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  • Via Garibaldi 8


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Yesterday, for some reason, S44 & S59 buses were using Richmond Hill Road instead of going through the mall the regular way. And I saw an S79 along Richmond Avenue north of Platinum Avenue (they usually turn onto Platinum to go inside the mall), so I wonder what's up.


I also saw a northbound S59 broken down at Richmond & Lander. At first I thought it was bunching, but then I saw the hazard lights on.

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lol... I've seen all sorts of bills held up to see if it is fake. I went to the laundry a few weeks ago and was given a $5.00 bill for change among other bills for a $20.00 and I couldn't get the damn money to work in the machine. It was one of the older $5.00 bills so I gave it back to the lady and told her in Spanish that didn't work. She automatically took the bill and held it up to ensure that it was real before giving me a newer $5.00 bill. lol I said to myself, go on ahead and hold it up because if is a fake you're giving me a real one.


This chick at the rite aid I'm talkin about (Av S. & Flatbush) gave me an attitude from the second I got on line.... I have a theory as to why that is, but it's not relevant.... Anyway, I bought a bottle of poland spring & oatmeal raisin cookies (pepperidge farms)...... it came out to less than 10 bucks, so I gave her a 5 & 2 singles..... she checks all 3 bills (the 5 & the two 1's)..... she keeps looking at the 5 like it was fake, so she calls the manager...... The manager took one quick look at the bill, then looked at me, then gave the cashier a dirty look (like, you bothered me for this....), opened the register, and gave me my change (a couple of cents)...... He apologized to me, I said no problem (although I missed a Q35 in the process) & I left..... Luckily, another Q35 came about 2-3 mins later, so I benefitted from a Q35 that was off schedule (early).....


I hope the (black) man hating bitch got fired after that day.......

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This chick at the rite aid I'm talkin about (Av S. & Flatbush) gave me an attitude from the second I got on line.... I have a theory as to why that is, but it's not relevant.... Anyway, I bought a bottle of poland spring & oatmeal raisin cookies (pepperidge farms)...... it came out to less than 10 bucks, so I gave her a 5 & 2 singles..... she checks all 3 bills (the 5 & the two 1's)..... she keeps looking at the 5 like it was fake, so she calls the manager...... The manager took one quick look at the bill, then looked at me, then gave the cashier a dirty look (like, you bothered me for this....), opened the register, and gave me my change (a couple of cents)...... He apologized to me, I said no problem (although I missed a Q35 in the process) & I left..... Luckily, another Q35 came about 2-3 mins later, so I benefitted from a Q35 that was off schedule (early).....


I hope the (black) man hating bitch got fired after that day.......



LOL... Sorry but I've seen this as well with other customers. I usually use a card when I pay but I know exactly what you're talking about, as I have seen it done with other folks. She thought she was sending you a message by acting like your money was fake, like you're too poor to afford what you were buying. I was walking into one of my regular spots with some co-workers a few years ago and this black lady was walking out irritated and said out loud "It's expensive in there" LOL! Then she looks at me with an attitude and rolls her eyes as if to say this mixed SOB is eating there, since it's mainly whites and other well to do minorities that eat there but very few blacks. I don't think it's a question of price, but more so what they serve. It's geared towards either folks that dig organic food or that are in European food, but at the same time it's not exactly McDonald's prices either, which I'm sure shocked her. LOL


I tell you though those cashiers can be the biggest airheads. I was making my way over to the BM3 last Saturday and I went to the same spot mentioned above for a macchiato and a pastry and this black chick that has served me at another location was there. I exploded on her previously for giving me the wrong drink even after having told her what I wanted 3 times. Previously the manager was there and overheard everything and refunded me for the trouble and gave me the drink on the house. This time she gets the drink right but has trouble with the pastry, so automatically I find myself getting annoyed because I didn't have much time to have my drink and make it over to the BM3 stop. Then she goes, why do you always have an attitude? I thought to myself, some nerve to ask me that when you're the one with the attitude. In the midst of me belittling her (I'm sorry but incompetence really annoys me) one of her colleagues walked over and smiled at me as if to say yeah give it to her (lol) and then I had to settle down a bit because I realized I was really making her feel stupid and she was trying, but was just too inept to follow directions.


Long story short I'm sure the next time she sees me she'll get my entire order correct. Third time is always a charm. On a side note, she did know that I wanted both the standard receipt and the itemized one.



Maybe it's just me, but I always take it as some sorta personal insult when somebody holds up the money I give them. It's just flat out saying "I don't trust you and you could be a crook" without actually using the words.



I like the ones that hold the money up the light for everyone to see like yeah I don't trust this one. I chuckle to myself every time.

Edited by Via Garibaldi 8
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Maybe it's just me, but I always take it as some sorta personal insult when somebody holds up the money I give them. It's just flat out saying "I don't trust you and you could be a crook" without actually using the words.


I also view that as insulting, for those exact same reasons.... and with me, it's usually black women doing it moreso than anyone else..... I'm like, shit, chick, you're viewed as being just as much of a crook out here in the world just as much as I am..... Of course, they're only following mgr's orders - black guy = criminal.......


We're blamed for partaking in many crimes - counterfeiting is not one of em........



LOL... Sorry but I've seen this as well with other customers. I usually use a card when I pay but I know exactly what you're talking about, as I have seen it done with other folks. She thought she was sending you a message by acting like your money was fake, like you're too poor to afford what you were buying.


I was walking into one of my regular spots with some co-workers a few years ago and this black lady was walking out irritated and said out loud "It's expensive in there" LOL! Then she looks at me with an attitude and rolls her eyes as if to say this mixed SOB is eating there, since it's mainly whites and other well to do minorities that eat there but very few blacks. I don't think it's a question of price, but more so what they serve. It's geared towards either folks that dig organic food or that are in European food, but at the same time it's not exactly McDonald's prices either, which I'm sure shocked her. LOL


I tell you though those cashiers can be the biggest airheads. I was making my way over to the BM3 last Saturday and I went to the same spot mentioned above for a macchiato and a pastry and this black chick that has served me at another location was there. I exploded on her previously for giving me the wrong drink even after having told her what I wanted 3 times. Previously the manager was there and overheard everything and refunded me for the trouble and gave me the drink on the house. This time she gets the drink right but has trouble with the pastry, so automatically I find myself getting annoyed because I didn't have much time to have my drink and make it over to the BM3 stop. Then she goes, why do you always have an attitude? I thought to myself, some nerve to ask me that when you're the one with the attitude. In the midst of me belittling her (I'm sorry but incompetence really annoys me) one of her colleagues walked over and smiled at me as if to say yeah give it to her (lol) and then I had to settle down a bit because I realized I was really making her feel stupid and she was trying, but was just too inept to follow directions.


Long story short I'm sure the next time she sees me she'll get my entire order correct. Third time is always a charm. On a side note, she did know that I wanted both the standard receipt and the itemized one.


Nothin to be sorry about in the slightest.....


Oh, of course that cashier was sending a message.... I'm better than you b/c I'm kissing whitey's ass to try get to the top (although you're only a cashier, go figure) & most black men aren't even employed & lack drive - So how & where you get money from??? I got that loud & clear.... See, black women LOVE titles & they love embellishing titles in the faces of black men to make them appear more important than their gender counterparts..... You don't work in finance for a major retailer, you are a goddamn cashier at a retail store !! They are fooling no one w/ that BS......


Your scenario/story, I'm surprised she walked INto that place in the first place.... they can smell money a mile away & usually know an expensive establishment from a cheap(er) one w/o having to go in it... Why she rolled her eyes at you I think had more to do w/ you (looking like you) have money moreso than you being mixed..... Of course, if you were w/ her, she would not be rolling her eyes......


The waitress that asked you about attitude was her projecting; common female tactic.... I think you got off light in that situation being mixed.... Difference is, had I been that person, she would've went in the back w/ her co-workers talking about me (having all the other workers smirking & doing god knows what else at me & to my food/drink), instead of her simply asking me "why do you always have an attitude".... It's not enough for her to have a problem with me, she has to get others to feel the same way she does....... Wouldn't have asked me shit b/c (in her mind) the propensity for all hell to break loose is far more probable..... I do not get into any argument with someone handling my food.....


Although that's not how I roll (the all hell breaking loose part; I'm not one to make a spectacle of myself); when it comes to rude people at establishments, I talk with my feet... I simply don't step foot in those places anymore..... I don't lose out; it's the business that cashier/waitress works for that loses out - too much of that happens & the suits will start to notice.... resulting in them chicks getting FIRED.....


I'm not the one losing sleep at night.

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Nothin to be sorry about in the slightest.....


Oh, of course that cashier was sending a message.... I'm better than you b/c I'm kissing whitey's ass to try get to the top (although you're only a cashier, go figure) & most black men aren't even employed & lack drive - So how & where you get money from??? I got that loud & clear.... See, black women LOVE titles & they love embellishing titles in the faces of black men to make them appear more important than their gender counterparts..... You don't work in finance for a major retailer, you are a goddamn cashier at a retail store !! They are fooling no one w/ that BS......


Your scenario/story, I'm surprised she walked INto that place in the first place.... they can smell money a mile away & usually know an expensive establishment from a cheap(er) one w/o having to go in it... Why she rolled her eyes at you I think had more to do w/ you (looking like you) have money moreso than you being mixed..... Of course, if you were w/ her, she would not be rolling her eyes......


She looked like she was an out-of-towner and that could've been part of it. She was out of her domain if you will and looked like she was just checking out any place that looked busy.



The waitress that asked you about attitude was her projecting; common female tactic.... I think you got off light in that situation being mixed.... Difference is, had I been that person, she would've went in the back w/ her co-workers talking about me (having all the other workers smirking & doing god knows what else at me & to my food/drink), instead of her simply asking me "why do you always have an attitude".... It's not enough for her to have a problem with me, she has to get others to feel the same way she does....... Wouldn't have asked me shit b/c (in her mind) the propensity for all hell to break loose is far more probable..... I do not get into any argument with someone handling my food.....


Although that's not how I roll (the all hell breaking loose part; I'm not one to make a spectacle of myself); when it comes to rude people at establishments, I talk with my feet... I simply don't step foot in those places anymore..... I don't lose out; it's the business that cashier/waitress works for that loses out - too much of that happens & the suits will start to notice.... resulting in them chicks getting FIRED.....


I'm not the one losing sleep at night.



LOL... Well I hate to say it but my mentality is one that I won't get loud or anything. I will simply make a stink by seeing to it that she is fired. I do not take lightly to being served poorly. I honestly thought she had been fired for her incompetence in general, but apparently she had been transferred either voluntarily or by force because I made such a spectacle the last time she screwed up that she was embarrassed, especially with the manager hearing the whole thing. The type of places I frequent are ones where you pay more but you can be more demanding if you will and I'm sure she knows this. It wasn't my intention to belittle her, but as I said incompetence irks me to the core and I would've been pissed had I missed my BM3 since they only run once an hour on Saturday.


I'm the same way with my job as the Coordinator of my department. I have no problem firing someone or deducting from their invoice if they don't follow through with what I request and maybe that's where my mentality comes from. She was in between trying to serve me and on the verge of losing it, but I think she knows not to screw with me.

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Its always the black women that causes trouble. Yeah im African American myself and everytime I'm on the Q25 or Q34 I just hate the fact that they can't sit down shut up and enjoy the ride like everyone else. They think the world revolves around them and they always have this thing about being so Ghetto. Always cursing at the Bus Driver for not stopping at their stop and the Limited doesn't stop where they want. Always have to be screaming at each other like they friend ain't right next to them. They talk mad loud on the phone and if someone or the bus driver tells them to be quite, they take it so serious and want to hurt the person. I remember this african american ladies son littered and threw a bottle on the floor and the bus driver told the kid nicely to pick it up and the mom is getting all angry for no reason. <_<

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Its always the black women that causes trouble. Yeah im African American myself and everytime I'm on the Q25 or Q34 I just hate the fact that they can't sit down shut up and enjoy the ride like everyone else. They think the world revolves around them and they always have this thing about being so Ghetto. Always cursing at the Bus Driver for not stopping at their stop and the Limited doesn't stop where they want. Always have to be screaming at each other like they friend ain't right next to them. They talk mad loud on the phone and if someone or the bus driver tells them to be quite, they take it so serious and want to hurt the person. I remember this african american ladies son littered and threw a bottle on the floor and the bus driver told the kid nicely to pick it up and the mom is getting all angry for no reason. <_<



Dude, women of all races exhibit the behavior you posted, why you picking on black women, even white men will admit some of their women have shitty attitudes.


The only issue that I've noticed that's exclusive to black women is if you're a black dude and they catch you checking out a white women they get mad or upset, Its happened to me on two separate occasions, both times the Black women was good looking too, one was older but she was thick, she sucked her teeth because I looked at some blonde white women, I checked her out too since she was thick but she say anything after that.


the other time the girl was pretty, 8/10 and probably could pull Black men far better than me but she got upset because I *looked* at a white women. She was in shape black girl with a cute face but she got mad because my flabby & sick self looked at a white women.


IDK why black women are worried so much about Black Men - White Women relations, most White Women want nothing to do with Black Men anyways and with a lot of them its to for fill some "fantasy" they have about Black men.

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I also view that as insulting, for those exact same reasons.... and with me, it's usually black women doing it moreso than anyone else..... I'm like, shit, chick, you're viewed as being just as much of a crook out here in the world just as much as I am..... Of course, they're only following mgr's orders - black guy = criminal.......


We're blamed for partaking in many crimes - counterfeiting is not one of em........



B35, truth about the counterfeit thing. That's exactly what I was thinking when I read that post. wtf?
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lol... Do you find it difficult to speak to passengers with those shields? You guys do seem a bit tucked away, but pleased overall.



I have good hearing so no...but other ops have complained that the partitions have become a huge communication barrier. I personally like the partition's, I take all the air out on my seat and sit low to constitute the whole "out of sight...out of mind" mentality, It gives the bus a more subway car feel being that the passengers don't bother you at all.

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I have good hearing so no...but other ops have complained that the partitions have become a huge communication barrier. I personally like the partition's, I take all the air out on my seat and sit low to constitute the whole "out of sight...out of mind" mentality, It gives the bus a more subway car feel being that the passengers don't bother you at all.



LOL... I think that's exactly the point of the partitions and more B/Os should like them if only for that reason, but perhaps some of them enjoy the human interaction without them, especially the ones that have their yenta posse. :lol: I mean they had a similar set up some of the buses in Italy when I lived there and basically the B/Os were like you said... Out of sight and out of mind. I think you guys have enough to deal with with the crazies on the road so the fewer distractions the better.



Its always the black women that causes trouble. Yeah im African American myself and everytime I'm on the Q25 or Q34 I just hate the fact that they can't sit down shut up and enjoy the ride like everyone else. They think the world revolves around them and they always have this thing about being so Ghetto. Always cursing at the Bus Driver for not stopping at their stop and the Limited doesn't stop where they want. Always have to be screaming at each other like they friend ain't right next to them. They talk mad loud on the phone and if someone or the bus driver tells them to be quite, they take it so serious and want to hurt the person. I remember this african american ladies son littered and threw a bottle on the floor and the bus driver told the kid nicely to pick it up and the mom is getting all angry for no reason. <_<



Speaking of this attention thing on the bus, actually a client of mine... I wound up meeting her in person trying to get more business from the organization and also seeing if there were some opportunities for me in the organization since it is well known and has great pay and benefits with the opportunity to work and travel if you will and I found out she was black. I had a feeling she was but wasn't sure, but had an inkling just by her demeanor over the phone. She was professional but her voice and a few other things made me think that perhaps she was. Anywho, we met over lunch and for some reason or another she asked me if I work around black folks a lot and I was honest and said no because in my industry (language industry to which she too in a way was linked based on the role of the organization here in NY) there really are very few blacks except for languages spoken by blacks (i.e. Haitian Kreyol and African languages) which I only get requests for here and there. Anywho the conversation went into her sharing her daily experiences with me as a dark skinned black woman, particularly because of her position at this organization, which while international, is "segregated" if you will by nationalities and who you know; the idea being to give me a feel for how things work there. Anyway at some point she got emotional because she said she felt like the outsider if you will, less valued not only at work but in society overall as a black woman. She talked about experiences when traveling on the bus or subway and how people would scorn her, albeit not directly, but sudden behavior and actions and maybe that explains some of these womens' actions if you will on the bus. They feel less valued and so they seek attention. You could argue that it isn't normal, but in a way it makes sense. I mean it's like any other situation. If one kid feels more valued than the other one, a sort of jealousy may arise and they may act out to seek attention.


I appreciated her sharing her experience because first off I'm a male and a mixed one at that, so my experiences have been different from hers as a female and a black professional. I will say that in many ways though what we experience on the bus or subway is usually what we experience in life overall in some way or another, especially when you think about how much time we spend using public transit.

Edited by Via Garibaldi 8
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I have good hearing so no...but other ops have complained that the partitions have become a huge communication barrier. I personally like the partition's, I take all the air out on my seat and sit low to constitute the whole "out of sight...out of mind" mentality, It gives the bus a more subway car feel being that the passengers don't bother you at all.


If I be a bus op... I'm gonna follow you.

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Is the M15SBS reliable at 7 am?I need to be at Cornell Hospital at 7:45 Friday Morning. do those buses have their own lanes?



LOL... I'm not so sure that they're that much better than the old M15 Limited Stop buses that would bunch like crazy. Maybe they're a bit faster now that they're SBS and all of that but not by much. As for bus lanes, yes they're supposed to but again, not sure how much that helps. I would take a cab if I were you and had the money.

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Did you ever take it?



Yeah I've used it quite a few times and once I used it just as a test to compare it to the subway going from Downtown to Midtown and found it not that quick compared to the average limited stop bus and we weren't stuck in traffic or anything like that and were moving along quite nicely. I feel as if the M15SBS is overrated. I believe it took me around 40 minutes to get from Downtown to Midtown so it is certainly not competing with the subway. That isn't a knock on what the (MTA) has tried to do because I applaud it but it is IMO not in any way comparable to say the subway in terms of speed or even an express bus. It is however slightly faster than the old limited, but I wouldn't say that it's uber reliable. It still gets caught in traffic and such even with the bus lanes.

Edited by Via Garibaldi 8
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Yeah I've used it quite a few times and once I used it just as a test to compare it to the subway going from Downtown to Midtown and found it not that quick compared to the average limited stop bus and we weren't stuck in traffic or anything like that and were moving along quite nicely. I feel as if the M15SBS is overrated. I believe it took me around 40 minutes to get from Downtown to Midtown so it is certainly not competing with the subway. That isn't a knock on what the (MTA) has tried to do because I applaud it but it is IMO not in any way comparable to say the subway in terms of speed or even an express bus. It is however slightly faster than the old limited, but I wouldn't say that it's uber reliable. It still gets caught in traffic and such even with the bus lanes.


lol, it's a bus. Whoever thought it'd be comparable to a subway were misinformed or delusional. It's still constrained to the traffic at intersections and doesn't run at the same speeds as a train. The main good thing about SBS is the ability to pay before boarding all 3 doors as opposed to the long line waiting to pay at the front. So dwell time has slightly improved in that sense and that's why it is better than the limited.
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lol, it's a bus. Whoever thought it'd be comparable to a subway were misinformed or delusional. It's still constrained to the traffic at intersections and doesn't run at the same speeds as a train. The main good thing about SBS is the ability to pay before boarding all 3 doors as opposed to the long line waiting to pay at the front. So dwell time has slightly improved in that sense and that's why it is better than the limited.



Yeah, but the thing is that the (MTA) has been marketing it as a mini subway if you will, talking about how they've reduced run times and such since it has its own bus lane. I now use it for short distances, but not for anything more than that.

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Why is that so shocking to you?



People have been saying that no one rides the S89 northbound in the afternoon and I just happened to catch one and I was just saying that people were getting on. And I wasn't shocked.


People have been saying that no one rides the S89 northbound in the afternoon and I just happened to catch one and I was just saying that people were getting on.



Edited by S78 via Hylan
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