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Guest Charles

nah, 126th.


they've got a lot by 126th & 2 Av (coming off the bridge), but they've also got buses stacked on 126th, 2 Av, as well as over by the area the M15 turns around. 




I was around 42 St this afternoon, saw multiple X22s go by with standees -- isn't this technically illegal? Unless they choose to stand; either way, the trek through New Jersey must be a long ride.

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nah, 126th.


they've got a lot by 126th & 2 Av (coming off the bridge), but they've also got buses stacked on 126th, 2 Av, as well as over by the area the M15 turns around. 




I was around 42 St this afternoon, saw multiple X22s go by with standees -- isn't this technically illegal? Unless they choose to stand; either way, the trek through New Jersey must be a long ride.

Ah, Roman numerals. Why didn't I catch that?


In any case, I'm not sure what the regulations are for interstate coach buses, with regards to standees. In any case, I've seen a lot of X17Js with standees too. And no, generally on an express bus, if somebody's standing, it's because there are no seats available. It's not like the local buses where there could be 8 seats left, and people just choose to stand because it's easier or whatever.

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Shitload of quoting but im not doing it (especially with feature still jacked up on mobile but here's my pretty penny...


-I've found roaches on every bus be it local, express, +select, subway shuttle, whatever. No depot and no bus is immune to it.


-Just cuz ENYs buses look like they been beat with bricks and bats doesn't mean the whole bus is crap. Its been stated time and time again that they run good despite looking like crap. And Ulmer Park isn't that far behind, trust...


-They moved the XDs for a reason. No politics (you think the ENY area has that much of a voice to begin with), as Cait said, mileage.


-No depot washes their buses when the temperature get below about 30-40 since they will freeze upon leaving the wash bays (especially if they park them outside in the cold overnight). You ever seen a frozen bus try to start up for the morning...


Ok im done, back to work I go

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In any case, today I took the (5)- (4)-B35 LTD (walk from Crown Heights) - B70 - B63 - S93


* The B/O said the official route for the detour is Church-NY-Linden, because I saw (what I assumed to be) a local bus on the other side of NY Avenue. He said "They gon' be tight when they realize that this is the right stop". The bus was relatively empty. When I got on, it had like 15 people, and between the people getting on and off, I don't think we carried more than 25 people at a time. I guess he was a little early or something. We passed two locals (one by 39th, and one by I think Flatbush), and traffic wasn't too bad along Church, though of course, it was still relatively slow.


* 20 minute headways during rush hour on the B70? Are they for real? (Another passenger said it's unreliable, which I could believe, which has to suck with the 20 minute headways). The bus actually came on time, but it broke down at Bay Ridge & 4th (the back doors wouldn't lock up, and then when they locked, the bus wouldn't move anyway. A few passengers tried to help by kicking the door from the outside, pulling it from the inside, but eventually, we all just gave up). I wanted to catch the S93 before it went on 30-minute headways, so I asked for a transfer, ran back to the B63, and caught the S93 (now that I think about it, I could've used the transfer on the MetroCard to take the subway, and then used the paper transfer on the S93. Ah well. At best, I would've saved 10 minutes).


I'm still pissed off that they don't have a stop outside the CSI gate. Hopefully enough students ride that they'll protest and have them put a stop in. (I had to walk the extra distance from Willow Road East in the dark with a narrow sidewalk. SMH).


So you took that walk down utica from eastern pkwy huh.... Didnt wanna put up w/ the 46?

Yeah, I take that walk more often than not, whenever I take a 3/4 instead of a 2/5 also....


As for the detour, I posted a while back (in this same thread) that I had a b/o that took NY > linden > bedford > church - which was during the night when church itself was virtually empty & before they had all the construction barricades in the middle of the road up & what not..... Now, all (WB) buses are doing the NY > linden-to-caton > flatbush > church routing....


I haven't taken a dollar cab in almost a month now... Quite sure they're loving the fact that B35's are diverted onto linden....


20 min (posted) headways during the rush on the B70? Are you sure about that.... b/c ever since they moved the route on 3rd av, service actually increased on that route.... I'd say it's closer to 10-12 mins.... Buses are unreliable due to the headache along 8th av; something's gotta be done w/ those private bus companies that double park their buses on that street (specifically b/w the late 40's streets & 60th street)... it's ridiculous....

Don't know how true this is, but I've heard there was an issue w/ some B70's starting their VA hosp. bound trips alongside that McDonald's over there on 4th (leaving later than they're supposed to), instead of starting over @ 1st like they're supposed to.... They aren't school trippers either, so they can't use that excuse...


About the S93, yeah, there were a few ppl. that were on the bus that weren't too happy when it went straight through the gate (last time I took it).... People are gonna have to complain/write in & make an issue of that (including CSI officials themselves) because it's gonna be a situation where you have stragglers walking aimlessly about the campus that needn't be doing so, just to get back to victory....

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="College Pt Man" data-cid="638322" data-time="1359419825"><p>

<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="ciboii22" data-cid="638089" data-time="1359390592"><p><br />

Umm no, ENY doesn't know how to take care of the XD40's. 4833 is missing paint all over and it is banged up with dents. It did NOT leave QV like that nor Ulmer Park. They were saying they moved everything because of mileage and fleet age, it's probably a political thing & i'm not the only one who thinks that.</p></blockquote><br />

<br />

Oh my mistake so QV and maybe JA should of taken the buses, they know how to fix and clean buses very well, that's why their OG/NG's look and run better then the ones at JFK and LGA. Why did JA take on more 1996 RTS I thought they were suppose to get rid of all their 1996's?</p></blockquote> No.. JA or QV shouldn't have anything.

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You live right next to... never mind...


Their NG's can barley get up the hills around Inwood, and their O5's are worse. While the ones on SI still run fine, I took one on the Bx28 which had mediocre AC and was even slower than the NG's...


Inwood? There's no Gun Hill routes that go THROUGH Inwood except for the Bx12 SBS....for the most part, that's KB territory....something ain't right!


Gun Hill's 40ft buses are in good shape and I've rode on a bunch of their buses, their artics are a different story as some are a hit-or-miss.

Edited by Cait Sith
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Inwood? There's no Gun Hill routes that go THROUGH Inwood except for the Bx12 SBS....for the most part, that's KB territory....something ain't right!


Gun Hill's 40ft buses are in good shape and I've rode on a bunch of their buses, their artics are a different story as some are a hit-or-miss.


I meant Norwood, no reason to jump on me... Their artics are much worse.

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Rode the B14 this morning to school, there was this lady on the bus who said "They need to throw those buses in the garbage. Ain't nothing work" (our bus was OG 6592 and she was referring to the RTS's). A good chuckling moment..

Edited by Jdog14
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Guest MTA Bus

Today, something happened that I didn't expect. I was in Downtown Brooklyn and out of nowhere, I see a Orion V CNG turn onto Livingston St. I get to the bus stop, and I ser two Orion V CNGs on the B103 to Canarsie back to back. One of them was 74x and the other one was 9844.

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Was she young or old? If 'it' was young, then I can probably see why she would say it. Either way I'd bet she'd be among the first to complain about fare hikes to pay for the new buses so she doesn't have to ride those old 'garbage'.

Maybe around I would say 30s - 40s. As a matter a fact your right about the second part too. She was also stating how everyone has to "keep paying and paying".

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Today, something happened that I didn't expect. I was in Downtown Brooklyn and out of nowhere, I see a Orion V CNG turn onto Livingston St. I get to the bus stop, and I ser two Orion V CNGs on the B103 to Canarsie back to back. One of them was 74x and the other one was 9844.

Man lucky! All I ever see these days are C40LFs.


Rode the B14 this morning to school, there was this lady on the bus who said "They need to throw those buses in the garbage. Ain't nothing work" (our bus was OG 6592 and she was referring to the RTS's). A good chuckling moment..

Sounds like a bitch to me.

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Random Thought:

Can MTA bus operations completely merge already? Keep the NYCDOT mandate on NYCDOT routes, but let one complete agency operate them, so routes can be better distributed among the depots and so that there is one service new buses are distributed to. I'm happy they've gone halfway there with the regional Bus Operations brand, now just take it all the way already.

I can't seem to find any news on this subject, but is there any chance of this ever happening? If so, what BS political reason for why not?

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So you took that walk down utica from eastern pkwy huh.... Didnt wanna put up w/ the 46?

Yeah, I take that walk more often than not, whenever I take a 3/4 instead of a 2/5 also....


As for the detour, I posted a while back (in this same thread) that I had a b/o that took NY > linden > bedford > church - which was during the night when church itself was virtually empty & before they had all the construction barricades in the middle of the road up & what not..... Now, all (WB) buses are doing the NY > linden-to-caton > flatbush > church routing....


I haven't taken a dollar cab in almost a month now... Quite sure they're loving the fact that B35's are diverted onto linden....


20 min (posted) headways during the rush on the B70? Are you sure about that.... b/c ever since they moved the route on 3rd av, service actually increased on that route.... I'd say it's closer to 10-12 mins.... Buses are unreliable due to the headache along 8th av; something's gotta be done w/ those private bus companies that double park their buses on that street (specifically b/w the late 40's streets & 60th street)... it's ridiculous....

Don't know how true this is, but I've heard there was an issue w/ some B70's starting their VA hosp. bound trips alongside that McDonald's over there on 4th (leaving later than they're supposed to), instead of starting over @ 1st like they're supposed to.... They aren't school trippers either, so they can't use that excuse...


About the S93, yeah, there were a few ppl. that were on the bus that weren't too happy when it went straight through the gate (last time I took it).... People are gonna have to complain/write in & make an issue of that (including CSI officials themselves) because it's gonna be a situation where you have stragglers walking aimlessly about the campus that needn't be doing so, just to get back to victory....


- Well, that, and I saw it was a little over a mile from Crown Heights to Church Avenue, so I figured there's no point in wasting a ride for a relatively short distance.


- So what portion of Church is blocked off then? Like Nostrand to Flatbush or what?


- I'm positive. I got off at 8th Avenue, walked down a block or two to the B70 stop, and the schedule said 4:46 and then 5:06 (When I checked the time, it was 4:51). I had to check to make sure I was looking at the weekday schedule, and sure enough I was.


I just checked the online schedule, and basically those 10 minute headways only apply during the AM rush (both directions). Then late midday/early PM rush, the headway is 15 minutes (both directions), but other than that, it's every 20 minutes or worse.


I was debating between the B16 and the B70 to get to Bay Ridge. The B16 was slightly better (according to the schedule anyway). Service runs every 15 minutes rather than 20. (Of course, if I were concerned about frequency, I would've taken the B63 or subway).


- Out of curiosity, how many got off the bus at the last stop? (For that matter, how many got off at Willow Road East?) Me and one other guy got off at Willow Road East (but the other guy didn't cross under the expressway with me), and there were 2 people left going into CSI.


Like you said, hopefully enough people write in that they get the new stop added. (I've already written to campus officials about it. I guess I might as well send the email to the MTA as well, in the general complaints section) I mean, enough people are affected that it should've been a no-brainer to put the stop in originally.

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Random Thought:

Can MTA bus operations completely merge already? Keep the NYCDOT mandate on NYCDOT routes, but let one complete agency operate them, so routes can be better distributed among the depots and so that there is one service new buses are distributed to. I'm happy they've gone halfway there with the regional Bus Operations brand, now just take it all the way already.

I can't seem to find any news on this subject, but is there any chance of this ever happening? If so, what BS political reason for why not?

I think the issue is the unions. It's going to happen within the next 5 years anyway...

Edited by jgood6195
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I think the issue is the unions. It's going to happen within the next 5 years anyway...

I don't drive a bus, but I can't think of a reason the union would oppose it. I'm sure whatever needs they have in terms of who gets to work where would get sorted anyways. I'd hope that while they're at it, they absorb the Atlantic Express SI express bus routes, and get a more unified bus route signing system for the express lines. Keep BM/BxM/QM for those three boroughs, keep X for the Staten Island division. Brooklyn's 4 X routes can just become BM6/7 and BM8/9. Queens' current X routes (and the X51 if that ever comes back for some reason) can all fit in the unused route list between QM1 and QM25. I believe QM9, 13, 14 and 19 are available. Simple conformity and it's clear that all X routes go to SI and the others to their respective boroughs.

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Random Thought:

Can MTA bus operations completely merge already? Keep the NYCDOT mandate on NYCDOT routes, but let one complete agency operate them, so routes can be better distributed among the depots and so that there is one service new buses are distributed to. I'm happy they've gone halfway there with the regional Bus Operations brand, now just take it all the way already.

I can't seem to find any news on this subject, but is there any chance of this ever happening? If so, what BS political reason for why not?

lol, how about swapping the unions at mta bus with SI? Spin SI off as its own system like LIB and then you can better integrate mta bus and nyct in the other 4 boroughs.
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lol, how about swapping the unions at mta bus with SI? Spin SI off as its own system like LIB and then you can better integrate mta bus and nyct in the other 4 boroughs.

So SI union is what's causing the hold up? And I wouldn't consider my proposal that extreme. I only suggest the route names to make a uniform policy. Have SI expresses use X since they already have the vast majority of those, while making the other boroughs use the NYCDOT express designations.

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No, I was just saying as a joke: "why not just swap the unions from SI and mta bus? Maybe then you could consolidate the mta bus personnel at SI and get the merger rolling more quickly here."

Eh, why not. Besides, don't they have it in their contract that only SI depot drivers can drive buses in SI?

I'd keep the complete merger simple. All buses under MTA Bus logo (I'd also make the subways MTA Subway), NYCDOT routes keep their city mandate and subsidies but can now be distributed, split, etc. to depots that would make it easier to deadhead, etc. Basically as name suggests, it's all one big, happy family, one radio communication system, one agency ordering buses, and SI can keep their own union and continue to feel special. And of course the route designation change with SI expresses being X (could do SM, I guess, but folks would flip a shit with so many "X" routes changing) and the other three being BM/BxM/QM only for conformity.

Edited by Culver
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