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12 hours ago, R32 3838 said:

You're not getting the point, by the time that's done. The R211's won't be in passenger service yet. MTA would prep up service probably in mid 2020 or earlier. The (C) is likely to go full length sooner while the (G) would go full length or 8 cars by 2020.

It's gonna take a year and a half to two years to test the R211's before the 30 day test. This train gonna be an advanced technology train with new features and etc. So it's gonna take awhile.


Yes, the C will go full length before the G, but the G will become full length with 8 car trains. ENY can't accommodate and doesn't need ALL 8 car trains.

As for when and how, the MTA needs to confirm that information. It was supposed to happen by now, but now it's delayed due to the cancellation of Canarsie shutdown.

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42 minutes ago, happy283 said:

is there a schedule for 10 car set so people don't keep asking where it is

The other five car sets are so close to being delivered one might as well wait until the (A) has 4 -5 sets of 179s in service to ride one.  Just enjoy the 32s on the (A) while they are still there as they could get pushed out. 

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59 minutes ago, trainfan22 said:

The other five car sets are so close to being delivered one might as well wait until the (A) has 4 -5 sets of 179s in service to ride one.  Just enjoy the 32s on the (A) while they are still there as they could get pushed out. 

I don't think the R32's are being pushed out, it's probably the R46's. Coney island is supposed to get em from Jamaica (for cbtc swap) plus they're gonna add more (G) service at the end of the month. So it's likely the (A) would loose about 6-13 sets of R46's. Since CI is planned to get R46's you're better off sending more from the (A). 

Edited by R32 3838
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On 4/2/2019 at 11:56 PM, subwaycommuter1983 said:

The G won't get any NTT's until the r211's, and a the 4 car r160 is shorter than the 4 car r68.

The situation on the A and C is becoming tricky due to the C having 8 car r179's, which is an indication that the plans for full length C trains may be delayed until the r211's.

Based on what is happening, this may be the scenario once all r179's are in service until the r211's.

A: 10 car r179's, r46's, possibly r32's

8 car r179's, possibly r46's or possibly 8 car r32's

G: r68's, possibly r46's from the A for additional service

J/Z: r160's, r179's

At this point the C has a bigger chance of keeping the r32's than the A since the C will have about 11 8 car r179's. Therefore, the C will only need about 7 trains to complete the fleet. If those 7 trains are r46's, then the C would only be about 39% full length. However, if those 7 trains are r32's, then the C will most likely stay as 8 car trains.

Also, the G won't become full length, but it is possible that the 10 car r179's may displace some r46's for additional service to the G. In other words, the G might just get extra trains instead of full length trains. 

However, once the r211's come, the C and G will become full length.

As for the r42's and some r32's, they won't be scrapped this year or next year, but they won't be in passenger service, perhaps be used as an emergency fleet, or as garbage trains. Keep in mind that many B division garbage trains are still using redbirds in combination with retired B division cars.



What’s tricky is that there are 8-car trains of R32s and R179s plus 8-car trains of R46s currently running on the (C). So there are trains of varying lengths running there and no way for riders to know ahead of time if the next train is going to be a 480-foot train of R179s or R32s or a 600-foot train of R46s. Am I correct in assuming it’s going to be that way on the (C) until the R211s come in?

On 4/3/2019 at 2:44 PM, subwaycommuter1983 said:

If the G becomes full length, it's going to be with 8 car r179's or 8 car trains r160's due to the surplus of 8 car trains. ENY has too many trains already. The C and G trains are the only trains outside ENY to accommodate 8 car trains, but since the MTA confirmed that the plans for making the G full length have been (temporarily) halted, then there is no other choice than to have the remaining 8 car r179's on the C until the r211's.

As for the 10 car r160's popping on the A and C. It's not going to happen this year or next year. But, it can't be completely ruled out a few years from now, as a result of 8th Avenue CTBC, which will be completed at the same time as QBL CTBC. 8th Avenue CTBC will accommodate r160's, r179's and r211's.

Personally, I think the (G) is the best place for the non-ENY assigned R179 8-car trains to go long-term. The (G) doesn’t have ridership that warrants 600-foot trains, but its ridership certainly warrants more than 300-foot trains. But I suppose that’s not happening until we see a substantial number of R211s in service.

Edited by T to Dyre Avenue
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2 hours ago, T to Dyre Avenue said:

What’s tricky is that there are 8-car trains of R32s and R179s plus 8-car trains of R46s currently running on the (C). So there are trains of varying lengths running there and no way for riders to know ahead of time if the next train is going to be a 480-foot train of R179s or R32s or a 600-foot train of R46s. Am I correct in assuming it’s going to be that way on the (C) until the R211s come in?

Personally, I think the (G) is the best place for the non-ENY assigned R179 8-car trains to go long-term. The (G) doesn’t have ridership that warrants 600-foot trains, but its ridership certainly warrants more than 300-foot trains. But I suppose that’s not happening until we see a substantial number of R211s in service.

The C will most likely keep the r179's until the r211's are in service. The tricky part is whether the C keeps the r32's or the r46's. I doubt that the C will keep both and if the C keeps the r32's is going to be as 8 car trains. The next few weeks will be crucial for the C.

As for the G, I strongly agree with you. The G could get the r179's from the C or the r160's from ENY or a mixed fleet of 8 car NTT'S just like the J, but the G won't go beyond 480 ft and it won't go full length until the C becomes 100% full length.

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3 hours ago, R32 3838 said:

I don't think the R32's are being pushed out, it's probably the R46's. Coney island is supposed to get em from Jamaica (for cbtc swap) plus they're gonna add more (G) service at the end of the month. So it's likely the (A) would loose about 6-13 sets of R46's. Since CI is planned to get R46's you're better off sending more from the (A). 

I thought adding more service on the (G) was cancelled because of the 14th St modification?

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24 minutes ago, Maxwell179 said:

Correct me if I’m wrong , but I think they decided to add more service to make up for not lengthening the G .

Most likely some r46's displaced by the 10 car r179's could be used to add service to the G as 4 car trains.

I may be wrong, but I have a feeling that the A will keep a good chunk of the r46's plus the 10 car r179's, while the C will keep the 8 car r32's plus the 8 car r179's. The G won't need a lot of r46's, since it will (temporarily) stay as 300 ft, and the r68's will most likely stay in the G.

Edited by subwaycommuter1983
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25 minutes ago, Maxwell179 said:

Correct me if I’m wrong , but I think they decided to add more service to make up for not lengthening the G 

As for part of the revised (L) tunnel closure, yes. Trains will run every 8 minutes instead of every 10.

6 minutes ago, subwaycommuter1983 said:

Most likely some r46's displaced by the 10 car r179's could be used to add service to the G as 4 car trains.

I may be wrong, but I have a feeling that the A will keep a good chunk of the r46's plus the 10 car r179's, while the C will keep the 8 car r32's plus the 8 car r179's. The G won't need a lot of r46's, since it will stay as 300 ft, and the r68's will most likely stay in the G.

The (G) isn’t getting R46s. If anything, they’ll throw an extra R68 set or two. 

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36 minutes ago, S78 via Hylan said:

As for part of the revised (L) tunnel closure, yes. Trains will run every 8 minutes instead of every 10.

The (G) isn’t getting R46s. If anything, they’ll throw an extra R68 set or two. 

The (G) can get R46's, CIY is slated to get R46's from Jamaica, but if that plan changes then the 50 R42's or R32's  would go to the (B) to bump those extra R68's to the (G).


Ether way Coney island needs extra cars. Concourse lost a few sets, Jamaica lost a good portion of R160's and gained 3 sets of R46's in return. So in all Coney island is getting more cars, it's just what's the extra cars would be.

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Here's my take on operating the 179 on the A line.

The good:

1) The train is a rocket ship, after living on 46's and 32's I had to watch my speed because certain areas where the older trains are doing 40, on the 179 it's going 8-10+ miles faster, great!

2) It's new, so the cabs smell fresh & clean. 

3) it's shiny. After being on the A for so long, I'm not used to seeing something new...EVER

4) Smiles...When I enter some busy stations, customers are smiling or surprised the A has some new stuff. The cameras come out, they stare, they mouth "is this an A?"

5) Privacy...The cab windows are tinted, less eyeballs on the t/o's sitting down. 

The bad:

1) The cab is smaller than the 160's On the 160's there was a cut out behind the seat so the seat can go further back. There is no cut out behind the cab seat on a 179. If the t/o is tall or big, it's a problem. Knees hit the console, of you're a big dude the t/o is so close to the console. 

2) The cab window sucks. Those cab windows should slide sideways like a 46 or straight down like a 68. Conductors have been complaining about the latch hitting their chins and making it harder for shorter people to see. 

3) The placement of the speedometer is near the ceiling or where the air gauge is on a 160. That is the stupidest thing I have ever seen. speedometer and gauges should be eye level like any other normal transportation vehicle. 

4) The master controller...THe MC is terrible, the handle is small and you have to put some muscle into holding it while operating which can start to hurt the hand, especially when the t/o is going express. Can't switch from left hand to right hand...terrible

5) The placement of the master controller. The MC is on the right hand side and it's very uncomfortable to operate while doing a long run. Local trip, fine you can rest your hand between stops, but from Howard beach to Broad channel, forget it. 

6) The 179's on the C and probably J line...The operating crews cannot hear the automated announcements in their cabs. They fixed this issue with the A-179 supposedly they are correcting this with the C-179's and whatever 179's that are out there. 

I have more but it's more technical. 

Edited by Dan05979
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37 minutes ago, Dan05979 said:

Here's my take on operating the 179 on the A line.

The good:

1) The train is a rocket ship, after living on 46's and 32's I had to watch my speed because certain areas where the older trains are doing 40, on the 179 it's going 8-10+ miles faster, great!

2) It's new, so the cabs smell fresh & clean. 

3) it's shiny. After being on the A for so long, I'm not used to seeing something new...EVER

4) Smiles...When I enter some busy stations, customers are smiling or surprised the A has some new stuff. The cameras come out, they stare, they mouth "is this an A?"

5) Privacy...The cab windows are tinted, less eyeballs on the t/o's sitting down. 

The bad:

1) The cab is smaller than the 160's On the 160's there was a cut out behind the seat so the seat can go further back. There is no cut out behind the cab seat on a 179. If the t/o is tall or big, it's a problem. Knees hit the console, of you're a big dude the t/o is so close to the console. 

2) The cab window sucks. Those cab windows should slide sideways like a 46 or straight down like a 68. Conductors have been complaining about the latch hitting their chins and making it harder for shorter people to see. 

3) The placement of the speedometer is near the ceiling or where the air gauge is on a 160. That is the stupidest thing I have ever seen. speedometer and gauges should be eye level like any other normal transportation vehicle. 

4) The master controller...THe MC is terrible, the handle is small and you have to put some muscle into holding it while operating which can start to hurt the hand, especially when the t/o is going express. Can't switch from left hand to right hand...terrible

5) The placement of the master controller. The MC is on the right hand side and it's very uncomfortable to operate while doing a long run. Local trip, fine you can rest your hand between stops, but from Howard beach to Broad channel, forget it. 

6) The 179's on the C and probably J line...The operating crews cannot hear the automated announcements in their cabs. They fixed this issue with the A-179 supposedly they are correcting this with the C-179's and whatever 179's that are out there. 

I have more but it's more technical. 

Great to know the your experience as a R179 operator. 

I took the R179 A first time yesterday and I noticed it was less smooth than the R46 tand it kept shaking. And the sound insulation is about the same as R46. Correct me if I am wrong, I think R179 on J perform much better than the one and only one on A.

btw, MTA really needs to clean the exterior of the R179 A because there are lots of bird droppings on it.

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18 minutes ago, whz1995 said:

Great to know the your experience as a R179 operator. 

I took the R179 A first time yesterday and I noticed it was less smooth than the R46 tand it kept shaking. And the sound insulation is about the same as R46. Correct me if I am wrong, I think R179 on J perform much better than the one and only one on A.

btw, MTA really needs to clean the exterior of the R179 A because there are lots of bird droppings on it.

I only work the A line, don't know about the J, the ride felt fine, like a cloud. 


11 minutes ago, RR503 said:

This was a really interesting post; thanks for sharing. Would you mind elaborating on the technical side? 

Sorry, that's all I can say on here. 

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2 hours ago, Dan05979 said:


4) Smiles...When I enter some busy stations, customers are smiling or surprised the A has some new stuff. The cameras come out, they stare, they mouth "is this an A?"


The bad:

1) The cab is smaller than the 160's On the 160's there was a cut out behind the seat so the seat can go further back. There is no cut out behind the cab seat on a 179. If the t/o is tall or big, it's a problem. Knees hit the console, of you're a big dude the t/o is so close to the console. 

2) The cab window sucks. Those cab windows should slide sideways like a 46 or straight down like a 68. Conductors have been complaining about the latch hitting their chins and making it harder for shorter people to see. 


Your # 4 just made me get angry lol. I seriously hate when I'm on a tech train and customers come up to me and ask what train this is. 

#1 & 2 I pretty much accepted the fact that these trains are built with shorter people in mind. Sucks, but nothing we can do. Are the windows Atleast tall people friendly? Idk if you ever worked in the A division, but as a comparison the Bombardier R142's are HORRIBLE for anyone slightly taller than average. Literal pain in the neck trains. 


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4 hours ago, Dan05979 said:

Here's my take on operating the 179 on the A line.

The good:

1) The train is a rocket ship, after living on 46's and 32's I had to watch my speed because certain areas where the older trains are doing 40, on the 179 it's going 8-10+ miles faster, great!

2) It's new, so the cabs smell fresh & clean. 

3) it's shiny. After being on the A for so long, I'm not used to seeing something new...EVER

4) Smiles...When I enter some busy stations, customers are smiling or surprised the A has some new stuff. The cameras come out, they stare, they mouth "is this an A?"

5) Privacy...The cab windows are tinted, less eyeballs on the t/o's sitting down. 

The bad:

1) The cab is smaller than the 160's On the 160's there was a cut out behind the seat so the seat can go further back. There is no cut out behind the cab seat on a 179. If the t/o is tall or big, it's a problem. Knees hit the console, of you're a big dude the t/o is so close to the console. 

2) The cab window sucks. Those cab windows should slide sideways like a 46 or straight down like a 68. Conductors have been complaining about the latch hitting their chins and making it harder for shorter people to see. 

3) The placement of the speedometer is near the ceiling or where the air gauge is on a 160. That is the stupidest thing I have ever seen. speedometer and gauges should be eye level like any other normal transportation vehicle. 

4) The master controller...THe MC is terrible, the handle is small and you have to put some muscle into holding it while operating which can start to hurt the hand, especially when the t/o is going express. Can't switch from left hand to right hand...terrible

5) The placement of the master controller. The MC is on the right hand side and it's very uncomfortable to operate while doing a long run. Local trip, fine you can rest your hand between stops, but from Howard beach to Broad channel, forget it. 

6) The 179's on the C and probably J line...The operating crews cannot hear the automated announcements in their cabs. They fixed this issue with the A-179 supposedly they are correcting this with the C-179's and whatever 179's that are out there. 

I have more but it's more technical. 

Glad you shared, Dan. It’s good to have a first-hand perspective for what it’s like to operate the trains. I’ll agree, as a rider I’ll be pleasantly surprised to see new equipment on the (A), just as I was in 2006 when the R160 was tested there and in 1993 when the R110B ran there. 

And whose crazy idea was it to put the speedometer near the ceiling in the cab, 😆?

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2 hours ago, Jchambers2120 said:

Your # 4 just made me get angry lol. I seriously hate when I'm on a tech train and customers come up to me and ask what train this is. 

#1 & 2 I pretty much accepted the fact that these trains are built with shorter people in mind. Sucks, but nothing we can do. Are the windows Atleast tall people friendly? Idk if you ever worked in the A division, but as a comparison the Bombardier R142's are HORRIBLE for anyone slightly taller than average. Literal pain in the neck trains. 


Don’t bad mouth my equipment sir lol. 😛

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2 hours ago, VIP said:

That kind of information is prohibited. As per safety awareness. Sorry man. 

Depends on what sort of information. It’s kosher to share broad strokes on braking systems, acceleration control or things generally extrapolable from publicly accessible information. Fine details of train operation and especially access and start procedures are the things that have got people in trouble historically, if I’m not mistaken. Point being, it’s usually okay to ask, just not to push. 

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On 4/4/2019 at 11:05 PM, R32 3838 said:

The (G) can get R46's, CIY is slated to get R46's from Jamaica, but if that plan changes then the 50 R42's or R32's  would go to the (B) to bump those extra R68's to the (G).


Ether way Coney island needs extra cars. Concourse lost a few sets, Jamaica lost a good portion of R160's and gained 3 sets of R46's in return. So in all Coney island is getting more cars, it's just what's the extra cars would be.

Hey, I’d like to know who or where you’re getting this misinformation.... 

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