced local bus which many I'm sure would soon figure out and ditch.


The express bus makes stops just like a subway would (42nd, 34th, 23rd, etc.) but what allows it to be fast is quick boarding.  That is essential to the bus being quick and if there is no traffic, it can often times be faster than taking the train.  

Edited by Via Garibaldi 8
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I was thinking the other day, I don't understand why more people don't use the express bus for in-borough travel. Let's say I'm feeling really lazy and I'm at 14th and Bway looking to go downtown on a loop. I could take the M14 to 5th (like I said, lazy) and transfer to the M5, and then take the M5 back uptown for $2.25 and one transfer + $2.25. Or, I could take the x1 etc. straight downtown and then take the M5 back uptown and the 14 back over from 6th for $5.50 + two transfers. Same fare exactly, only I get a comfy coach and it moves faster. Now, granted, that's a pretty lazy example cause I'd never take the crosstown for that little time except for the worst of weather, but still, interesting that the express bus is sometimes an economically viable option.


The M14-M5-M5 is $2.25 + $2.25 = $4.50.


The X1-M5-M14 is $5.50 + $2.25 =  $7.75.


The double fare doesn't give you a double transfer. You pay the $5.50, get a transfer (assuming you used a MetroCard), and you can use it on an express bus, local bus or subway. Once you use that transfer, it's gone.


If you're going between two two-fare zones, it's cheaper to take the express bus and transfer to another express bus, compared to taking the express bus, then transferring to the subway and then the local bus. Because then it's $5.50 + transfer versus $5.50 + transfer + $2.25.


So you take the express a lot, what's the verdict on me getting on at a pick-up stop like 34th and getting off at a drop-off stop like Waverly. Not kosher?


Technically, no.


There are a few "Transfer Points" between buses, both in the outer boroughs (well, Staten Island anyway) and in Manhattan. So in those cases, the B/Os will let you on. I know Greenwich Street & Battery Place is a Manhattan transfer point. I've never tried it (in either direction), but I would assume that if you told the B/O of one express bus that you were transferring to another express bus, they'd let you off at Battery Place and let you make the transfer. (Because it's a transfer point going inbound, so they might let you do it going outbound). But it all depends on the B/O, and how quickly you do it.

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Yep... Also, the (MTA) Bus B/Os are much more strict with that rule than NYCT B/Os.  


The ones that let it slide the most tend to be the SI B/Os and that's because IMO Staten Islanders have long commutes as it is so they try to be understanding, but even with them I wouldn't make it a habit.  Like B35 said, just get on dip your card, take a seat towards the front and run off before the passengers get on, but I always do it usually when it isn't rush hour and not a lot of people this way the B/O is less likely to make a fuss.  Me I've been bolder where I'll actually ring the bell for the stop and if they would've questioned me I would've just said that I was transferring, but the guy could tell I was a regular passenger esp. since I had an Express Bus Plus Unlimited MetroCard and didn't say anything.


EXACTLY!! It's like sh*t our commutes are long enough as it is... Don't come on here making it any longer when you're traveling within Manhattan for Christ's Sake.

Now that you mention it, there is a bit of truth to that (about MTABus b/o's enforcing that rule moreso than NYCT b/o's)... because back when I used to take x29's to CI, there would be this old white dude (kinda looked like the main "bum" from bumfights, if you remember that) that would board at the ocean pkwy stop & get off along CI av.... Can't say I blame him though - beats putting up w/ the 68....



So you're that guy who sits at the back and yells up "LET'S GO" and (depending on mood) says things like "hey ma" at the women getting off the bus? Or maybe I have you pegged for a different cursing rider... ;)


Nah I get it though, I'd be annoyed about being held up -- although this stuff about regular vs. non-regular treatment is a little crazy to me.

I've heard about loyalty from operator-passenger, not really about passenger-passenger though. All of you on your strange MCIs with your strange ways... 



Damn, I thought I was on to a good plan there lol... Another reason for my argument that expresses shouldn't be suburbans, if you had two doors you wouldn't worry about that nonsense of people running up to the front and getting off, and you'd probably get higher ridership if people were taking them inside boroughs. Truth is, the chances of me paying $5.50 for a bus that's not taking me between boroughs are unlikely, but good to know at least that that's not really an option.


Yup, there's definitely a "culture" between pax on express buses... Aint like the locals where don't no one give a shit about the next man/woman getting to wherever they're going... On the expresses, best way I can describe said "culture" is, "you're either with us or against us" - the concept was alien to me too, before I first started taking express buses w/ regularity..... I'm not near as hardcore w/ it as VG8 is, but I do understand the attitudes express bus riders exude amongst stragglers (non-regulars)....

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Now that you mention it, there is a bit of truth to that (about MTABus b/o's enforcing that rule moreso than NYCT b/o's)... because back when I used to take x29's to CI, there would be this old white dude (kinda looked like the main "bum" from bumfights, if you remember that) that would board at the ocean pkwy stop & get off along CI av.... Can't say I blame him though - beats putting up w/ the 68....




Yup, there's definitely a "culture" between pax on express buses... Aint like the locals where don't no one give a shit about the next man/woman getting to wherever they're going... On the expresses, best way I can describe said "culture" is, "you're either with us or against us" - the concept was alien to me too, before I first started taking express buses w/ regularity..... I'm not near as hardcore w/ it as VG8 is, but I do understand the attitudes express bus riders exude amongst stragglers (non-regulars)....

Yes, I've taken the X28 Downtown once many years ago when I was coming from Midtown and didn't feel like dealing the packed (4)(5) train.  The bus was empty and the B/O kindly let me off at the stop I requested.


As for the culture, yes, there is certainly a culture and a lot has to do with seeing the same folks every day and forming a bond of sorts and also as you said a sense of you're either one of us or you're not. There's a few reasons for this.  #1 There aren't that many of us so we stick together and #2 we go through the same hell of getting to our destinations so we understand what we face.  Despite what it looks like the express bus is not this grand luxury, especially if you have no other options to get to and from where you're going without driving of course.  I mean during snow storms or other extreme weather, it can be pure hell trying to get home if you're waiting in the freezing cold for over an hour and then you face a two hour commute.  Nothing grand about that at all.  


I think in my case I've been riding for over seven years now and so I've become sort of a "vigliante" if you will with certain things, esp. since I've seen how things work and how routes can be cut so I'm more attentive to certain things since this is how I get around daily. 

Edited by Via Garibaldi 8
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