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R179 Discussion Thread

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  • 2 weeks later...
WOW! Really? The MTA's original plan was to have 179s on SIR. 46s are only 2 years younger that the 44s. Do they really expect the 46s to last that long? SI hasnt seen new cars since the 44s in 1973! They also have to modify what, approximately 90 cars to FRA standards and cab signaling? I dont see them lasting that long. Theyre already 36 years old!


R179s on the SIR!? Where did you hear that? That would be a waste of good train.


Plus the SIR would be better off with R46s anyways. They could really use them. SIR is not going to get any NTTs until maybe 2025-2030. It is supposed to get some of the leftovers that are not needed because of NTTs.

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R179s on the SIR!? Where did you hear that? That would be a waste of good train.


Plus the SIR would be better off with R46s anyways. They could really use them. SIR is not going to get any NTTs until maybe 2025-2030. It is supposed to get some of the leftovers that are not needed because of NTTs.


someone's late to the party. lol

if you go to earlier pages of this thread, youll find links to pdf's of mta procurement and capital budget documents from as far back as around 09 where the plans for 179s includes a few for SIR. it has gone from a definate, to a no, to an option. and as far as your timeline for NTTs in SI, i personally find that unrealistic as im sure residents and commuters will as always cause an upraor about no new trains. those 46s althought still a good fleet (im actually on one right now passing JFK), will be 40 when a few get retrofitted for SIR. which will make them 50. Theyre not R32s. i expect the 179 option to go thru.

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Guest lance25

That also depends on when they get around to ordering said R179s. For instance, if they aren't ordered for several more years (I hope not), it would make much more sense to order enough for the mainline and the SIR as the R46s would be reaching the end of their nominal lifespans. Then again, it is the (MTA).

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But that was before the R44s were replaced on the mainline. I think the plan is for the SIR to receive converted R46s and run those until the delivery of the R211.


if you look at East New York's post at the beginning of the last page, it was clarified that some of the 179 option order that may not get used till 2014 would most likely got to SI. the current plan is to use 46s and possibly some 179s. i consider ENY a major reliable source of correct info. lets focus on the 179 contract before we jump to 211s which hasnt even been put on the planning table yet. 211 is just a contract number that for now is reserved for a revenue fleet. and if we all remember,179s were to replace the 44s if the 44s were to last. because they were already retired, heres now a gap which cause them, as well as it being cheaper, to plan to use 46s.

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i agree. as much as i love the 32s, theyve been around about half a century. a testament to its design and construction. i say 6 years is even stretchin it. PATCO is currently rebuilding their fleet which is around the same age if not older. but they have the capital to pay for a complete rebuilt.

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might ass well , soo the 179s was just to retire all the 32s ?? cause the 42s i believe are covered by 160s


if i remember the pdfs ive read on the 179s, they were also to replace the 44s if they didnt get retired early.


as knowing the mta's lack of common sense, theyll probably push back the next contract after 179

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  • 4 weeks later...

Oh man, now everybody's talkin' bout these piece of shit 179's. this system has gone down the drain, nothing is good about it anymore except the remaining Vintage cars. once those are gone, I will say farewell to N.Y.C.T cuz i ain't fanin' no more.

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