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MTA Bus Operations: Deliveries, Moves & Transfers

T J Trainman
Message added by Cait Sith

This TOPIC is strictly for bus deliveries, moves & transfers.

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Maybe #5024-5025 are #5075-5077 replacements and #5078-5099 are not being sent to MJQA. I don't think because one buses goes the whole set is being swapped out I'm just saying.




5024 & 5025 are not replacements , they are ours now for the buses weve lost . If we wouldnt of lost 5075-5077 & etc then we wouldnt be getting different rts . So far 5078-5099 are not going to quill but for now they are with us until further notice .

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5024 & 5025 are not replacements , they are ours now for the buses weve lost . If we wouldnt of lost 5075-5077 & etc then we wouldnt be getting different rts . So far 5078-5099 are not going to quill but for now they are with us until further notice .

Is that not what a replacement is ?. Since UP lost 3 buses #5075-5077 to MJQ they got 2 back #5024-5025 from MJQ as replacements.

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Is that not what a replacement is ?. Since UP lost 3 buses #5075-5077 to MJQ they got 2 back #5024-5025 from MJQ as replacements.


Actually your right , ulmer park lost 5075-5077 & some other buses so ulmer park requested 5024-5025 from 126th & we got them , and we are getting 3 more rts i dont know from where & the #s but ill find out soon . So 5024-5025 are from 126th .


I think Kanarsie is right, those are replacements. I was trying to remember if I knew 5024, just remembered I took some shots of it at 126 before the Winter Pick. It's one of the few RTSes left with the old-style bulb taillights. Shame we lost it, that leaves only 5225 with the old lights in Manhattan.



Yea 5024-5025 are good i rode them . 5024 has a white back & 5025 has a black back . 5024 broke down the other day but its being fixed now . I was in the garage this morning & i saw it .

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Actually your right , ulmer park lost 5075-5077 & some other buses so ulmer park requested 5024-5025 from 126th & we got them , and we are getting 3 more rts i dont know from where & the #s but ill find out soon . So 5024-5025 are from 126th .





Yea 5024-5025 are good i rode them . 5024 has a white back & 5025 has a black back . 5024 broke down the other day but its being fixed now . I was in the garage this morning & i saw it .


What a complete load of crap.


#1. 5024 AND 5025 were from Quill. 5025 SEEN HERE.




And I did see 5024 on the M9, M20 and M104 recently before it got sent to Ulmer Park, it was from Quill.


#2. All buses break down, your 5075-5077 batch wasnt gold when they came here, Ulmer Park beat the shit outta those buses. 5075 broke down twice, once on the M104 and the 2nd time on the M20, 5076 broke down on the M98 & M72 with a crushload & 5077 broke down 3 times from what I witnessed on the M22, M9 and M42. Depots DO NOT make requests, they send down whatever is necessary to fill in the gap...


And you can't say Quill beat the shit outta those 5020s, those buses originally came from Flatbush....


Whoever is giving you information, or if you are making this shit up, one way or another, its not solid and is full of crap...



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What a complete load of crap.


#1. 5024 AND 5025 were from Quill. 5025 SEEN HERE.




And I did see 5024 on the M9, M20 and M104 recently before it got sent to Ulmer Park, it was from Quill.


#2. All buses break down, your 5075-5077 batch wasnt gold when they came here, Ulmer Park beat the shit outta those buses. 5075 broke down twice, once on the M104 and the 2nd time on the M20, 5076 broke down on the M98 & M72 with a crushload & 5077 broke down 3 times from what I witnessed on the M22, M9 and M42. Depots DO NOT make requests, they send down whatever is necessary to fill in the gap...


And you can't say Quill beat the shit outta those 5020s, those buses originally came from Flatbush....


Whoever is giving you information, or if you are making this shit up, one way or another, its not solid and is full of crap...





Who cares what depot beat the buses up , & #2 i looked at the roster from october & it said 5024-5025 was at 126th so excuse me if im wrong . #3 im not making anything up , thats what a driver from ulmer pk told me . #4 this is over & nomore arguing im not trying to get banned or suspended from here . If there is a problem then you may inbox me on here goodbye .

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Who cares what depot beat the buses up , & #2 i looked at the roster from october & it said 5024-5025 was at 126th so excuse me if im wrong . #3 im not making anything up , thats what a driver from ulmer pk told me . #4 this is over & nomore arguing im not trying to get banned or suspended from here . If there is a problem then you may inbox me on here goodbye .


#1. This is not an argument, its a regular discussion.


#2. Drivers are always the LAST to find out about things.


#3. You said on another page that 5024-5025 is garbage, thats where that reply about depots beating the shit outta buses came in.


#4. Calm the hell down.

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3572,74 and 75 is at JFK 3572 has the new MTA Paint Sceme so far I seen 3572,74 and 75 and also My freind that works at BP had an RTS from LGA and it was on the Q113 last wendsday BP sometimes uses the LGA Buses that they repair for service.


I saw 3572 with that scheme on Thursday, I really dislike that new scheme. Thankfully its only MTA Bus thats doing it.


-EDIT- UGH, Multi-quote fail.

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I Hate that Damn scheme it but what the hell is SC getting in return


From what I was told, I heard that 7217 went back to Spring Creek. I wonder if they are getting back any CNGs.


alright so this transfer is not about Ulmer Park,



tday i saw 1865 and 1896 with 1877 on the X10


Is there any reasons why the 18xx MCIs are revived and sent to Castleton Depot?


With Meredith Depot keeping a mass majority of D4500s from Castleton along with some buses at Charleston, the DL3s came in to replace the loses.

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I think Kanarsie is right, those are replacements. I was trying to remember if I knew 5024, just remembered I took some shots of it at 126 before the Winter Pick. It's one of the few RTSes left with the old-style bulb taillights. Shame we lost it, that leaves only 5225 with the old lights in Manhattan.


IIRC 5024 had its rear hatch replaced at ENY. Hence the old bulbs. I used to catch it on a lot of ENY's routes. That bus has been all over the place.

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Makes sense, thanks. Any idea what bus the hatch came from?


Reminds me, I was looking back at an old thread about those LED lights, and I think you'd mentioned that every RTS since 1996 arrived with those lights. I don't think that's correct though -- I was poking around some old photos and I'm relatively sure that it's only the ~1999 models and on that came with the LEDs. That said, my guess is that a bunch of the buses with the old bulbs today have the hatches from the TMCs, which were never fully replaced.


I know for a fact that many of our '96's came standard with LEDs. I'm not sure if all of them did, similar to how some of our new Nova's will have LED headlamps and some will not. I would have to look it up to be sure. I don't think they were on 8753-8769 But I am pretty sure they were on 8770+ I know for a fact they were on every coach from '96 unit #9000 up. I'm sure many were replaced over the years for various reasons. We had stock piles of RTS parts from the thousands of GMC and TMC models we had. So replacing them with buld assemblies was much more cost effective than ordering new ones from Nova.

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Wirelessly posted via (BlackBerry8520/ Profile/MIDP-2.1 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/100)


I saw 3572 with that scheme on Thursday, I really dislike that new scheme. Thankfully its only MTA Bus thats doing it.


That's not completely true. There's an OG at Quill (I forgot the exact number) that has a straight stripe. But the difference is that it still has the stripe on the front and the sides in the rear are white instead of black

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That's not completely true. There's an OG at Quill (I forgot the exact number) that has a straight stripe. But the difference is that it still has the stripe on the front and the sides in the rear are white instead of black


6742, but it has no decals so its completely different from the MTA Bus scheme. It was painted like that before the decal scheme made its debut. It had that look when it was at Amsterdam Depot and then 6687 got something similar several months after. Its a completely different look compared to the 3500s and 6687. 6687 is similar but looks MUCH MORE better in my opinion


Compare & Contrast









So yeah, it's mostly MTA Bus for sure.

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They should have just carried over 6687's scheme to (MTA) Bus. Keeping the stripe allows for a better scheme than the "Panda" one that 3511, 55, 62, etc. are creating. On top of that, the (MTA) should have done the black decal around the entire driver's window ... Maybe that would have worked out better.

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