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MTA Bus Operations: Deliveries, Moves & Transfers

T J Trainman
Message added by Cait Sith

This TOPIC is strictly for bus deliveries, moves & transfers.

Any discussion related to these moves should be done in the MTA Bus Operations: Fleets and Depots and Bus - Random Thoughts threads.

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I don't think 5062 ever left. There was the big swap in 2008 or 2009 of the 5100s to FB and the 5000s to Quill. That stayed for a while, then the 5000s went to 126 for a while, and then last winter the 5000s went back to Quill. 5202-5204 came from FB to Quill around then too. It was only last fall that 5055-5061 made their way back to FB, have to see if they stay there.

5062 was at Flatbush a few months ago. How do I know this? I operated it.


There's everyone confirmation.

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9184 was towed from ulmer park to east chester at 6:09 pm , 9177 going to scrap next , 9234 still out back awaiting scrap as well & some mcis . 6 mcis were brought up to staten island today dont know the #'s but they were brought up to staten island . Prevost order is complete , Xcelsior order almost complete just missing 4 buses .

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That does seem odd. I mean those O5s are going to be retired when the C40lfs become more common. This has to be the first 9800 O5 bus there as it's always been either the 700s or 7000s-ex-TBC ones.


It was very weird spotting that bus. I was driving northbound on Flatbush, couldn't get a cell phone pic at the time I was being trailed by an ummarked vehicile. Weird bus move, as it gets really confusing.


As for the 50xx buses at FB.. 5060 is still there unless that also went back to MJQ with the other 2 buses.

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Spotted 2482 @ MJQ probably on layover coming down from the roof (he almost put me into the wall on the ramp). No clue what depot it is from since it doesn't have depot stickers on it and it had "NYCT BUS" in the destination sign.



Lol , that bus is from ulmer pk the 2480's and some 70's dont have stickers yet .

9234 is now at east chester for the scrapper , it was towed out of ulmer park today at 6:15 around the same time as 9184 was towed on wednesday evening .

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9911 just seen on the b103 at church avenue , this was a recent move I just forgot to post it up . They got 9864 also


Looks like JG is in the process in receiving their 2nd batch of buses. The NF delivery is going pretty fast! WF is almost finished receiving theirs.

Give or take another 2 weeks for JG's next shipment.

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Looks like JG is in the process in receiving their 2nd batch of buses. The NF delivery is going pretty fast! WF is almost finished receiving theirs.

Give or take another 2 weeks for JG's next shipment.


Yea hopefully , there's another c40 , an 800 out back they might scrap it it's in the 0/s spot , it doesn't have a farebox in it .

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Looks like JG is in the process in receiving their 2nd batch of buses. The NF delivery is going pretty fast! WF is almost finished receiving theirs.

Give or take another 2 weeks for JG's next shipment.


JG is next? :(


IMO, they should swap SC batch to come after WF, makes no sense for JG to have 200+ new buses before SC even gets one.

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