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BUS - Random Thoughts Thread

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You're a bit late lol. They were in effect last year after thanksgiving, and earlier this year on MLK day, because ridership on those days tend to be pretty low. We'll have to wait until this November to see what changes (cuts) are in going to result for the next holiday schedule timetables. 

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I saw the Bx12 SBS do its best B44 impression this afternoon: A bus from Bay Plaza that was short turning at Sedgwick (signs said University, driver said Sedgwick) and a bus that was short turned at Pelham Bay went to Inwood, and of course they left Pelham Bay bunched together in typical MTA fashion. If they added a bit more service (like 4-5min midday headways and 3min rush hour headways) I think the B44-style split might just work here.


How feasible would it be to implement BusTime for Subway Shuttles? I feel like if you could track them like other buses perhaps they wouldn't be viewed so negatively and possibly get used more.

Don't subway shuttle buses run on like 2 minute headways?
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How feasible would it be to implement BusTime for Subway Shuttles? I feel like if you could track them like other buses perhaps they wouldn't be viewed so negatively and possibly get used more.

The (7) shuttle (Queensboro to Vernon-Jackson) used to be under Q99. Maybe the (M) will be too since it's a big 24/7 shuttle


Don't subway shuttle buses run on like 2 minute headways?

Generally 5-10, sometimes longer just to fill the bus up

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With our (local) buses, the interlock is intertwined with the back door and the kneeler. You can drive off with the front door open (given the kneeler is up and the interlock released), but an alarm will sound, and with the Novas, the doors will automatically close.


Same thing in reverse. If you're going at speed and open the front doors, an alarm will sound until you stop then the doors open.


Ah I thought it affected the front door too, thanks.


How feasible would it be to implement BusTime for Subway Shuttles? I feel like if you could track them like other buses perhaps they wouldn't be viewed so negatively and possibly get used more.


The (M) Shuttle has it's own bus stops, signs, and schedules so It could be possible to implement something soon, if they haven't already. 

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The bus just happened to be there as the car smashed into the rear of the bus as it was running out of control.

I just saw that accident on the news. The car is pretty much wrecked, with the bus sustaining some damage to the reads but nothing that can't be fixed. 


Gotta do more to get these crazies from behind the wheel, and they come out in full force in the summertime.

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So yesterday I was waiting for the Q59 under a tree close to the bus stop, along Grand Avenue. Of course, the bus would take forever (I would have got on the Q47 to the Q59, but I missed the Q47, and I probably would have missed the earlier Q59 too). I walked to make time (there was no shade anywhere until I got to Grand Avenue, which sucked. 


A while later, some old lady came up to me and asked me if I heard about the shooting that occurred at the Bronx-Lebanon Hospital the day before. So I reply "yeah". So she starts talking about the guy, who came from the Caribbean. Then she starts getting passionate, and exclaimed "Why don't you stay in your country!" (not to me, but in response to the situation), and then I knew where this was going. Then she starts talking about how Donald Trump promised to send them back, and whatnot. Then she calms down and asks me if I knew how the gunman managed to sneak a rifle into the hospital, to which I shrugged. She then talks about how the Bronx and Brooklyn are always trouble, and about how she went right home from her work in Harlem as a nurse aide at a hospital.


I was not trying to get into an argument with an old lady when the bus was due to arrive, but anyways, that was an "interesting" experience. Never mind how anyone could have done what the gunman did, no matter what nationality or race, she showed so much ignorance with what she was saying. The bus eventually shows up, but there were two. I let the first one go because I figured the second one was relatively empty (and it was). 


Not the first time I've had certain "interesting" encounters while waiting for the Q59. I was waiting for the Q59 at night a few months ago, and my unlucky ass missed the previous bus (7:05 PM). I waited for the next bus, which was a no show (7:20 PM). Shortly after, some guy with a suitcase comes, and sits down in the stand, and starts talking about how he's been in jail since the 1980's for a murder or something like that, and he wouldn't stop rambling, and it was clear he was crazy). Started talking about how it's dangerous (although the area was clearly gentrified with hipsters walking around the place). He started getting angry every time the B46 kept passing by (nothing but B46 buses passed), because he wanted the B62. I tracked the B62 for myself, and there was no bus going northbound from Downtown Brooklyn (gotta love the GA routes). He leaves his suitcase there wanting me to take care of it by the time he comes back (like, WTF?). Anyways, a B32 eventually shows up, and then I ask whether he knew where the Q59 was, to which he didn't know (it was 7:30 PM). Anyways, he comes back, and gets on the B32, because he needed to go to LIC. He was so thankful and whatnot, and was bumping his chest with a peace sign up as the bus was leaving. I was confused, but nevertheless, glad he was gone. The Q59 didn't come until 7:59 PM (the 7:43 PM came late). 


Always something happening while I'm waiting for the Q59 for long periods of time (because of late buses).

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So yesterday I was waiting for the Q59 under a tree close to the bus stop, along Grand Avenue. Of course, the bus would take forever (I would have got on the Q47 to the Q59, but I missed the Q47, and I probably would have missed the earlier Q59 too). I walked to make time (there was no shade anywhere until I got to Grand Avenue, which sucked. 


A while later, some old lady came up to me and asked me if I heard about the shooting that occurred at the Bronx-Lebanon Hospital the day before. So I reply "yeah". So she starts talking about the guy, who came from the Caribbean. Then she starts getting passionate, and exclaimed "Why don't you stay in your country!" (not to me, but in response to the situation), and then I knew where this was going. Then she starts talking about how Donald Trump promised to send them back, and whatnot. Then she calms down and asks me if I knew how the gunman managed to sneak a rifle into the hospital, to which I shrugged. She then talks about how the Bronx and Brooklyn are always trouble, and about how she went right home from her work in Harlem as a nurse aide at a hospital.


I was not trying to get into an argument with an old lady when the bus was due to arrive, but anyways, that was an "interesting" experience. Never mind how anyone could have done what the gunman did, no matter what nationality or race, she showed so much ignorance with what she was saying. The bus eventually shows up, but there were two. I let the first one go because I figured the second one was relatively empty (and it was). 


Not the first time I've had certain "interesting" encounters while waiting for the Q59. I was waiting for the Q59 at night a few months ago, and my unlucky ass missed the previous bus (7:05 PM). I waited for the next bus, which was a no show (7:20 PM). Shortly after, some guy with a suitcase comes, and sits down in the stand, and starts talking about how he's been in jail since the 1980's for a murder or something like that, and he wouldn't stop rambling, and it was clear he was crazy). Started talking about how it's dangerous (although the area was clearly gentrified with hipsters walking around the place). He started getting angry every time the B46 kept passing by (nothing but B46 buses passed), because he wanted the B62. I tracked the B62 for myself, and there was no bus going northbound from Downtown Brooklyn (gotta love the GA routes). He leaves his suitcase there wanting me to take care of it by the time he comes back (like, WTF?). Anyways, a B32 eventually shows up, and then I ask whether he knew where the Q59 was, to which he didn't know (it was 7:30 PM). Anyways, he comes back, and gets on the B32, because he needed to go to LIC. He was so thankful and whatnot, and was bumping his chest with a peace sign up as the bus was leaving. I was confused, but nevertheless, glad he was gone. The Q59 didn't come until 7:59 PM (the 7:43 PM came late). 


Always something happening while I'm waiting for the Q59 for long periods of time (because of late buses).

lol... When waiting for the bus I don't stand near the bus stop until I know the bus is coming. You avoid so much crappola that way. I pick specific stops to avoid the crazies and they like.

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lol... When waiting for the bus I don't stand near the bus stop until I know the bus is coming. You avoid so much crappola that way. I pick specific stops to avoid the crazies and they like.

The Bx1/Bx2 stop in front of the aforementioned hospital also has its loons.


My mom had an exam at that hospital last month and when we were on our way back, I wasn't even at that stop for 2 minutes before I saw a drunk guy (who wasn't even waiting for the bus) trying to make a random cringeworthy and awkward looking conversation with somebody.


Sadly the Bx1 LTD stops at that stop but not at any other nearby stop, so I toughed it out for another couple of minutes and a Bx1 did show up. I don't even bother whipping out the phone to check BusTime in those kinds of areas.

Edited by paulrivera
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The Bx1/Bx2 stop in front of the aforementioned hospital also has its loons.


My mom had an exam at that hospital last month and when we were on our way back, I wasn't even at that stop for 2 minutes before I saw a drunk guy (who wasn't even waiting for the bus) trying to make a random cringeworthy and awkward looking conversation with somebody.


Sadly the Bx1 LTD stops at that stop but not at any other nearby stop, so I toughed it out for another couple of minutes and a Bx1 did show up. I don't even bother whipping out the phone to check BusTime in those kinds of areas.

Smh...I don't like standing anywhere on the Concourse but when I have to, it's usually around 158th for the BxM4.  The good thing is there's a bus shelter but still some unsavory types walking by.  Haven't had any business in the area in a while and found a way around that by taking the BxM4 in and Metro-North out. Works like a charm.

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Uggh I really hate those jackasses in those effin suburbans.... SUV drivers in general seem to care for none other than themselves.

Same, although I've gotten used to the non-driving a**holes in Nassau County..... As the offensive minded person that I always was, my uncle told me that the minute you start driving on your own, you HAVE to get out of that mindset....


Boy was he right..... Defensive driving saves lives.


So yesterday I was waiting for the Q59 under a tree close to the bus stop, along Grand Avenue. Of course, the bus would take forever (I would have got on the Q47 to the Q59, but I missed the Q47, and I probably would have missed the earlier Q59 too). I walked to make time (there was no shade anywhere until I got to Grand Avenue, which sucked. 


A while later, some old lady came up to me and asked me if I heard about the shooting that occurred at the Bronx-Lebanon Hospital the day before. So I reply "yeah". So she starts talking about the guy, who came from the Caribbean. Then she starts getting passionate, and exclaimed "Why don't you stay in your country!" (not to me, but in response to the situation), and then I knew where this was going. Then she starts talking about how Donald Trump promised to send them back, and whatnot. Then she calms down and asks me if I knew how the gunman managed to sneak a rifle into the hospital, to which I shrugged. She then talks about how the Bronx and Brooklyn are always trouble, and about how she went right home from her work in Harlem as a nurse aide at a hospital.


I was not trying to get into an argument with an old lady when the bus was due to arrive, but anyways, that was an "interesting" experience. Never mind how anyone could have done what the gunman did, no matter what nationality or race, she showed so much ignorance with what she was saying. The bus eventually shows up, but there were two. I let the first one go because I figured the second one was relatively empty (and it was). 


Not the first time I've had certain "interesting" encounters while waiting for the Q59. I was waiting for the Q59 at night a few months ago, and my unlucky ass missed the previous bus (7:05 PM). I waited for the next bus, which was a no show (7:20 PM). Shortly after, some guy with a suitcase comes, and sits down in the stand, and starts talking about how he's been in jail since the 1980's for a murder or something like that, and he wouldn't stop rambling, and it was clear he was crazy). Started talking about how it's dangerous (although the area was clearly gentrified with hipsters walking around the place). He started getting angry every time the B46 kept passing by (nothing but B46 buses passed), because he wanted the B62. I tracked the B62 for myself, and there was no bus going northbound from Downtown Brooklyn (gotta love the GA routes). He leaves his suitcase there wanting me to take care of it by the time he comes back (like, WTF?). Anyways, a B32 eventually shows up, and then I ask whether he knew where the Q59 was, to which he didn't know (it was 7:30 PM). Anyways, he comes back, and gets on the B32, because he needed to go to LIC. He was so thankful and whatnot, and was bumping his chest with a peace sign up as the bus was leaving. I was confused, but nevertheless, glad he was gone. The Q59 didn't come until 7:59 PM (the 7:43 PM came late). 


Always something happening while I'm waiting for the Q59 for long periods of time (because of late buses).

What would you have gotten into an argument about; is it the whole stay in your country bit, or the Donald Trump & his stance on immigrants bit?


Oh man, the jail stories I would CONSTANTLY hear whenever I would fan SCT back in the day (usually amongst a party of people conversing amongst themselves, but on a rare occasion, someone would strike up a convo with me & somehow, this dude's bid upstate came up).... Some of them would be interesting, but a lot of those stories would be absolutely stupid.... You can usually tell those who are trying to get back on the right path & those that talk that "Ima do right by my girl/son/daughter", knowing full well they're still on that nigga shit..... If I'm in a mood, I would converse with the ones who I felt were trying to do right..... The ignorant, stuck on stupid, just talking that talk just to be talking it types, I'm the mmm hmm, yeah, right right right, true true, saying cat..... Those are the types that are quicker to flip on you if you aren't co-signing them 100%.... Some of them will even try to G-check you! I've found that a "I'm neutral" suffices.....


Been in jail since the 80's? The dude sounds like he comatosed in the 80's & just woke up...

The non-Jewish part of Williamsburg (which was split up b/w what was called "north side" & south side") wasn't to be desired back then.... Heavily PR (puerto rican) during the crack epidemic, well before PR's left NYC in droves.... This made it a piece of cake for Williamsburg north of Broadway to become gentrified; it's similar to how Asians took over Bensonhurst & that pocket of Brooklyn when all those Italians bolted for SI & parts of NJ....


Grand av... it's like they chose the more/most unreliable routes from other depots & threw em into that one depot.... The B13, the B47, B60, Q59, ughk.....


Lol @ you being confused; I would have found that chest bumping & peace sign throwing up, comical...

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lol... When waiting for the bus I don't stand near the bus stop until I know the bus is coming. You avoid so much crappola that way. I pick specific stops to avoid the crazies and they like.


Headphones are a blessing.


Unfortunately my local buses pass by a mental institution, so sometimes the crazy comes onto your bus.

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Headphones are a blessing.


Unfortunately my local buses pass by a mental institution, so sometimes the crazy comes onto your bus.

I don't like wearing them unless I'm actually on the express bus.  There are just too many crazy people and people looking for "victims" to chance it.  I like to be aware of my surroundings at all times, especially since I travel late at night sometimes.  With the ongoing homeless problem and people walking around in the city with mental issues, I don't chance it. Just the other day I was walking from Metro-North in Grand Central and some nut job gets down on his knees and starts praying as if he was looking for someone to feel pity and give him money.  He was clearly not all there.

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lol did i ever tell you in florida this one time one the bus i dealt with was obvliously mentally disturbed 

i took 2 buses to go to school for an afternoon class 

on the first bus the guy boarded the bus, his shirt was all bloody and he had stitches on him ( i was already on) and he causes a disturbance on the bus and the driver threatens to call the sheriff on the guy, get off at the mall to transfer to the next bus i stand at the front talking with my driver friend and bloody shirt is trying to get friendly with me and my driver friend i just acknowledged him and what ever he was saying and he tried imparting some wisdom to me. i get off the college and the class is only for an hour so i get to see my driver friend from earlier again.Head back to mall and we hear on the radio that bloody shirt guy causes a confrontation with a dispatcher so he is tossed off of leetran property. The first bus i tell the driver who threatened to call the sheriff on the bloody shirt guy he was laughing and thankful that he was dealt with finally.

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