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Trainz Sim NYCTA Pics


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Holy sh*t that is the most beautiful thing I've seen! hahaha :eek::cool:


Amazing BStyles!


Btw, to answer a question:


I will not be including PATH in my layout. If BStyles would like to collaborate, we could use each other's 6 Av portions jointly.


It's really up to him. But, it will be strictly a subway layout.

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Ok that's all i wanted and BStyles how are those stations did you fix the problem?


And BStyles again. how do you texture these stations cuz i have a huge Amtrak station and every ti i try to texture something the hole thing gets textured that color so can ya help me out?

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Actually I just finished your station and it should be emailed in a little while. Clone it and delete the original so that I can move on with my KUID numbers without having to overwrite anything.


Another segment:


I'm definitely going all out with spline creation now.

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Here's a few from my layout of the subway that I'm creating. All of these are around West 4th street and the switches between the (A)(C)(E) and (:o(D)(F)(M).



Facing Uptown



From the uptown (C)(E) tracks. Left to 6th, middle to 8th, right to 6th avenue



Facing downtown from the (F)(M) tracks



Facing uptown right before the station. 8th on top, 6th on bottom



North of the station. 8th avenue tracks turn left, 6th continues straight



South of the station. 6th avenue tracks turn left, 8th continues straight

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Yeah it's 2010. I originally made an almost complete layout of Manhattan with Magicland's station construction kit, but at that time I didn't know how to properly place objects (such as holding down shift + control to line it up perfectly), so there were many places where the stations looked strange. Plus I didn't realize how to properly make them passenger enabled or add names to them, so they all look the same and are blank stations.


With this new layout I'm making I'm making sure that all stations will be passenger enabled. (It's actually quite easy to place AJS Invisible stations on a Jeffmorris subway platform if you have a 5m alignment object.


I've also run into an issue. The UTun tracks have a floor that spans 2 1/2 tracks wide, which allowed a max of a 5 track tunnel without a gap in the floor. I'm trying to do a 6 track tunnel but can't find any object in the MUS pack that acts as the floor. I see that you some how managed to do it here. What object/spline did you use?

Edited by Gorgor
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One of you mind sending me that full U-bahn set tracks and tunnels please thanks.


How do you send a trainz file over?


Well Green Eggs n' Pelham listed all the items on page 3 and you can just get them off the DLS:

Search under the username "mcq" and download the following (it's hard to sift through all of his stuff because it's in German):




UGleis, UGleisStrom, UGleisHell, UGleissStromHell, UGleis 2, UGleisStromHell 2t Bridge, UTun GS 1, UTun G1, UTun G 1double, UTun G 1E, UTun G 1EoL, UTun G 1OL, UTun 1OP, UTun G 2, UTun G 2P, UTun G 2P Not, UTun G 2 Wehr, UTun 4P


Pillars, etc:

MUS Wand

MUS Pfeiler

MUS Pfeiler (Breit m Warnung)

MUS Pfeiler (Warnung)

MUS Seitenwand 1 (norm.m.kabel)

MUS Steg 1-seitig

MUS Steg 2-seitig

MUS Tunneldecke 5m breit (roof section to cover open spots)


The "UGleissHell" & "UGleissStromHell" tracks come with the third rail. The "strom" tracks are darker.


Made it to Grand Street today. Had a lot of measuring to do. Hope you find everything! :cool:

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How do you send a trainz file over?


Well Green Eggs n' Pelham listed all the items on page 3 and you can just get them off the DLS:


Save to a CDP and email them or upload to fileshare.I don't want2 download it b\c I have2 do it manually and I don't have FCT.If someone uploads or email it all I have to do is import & commit.

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Save to a CDP and email them or upload to fileshare.I don't want2 download it b\c I have2 do it manually and I don't have FCT.If someone uploads or email it all I have to do is import & commit.


You don't need a FCT to download. It might say server's full, but just keep clicking the start button and it will start downloading usually within the first 10 clicks.

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