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9 hours ago, EastFlatbushLarry said:

^^^^ THIS 👍👍 #GivingAwayFamilySecrets

True, but one needs to understand how to read paddles and time points. Most people don't know how to, but I agree.  The paddles were too much. That said, if someone wants to figure out, you most certainly can even without the paddles.  I've come to realize this as I monitor service.

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There's an old saying that goes, seek & ye shall find....

For SOME of us transit enthusiasts on a site like this that are a little more responsible, I can understand coming upon a hidden treasure like this & keeping shit on the hush hush for our own private consumption.... With that said though, and in all honesty, regardless, the information that was provided on Bustrek should've never been easily & as readily available to the public like that in the first place.... 

I'm personally indifferent to the MTA's closing of the doors with Bustrek - but in general, this is what you get with impulsive, motor mouth, don't know when to STFU MF-ers.... It is shit like this why I don't share secrets with anything with a pulse, as far as I can throw them.... The general public is stupid....

Way to prove your point "Kitty Kat", Stool Pigeon... So now what? Your bus was late for whatever reason 3 days ago & as a result, there's now one less medium to track "your" bus....

Good job, joker.... Good job.

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20 hours ago, Flatbush SBS Duece said:

Wow... I never tried bustrek but for an operator prospective point of view that info was sharing  too much with the public 🙏😉😝

While that was true....the information that was provided wasn't 100% accurate either.

The actual, bigger site that the dispatchers and such have access to is far more accurate than what was leaked on Google.

I am glad that it's gone though. The last thing we need are operators being scrutinized by potential passengers about why they are X-amounts of minutes late and such.

But, thanks to that tweet, whoever is responsible for that being leaked to Google of all places is going to get disciplined quite harshly(if it gets to that case).

18 hours ago, DetSMART45 said:

ROFLMAO with all the panties in a wad over the whole BusTrek stuff. So let's go through this:

a] MTA "somehow" lets BusTrek access be on the public side -- with all their highly-paid characters who *should* be guarding against that actually happening letting it happen. b] People take advantage of it. c] People blab all over about it, and actually use it to "shame" the MTA. d] MTA finally decides to secure it, leading to even more 'secrecy' all of you are up in arms about.

MTA has already said (at least I saw @Via Garibaldi 8 make specific mention of how they told him/his group) to rely on the BusTime for 'true' data, so why do you want to make the "shamer" part of your ridicule? THE MTA IS THE ONE AT FAULT, NOT THE PERSON WHO "BLABBED".

WHY DON'T YOU HOLD THE MTA ACCOUNTABLE? There should be NO discrepancies, period.

Unless there IS something to hide. Apparently there is, but you want to hold the wrong person to account.

This is one hell of an overreaction if I've ever seen one.

No shit the MTA should be held accountable for it, they were held accountable and were joked at ever since the day someone(Lil 57) posted the link on here many months back, which you've apparently missed while being away for quite a while.

But seeing as it was also being used as a tool to monitor metrics and how service actually is to potentially request for better service was a good thing, but, the fact that it got removed because of some buff that didn't know any better is also a bad thing, because now there's no other legitimate, accurate way to prove that service in the majority of the city is shite....so yes, the shamer also has to be held accountable.

Both sides, the MTA's Bustrek team, and the person who put it out on Twitter have to be held accountable. 

Edited by Cait Sith
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5 minutes ago, Lil 57 said:

Today on SI,

4267 broke down, I'm glad these NG's are leaving the island. They put too much work on these buses.


Those NGs need a 2yr rest so the other NGs around the city can catch up on their mileage lmaoo. These buses are 10 years old but run like their 15-16yrs old. 

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Just now, XcelsiorBoii4888 said:

Those NGs need a 2yr rest so the other NGs around the city can catch up on their mileage lmaoo. These buses are 10 years old but run like their 15-16yrs old. 

The SBS NGs on SI probably have the highest mileage in the city. They repeatedly run on one of Yukon's longest routes (As well as one of the city's longest). And goes up steep inclines on the VZB. NGs aren't made for that terrain.

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Just now, Lil 57 said:

The SBS NGs on SI probably have the highest mileage in the city. They repeatedly run on one of Yukon's longest routes (As well as one of the city's longest). And goes up steep inclines on the VZB. NGs aren't made for that terrain.

Anything governed at 40MPH is not made for NYC.

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1 minute ago, Cait Sith said:

Anything governed at 40MPH is not made for NYC.

Who even made that decision? Even If most routes run on streets that don't have speed limits over 40 MPH, alot of buses dehead on highways with speed limits over 40 MPH. If everyone else is going above 50 on the highway and you're stuck with 40, it can cause traffic and it even be a hazard in some cases. Local buses should be governed to at least 55-60 MPH and express buses at 70 MPH.

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4 minutes ago, Lil 57 said:

Who even made that decision? Even If most routes run on streets that don't have speed limits over 40 MPH, alot of buses dehead on highways with speed limits over 40 MPH. If everyone else is going above 50 on the highway and you're stuck with 40, it can cause traffic and it even be a hazard in some cases. Local buses should be governed to at least 55-60 MPH and express buses at 70 MPH.

No idea...they used to be governed higher at 45-50, but when Vision Zero kicked in, that changed quickly.

It is hazardous. NJ State Police has pulled over buses on the S89 for going too slow, hence why all of the LFSs(at least the older ones at Yukon) are governed at 60 I believe. The newer LFSs should be following suit soon.

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8 minutes ago, Cait Sith said:

No idea...they used to be governed higher at 45-50, but when Vision Zero kicked in, that changed quickly.

It is hazardous. NJ State Police has pulled over buses on the S89 for going too slow, hence why all of the LFSs(at least the older ones at Yukon) are governed at 60 I believe. The newer LFSs should be following suit soon.

That's good that the SI buses are being governed higher. Last time I was on an old LFS on the S89 (last week) it didn't get faster than 40. Guess this recently happened.

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2 minutes ago, Lil 57 said:

That's good that the SI buses are being governed higher. Last time I was on an old LFS on the S89 (last week) it didn't get faster than 40. Guess this recently happened.

It's not recent, and I suppose that not all of the LFSs got updated with it, but I know some 8300s go up to 60.

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1 hour ago, Cait Sith said:

It's not recent, and I suppose that not all of the LFSs got updated with it, but I know some 8300s go up to 60.

Glad to see that the (MTA) is fixing this issue. 40 MPH (And even 45 MPH in the past) is way too slow for any bus to be capped at.

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3 hours ago, Cait Sith said:



While that was true....the information that was provided wasn't 100% accurate either.

The actual, bigger site that the dispatchers and such have access to is far more accurate than what was leaked on Google.

I am glad that it's gone though. The last thing we need are operators being scrutinized by potential passengers about why they are X-amounts of minutes late and such.

But, thanks to that tweet, whoever is responsible for that being leaked to Google of all places is going to get disciplined quite harshly(if it gets to that case).

This is one hell of an overreaction if I've ever seen one.

No shit the MTA should be held accountable for it, they were held accountable and were joked at ever since the day someone(Lil 57) posted the link on here many months back, which you've apparently missed while being away for quite a while.

But seeing as it was also being used as a tool to monitor metrics and how service actually is to potentially request for better service was a good thing, but, the fact that it got removed because of some buff that didn't know any better is also a bad thing, because now there's no other legitimate, accurate way to prove that service in the majority of the city is shite....so yes, the shamer also has to be held accountable.

Both sides, the MTA's Bustrek team, and the person who put it out on Twitter have to be held accountable. 

I'm especially annoyed because we have had two meetings now at 2 Broadway about metrics for express bus service, missing buses and on-time performance for the 50+ express bus lines and I was promised at the last meeting that they would be releasing a dashboard to show how they're performing.  BusTrek provided some good insight overall... As it stands now, at the last Transit Round Table that I was in with my Senator, we've been calling on the Comptroller's Office to perform another audit. So far they've just been reviewing our information but they haven't acted on it yet.  It's getting around the 4 year mark though so if they don't get it together they may be very well willing to do perform another one to see what changes they have made since the last audit. The (MTA) agreed to the following per the 2015 audit:

-Better align run times with more realistic arrival times

-Develop a metric system to track on-time performance (they had no such system prior to the 2015 audit, so basically it was ok if express buses showed up whenever)

The only thing they've done so far is push back the run times.

BusTrek did have some glitches. For example, if a bus was off-route it would pop up as being a "Non-Revenue" bus which wasn't true. It would also display inaccurate paddles at times depending on where a bus was.


Edited by Via Garibaldi 8
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2 hours ago, Via Garibaldi 8 said:

BusTrek did have some glitches. For example, if a bus was off-route it would pop up as being a "Non-Revenue" bus which wasn't true. It would also display inaccurate paddles at times depending on where a bus was.

Also, Not all ghost buses showed up on BusTrek. The new LFS buses on SI didn't show up on anything for like a week when they were first delivered. I also believe that the ghost buses were tracked by schedule, not real-time information.

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1 minute ago, Lil 57 said:

Also, Not all ghost buses showed up on BusTrek. The new LFS buses on SI didn't show up on anything for like a week when they were first delivered. I also believe that the ghost buses were tracked by schedule, not real-time information.

That's true but some ghost buses generally showed up. There are some buses that simply weren't trackable, for one reason or another.

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At this point. Whatever the issue is Bustrek is no longer available to the public. No need for the back and forth plus screenshots. 

I was always taught this. If you don’t want stragglers in the mix you gotta protect home. Keep the noisy people out of the mix. This is how things get real messy in a New York minute. 

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2 minutes ago, Future ENY OP said:

If you don’t want stragglers in the mix you gotta protect home. Keep the noisy people out of the mix. This is how things get real messy in a New York minute. 

I agree with that.

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6 hours ago, Lil 57 said:

Also, Not all ghost buses showed up on BusTrek. The new LFS buses on SI didn't show up on anything for like a week when they were first delivered. I also believe that the ghost buses were tracked by schedule, not real-time information.

Can't be a ghost bus if it don't have a GPS, lmao.

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