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They finnaly updated the interior of the R188's to display (7) and <7>. That's a major plus.

It's been a while since I rode an R188, but I think that they are now announcing that they are express in Manhattan as well. "This is a Queens bound <7> express train." First time seeing and hearing that makes me proud, but not proud enough.
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Yep, they dropped "Van Wyck Blvd" from the official name because some people felt the old name didn't accurately reflect its location. I say meh.


I'm still waiting on them to drop the name from the pdf map on the website. You'd think that would be the first place they'd update.

The FIND's still say "Briarwood-Van Wyck Blvd". The I-beams on the platforms say Briarwood

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Yep, they dropped "Van Wyck Blvd" from the official name because some people felt the old name didn't accurately reflect its location. I say meh.


I'm still waiting on them to drop the name from the pdf map on the website. You'd think that would be the first place they'd update.

make it Briarwood Main St

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Yep, they dropped "Van Wyck Blvd" from the official name because some people felt the old name didn't accurately reflect its location. I say meh.


I'm still waiting on them to drop the name from the pdf map on the website. You'd think that would be the first place they'd update.

All they had to do was change the stop to Van Wyck Expwy


make it Briarwood Main St

That works too. Or Van Wyck - Main St.

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Traffic jam southbound on the Broadway line. I ditched the N at Union Square for the Q pulling in. We pulled out and there was an R stalled right outside the station. At Prince Street, the R up ahead just pulled in. I just got out at Canal Street. Apparently, the Q train I got off of is being held because of "train traffic" up ahead.

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So the Infamous robert ray was the victim of an MVA hit and run on the grand concourse last night 


Edited by BreeddekalbL
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I guess what goes around comes around huh....

But seriously even though I don't like what he did in the past I hope he is ok.

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I just got off a Q at Sheepshead Bay to transfer to the B arriving across the platform. The B was late and it skipped Sheepshead Bay. I had to wait for the next train. Thankfully, it was another B a few minutes later.

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I just got off a Q at Sheepshead Bay to transfer to the B arriving across the platform. The B was late and it skipped Sheepshead Bay. I had to wait for the next train. Thankfully, it was another B a few minutes later.

Wow, you caught a rare Brighton express battery run, I remember a Manhattan bound (B) skipped Newark Ave one time.

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I have a quick question:


The exact moment that 9/11 happened (When the towers fell), were there any (1)(9) trains that were trapped between Rector Street and South Ferry?

I don't think there were any trains under the World Trade Center when the Twin Towers collapsed. There was a gap of around 75 minutes between the first impact and the collapse of 2 WTC. That was plenty of time to get equipment off the South Ferry branch, which was closed off almost immediately after the first plane hit the north tower. Even if there wasn't enough time, any train that was stuck down there could be looped around South Ferry and sent up Lexington Ave.


Your dollars are hard at work at 55 Street on the West End line. There's a worker leisurely basking in the sun.


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Which brings me to my next question:

Why couldn't the (MTA) reroute the (5) terminus from Bowling Green to South Ferry via loop after 9/11? Or was there a 3 car shuttle running between Rector Street and South Ferry?

First of all, the (5) still extended to Flatbush Avenue rush hours and the (6) was once extended to Bowling Green/South Ferry a long time ago, but proved to be really low in ridership and delaying Lex even more. Second, The riders at South Ferry wanted direct 7th Avenue service (although I doubt this was one of the main reasons it wasn't open). Third, it would be a waste of money to keep a station open just for a completely different line to go there when there is a nearby station that could be used instead.
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There's now only one track on 9th Ave lower. The two side tracks have reenforced pillars to hold up the station.

What they need to do is rebuild the lower level if possible.  Not just to fortify the entire station, but also because that could if extended to handle 10-car trains could be used as a short-turn terminal and perhaps down the road to (as most likely a two-level, single track line with Manhattan-bound on the upper level and Coney Island-bound on the lower level rebuild the stretch between 9th Avenue and the Culver Line that can serve as a second line to Coney Island via there (perhaps as a Coney Island extension of a revived (W) once the (Q) goes via the SAS?).  

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What they need to do is rebuild the lower level if possible. Not just to fortify the entire station, but also because that could if extended to handle 10-car trains could be used as a short-turn terminal and perhaps down the road to (as most likely a two-level, single track line with Manhattan-bound on the upper level and Coney Island-bound on the lower level rebuild the stretch between 9th Avenue and the Culver Line that can serve as a second line to Coney Island via there (perhaps as a Coney Island extension of a revived (W) once the (Q) goes via the SAS?).

Why do all that when they can just use the upper level


...like they always been doing

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Why do all that when they can just use the upper level


...like they always been doing

Just another half-baked idea to see an unused part of the subway back in revenue service, regardless of the lack of any usefulness. We've seen this time and again from Wallyhorse, from reviving the Bowling Green/South Ferry shuttle to opening the lower level of City Hall BMT. Nothing new at all.


Also, to Wallyhorse, it'd be almost impossible to rebuild the Culver shuttle as most, if not all of the ROW has been sold off since its abandonment. Besides, what's to be gained by resurrecting a line that had almost no riders in its latter years?

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The lower level is best used for film production and work trains. Let the film producers foot the bill for the maintenance of the entire station. The (W) can use the upper level when it's back just like the (M) did.

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