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R179 Discussion Thread

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3 minutes ago, Lawrence St said:

Can someone explain something to me; why did the R142A's have to get sent to Kawasaki to have CBTC kits installed, but for the 160's and 179's they were done in house?


The R142A's were converted since they weren't built with CBTC in mind. They were going to do 50% of the conversions in house but decided to let Kawasaki do it instead.This is why they have a big cabinet on the left side outside the cab.


The R143,R160,R179 had been built with CBTC in mind hence why they are designed the way they are.

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6 hours ago, VIP said:

I wonder why they keep shuffling those cars back and forth… 

They probably need equipment since they barely have any for the (C). It's rumored that there are 4 cars of R46s OOS at pitkin (either retired or just mothballed) for about a few months now. I don't know how true that is. Plus ENY has a very large spare factor so them losing 4 cars wouldn't hurt them. I just wish the R179s were CBTC equipped already so they can run on the (M) and reduce the spare factor at ENY by sending more R179s (temporary) to the (C) .

Edited by R32 3838
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5 hours ago, R32 3838 said:

They probably need equipment since they barely have any for the (C). It's rumored that there are 4 cars of R46s OOS at pitkin (either retired or just mothballed) for about a few months now. I don't know how true that is. Plus ENY has a very large spare factor so them losing 4 cars wouldn't hurt them. I just wish the R179s were CBTC equipped already so they can run on the (M) and reduce the spare factor at ENY by sending more R179s (temporary) to the (C) .

The “high spare factor” at ENY is only possible since the (L) has a spare factor of 10 trains. It needs 192 cars for service but 276 R143 / R160 cars are equipped with Canarsie CBTC.

that brings the available R160 count to 308 cars, and with 248 cars set aside for (M) service + spares, that leaves 64 R160s exclusively for the (J) and the 96 R179s, just leaving the spare factor missing, which the (J) can temporarily borrow from the (L) and (M) pool (since their spare factors are 10 and 7 trains, respectively). Remember also that

1. the (M)s fleet is essentially grounded on weekends since it uses the 4-car shuttles

2. Six of the (J) trains are only needed for one trip each rush hour.



also yes the spare factor at Pitkin/207 St is terrible, with only apparently 348 R46s available for service (someone please correct if I’m wrong), along with 130 (A) train R179s and now 92 (C) train R179s. This leads to the following distribution.


(A) - 130 R179s + 248 R46s (44 trains including spare factor)

(C) - 88 R179s + 88 R46s (22 trains including spares).

Rockaway Park (S) - 12 R46s (no spares - just taken from the (A) train pool). 

this leaves literally NO wiggle room in case one or two R46s break down, the same issue Coney Island Yard has with the former Jamaica R46s. Also remember that to even MAKE full (A) train service, one of the (C)‘s R46s has to change over to (A) service between rush hours, and one of the 145 St (B) trains in the AM Rush also has to change over for the (A).

Edited by darkstar8983
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm well aware of what thread this is; if that's the train they're referring to, then that person should specify that.

And if that is the case: the R179s are not going anywhere anytime soon. They will be around for at least the next 40 years or so. They didn't scrap the R44s, R46s, or any other subway car when they had their early issues; they're not gonna start now.

So for anyone who continues to suggest that the (MTA) scrap the R179s: drop it now, cause it's not gonna happen. Whatever issues these cars continue to have will be addressed in their first SMS. They did this with every other subway car including the R62A & R142 (built by the same company as the R179), they will continue to do the same with the R179s and every car that follows.

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I don't think that post about scrapping the R179 was meant to be taken literal, probably a T/O who had an bad day operating a 179 in the rain yesterday :lol: I do wonder if they finally figured out how to have the NTT have good braking performance in the rain/snow with the R211 fleet. All NTT fleets have poor braking in the rain. I wonder if the TA shop forces ever tried to "adjust" them.

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10 minutes ago, trainfan22 said:

I do wonder if they finally figured out how to have the NTT have good braking performance in the rain/snow with the R211 fleet. All NTT fleets have poor braking in the rain. I wonder if the TA shop forces ever tried to "adjust" them.

Another system (outside the country) used to have a "rain mode" on all their trains that improved performance in rain but slightly reduced acceleration and brake rates. The mode would also occasionally disable dynamic brakes.

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4 hours ago, trainfan22 said:

I don't think that post about scrapping the R179 was meant to be taken literal, probably a T/O who had an bad day operating a 179 in the rain yesterday :lol: I do wonder if they finally figured out how to have the NTT have good braking performance in the rain/snow with the R211 fleet. All NTT fleets have poor braking in the rain. I wonder if the TA shop forces ever tried to "adjust" them.

You could be right; it did cross my mind that it may have been an intentional exageration. Even still, the comments about scrapping new cars because they have issues are old & stale. Ppl act like the R179 is the first subway car to have major issues. If they could fix the others, they can definitely fix these.

About the NTT brakes: I hope they find a solution soon if they haven't already, cause it definitely sounds like a pain for the operators. This also likely factored into why the R211 testing was extended further. I saw from a couple sources that the brakes were really bad. They will undoubtedly be fixing that, and hopefully these fixes can be installed on the other NTTs.

4 hours ago, texassubwayfan555 said:

Another system (outside the country) used to have a "rain mode" on all their trains that improved performance in rain but slightly reduced acceleration and brake rates. The mode would also occasionally disable dynamic brakes.

This sounds like a good idea. Something that NYCT should look into as a possibility.

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On 12/4/2022 at 5:13 PM, trainfan22 said:

I don't think that post about scrapping the R179 was meant to be taken literal, probably a T/O who had an bad day operating a 179 in the rain yesterday :lol: I do wonder if they finally figured out how to have the NTT have good braking performance in the rain/snow with the R211 fleet. All NTT fleets have poor braking in the rain. I wonder if the TA shop forces ever tried to "adjust" them.

 It's the delay in the PA, IC and announcement system and door closing system that annoys me. It's quite slow compared to a 160.  Easy enough with a software update I guess.. But it doesn't only slow down operation, it creates uncertainty.. "is it gonna say stand clear of the closing doors in two seconds or do I have to hit the button again?"  Can't even take matters into your own hands and make stop announcements because you're waiting for the PA to activate for 3 seconds. The windows are also such the they cut you at the neck if you're not 5-11 or taller.  The window latch is often difficult to operate and I've seen more broken window sashes on these than SMEE... And yes, the bad brakes. It's unbelievable these are the "new" train.  The 160 is snappier and more comfortable to work in, all around.  Personally prefer the 46 over anything, tho.


The "live with it, it might get fixed" idea is also old and stale. Would you suggest the same to someone in a bad marriage?

Edited by Milano
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32 minutes ago, Milano said:

 It's the delay in the PA, IC and announcement system and door closing system that annoys me. It's quite slow compared to a 160.  Easy enough with a software update I guess.. But it doesn't only slow down operation, it creates uncertainty.. "is it gonna say stand clear of the closing doors in two seconds or do I have to hit the button again?"  Can't even take matters into your own hands and make stop announcements because you're waiting for the PA to activate for 3 seconds. The windows are also such the they cut you at the neck if you're not 5-11 or taller.  The window latch is often difficult to operate and I've seen more broken window sashes on these than SMEE... And yes, the bad brakes. It's unbelievable these are the "new" train.  The 160 is snappier and more comfortable to work in, all around.  Personally prefer the 46 over anything, tho.


The "live with it, it might get fixed" idea is also old and stale. Would you suggest the same to someone in a bad marriage?

Who ordered the apples and chalkboards?

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49 minutes ago, Milano said:

 It's the delay in the PA, IC and announcement system and door closing system that annoys me. It's quite slow compared to a 160.  Easy enough with a software update I guess.. But it doesn't only slow down operation, it creates uncertainty.. "is it gonna say stand clear of the closing doors in two seconds or do I have to hit the button again?"  Can't even take matters into your own hands and make stop announcements because you're waiting for the PA to activate for 3 seconds. The windows are also such the they cut you at the neck if you're not 5-11 or taller.  The window latch is often difficult to operate and I've seen more broken window sashes on these than SMEE... And yes, the bad brakes. It's unbelievable these are the "new" train.  The 160 is snappier and more comfortable to work in, all around.  Personally prefer the 46 over anything, tho.


The "live with it, it might get fixed" idea is also old and stale. Would you suggest the same to someone in a bad marriage?

I heard about alot of these R179 issues. Many of them are fixable, but some issues it sounds like may not be (tighter cabs, small windows, etc).

In any case, I'm sorry to hear about your unpleasant experiences. And hope you don't feel personally offended by any post of mine. Sometimes we say things in the moment, and end up feeling kinda bad afterwards. My post(s) were really a general statement for the railfans/buffs who make all types of wild comments suggesting things that are very unrealistic.

For the last part: I would never dismiss the experiences of the ppl who operate the equipment. Hopefully they can make whatever necessary adjustments so that the cars are as reliable (and comfortable) as possible.

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28 minutes ago, RandomRider0101 said:

I heard about alot of these R179 issues. Many of them are fixable, but some issues it sounds like may not be (tighter cabs, small windows, etc).

In any case, I'm sorry to hear about your unpleasant experiences. And hope you don't feel personally offended by any post of mine. Sometimes we say things in the moment, and end up feeling kinda bad afterwards. My post(s) were really a general statement for the railfans/buffs who make all types of wild comments suggesting things that are very unrealistic.

For the last part: I would never dismiss the experiences of the ppl who operate the equipment. Hopefully they can make whatever necessary adjustments so that the cars are as reliable (and comfortable) as possible.

This is NY. I don't know what offended means, but thank you for your sympathies 🙏

It doesn't sound like much, 3 seconds here, 8 seconds there .. And it doesn't even add up to much after 40 stops.... But anything happens in those 3-8 extra seconds you're waiting for the announcement to finish talking, the stand clear to talk and the doors to begin moving.  1 guy jumps down the stairs, holds the doors for 16 others, someone decides to walk up and ask questions, or a baby carriage gets stuck coming off the train - when you get that moment that the doors are clear and all procedures been followed, you wanna get the doors closed and move on...  But the 179 is an uphill battle sometimes, for sure!


The window issue was addressed some time ago... Before I got hired on .. but it's still pretty unfun to say the least.  Most conductors are standing on a plank of wood to get their heads out comfortably - something the public probably never sees.


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On 11/6/2021 at 1:29 PM, R32 3838 said:


The R142A's were converted since they weren't built with CBTC in mind. They were going to do 50% of the conversions in house but decided to let Kawasaki do it instead.This is why they have a big cabinet on the left side outside the cab.


The R143,R160,R179 had been built with CBTC in mind hence why they are designed the way they are.

But it was determined that it would be easier and more cost effective to convert the R142As versus the R62As on the (7). Otherwise, the R62As would have stayed on the (7).

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1 hour ago, Milano said:

This is NY. I don't know what offended means, but thank you for your sympathies 🙏

It doesn't sound like much, 3 seconds here, 8 seconds there .. And it doesn't even add up to much after 40 stops.... But anything happens in those 3-8 extra seconds you're waiting for the announcement to finish talking, the stand clear to talk and the doors to begin moving.  1 guy jumps down the stairs, holds the doors for 16 others, someone decides to walk up and ask questions, or a baby carriage gets stuck coming off the train - when you get that moment that the doors are clear and all procedures been followed, you wanna get the doors closed and move on...  But the 179 is an uphill battle sometimes, for sure!


The window issue was addressed some time ago... Before I got hired on .. but it's still pretty unfun to say the least.  Most conductors are standing on a plank of wood to get their heads out comfortably - something the public probably never sees.


I hear you; those announcement gaps are a tad bit annoying just from a passengers' perspective. I can only imagine what it feels like for the operators who just wanna get the train moving and are running on a schedule. Many ops cut the anncmnts early so they can close the doors; some even just make manual announcements.

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2 hours ago, T to Dyre Avenue said:

But it was determined that it would be easier and more cost effective to convert the R142As versus the R62As on the (7). Otherwise, the R62As would have stayed on the (7).

I never said the R62A's were getting converted. I was saying the R142/142A fleet were not built with CBTC in mind like the R143s and up were. That's all i was saying.

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11 hours ago, RandomRider0101 said:

I hear you; those announcement gaps are a tad bit annoying just from a passengers' perspective. I can only imagine what it feels like for the operators who just wanna get the train moving and are running on a schedule. Many ops cut the anncmnts early so they can close the doors; some even just make manual announcements.

If you're the type of employee that follows rules, you're not cutting announcements or making manual announcements on New Tech.  Guys with 28 years can do whatever they like, not me. 🤷‍♂️. I'm running a 143 today and even that's faster than the 179. The menu is laggy as heck and probably needs more RAM in the system or something... But it's still snappier in getting out the announcements. 😁

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2 hours ago, Milano said:

If you're the type of employee that follows rules, you're not cutting announcements or making manual announcements on New Tech.  Guys with 28 years can do whatever they like, not me. 🤷‍♂️. I'm running a 143 today and even that's faster than the 179. The menu is laggy as heck and probably needs more RAM in the system or something... But it's still snappier in getting out the announcements. 😁

Oh okay; Well in that case, I'll assume it was the seasoned employees who've done it.

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