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BUS - Random Thoughts Thread

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It's something about recharging the batteries right? Surprised they can't do that at 100th, plenty of space at that depot, but there's probably some lousy reason.


Yeah, the batteries need to be charged. I don't understand it either. A month before MHV sent us those 23 hybrids, they sent us 2 battery conditioners. It's been a couple months since 100 street took possession of their hybrids and they still don't have 1 battery conditioner. And on top of that, none of their guy have hybrid training yet so we are stuck changing the batteries on 6777 because they were bad when it came over here to charge 3 weeks ago...

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I stayed late in school (I intended to do homework, but ended up playing chess with two of my friends. B)) So when we left, we waited a few minutes, and an S46 showed up with maybe half a seated load. The light was red, so he stopped a few cars behind the light and dropped some people off. I started walking towards him, but he waved his hand as if he wanted me to go back to the stop. I do so, thinking he was going to stop there, but he skipped the stop. :mad: I would've chased after him, but I had surgery recently so obviously that wouldn't be a good idea (but then again, if I hadn't had surgery, I would've made it to the bus before he shooed me away). I don't get it. It would've only been a few more seconds to let us on.


So in any case, the next bus comes in a few minutes, and he has a few standees (but there were still seats available, so if all of them were filled, there would've only been maybe 1 or 2 standees). So further down the route, I saw a bus behind us, and I thought it was an S53 (which I needed), so I got off, but it turned out to be another S46. Of course, since 2 buses had already passed by a few minutes prior, he was fairly empty (I didn't count, but maybe there were 10-15 people on the bus)


But that was weird, though. Bunching isn't really out of the question on the S46, but what's weird was the crowding levels. Why was the second bus more crowded than the first? :confused: And considering that 2 buses had already passed by, I was surprised to see anybody on that last S46.


On another note, I notice there are more S46s traveling south of Forest Avenue than there were before they started sending buses to the Teleport. Most of the time, I'm traveling in the beginning of the PM rush, and I rarely see a "Mariners' Harbor" bus nowadays.

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I stayed late in school (I intended to do homework, but ended up playing chess with two of my friends. B)) So when we left, we waited a few minutes, and an S46 showed up with maybe half a seated load. The light was red, so he stopped a few cars behind the light and dropped some people off. I started walking towards him, but he waved his hand as if he wanted me to go back to the stop. I do so, thinking he was going to stop there, but he skipped the stop. :mad: I would've chased after him, but I had surgery recently so obviously that wouldn't be a good idea (but then again, if I hadn't had surgery, I would've made it to the bus before he shooed me away). I don't get it. It would've only been a few more seconds to let us on.


So in any case, the next bus comes in a few minutes, and he has a few standees (but there were still seats available, so if all of them were filled, there would've only been maybe 1 or 2 standees). So further down the route, I saw a bus behind us, and I thought it was an S53 (which I needed), so I got off, but it turned out to be another S46. Of course, since 2 buses had already passed by a few minutes prior, he was fairly empty (I didn't count, but maybe there were 10-15 people on the bus)


But that was weird, though. Bunching isn't really out of the question on the S46, but what's weird was the crowding levels. Why was the second bus more crowded than the first? :confused: And considering that 2 buses had already passed by, I was surprised to see anybody on that last S46.


On another note, I notice there are more S46s traveling south of Forest Avenue than there were before they started sending buses to the Teleport. Most of the time, I'm traveling in the beginning of the PM rush, and I rarely see a "Mariners' Harbor" bus nowadays.


1) Bus Time... Folks know where the buses are and they pick and choose which ones to take. I've been doing it myself. I let a S53 go by a few weekends ago because I knew another one was coming down Broadway and would be less crowded.


2) As for the Teleport I believe I heard somewhere that more S46s would be going there since they have that school there now, so more folks need S46s to the Teleport.

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1) Bus Time... Folks know where the buses are and they pick and choose which ones to take. I've been doing it myself. I let a S53 go by a few weekends ago because I knew another one was coming down Broadway and would be less crowded.


2) As for the Teleport I believe I heard somewhere that more S46s would be going there since they have that school there now, so more folks need S46s to the Teleport.


1) Yeah, but the thing is that the first S46 was nowhere near SRO (and all 3 buses were Orion Vs, so nobody was letting it go because of the bus type). It doesn't make sense that somebody would let a bus with plenty of room pass by, just to get on a crowded bus (I mean, I like crowded buses, but I'm not going to go out of my way to catch one B))


In any case, I wonder if BusTime really did have something to do with it. I mean, TBH, the S46 isn't really the type of route where a lot of the riders would have SmartPhones. For the last bus, I was expecting it to have a few riders (the S46 is that type of route where it's frequent and unreliable enough that people walk out without looking at the schedule), but not 10-15 people.


Maybe they were able to attract those so-called "choice riders" by adding BusTime. Without BusTime, they would be in a private vehicle instead of on the S46.


2) Nah, that wouldn't explain it. I'm referring to the PM rush. Before September, I think the only PM rush S46 to go south of Forest Avenue was the 16:31 from St. George. Now, you also have the 16:51 and 17:11 that travel south of Forest Avenue (now that I'm saying it, it doesn't sound like they added too much service. But like I said, it definitely feels like more S46 service is going south of Forest Avenue at that time).


So during the PM rush, the schoolkids wouldn't have anything to do with it. But now that I think about it, I can see why: They don't want those few riders going to the Teleport to have to wait a long time for a bus (I'm not sure how far it is to walk from South Avenue), and they figure that it's not worth diverting all of the buses through the Teleport (because it would delay West Shore Plaza riders), so they extended a few buses and called it a day. And being along the route, us riders south of Forest Avenue get a little extra service.


But yeah, the school was the reason S46s got sent to the Teleport in the first place. I don't know why all the midday buses go there, though. Maybe they just figure that some people in the Teleport need service as well (keep in mind that this is at the expense of West Shore Plaza riders, who basically had their midday service halved).

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1) Yeah, but the thing is that the first S46 was nowhere near SRO (and all 3 buses were Orion Vs, so nobody was letting it go because of the bus type).


Where in my post did I say anything about letting a bus go by because of its bus type???


It doesn't make sense that somebody would let a bus with plenty of room pass by, just to get on a crowded bus (I mean, I like crowded buses, but I'm not going to go out of my way to catch one B))


Yes it does. Some folks absolutely hate some buses with a passion. Plenty of folks hate the new Prevost buses. Anywho, it's not rocket science. Obviously at some point the emptier bus caught up with the other two buses. Same thing happened Monday night. There was an X10 not too far behind us that eventually caught up to us on Staten Island. Wasn't very crowded at all and I saw him while tracking the first bus but didn't wait for him because I thought that dispatch may hold him for a while and I was trying to catch the S54. Suffice it to say that the S54 was friggin' 11 minutes early! :mad: I got to Manor & South Gannon at 20:46 and 7063 I believe it was was already approaching Manor & Forest. Ridiculous! No way was I waiting almost 40 minutes for the next bus so I stayed on the X10 and took it over to Shop Rite to pick up a few things that I needed.


In any case, I wonder if BusTime really did have something to do with it. I mean, TBH, the S46 isn't really the type of route where a lot of the riders would have SmartPhones. For the last bus, I was expecting it to have a few riders (the S46 is that type of route where it's frequent and unreliable enough that people walk out without looking at the schedule), but not 10-15 people.


Smartphones these days aren't all that uncommon these days. Even local bus riders have them.


Maybe they were able to attract those so-called "choice riders" by adding BusTime. Without BusTime, they would be in a private vehicle instead of on the S46.


I actually used the S48 from Shop Rite since I didn't have that much stuff. It usually takes FOREVER to get car service since the company's base isn't close by so I said screw it and checked the schedule on my phone and tracked the bus and just walked over to the stop once I saw that it was getting close to Richmond Avenue.

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1) Where in my post did I say anything about letting a bus go by because of its bus type???


2) Yes it does. Some folks absolutely hate some buses with a passion. Plenty of folks hate the new Prevost buses. Anywho, it's not rocket science. Obviously at some point the emptier bus caught up with the other two buses. Same thing happened Monday night. There was an X10 not too far behind us that eventually caught up to us on Staten Island. Wasn't very crowded at all and I saw him while tracking the first bus but didn't wait for him because I thought that dispatch may hold him for a while and I was trying to catch the S54. Suffice it to say that the S54 was friggin' 11 minutes early! :mad: I got to Manor & South Gannon at 20:46 and 7063 I believe it was was already approaching Manor & Forest. Ridiculous! No way was I waited almost 40 minutes for the next bus so I stayed on the X10 and took it over to Shop Rite to pick up a few things that I needed.


3) Smartphones these days aren't all that uncommon these days. Even local bus riders have them.


4) I actually used the S48 from Shop Rite since I didn't have that much stuff. It usually takes FOREVER to get car service since the company's base isn't close by so I said screw it and checked the schedule on my phone and tracked the bus and just walked over to the stop once I saw that it was getting close to Richmond Avenue.


1) Based on what you've said in previous threads, you said you hated certain bus types and I figured there are other people out there like you who would want a different bus type. That's why I mentioned all 3 of them being Orion Vs.


2) No, but the thing is that all 3 were the same model (I can't access BusTime on my computer, but I don't think you can really discern between the different models on the BusTime website). So unless somebody hated a specific bus with a passion, I don't see how they could let it go.


As for the S54, now you see an example of why this should be taken as an opportunity to adjust the schedules. B) Had that been the case, the next bus would've been 20 minutes away rather than 40.


3) Eh, it's possible. I guess just because they don't have it visible doesn't mean they don't have it.


4) Forest Avenue Car Service is a few blocks away (I think it's Forest & Simonson). I often see them waiting for customers by ShopRite (and also by Western Beef), but I guess it's only at certain times (but I don't know. I've seen them there at 15:00 and at 22:00, so I guess they just go when they feel like it. Or maybe they look at the sales and figure out when people will be carrying back a lot of heavy cans and things like that)


But in any case, if you were able to time yourself for the S48, then it worked out well anyway.

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1) Based on what you've said in previous threads, you said you hated certain bus types and I figured there are other people out there like you who would want a different bus type. That's why I mentioned all 3 of them being Orion Vs.


Yes, I do, but if I need a bus and am pressed for time those sorts of preferences go out the window.


2) No, but the thing is that all 3 were the same model (I can't access BusTime on my computer, but I don't think you can really discern between the different models on the BusTime website). So unless somebody hated a specific bus with a passion, I don't see how they could let it go.


Yeah you can. It has the bus# of the bus coming so if you're familiar with the bus numbers then you'll know what type of bus is coming. Like today for example, the 09:00 S54 went MIA and the next one was a 62XX. I knew it was one of those dirty old Orions which I hate. :(


As for the S54, now you see an example of why this should be taken as an opportunity to adjust the schedules. B) Had that been the case, the next bus would've been 20 minutes away rather than 40.


There is no need to adjust the S54 schedule because they hardly give them anytime as it is. The run from end to end is pretty short time wise. I mean they only give them 5 minutes or less to get from Forest & Manor to Victory & Manor. The guy just came way too early and clearly dispatch wasn't watching him so they let him go. Many other S54s come right on time now so it is not impossible to stick to the schedule.


3) Eh, it's possible. I guess just because they don't have it visible doesn't mean they don't have it.


Exactly. I don't pull out my smartphone on the local bus unless no one is on it. I don't need to show off for anybody and if anything you just make yourself a target. I saw this check on (5) train this morning with a Apple laptop out. No way in hell would I have my Fujitsu laptop out like that. I said to myself better her than me.


4) Forest Avenue Car Service is a few blocks away (I think it's Forest & Simonson). I often see them waiting for customers by ShopRite (and also by Western Beef), but I guess it's only at certain times (but I don't know. I've seen them there at 15:00 and at 22:00, so I guess they just go when they feel like it. Or maybe they look at the sales and figure out when people will be carrying back a lot of heavy cans and things like that)


But in any case, if you were able to time yourself for the S48, then it worked out well anyway.


Nah, I stick with one car service because I know all of the dispatchers and have had most of the drivers so they look out for me when they can. Plus they have the cleanest cars overall and I usually can get a nice black Lincoln. :cool:

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Lord, give me strength.


Don't start Buckwheat. Checkmate was under the impression that local bus riders particularly on Staten Island don't have/can't afford smartphones. It's no secret that many local bus riders on Staten Island are pretty poor. I made the point because many of them get on with their flashy smartphones but yet they pretend that they can't afford to pay the $2.25 fare. :tdown:

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Don't start Buckwheat. Checkmate was under the impression that local bus riders particularly on Staten Island don't have/can't afford smartphones. It's no secret that many local bus riders on Staten Island are pretty poor. I made the point because many of them get on with their flashy smartphones but yet they pretend that they can't afford to pay the $2.25 fare. :tdown:


That's why they can't "afford" the 2.25! B)

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Don't start Buckwheat. Checkmate was under the impression that local bus riders particularly on Staten Island don't have/can't afford smartphones. It's no secret that many local bus riders on Staten Island are pretty poor. I made the point because many of them get on with their flashy smartphones but yet they pretend that they can't afford to pay the $2.25 fare. :tdown:


i mean to be quite honest im pretty sure your a grown ass man, but this is one ignorant comment.


...so your trying to say that people in staten island that ride local buses are poor and people that i assume use express buses are the more elite ...


& furture more you dont know how these people get these "flashy" phones,

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1) Yeah you can. It has the bus# of the bus coming so if you're familiar with the bus numbers then you'll know what type of bus is coming. Like today for example, the 09:00 S54 went MIA and the next one was a 62XX. I knew it was one of those dirty old Orions which I hate. :(


2) There is no need to adjust the S54 schedule because they hardly give them anytime as it is. The run from end to end is pretty short time wise. I mean they only give them 5 minutes or less to get from Forest & Manor to Victory & Manor. The guy just came way too early and clearly dispatch wasn't watching him so they let him go. Many other S54s come right on time now so it is not impossible to stick to the schedule.


3) Exactly. I don't pull out my smartphone on the local bus unless no one is on it. I don't need to show off for anybody and if anything you just make yourself a target. I saw this check on (5) train this morning with a Apple laptop out. No way in hell would I have my Fujitsu laptop out like that. I said to myself better her than me.


4) Nah, I stick with one car service because I know all of the dispatchers and have had most of the drivers so they look out for me when they can. Plus they have the cleanest cars overall and I usually can get a nice black Lincoln. :cool:


1) I doubt most people are knowledgable about what numbers correspond with what bus types. If a transit fan like myself pays zero attention to the bus numbers, I doubt a regular rider is going to do so.


And that's why I highlighted bus, not bus type. All 3 were Orion Vs, so people wouldn't get any benefit out of passing up one bus for another unless they hated a specific bus


2) It's always possible to stick to the schedule if there's too much time. Anybody can drive slowly and/or leave the terminal late.


And 5 minutes doesn't seem like too little time to get between Victory Blvd and Forest Avenue. You said yourself that it's like free car service. There's only a couple of traffic lights between those points, and you don't have any traffic or any real crowds, especially later in the evening.


The S44 is scheduled to take 6 minutes to get between Victory Blvd and Forest Avenue at this time of night, and it sees more crowds and hits a few more traffic lights than the S54 does.


3) Check? You're slippin' man. ;) ;)


4) Suit yourself.....


Don't start Buckwheat. Checkmate was under the impression that local bus riders particularly on Staten Island don't have/can't afford smartphones. It's no secret that many local bus riders on Staten Island are pretty poor. I made the point because many of them get on with their flashy smartphones but yet they pretend that they can't afford to pay the $2.25 fare. :tdown:


I didn't say anything about "local riders" or "Staten Island". I was specifically referring to the S46. And my reasoning is simple extrapolation: A lot of my friends that live along the S46 route don't have SmartPhones. Hell, I live along the S46 route and don't have a SmartPhone. If the kids don't have it, chances are most of the adults don't have it either. But I have seen plenty of riders with SmartPhones on other routes, like the S98 (speaking of which, I caught one last night that had 3 or 4 people, myself included)


But I do see a lot of people with iPods on the S46. I assumed that if they're willing to flash an iPod, they'd be willing to flash a SmartPhone and if they're not flashing it, they don't have one.


In any case, you said that you can do it from a regular cell phone, and nowadays, the vast majority of people do own a cell phone.


And farebeating has zilch to do with SmartPhones. I have yet to see somebody farebeat with a SmartPhone in their hand (other than maybe some schoolkids when they all get on at once)

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1) I doubt most people are knowledgable about what numbers correspond with what bus types. If a transit fan like myself pays zero attention to the bus numbers, I doubt a regular rider is going to do so.


And that's why I highlighted bus, not bus type. All 3 were Orion Vs, so people wouldn't get any benefit out of passing up one bus for another unless they hated a specific bus


I didn't get into all of that. The point is you can tell the bus type by the number. Period. NEXT!


2) It's always possible to stick to the schedule if there's too much time. Anybody can drive slowly and/or leave the terminal late.


And 5 minutes doesn't seem like too little time to get between Victory Blvd and Forest Avenue. You said yourself that it's like free car service. There's only a couple of traffic lights between those points, and you don't have any traffic or any real crowds, especially later in the evening.


The S44 is scheduled to take 6 minutes to get between Victory Blvd and Forest Avenue at this time of night, and it sees more crowds and hits a few more traffic lights than the S54 does.


That was the whole point. Smh... LOL



3) Check? You're slippin' man. ;)



3) Yeah... check... I've been writing and seeing a lot those of late. lol You see my mind is always on money or women... Anyway, you get what I meant... Wiiissseeee guy... ;)


I didn't say anything about "local riders" or "Staten Island". I was specifically referring to the S46. And my reasoning is simple extrapolation: A lot of my friends that live along the S46 route don't have SmartPhones. Hell, I live along the S46 route and don't have a SmartPhone. If the kids don't have it, chances are most of the adults don't have it either. But I have seen plenty of riders with SmartPhones on other routes, like the S98 (speaking of which, I caught one last night that had 3 or 4 people, myself included)


But I do see a lot of people with iPods on the S46. I assumed that if they're willing to flash an iPod, they'd be willing to flash a SmartPhone and if they're not flashing it, they don't have one.


In any case, you said that you can do it from a regular cell phone, and nowadays, the vast majority of people do own a cell phone.


And farebeating has zilch to do with SmartPhones. I have yet to see somebody farebeat with a SmartPhone in their hand (other than maybe some schoolkids when they all get on at once)


Let's see now... The S46 is what? A local bus on Staten Island, so please. You don't need to specifically say it. You mainly use the local buses on Staten Island. Now suddenly I need to be a magician to figure out what you're talking about. LOL


As for the farebeating, boy you really are guillable aren't you? I made that remark being sarcastic. :( One of these days hopefully you'll be able to read between the lines. You are way too literal with things. :eek:

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1) I didn't get into all of that. The point is you can tell the bus type by the number. Period. NEXT!


2) That was the whole point. Smh... LOL


3) Let's see now... The S46 is what? A local bus on Staten Island, so please. You don't need to specifically say it. You mainly use the local buses on Staten Island. Now suddenly I need to be a magician to figure out what you're talking about. LOL.


1) But that doesn't explain the crowding levels in this particular instance. All 3 buses were Orion Vs, so there would be no point in passing up one bus for another.


2) I'm not seeing it. You're saying that the S54 hardly gets enough time as is, and gave the example of Victory Blvd to Forest Avenue. I'm saying that, given the ridership on the S54, there's plenty of time on the schedule, and maybe in that particular section, it's the perfect amount of time, but there has to be some section where too much time is being alloted or else the buses wouldn't be coming early.


3) Saying the S46 is reflective of all SI local buses is like saying the B14 and B60 are reflective of all Brooklyn local buses. Like I said, I see riders with SmartPhones along the S48/S98, and on the other routes, like the Richmond Avenue routes and S62. Just not on the S46.


In any case, on the S96 today, I caught a bus that looked like an LFS on the inside, but the outside looked like a cross between an LFS and O7. I guess those are the 3Gs.

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1) But that doesn't explain the crowding levels in this particular instance. All 3 buses were Orion Vs, so there would be no point in passing up one bus for another.


2) I'm not seeing it. You're saying that the S54 hardly gets enough time as is, and gave the example of Victory Blvd to Forest Avenue. I'm saying that, given the ridership on the S54, there's plenty of time on the schedule, and maybe in that particular section, it's the perfect amount of time, but there has to be some section where too much time is being alloted or else the buses wouldn't be coming early.


I am... The guy leaves right on time and then flies up from Eltingville the entire way. With the few passengers he could get he misses them because he comes almost 15 minutes early. B)


3) Saying the S46 is reflective of all SI local buses is like saying the B14 and B60 are reflective of all Brooklyn local buses. Like I said, I see riders with SmartPhones along the S48/S98, and on the other routes, like the Richmond Avenue routes and S62. Just not on the S46.


In any case, on the S96 today, I caught a bus that looked like an LFS on the inside, but the outside looked like a cross between an LFS and O7. I guess those are the 3Gs.


You would be right, except I NEVER said that. What I said was that the S46 is a local bus on Staten Island. Nothing more, nothing less. If you want more into it than that, be my guest.


As for that S96, yeah, they're the newest 3Gs. I've caught a few on the S54. :cool: That's another good thing about the line... They keep the newest buses on there. Unfortunately with these friggin' school kids they tear down every new bus they send on that line. :mad: :tdown: Doesn't help that Castleton does next to nothing to keep them looking nice either. Buses are filthy already.

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1) I am... The guy leaves right on time and then flies up from Eltingville the entire way. With the few passengers he could get he misses them because he comes almost 15 minutes early. B)


2) You would be right, except I NEVER said that. What I said was that the S46 is a local bus on Staten Island. Nothing more, nothing less. If you want more into it than that, be my guest.


As for that S96, yeah, they're the newest 3Gs. I've caught a few on the S54. :cool: That's another good thing about the line... They keep the newest buses on there. Unfortunately with these friggin' school kids they tear down every new bus they send on that line. :mad: :tdown: Doesn't help that Castleton does next to nothing to keep them looking nice either. Buses are filthy already.


1) But even still, the guy would have to be flooring it to the point of being reckless to end up coming 15 minutes early. I mean, I doubt the number of passengers really makes more than a 5 minute difference (say at that time of the day, he picks up 5 passengers, at a minute each, which is being generous), so that still means that there's at least a few minutes extra built into the schedule (maybe not the full remaining 10, but still)


2) You said "Checkmate was under the impression that local bus riders particularly on Staten Island don't have/can't afford smartphones. It's no secret that many local bus riders on Staten Island are pretty poor." When you said that, I assumed you were referring to all local routes on SI, not just the S46. Since you said you weren't, let's drop it.


As for the 3Gs and Excelsiors (sp?), when did they start ordering them?

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2) You said "Checkmate was under the impression that local bus riders particularly on Staten Island don't have/can't afford smartphones. It's no secret that many local bus riders on Staten Island are pretty poor." When you said that, I assumed you were referring to all local routes on SI, not just the S46. Since you said you weren't, let's drop it.


As for the 3Gs and Excelsiors (sp?), when did they start ordering them?


No idea... They started showing up a few weeks ago. What annoys me is when they run nothing but those damn nasty Orions. They must take them out of storage and run them at certain times to have the newer buses repaired or whatever. In any event I hate it.

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