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I'd like to put this out here for myself and my fellow posters. I"ve been on these forums for a few years and I enjoy the back and forth. Having said that there is something that I've been noticing for a few weeks(months). It's also happening to a degree in the bus forums but it's especially prevalent in the subway section. At the risk of becoming a "grammar nazi" there are some threads, like the R188 one, where some posts are basically incoherent. IDK if it's an ESL thing or something else but it's very jarring to come across such a post in an otherwise interesting thread discussion. I'm not talking about people not agreeing with each other but rather posts that obsess over missing stickers on equipment, or new, converted, or SMSed equipment where one has to read and re-read a post to try to decipher the poster's point.. IMO instead of some people worrying about trainsets remaining in numerical order while they're out railfanning perhaps they should spend the same amount of time hitting up those English textbooks they've cast aside for the summer. It just doesn't look right, at least to me, when you can tell subway and bus fleets by number or sound but you can't get your points across clearly in a post. To an oldtimer like me the latter shows more intelligence than any thing else you have to say.I can read a post from SubwayGuy, Lance, VG8, Eric, or B35, for example and I know and understand what they're trying to convey. Same with Wallyhorse, LOL. I may not agree with their thoughts as posted but I know what they're saying. Some of the posts I'm speaking of come across as pure gibberish, as my grandmother might put it. All I'm asking is that we take our time and think about how our posts come across to others. Just my rant. Carry on.


Unfortunately, it's the fact that everyone in this generation doesn't care about their grammar on the internet. Some people, like me, do try to use correct grammar, instead of those who don't capitalize, don't use correct punctuation, and who we have no clue what they're trying to say. If you look at the people back then they sounded smart, way smarter than an average person today.....

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This sure enough sums it all up, great way to put it. We pretty much all know who the people this is aimed at. "Wink Wink"

There was a saying that it was "better to remain silent and thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt " I think that we can include posts in that category.

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Unfortunately, it's the fact that everyone in this generation doesn't care about their grammar on the internet. Some people, like me, do try to use correct grammar, instead of those who don't capitalize, don't use correct punctuation, and who we have no clue what they're trying to say. If you look at the people back then they sounded smart, way smarter than an average person today.....

Everyone doesn't care --> "Not everyone cares," unless you wish to include yourself

Some people like me, instead of those who don't --> comma splice, doesn't make sense; use a semicolon and an "unlike those" or clarity

People back then --> No reference to when


Just saying, if you really want to be a grammar nazi you can even go into that. The point is not perfect grammar, as we don't need that in a colloquial setting. I'd refrain from making vast generalizations about the generation, since just about every generation seems to claim that "kids these days" are worse than ever. It's not that. It's a few individual people, like depotofrelax or whatever you'd like to call him, who are simply totally illiterate.

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I have a question about fleet. I know ENY handles the (J)(L)(M)(Z) trains but since the (M) goes to Forest Hills do the trains it uses get serviced and maintained at Jamaica because I usually see a few sets sitting in the yard on weekends and nights. Jamaica has all their trains sitting around in the tunnels south of Forest Hills.

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I have a question about fleet. I know ENY handles the (J)(L)(M)(Z) trains but since the (M) goes to Forest Hills do the trains it uses get serviced and maintained at Jamaica because I usually see a few sets sitting in the yard on weekends and nights. Jamaica has all their trains sitting around in the tunnels south of Forest Hills.


Next weekend has the (R) going to 179 via 63 St. Is there a code for that?

Yes there is

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I have a question about fleet. I know ENY handles the (J)(L)(M)(Z) trains but since the (M) goes to Forest Hills do the trains it uses get serviced and maintained at Jamaica because I usually see a few sets sitting in the yard on weekends and nights. Jamaica has all their trains sitting around in the tunnels south of Forest Hills.

Those A1s that are laid up on the Hillside express tracks and in the yard are there to go in service for the AM rush. They are all maintained at East New York.

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There are more and more hot cars on the© and more and more customers are getting annoyed, then they see the East New York A-1's running and they are at peace. Perhaps a temporary yard swap until R179's start to roll in? Then maybe R32's get retired directly off the (J)/(Z) lines

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After an RFW on the R32 via local from 168 St to Euclid Av, I waited for the (A) (Far Rockaway-bound). Rode it to Broad Channel and then waited for the Rock Park shuttle. 18 minutes later, another (A) came and then a 3 minute wait for the shuttle.


Fast forward to reversing back to Broad Channel on the shuttle. 18 minutes later, another shuttle came and then after 3 minutes, an (A) arrives.


This is exactly one of the times where you notice irregularity on the 8th Avenue/Fulton Street/Rockaway side of town and why I said earlier that the (A) ain't frequent during the off-peak. Took the (A) to West 4 St and as I was about to walk downstairs to the Sixth Avenue platform to catch a Brighton Beach-bound (B), another (A) came in 1-2 minutes.

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Yeah I had to take a diversion because of that rail condition at 96th street on the 1, 2 and 3 by getting on the A or C at Jay Street to Manhattan. The trains were going at like 10 MPH with huge gaps in service. I think as of now they should be rerouting 2 trains over the Lexington Ave Line.

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The one thing I love about R46.... They buck like crazy. Going thru the Cranberry Tunnels on the (A), I felt like I was riding a rollercoaster or something, it was shaky like hell and I actually liked it. A lot of the older SMEE's had that pre-retirement, but I'm glad I got that feel again from riding the slants through the tubes.

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Caught an R68A N at Queensboro Plaza 5151-5149-5150

Then at 61 St I caught a 7 local train with a RFW and took it to 74 St. The train had the old setup with 6 singles and one 5 car set.

Main St 1942+1954+1910+1920+1905+1947+196-1965 42 St.


Yup just got off it. Both R68A sets are running (I thought it was just one). Today both sets are running on the N. On one of the sets, in the end car there is a upside-down rollsign marked as a W. Don't be suprised if one of these sets if not both, end up on the Q tomorrow:







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Yup just got off it. Both R68A sets are running (I thought it was just one). Today both sets are running on the N. On one of the sets, in the end car there is a upside-down rollsign marked as a W. Don't be suprised if one of these sets if not both, end up on the Q tomorrow: 

I saw several of the cars with upside down W signs

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Speaking of which I noticed that they changed the rails on the A and C in the Cranberry Street tunnel. It sounds exactly like where they changed the rails past Jackson Heights on the E and F trains.

Those rails aren't new. What they do is use the rail grinder, which makes small grooves in the rails making that sound. It explains why the sound goes away after a while. 


I missed an R68A (N) at 34 Street today going down. Didn't really care since I was planning on going uptown anyway. 

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Those rails aren't new. What they do is use the rail grinder, which makes small grooves in the rails making that sound. It explains why the sound goes away after a while. 


I missed an R68A (N) at 34 Street today going down. Didn't really care since I was planning on going uptown anyway. 

They're actually new. MTA even said they were new. They were installed during Fastrack

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A couple weeks ago, I was at Franklin Avenue waiting for a C train to head to Central Park. An R32 ended up coming, and as it was pulling into the station, I noticed that the rollsign in one of the cars had its north destination set as Bedford Park Boulevard, and the route was set as the (Y). I've been reading these forums for a while and I've learned that there's an apparent plague of rollsign changing out there, but this was the first time I've spotted it myself.

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Those rails aren't new. What they do is use the rail grinder, which makes small grooves in the rails making that sound. It explains why the sound goes away after a while.




"The MTA is installing the new rails on some of its most active corridors, including the A/C/E and B/D/F lines. Over the past ten years, the rate of breaks in the rails has increased by more than 50% on particularly trafficked tracks. So while FASTTRACK might make your commute just that much worse, remember the MTA is trying to help you live longer, by making your train less likely to derail."




Highlights of the work completed during the a.pngc.pnge.png Lines FASTRACK:


checkMark_small.jpgTrack -Scraped and cleaned 30,740 feet of track. Installed 20 new rails, 506 track tie plates, and 48 tie blocks. Removed 60,900pounds of debris in 6,245 bags.



Looks like Realizm was right after all lol. Saw a Manhattan-bound R68A (Q) during the AM rush at around Avenue M while I was on a Brighton Beach-bound (B).


Never mind, Daniel The Cool beat me to it lol.


Yup its really hard to predict. Sometimes they will run those sets during the AM rush only then put the sets back on the B, while other times they ran on both specifically the AM and PM rush. Someone saw an R68A on the B earlier this afternoon so that might be the Q you saw earlier. They tend to throw the sets on the N and/or Q at random on the weekdays as needed.

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Ok now I am realizing that the set which ran on the Q yesterday morning was actually a R68, not a R68A. They were two sets borrowed off the G linked together, something I never expected. Seems CIY is having a field day with this.

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