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  • Via Garibaldi 8


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  • Cait Sith


  • BM5 via Woodhaven


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I'm still curious as to why a limited stop was added to the S91/S92 routes at Victory Blvd/Little Clove Rd westbound only. There is not any major transfer point or anything in that are.



With the SI limited stop routes they don't always go by major transfer points. The S98 stops at Bard & Forest and that isn't a major transfer point either, but you have a lot folks that get on there, so it was made a limited stop stop. It could be a question of the distance between stops OR that the community complained and wanted access to the limited stop bus there.

Edited by Via Garibaldi 8
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With the SI limited stop routes they don't always go by major transfer points. The S98 used to bypass Hart Blvd and now I believe that is a limited stop stop. It could be a question of the distance between stops OR that the community complained and wanted access to the limited stop bus there.


You might be right.... but I was just wondering because I was on the S92 earlier and someone requested the next stop right before Little Clove Rd and then the operator stopped there even though no one got off. Most riders probably don't know yet. I pass by that area all the time....

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With the SI limited stop routes they don't always go by major transfer points. The S98 stops at Bard & Forest and that isn't a major transfer point either, but you have a lot folks that get on there, so it was made a limited stop stop. It could be a question of the distance between stops OR that the community complained and wanted access to the limited stop bus there.



But there are a lot of stores and things like that on that part of Forest Avenue. That part of Victory Blvd doesn't really have anything of interest. Just the park. But then again, there isn't much of interest by Henderson & Bard either (Castleton & Bard obviously has RUMC)


In any case, if that were added eastbound, that could make the difference between some buses making the ferry or missing it, so it's probably better that it's westbound only.

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But there are a lot of stores and things like that on that part of Forest Avenue. That part of Victory Blvd doesn't really have anything of interest. Just the park. But then again, there isn't much of interest by Henderson & Bard either (Castleton & Bard obviously has RUMC)


In any case, if that were added eastbound, that could make the difference between some buses making the ferry or missing it, so it's probably better that it's westbound only.



And?? I gave a number of reasons why they have them at non transfer points.

Edited by Via Garibaldi 8
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And?? I gave a number of reasons why they have them at non transfer points.



Yeah, because of either distance (not a valid argument, or else they'd have one on the S89 between Christopher Lane and Forest Avenue, and one between Victory Blvd and Rockland Avenue) or because of the community asking for a stop. But all I'm saying is that it's not really needed because it would get low usage, but hey, whatever works for them.


In any case, the trip home was pretty good. There were dispatchers there, so the buses just left quickly the way they do St. George-bound. I was surprised to see the first Mariners' Harbor-bound S46 leave that quickly (it probably served the second stop), and then like 2 minutes later, the second S46 left, and my S44 left. Usually when this happens, we're far ahead of all the other trippers, but by the time I got to my home stop, 2 other buses had caught up to us and a fourth one wasn't far behind (Some girls waiting at the stop were like "Why are there 4 S44s coming in at once?", and I told them they were trippers.)


It would be nice if it were like this every day. Like I said before, the south/westbound buses should leave just as quickly as the eastbound buses: Just fill up and go, and if you miss it, there's another bus or two right behind it.

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QUESTION: I e-mailed the (MTA) a while ago recommending a driver I saw daily always at the same time on the Q30 for the Apple Award. I got a reply saying the driver would receive the Apple Award. Then a day later, the driver just stopped showing up on that run. Do awarded drivers get new schedules or better runs or something?

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QUESTION: I e-mailed the (MTA) a while ago recommending a driver I saw daily always at the same time on the Q30 for the Apple Award. I got a reply saying the driver would receive the Apple Award. Then a day later, the driver just stopped showing up on that run. Do awarded drivers get new schedules or better runs or something?



Nah, he probably just picked off of the Q30 or picked a different time as the new pick may have went into effect when he "stopped showing up".

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Just read about the NYPD finally starting to crack down on these farebeaters on the local buses. Apparently they arrested some on SI and took them off of the buses in cuffs... Anyone else hear of any stings?? :D If it is indeed true, it is long overdue. Time for these thieves to get what they deserve.

Edited by Via Garibaldi 8
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Just read about the NYPD finally starting to crack down on these farebeaters on the local buses. Apparently they arrested some on SI and took them off of the buses in cuffs... Anyone else hear of any stings?? :D If it is indeed true, it is long overdue. Time for these thieves to get what they deserve.



Well, I'm not going to comment on that, but on the S59 on Wednesday, the B/O said 16 people were arrested on a bus (I don't know if it was his bus or what).


Anyway, I saw some good-looking girls on the S44 this afternoon. I'm almost glad I missed the S89. They adjusted the schedule a little bit, but not enough IMO.


This morning, the S89 came 10 minutes late (I saw an S59 in front of it, but thankfully I had my glasses on, so I saw the S89). I arrived at Walker Street 2 minutes before the S96 was supposed to come, and I started waiting for it, but then I remembered that it screws up at the hint of a raindrop, so I started walking. Good thing I did, because I literally made it to gym class just before she was taking attendance, so I wasn't marked late.

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Well, I'm not going to comment on that, but on the S59 on Wednesday, the B/O said 16 people were arrested on a bus (I don't know if it was his bus or what).


You just did, but we'll pretend that you didn't... :lol: Something is definitely going on because yesterday I was walking across the street from Whole Foods by Union Square and I saw a bunch of young black kids in cuffs being held by what looked like undercover cops, so they are doing something... :D Well I hope they keep on busting them... These little wannabe thugs need to be taught a lesson.

Edited by Via Garibaldi 8
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Guest MTA Bus

MTA Bus # 7253 is gone. It's not on the MTA Bus Roster at TTMG, so it's probabley at Eastchester, waiting to get scrapped.

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You just did, but we'll pretend that you didn't... :lol: Something is definitely going on because yesterday I was walking across the street from Whole Foods by Union Square and I saw a bunch of young black kids in cuffs being held by what looked like undercover cops, so they are doing something... :D Well I hope they keep on busting them... These little wannabe thugs need to be taught a lesson.



I didn't offer my opinion. That's what I meant.


According to MHV9218 it is... I have yet to see anyone farebeat on either bus. They could've been farebeating at Union Square though in the subway.



Being busted by plainclothes officers on the subway is nothing new. You do occasionally hear somebody complain on some other forum or something that a cop was hiding behind a pole or something, or he was a plainclothes officer and they were caught. Somebody mentioned that one way to tell if it's an undercover cop is if they look muscular and look out of place (somebody mentioned they saw somebody get caught by two cops dressed like homeless guys at Penn Station)

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Speaking of Farebeating, I inadvertently let a farebater board the rear of the Q31 bus I was getting off of. My first time causing that. :mellow: Inches apart there was a guy ranting/mubbling about what had transpired, kinda of funny although I couldn't make out all off what he said except for hearing him say "idiot" (Which I agreed). Regardless more Anti-Beating enforcements hopefully should make it to Queens sometime soon. It was worst enough that it increased on my home line the Q83. 6-7 farebeaters got on with little to no problem at all. BTW this occurs on 153rd St. This has been an issue for a while now & it's getting out of control as I'm talking about in other places as well.

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I know this is't MTA related but....


Today on the NX, a few people refused to sit down (They went through absolute hell with the supervisor when they tried to get off) so the B/O skyrocketed down that hill. It was like a classic 1970's San Fran car chase scene, except on an MCI.

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Never knew farbeating was a problem on the M14 and M23...



I've never seen farebeating on the 23, but the M14 gets it all day long, especially late nights. I've seen all sorts of types farebeating the M14, personal favorite was this yuppie college kid in the middle of the day who sneaks on the back door and promptly pulls out his iPhone. I mean you can't put over $2.25 but you gonna drop $200+ on an iPhone? Some people.

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I didn't offer my opinion. That's what I meant.


I know I know... <_<



Being busted by plainclothes officers on the subway is nothing new. You do occasionally hear somebody complain on some other forum or something that a cop was hiding behind a pole or something, or he was a plainclothes officer and they were caught. Somebody mentioned that one way to tell if it's an undercover cop is if they look muscular and look out of place (somebody mentioned they saw somebody get caught by two cops dressed like homeless guys at Penn Station)


Who said anything about the bust being new?? All I said was what happened. You just hate the idea of these thieves getting caught for theft of services that's all. As for it being "new", as far as I'm concerned, you don't know who is who with the police these days. A good Irish-American kid I went to HS with recently became a cop and I knew a few other folks (Asian guy) who looked like your ordinary young guy. The officer that was holding one of the black kids was actually a short Latina in plan street clothes who blended in quite well with the Union Square crowd, hence why I did a double take. She looked nothing like a cop, so you really never know.

Edited by Via Garibaldi 8
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According to MHV9218 it is... I have yet to see anyone farebeat on either bus. They could've been farebeating at Union Square though in the subway.


According to what I have seen it is as well. That's why I made that post. Since the 14 and 23 have LFSA's now, I have been on those routes a lot more as of late. I have seen it at leat 6 times in the last month. About 2 weeks ago I was on the 23 and I saw 4 people enter through the 3rd door.



I've never seen farebeating on the 23, but the M14 gets it all day long, especially late nights. I've seen all sorts of types farebeating the M14, personal favorite was this yuppie college kid in the middle of the day who sneaks on the back door and promptly pulls out his iPhone. I mean you can't put over $2.25 but you gonna drop $200+ on an iPhone? Some people.


I agree 100% with you, and I have personally seen it on both routes! But as I said, I never knew it was an issue until now. And it was at night when I witnessed all 6 of the incidents.

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Just saw "The Avengers" last night (amazing movie) and in it I saw an MTA branded bus numbered 1123 that I couldnt really identify because it was shown so briefly. I also spotted a really really old RTS, no bus ### shown though. I knew it was old when i saw it because it had that rear "half window" and the same rear "swing out" doors that are usually located in the front.

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Just saw "The Avengers" last night (amazing movie) and in it I saw an MTA branded bus numbered 1123 that I couldnt really identify because it was shown so briefly. I also spotted a really really old RTS, no bus ### shown though. I knew it was old when i saw it because it had that rear "half window" and the same rear "swing out" doors that are usually located in the front.



They use the 4430 // 0090(?) buses a lot, I remember they used that in the Adjustment Bureau, coulda been one of those cause those are GMCs.

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MTA Bus # 7253 is gone. It's not on the MTA Bus Roster at TTMG, so it's probabley at Eastchester, waiting to get scrapped.


Can someone please post that image of" I don't want to live on this planet anymore"?

That was a great bus. It had the LED sign IIRC right?

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1) I know I know... <_<


2) Who said anything about the bust being new?? All I said was what happened. You just hate the idea of these thieves getting caught for theft of services that's all. As for it being "new", as far as I'm concerned, you don't know who is who with the police these days. A good Irish-American kid I went to HS with recently became a cop and I knew a few other folks (Asian guy) who looked like your ordinary young guy. The officer that was holding one of the black kids was actually a short Latina in plan street clothes who blended in quite well with the Union Square crowd, hence why I did a double take. She looked nothing like a cop, so you really never know.



1) Seriously, you have to say that about every comment I make??? Can't you just let things be??? Did I offer any comment on how I felt about it? No I didn't, so STFU.


2) When did I mentioned that? And I've mentioned before that I don't like it when somebody just walks on with an attitude, or they get on and they start playing with their phones (and don't give me any crap of I never said it before because I have). If somebody is in true need of a ride, then I don't see what the big deal is. (Alright, you happy now? Now I commented)


And in any case, on the S44 today, I saw an old guy with sunglasses and a trench coat (he looked sort of like a stereotypical detective). I thought he might be an undercover, but one kid got on without dipping in a MetroCard and he didn't say anything, so it might've been just a regular old man who happened to wear sunglasses (or he could've only confronted somebody if they made trouble)

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