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guys from now on either answer it or just ignore it. You don't need to keep ranting about the same users.

I'm not saying ranting is the appropriate response, but some habits should be discouraged. And for his own benefit (so that he doesn't become one big fail later in life), he should be learning valuable research skills. How will he ever write essays in junior high school, high school, and college if he can't proactively discover the most basic facts for himself? And it's not like these facts require scientific experimentation to come by; they already exist and someone just has to look for it if they don't know. Most Google queries require around 3 to 5 terms, and the results are almost always contained within the first two pages.

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I remember back in 2008 when I was going around Roosevelt and a (7) was passing by with the GREEN LED and I was like "What?! I never seen these before."

I was like 5 that time and my weird brain made me think that the (7) used to run R68s, then, the big LED's came in and was like, okay, I guess they smoothed out the walls and added that light and removed the window seats and called it an NTT. T_T

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First of all, Flight 587 was the flight that crashed, not 552. Second of all, the plane crashed almost a mile away from the Rockaway Park (A)(S) station, meaning that it crashed too far away to affect subway service.

If the smoke was bad they might have suspended Rockaway Shuttle service for a while.

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I found this while searching on google:



Country: United States
City: New York
System: New York City Transit
Route: N
Car: R-160B (Kawasaki, 2005-2008) 8713 
Photo by: Brian Weinberg
Date: 8/17/2006
Notes: First revenue run of the R-160 fleet as part of the 30-day test.


When did they remove the cab seats?

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I don't know if there's an updated version around. You could probably use Wikipedia and see which stations don't have free crossovers, but that's time-consuming.

Well, the work has to start somewhere, sometime, by someone. And if it's on Wikipedia, three-quarters of the work has been done already; it's just a matter of compiling and formatting data already collected.

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It's a coding issue. Rather than have two different ways to show the information, one for the 142s and another for the 143s/160s, they decided on using one uniform format for all of the NTTs. Since the 142s can't display "XX NEXT" on the signs without some of the text being cut off on the longer station names, the de-facto winner was the format we see today with "THE NEXT STOP IS" "XX".

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