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They are better off staying on the 1 since by the time you go up the stairs, then go on the elevator, walk down the passageway, and down the stairs and wait for the 1, they could have already been at 137 Street!


Yeah, the transfer is so long, especially since you have to go up the elevator. I didn't see many people transferring up there either.

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Anyways, while being held slightly at Broadway-Lafayette on the (B) with the front doors already shut; can the T/O ask the conductor to open up the doors?  Because certainly my T/O pressed a button then the doors opened and the few passengers that just made it to the platform got to get on the train. I figured once the front doors are closed, that's it, even if it's held for a bit.




Yes, the T/O can buzz to get the C/R to re-open the doors.

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All doors forward of the control open when pressed unless they are keyed manually, so the first half of the train would have to open. The rear half opens and closes independently.

Why is Broad Street (J) not served on the weekends?

MTA should bring back the service pattern box at the bottom of the maps.
"Should I wait for a (Z) or not. Is the (D) going local...hmmmm Is 11:01 late night..."

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Why is Broad Street (J) not served on the weekends?
Because the J to Chambers is a three-trip line, while the J to Broad is a two-trip line. That is, when the J terminates at Chambers, it is short enough that each crew can make three trips, but when it runs to Broad, each crew only makes two. Running the J to Broad is significantly costlier, although the transfer at Fulton is important enough that I think it would be a worthwhile change. (It seems like every time I'm at Fulton on a weekend, I find myself helping someone figure out how to get to the J.)


MTA should bring back the service pattern box at the bottom of the maps."Should I wait for a (Z) or not. Is the (D) going local...hmmmm Is 11:01 late night..."
I strongly agree! I never understood why it was removed in the first place.
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On the contrary, the G is pretty reputable compared to other lines. It is relatively infrequent, however.


I have always said this - To be fair, it's only got  28-30 minute run so there's less space for delays to creep in compared to other lines. But if you have a schedule you can cut down on how annoying the G is by orders of magnitude. 

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Source - Gothamist - Photo by Connie G. via GoingWithEddie.com): http://gothamist.com/2013/11/21/photo_giant_de_blasio_takes_the_sub.php

See that man right there in the far right? Yes you saw correctly, that's Mayor Elect Bill DeBlasio commuting on the (6) train at rush hour. Apparently yesterday @ 6 p.m. He was barely noticed by commuters trying to get home after a rough day.

Edited by realizm
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I have never seen a politican riding transit before. Nice find!

I think bloomberg did something similar a few years back along the Lex, I'm not too sure though.


I have never seen a politican riding transit before. Nice find!

I think bloomberg did something similar a few years back along the Lex, I'm not too sure though.
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I used the past tense in reference to the (V) train days, regardless, I still remain incredulous that making a station stop and fumigating 4 cars of a train where everyone is making a transfer would delay the locals a noticeable amount, these are the same locals which have to fumigate and clear out in the same manner and do so in less than two minutes on a regular basis. The main rub would be not interfering with the more frequent E service.

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Saw one the other day in Brooklyn, forgot they were uncommon. The Court St destination is messed up on the R46s, doesn't show the (R) on the flipdot.

There is no code for the R to Court St, so the train crew will use the standard "to COURT ST" code. This is similar to the F to Euclid G.O. during the 46 era.

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Funny thing about that. Every time I take the G it's basically within a 1 minute of its scheduled time. For all the shit that line gets, it's pretty decent.

I think count down clocks would help. Since there are none, it seems like your waiting forever for it to show up.

Edited by N6 Limited
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