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Trainz Sim NYCTA Pics


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If you're using 09 or 10, why not build a shell route using Magicland's tunnels and such, and then when the newer content is released, simply use the "replace assets" tool in Surveyor? That's what I did to replace all of the junction levers (to his Alstom cement models), and I also used it to replace his signals with my new ones. Might want to look into it--it saves a ton of time--but there are certain things you'll have to manually rebuild. (Btw, it works well when replacing the old FRM el tracks with BStyles' new ones. :tup::tup:


-A :cool:

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If you're using 09 or 10, why not build a shell route using Magicland's tunnels and such, and then when the newer content is released, simply use the "replace assets" tool in Surveyor? That's what I did to replace all of the junction levers (to his Alstom cement models), and I also used it to replace his signals with my new ones. Might want to look into it--it saves a ton of time--but there are certain things you'll have to manually rebuild. (Btw, it works well when replacing the old FRM el tracks with BStyles' new ones. :tup::tup:


-A :cool:


I would do that BUT there might be some cases where thats not doable

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Thought I would tease a few eye-candy pictures of my NYCTA content, recently finished. Subway stations WILL be released in the future--the tunnels are based off designs from ExpressLine3Train and BStyles, respectively. The ones I made in-game will not be publicly released for two reasons: one, the designs aren't mine, and despite my friendships with the other two developers, I'm not going to disrespect them. Secondly, EL3T has made a LOT of tunnels, which are in BStyles' hands currently for fine tuning, so you'll get a hell of a lot more choices/configurations when his pack comes out. Mine were just thrown together because I wanted to get back into route building and was too impatient :(









Enjoy the pics!


-A :cool:


P.S: Station objects such as maps, benches, garbage cans and exits/stairs will be released along with the subway stations. As you can tell, I haven't loaded them in game yet, which is why the platforms look bare. They were not included in the splines because of requests that it'd take away from the unique feel of each station by having them always evenly spaced apart. I didn't agree at first, but now I do!

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Ok I just wanted to know and when u make your stations how long do u make them so that there splines.

It doesn't matter as long as you have end pieces u just attatch the spline to the other end piece.It seems as if you haven't used Magiclands underground station kit.

He has end pieces(non-splines) set them distance apart and attatch the spline and connect to the other.U can adjust the length,curve whatever.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Huge milestone everyone--the NYCTA Subway Station pack has officially been completed! After several long months and testing everything out, they are done!!!! I had to go back and change some things, as well as re-texture with some new beams that BStyles gave me before his hiatus. Pictures are below, but one HUGE change---all of the stations except the 6 track models will be splines--with the end pieces already included. This means, all you have to do is drag to the appropriate length and that's it! The station is fully made, using the "bridge" tag and having the end pieces be the "initiator" and "terminator". The reason this doesn't work in the 6T models is that you cannot do splines with more than 5 tracks in TS2010 (only in TS12 so far). So, for DeKalb, 135th, Hoyt, and/or whatever your 6T subway heart desires, it's still object end pieces and splines. So without further delay....


1 Track Models (Bypass, Normal, One Wall)





2 Track Models (Island, Side, Island One Wall, False Wall [63-Lex])







3 Track Models (Island, Side, Essex-Delancey)




More in next post!

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6 Track Models (Island, Side, and Island Bypass)









Enjoy! No definite release date yet--I have to see how trainz handles the frames, they all should be relatively low poly.


-A :cool:


Next up are the Williamsburg & Manhattan Bridges! :P


P.S. Just realized the 3T local station picture is not uploaded. I'll get on that later!

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WOW!!! Those look absolutely amazing; Excellent work there Green Eggs n' Pelham! :P


Especially with the Lexington Avenue station on the (F) train. I've only been there once but from what I remember you got it spot on!


Can't wait until they're released.

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They're awesome, I definitely can't wait to use those stations, been working on a route in which those can come in handy. :P I have a question, if it's been answered, forgive me. If you have a curved station, can these be used to depict it? Like in Magicland's stations, the splines would chop into pieces when they curved. Will it do the same?

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They're awesome, I definitely can't wait to use those stations, been working on a route in which those can come in handy. :) I have a question, if it's been answered, forgive me. If you have a curved station, can these be used to depict it? Like in Magicland's stations, the splines would chop into pieces when they curved. Will it do the same?


You can have curved stations, because these are programmed to work the same as bridge splines. With the 6 track versions, if you made a curved station, the only extra thing you'd need to do is rotate the end pieces to suit your needs.


The "bendy" tag in a config file determines if it'll chop (0) or not [1] when you have a curve. I set them all to 1, and have done some test layouts with sharp curves, not-so-sharp, etc. and everything has worked out perfectly. Off the top of my head I cannot remember any curved platforms [my track book is not near me], but I will draw one up and post a picture for ya! :tup:


-A :cool:


P.S. I know NYCTA doesn't have purple or black beams, but they were in the folders BStyles sent, so I said why not--it adds more color to the set!

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For ppl that do scenery for their routes like subways and stuff when making like streets and buildings stop lights and stuff would u guys like to have station entrances for the subway. And yes I know u won't see them because your driving the train but still it adds to the realism of things if u get what I'm saying. So long story short if u want them I can do it if not then oh well I guess.

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For ppl that do scenery for their routes like subways and stuff when making like streets and buildings stop lights and stuff would u guys like to have station entrances for the subway. And yes I know u won't see them because your driving the train but still it adds to the realism of things if u get what I'm saying. So long story short if u want them I can do it if not then oh well I guess.


Your not the only one i also make my routes down to the last detail from street signs to the accurate buildings that are on the real life route. And yes it would be nice to have subway entrances because like you said it adds realism. i don't know about everyone else but i would like subway Station Entrances/Exits especially for the elevated stations.

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@Green Eggs n' Pelham I have an idea that u my like so please can u hear me out either here or PM please can u hear me out I think u will like it.


@Andres Thank you I also like realism because in all routes I get or download I always take a look around the route to see what's what so if u want it I can do it.

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