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Uh, OK, I don't see how that's relevant. You haven't physically rode the route and aside from that it's impossible for you to have been there more than I have because that's my neighborhood. You're not going to be more knowledgeable about it than me.


Well that's funny because you thought you were more knowledgeable about my neighborhood, so you're one to talk. Then again we're talking about a kid who thinks he knows everything, so I'm not shocked. I was living on Staten Island way before you even knew about it, so spare me.

Edited by Via Garibaldi 8
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Well that's funny because you thought you were more knowledgeable about my neighborhood, so you're one to talk. Then again we're talking about a kid who thinks he knows everything, so I'm not shocked. I was living on Staten Island way before you even knew about it, so spare me.


I've taken the S48/98 & S53 on a regular basis. You can't say the same thing about the buses along Richmond Avenue. I notice you haven't responded to any of the other points I made. As far as knowing about your neighborhood, well I know Delafield sure as hell isn't this wonderful paradise you make it out to be, especially since I've walked there from Castleton Avenue in about 5 minutes. Cary Avenue was like a 2-3 minute walk for me.


And you weren't "living" here before me. You said you lived here "on and off" before you moved here permentantly.

Edited by checkmatechamp13
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I've taken the S48/98 & S53 on a regular basis. You can't say the same thing about the buses along Richmond Avenue. I notice you haven't responded to any of the other points I made. As far as knowing about your neighborhood, well I know Delafield sure as hell isn't this wonderful paradise you make it out to be, especially since I've walked there from Castleton Avenue in about 5 minutes. Cary Avenue was like a 2-3 minute walk for me.


And you weren't "living" here before me. You said you lived here "on and off" before you moved here permentantly.


lol... Still on that Delafield kick when I didn't live there, but suite yourself... :lol: You can thank wikipedia for my comments on Delafield, which previously stated south of Delafield Av (before you edited it to suite your own agenda).... Some parts are okay but none of it is that great. Nice of you to edit wikipedia with your grainy photo BTW and add your "facts". :lol: As for Richmond Av, you don't know how often I'm on Richmond Av...


Talk about sad.... Editing Wikipedia for West Brighton when don't even live there. SMH...

Edited by Via Garibaldi 8
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lol... Still on that Delafield kick when I didn't live there, but suite yourself... :lol: You can thank wikipedia for my comments on Delafield, which previously stated south of Delafield Av (before you edited it to suite your own agenda).... Some parts are okay but none of it is that great. Nice of you to edit wikipedia with your grainy photo BTW and add your "facts". :lol: As for Richmond Av, you don't know how often I'm on Richmond Av...



Mmmmm, sure you didn't. <_< Every time you mention Delafield, you talk about "our" part of West Brighton, and how you live on a one-way street and have to come around on Broadway (if you lived south of Forest, you wouldn't have to go up to Cary, and if you lived on Myrtle, the driver wouldn't have to come back around), and how you know there's a ton of Mexicans living in 2 of the houses. Besides, what's so special about "Delafield between Broadway & Elizabeth" anyway? Why are you so interested in it?


I have no "agenda" to push. I'm simply stating the facts (and that's the definition of a fact: It can be proven, which I have done it, citing various sources as well as my own experience). For all I know, you're the one who changed it to say Delafield Avenue in the first place. There's nothing wrong with Delafield Avenue, but it's not this "affluent" neighborhood that's 90% White and full of "Irish & Italians". It's a diverse, middle-class neighborhood. Nothing more, nothing less.

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Since when Manhattanville got them. I've seen Manhattanville OG's the the M104 for about 3 years.


Today I was observing X17 and X27 service at 23 street and Brodaway from 12:30 to 2:00 PM



I'm kind of pissed at my mom & brother. They were going to Manhattan yesterday and were taking the express bus, so I asked my brother to do me a favor and try and catch the X17 to see what the ride is like. (He's into transit too, though not as much as me). Instead, they left 10 minutes later, missed it and had to take the X10. Then they came back after the X17 stopped running, so they missed their chance. :angry: Ah, well, I'm sure there will be other chances.

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Mmmmm, sure you didn't. <_< Every time you mention Delafield, you talk about "our" part of West Brighton, and how you live on a one-way streetand have to come around on Broadway (if you lived south of Forest, you wouldn't have to go up to Cary, and if you lived on Myrtle, the driver wouldn't have to come back around), and how you know there's a ton of Mexicans living in 2 of the houses. Besides, what's so special about "Delafield between Broadway & Elizabeth" anyway? Why are you so interested in it?


I have no "agenda" to push. I'm simply stating the facts (and that's the definition of a fact: It can be proven, which I have done it, citing various sources as well as my own experience). For all I know, you're the one who changed it to say Delafield Avenue in the first place. There's nothing wrong with Delafield Avenue, but it's not this "affluent" neighborhood that's 90% White and full of "Irish & Italians". It's a diverse, middle-class neighborhood. Nothing more, nothing less.



lol... Until recently I had no idea that anyone could just edit Wikipedia themselves so no, I wouldn't waste my time on nonsense like that. As for Delafield Ave... Very simple... Some consider it to be the absolute border before it really goes down hill. Some would even say Forest Avenue and I would agree with that too. All depends on where you're at. That's really the only reason. As for my cab rides, I had absolute idiots for drivers who would constantly get lost around there, so we'd go around and around, so that doesn't say much. Elizabeth for years wasn't always a one way street like it is now, nor was Delafield so you could come up going south to Forest Ave on Elizabeth. Unfortunately they never got that memo when Elizabeth and I believe Delafield was changed to a one way. I used to take car service from time to time from the ferry too and we'd head south on Elizabeth. In any event, you're right that part there is pretty diverse. The part I've referred to and lived near is by Forest Avenue. In fact its south of Forest Ave. and believe me it is heavily Irish and Italian. It doesn't take rocket science to figure that one out.


And yes they could've used Forest, bus sometimes the sidestreets are quicker.

Edited by Via Garibaldi 8
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lol... Until recently I had no idea that anyone could just edit Wikipedia themselves so no, I wouldn't waste my time on nonsense like that. As for Delafield Ave... Very simple... Some consider it to be the absolute border before it really goes down hill. Some would even say Forest Avenue and I would agree with that too. All depends on where you're at. That's really the only reason. As for my cab rides, I had absolute idiots for drivers who would constantly get lost around there, so we'd go around and around, so that doesn't say much. Elizabeth for years wasn't always a one way street like it is now, nor was Delafield so you could come up going south to Forest Ave on Elizabeth. Unfortunately they never got that memo when Elizabeth and I believe Delafield was changed to a one way. I used to take car service from time to time from the ferry too and we'd head south on Elizabeth. In any event, you're right that part there is pretty diverse. The part I've referred to and lived near is by Forest Avenue. In fact its south of Forest Ave. and believe me it is heavily Irish and Italian. It doesn't take rocket science to figure that one out.


And yes they could've used Forest, bus sometimes the sidestreets are quicker.


Yes because it's very safe there. No crime and friendly people all around (sarcasm).

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Yes because it's very safe there. No crime and friendly people all around (sarcasm).


LOL... Yes, in fact it is very safe. There is crime, but it's low and yes we would all look out for each other since we knew each other. You had American flags along with Irish ones and American ones along with Italian ones.

Edited by Via Garibaldi 8
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A little tardy to the party, aren't you? About 3 hours late to be exact. ;)



Whoops. Spoke too soon.


In any case, I'd just like to point out that I've edited most of the articles about North Shore neighhborhoods and a few about SI in general. (You can thank me for adding "Transportation" sections to most articles). I figured while I'm at it, I might as well add some things about demographics and add a few pictures as well.

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Well if we are going to talk about routes we have ridden..


SI : S79, S89, X1

Brooklyn : B1, B24, B41, B82, B103

Manhattan : M1, M2, M3, M5, M7, M8, M9, M11, M14A/D, M15/M15 SBS, M20, M21, M22, M23, M34/M34A, M42, M50, M60, M96, M101, M102, M103

Bronx: Bx9, Bx12 SBS, Bx19

Queens : Q1, Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6, Q10, Q17, Q18, Q19, Q20A/B, Q24, Q25, Q27, Q29, Q30, Q31, Q32, Q33, Q34, Q36, Q39, Q40, Q43, Q44, Q46, Q47, Q49, Q50, Q53, Q54, Q55, Q56, Q58, Q59, Q60, Q64, Q65, Q66, Q69, Q76, Q77, Q83, Q84, Q85, Q88, Q100, Q101, Q102, Q104, Q111, Q113

Edited by Astoria Line
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Staten Island: None


SI : S79, S89, X1



One of these days, we've got to make plans to do some SI fanning. (On the North Shore). You guys would probably like the S46. It's pretty frequent and the ride is kind of scenic, going through a mix of areas (hilly, commercial, residential, nice, not-so-nice, etc). Plus, we'd pass by the North Shore Rail Line at a few points.

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One of these days, we've got to make plans to do some SI fanning. (On the North Shore). You guys would probably like the S46. It's pretty frequent and the ride is kind of scenic, going through a mix of areas (hilly, commercial, residential, nice, not-so-nice, etc). Plus, we'd pass by the North Shore Rail Line at a few points.


I'd recommend the S78. Long and a little boring, but great if you have a nice bus, such as an Orion V.

(You guys still have V's out there, right)?

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Yes, half of SI's local fleet is Orion V's.


Thanks, I thought so.


Maybe it's just me, but I really don't like the Orion V's, especially Yukon's. They are the filthiest buses I've ridden. Not bashing any Orion V fans here.


The B/O's out there are fast though, I will admit that.


Which makes up for the condition the buses are in.


I know way back there was problems with vandalism (and to my knowledge still exists), but are the buses good performance wise or are they shot?

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