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This has probably been answered somewhere, but I didn't find it. I am looking to clarify the different divisions; all the regular buses (like Bx9) would be considered NYCT or MaBSTOA and all the expresses (like BxM3) are "MTA Bus"? Also, what is the difference between MaBSTOA and NYCT?


I will be starting with NYCT next week and was wondering if I wanted to take the BxM3 (since I live in Yonkers) versus taking the BeeLine to one of the subway terminals that my employee pass would be valid. What I've read so far is that NYCT passes are NOT compatible with MTA Bus? Even though it's all MTA?:confused:


I don't know how it's like with the express buses, but I've seen Q35 [MTA Bus line] drivers give Flatbush depot employees a free ride to wherever they needed to get to. "professional courtesy".

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I managed to walk home rather than wait for the horror story known as the N4. All I wanted to do was go to GameStop, and I had to wait for one N4, jam packed, to pass by (an Orion V). An '09 NG CNG that still had room in the back came up next. The brakes sounded like they were all but working correctly and when the bus went over a bump, the suspension (or whatever passes for any sort of shock absorption in those hunks of junk) squeaked and the entire bus just felt like it was going to fall apart if it hit any sort of deviation in the road's smoothness.


I picked UMVC3 up and walked across Merrick for a bus back to Freeport. I waited 10 minutes while kids from nearby high schools (jay)walked to the stores and the Subway nearby. I decided to pick a sandwich up and go back. Another 10 minutes went by before I just started walking.

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That's right. NYCT personnel do not get free rides on Bus Company routes (the opposite is true as well). LIB employees do get passes, but they are only valid on LIB. I can't remember what further restrictions there were, but I think it involved express buses.


I caught a good five new (i.e. from post 2009) buses on the way home today, and finally got to see an XD40 up close. That rear seating arrangement will never work in (MTA) territory.


Um, I've never heard of NYCT personnel not being able to ride MTAB buses...As a matter of fact we were told during training that if we were ever denied a free ride by any MTAB operator other than the ones driving express buses, we should take down their pass # and report them. Technically, we're still suppose to pay full fare for express buses. I know that MTAB employees can ride all buses, but have to pay for the subway....

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9934 and 201 just passed each other outside of my house, 9934 OOS.


201 has been on the Q38 since Friday, I wonder if they will keep it on there for tomorrow.


btw, does anyone know how much time the Orion V's at JFK have left? I want to fan them before they are gone. They keep popping up on the Q60 which is good.


NOTE: 9026 & 9073 have finally been relabeled to MTA bus. It took about 3 or 4 months for them to do that, smh.

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I always wonder how much of that is just people at the depot fooling around...


6707, right,

it wears Amsterdam stickers while it's at Amsterdam

it goes to Quill, gets Quill stickers

it goes to MHV, keeps the Quill stickers

it stays at MHV, gets new Amsterdam stickers

and now at MHV, it gets MHV stickers (8 months after they got the bus)


Huh?? They put Amsterdam stickers on a bus with Quill stickers out of MHV?


I think i remember seeing Quill stickers on the left and AMS stickers on the right while 6707 served out of Manhattanville a few months back.

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In a perfect world, those 30 LFSs @ UP would be pulled from service, cleaned up to look factory fresh again and put into storage until the 3G and 4800s come to UP.


Last night while Riding Q2 & N1 along Hillside made realize how badass QV local fleet is right now, new fresh looking LFSs, the 4800s lookin' sexy with their LED highlights and all, and the Orion 3G was out there looking good too.


All those years UP had shitty hand me down RTSs that look like shit as well. Can't wait until nothing but new buses on UP routes, I will be riding the B6 a lot more once the other two test fleets come!


I also hope the mileage isn't getting to high on 8030 -8059, QV has the 6400s, CAS has the NGs, some fairly new buses, wheres ALL of UP buses are pretty old. In other words, I hope they aren't whoring those buses (Like JFK and LGA used to do with the OG hybrids).

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Just a note: When UP gets its Orions, it will no longer be an all-nova depot. :P


Technically its not an all nova depot right now. If you look on the fire extinguisher cover in the front by the stairs, on a majority of their RTS's there will be a blue and black plate that says:



Rosewell New Mexico

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Nope.avi :P


Anyway, the 5th/Madison and 3rd/Lexington Av routes are kind of like distaff counterparts to each other. No, seriously.


M1 and M102:

Both start at 147th St and end at Cooper Union (and both used to go farther south) The M1 has Weekend service down to 106th St while the M102 has short-turns to the depot at 100th St. The two routes never stray far from each other.


M3 and M101:

Both start up around 191st St and end at Cooper Union. They both go from the West Side to East (on 125th and 110th St, respectively) and they end up near each other on St. Nicholas and Amsterdam, respectively. These routes are still somewhat close together, not as close as the M1 and M102, but a little bit.


M4 and M98:

Both go down from the 190s and Fort Washington Av, and the M4 terminates in West Midtown while the M98 used to end in East Midtown until last year. They both travel from West to East, the M4 as 110th St crosstown and the M98 diagonally, Southeast on the Harlem River Drive. I guess the M98 could be considered an express, Rush-Hour version of the M4.


M2, M5, and M103: I couldn't really compare them.


I just thought of all this 10 minutes ago :P

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I can't believe how the city Orion V CNGs ride so much smoother compared to the Orion Vs on LI. The gearbox is different somehow - either bus operators have been going faster than usual or they accelerate more quickly. Most of these have all been MTA Bus units; the only actual NYCT unit I rode was 9827 on the N32 last Thursday.


However, it seems that the LI Orions are much louder, and I'd rather have the plastic seats than that stupid worn-out padding. Also, the Orion I rode on the N16 this afternoon was leaking (B/O's side, first non-"reserved" row of seats) inside....

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