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They are on Bustime. I've seen most of those buses online before. Just because you don't always see it doesn't mean it isn't on Bustime.


Yeah but some of them get messed up, so some of them could very well not be showing up on Bus Time. After conversing with the MTA Bus Time team, there seems to be various reasons why they don't show up so that's why it is important to report them so that they can put in an order to have the equipment repaired.

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think the word may have gotten out because I made such a stink that folks at the MTA with whom complaints are filed with are starting to know who I am


Ha, same thing for me up here. All of the Saratoga B/O's, and quite a few Albany B/O's know who I am by now. :P

Especially customer service, and headquaters. They all know who I am over there.

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On sunday at 3pm the S74 took me nonstop from Target™ until ND lane. It arrived 7minutes early. I wonder how it is at nite. Also, the bus is overairconditioned. Specially if you came all wet from massive rain. Its been raining very heavily lately.

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On sunday at 3pm the S74 took me nonstop from Target™ until ND lane. It arrived 7minutes early. I wonder how it is at nite. Also, the bus is overairconditioned. Specially if you came all wet from massive rain. Its been raining very heavily lately.



Chances are that bus was late LOL


TA Rule, climate control must be engaged in the "on" position at all times.

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Chances are that bus was late LOL


TA Rule, climate control must be engaged in the "on" position at all times.



I'd prefer to have AC or climate control then none at all. The one thing I won't miss about those local buses on Staten Island is the B/Os never had the damn climate control on so you're on a jammed packed bus with no air on whatsoever, just sweating like a pig. Now of course it is cold outside but still. You're stuck on a packed bus with a big winter coat on... Some sort of climate control should be on.

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When you do that, what are the headways of the B46? You're not leaving those transferring riders waiting an hour for the next bus, are you? That's just plain wrong. :o


Whoever said I was? The headway is usually about 10-12 minutes when LTD service ends, but you gotta haul ass, cause every transfer point gets pretty heavy if one of those buses dumps off at the stop, so it's prudent you get in and out if you're looking to make time. My thing - especially Saturday nights heading to the bridge - is hit Church Avenue 3-4 minutes ahead of schedule, and that's for loading purposes, and to get an extra 2 minutes to head up to Eastern Parkway ---- climbing the hill to EP can be a bitch, and sometimes not enough time.


On the return trip, leaving the bridge, you need to leave ON TIME, hit Flushing Avenue 3 minutes ahead and keep rolling cause you need the time to fly through Malcolm X and make it to Fulton Street to load, then you need to TRY and haul ass to Eastern Parkway where you'll have 200 people waiting for your one bus. I've gotten lucky only one night where the 3 & 4 trains were delayed and only picked up maybe 15 folks, and those were transfers from the B14, but I got my ass out of there. The motto is "load and go"; don't wait.

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Whoever said I was? The headway is usually about 10-12 minutes when LTD service ends, but you gotta haul ass, cause every transfer point gets pretty heavy if one of those buses dumps off at the stop, so it's prudent you get in and out if you're looking to make time. My thing - especially Saturday nights heading to the bridge - is hit Church Avenue 3-4 minutes ahead of schedule, and that's for loading purposes, and to get an extra 2 minutes to head up to Eastern Parkway ---- climbing the hill to EP can be a bitch, and sometimes not enough time.


On the return trip, leaving the bridge, you need to leave ON TIME, hit Flushing Avenue 3 minutes ahead and keep rolling cause you need the time to fly through Malcolm X and make it to Fulton Street to load, then you need to TRY and haul ass to Eastern Parkway where you'll have 200 people waiting for your one bus. I've gotten lucky only one night where the 3 & 4 trains were delayed and only picked up maybe 15 folks, and those were transfers from the B14, but I got my ass out of there. The motto is "load and go"; don't wait.



Exactly!!! What a lot of people don't understand is that we are the drivers (or operators which ever you prefer lol) we know the schedule better than what these people (in their comfy office chairs) who make the schedule.





Yesterday I noticed next to the 207th street yard there was a storage lot with some artics in there. Any body know what that's about?

Edited by youngblaze
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Thats's why MTA created bustime on SI. This way, if 2 buses are close(3blocks) and 1st one is packed, u can wate 4 the next 1.


That's *one* of the reasons, but this basically allows passengers to decide whether or not they will wait for that bus that's running late or not. It's annoying waiting for a bus that never shows and you have no clue where it is...

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Anyone else think the new bus stop arrangement at Gun Hill Road (2)(5) (Christened the "Gun Hill Road Intermodal Transfer Facility" iirc) is kinda boneheaded?


There's a new island in front of the entrance to the train station. The Bx39 to Wakefield and Bx41 from the Hub stop together in the island. Good idea, keeping them together. The Bx55 terminates on White Plains Road, on the Southeast corner. It's also the first stop back to the Hub. I have no idea why the Bx55 to the Hub stops separately from the Bx41 to the Hub, which is on the Northwest corner with the Bx39 from Wakefield. Again, why separate them? I'm guessing space concerns, but the current bus stop for the SB 39 and 41 already takes up a lot of space, and people are being forced to choose between the Bx41 and Bx55.


Just the other day, there was a big crowd of people waiting for the 41 coming off the 39. [The 41 was taking a lot longer than normal to pull up.] Meanwhile, there was a Bx55 across the street that could have helped.


Also, the Bx28 and Bx38 from Co-Op stop right in front of the train station, the Bx30 from Co-Op stops across the street. Again, I'm guessing space concerns on the little island, but I still don't see the point in separating the stops.


To change the topic, there's something about waiting for the B41. It's like witnessing the eternal battle between it and its nemesis, the dollar van. Usually, you can see up to 5 or 6 vans! And there's always one guy honking aggressively in his bid for passengers.

Edited by Mysterious2train
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You iknow what route should get Bustime? The M60. Because some days I waited 90 minutes, before finally taking an M104. Had I known the M60 wasn't going to come for two hours, I wouldv'e just hopped on the first bus out of there...

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Whoever said I was? The headway is usually about 10-12 minutes when LTD service ends, but you gotta haul ass, cause every transfer point gets pretty heavy if one of those buses dumps off at the stop, so it's prudent you get in and out if you're looking to make time. My thing - especially Saturday nights heading to the bridge - is hit Church Avenue 3-4 minutes ahead of schedule, and that's for loading purposes, and to get an extra 2 minutes to head up to Eastern Parkway ---- climbing the hill to EP can be a bitch, and sometimes not enough time.


On the return trip, leaving the bridge, you need to leave ON TIME, hit Flushing Avenue 3 minutes ahead and keep rolling cause you need the time to fly through Malcolm X and make it to Fulton Street to load, then you need to TRY and haul ass to Eastern Parkway where you'll have 200 people waiting for your one bus. I've gotten lucky only one night where the 3 & 4 trains were delayed and only picked up maybe 15 folks, and those were transfers from the B14, but I got my ass out of there. The motto is "load and go"; don't wait.



That's why I asked "What are the headways?". If the buses run every 10-12 minutes, then yeah it's not so bad if they can't catch your bus. If they run every 60 minutes, then it's a different story.


On a side note, I was by the SI Mall today and saw an S89 along Richmond Avenue by Ring Road (where the S44/59/94 come out of the mall). It was probably just deadheading from Yukon to Bayonne, but it reminded me again what a waste it is to run them as deadheads when you could potentially benefit a few Bayonne-bound riders. Even if they just started them at Richmond Hill Road or something, that would at least help those willing to transfer.

Edited by checkmatechamp13
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That's *one* of the reasons, but this basically allows passengers to decide whether or not they will wait for that bus that's running late or not. It's annoying waiting for a bus that never shows and you have no clue where it is...



The funny thing is that even if folks know that there is another bus behind they'll usually just pile on the first bus unless they see someone else waiting, then they'll wait too which I find annoying. It's like just use your bloody brain and stop following what other people are doing. I don't need to have someone with me at the stop to decide whether or not I'm going to wait for the next bus. Never understood the point of that. If you feel like the first bus won't get hammered, then by all means get on. Otherwise wait for the next one.

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I looked outside and saw 8571 still in service on the Q25LTD that's the last 8500 series CNG left. I think the worst of the Orion V CNG's are 8571,9932 and some 9960 and 9970 buses.


What is so bad about 8571 and 9932, they're that not bad, and I haven't had 1 bad 996x or 997X, and keep 8571 since it's the last 8500 CNG. Only bad bus I have had was 9846, and of late I have ridden more O5 CNG'S so i know what I am saying. So just wondering, ok.
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What is so bad about 8571 and 9932, they're that not bad, and I haven't had 1 bad 996x or 997X, and keep 8571 since it's the last 8500 CNG. Only bad bus I have had was 9846, and of late I have ridden more O5 CNG'S so i know what I am saying. So just wondering, ok.


I live right near the Q25,Q34,Q64 and, Q65 so I know what I'm talking about. Theses buses are suffering from rusting and the buses are getting louder and louder. 8571 and 9932 used to be good buses I don't know what has happened to them in the last year.

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That's why I asked "What are the headways?". If the buses run every 10-12 minutes, then yeah it's not so bad if they can't catch your bus. If they run every 60 minutes, then it's a different story.

My motto is: if you wasn't in the bus stop 5-10 minutes before the time I'm "scheduled" to be there, then you wasn't there at all.

Fucck what you heard. And many other operators do the same - especially if we're trying to get our passengers to a connecting bus or train.




When I'm a hawk, the motto is to be in the stand 15-20 minutes before the time I'm supposed to be there.


BusTime will alleviate all issues though.

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My motto is: if you wasn't in the bus stop 5-10 minutes before the time I'm "scheduled" to be there, then you wasn't there at all.

Fucck what you heard. And many other operators do the same - especially if we're trying to get our passengers to a connecting bus or train.




When I'm a hawk, the motto is to be in the stand 15-20 minutes before the time I'm supposed to be there.


BusTime will alleviate all issues though.


It doesn't get me angry when an op's running hot since I tend to get on at the first stop of a lot of lines so it doesn't matter much to me, but that said, you never gotten trouble from supervisors for running that hot? I always hear the stories from ops over at Mannyville about supervisors busting balls for running even a few minutes hot. Spose that hawks don't have too many supervisors to worry about though...

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